Title: Seven Minutes in Heaven
Author: Readingmama/Vampiremama
Beta: AcrossTheSkyInStars

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of its characters. No copyright infringement is intended.

Continuity: AH/AU
Rating: M

Thanks to everyone reading, reviewing, alerting and lurking. I appreciate you all. Huge hugs to my beta Acrosstheskyinstars and to Chartwilightmom for prereading.

Chapter 10

12 Weeks Later

Bella stared at the empty warehouse. By now it should have had a bar along the side wall, dance floor laid, and new lighting. Instead, Edward's dream club looked just as it did the day he bought it.

"He really would have loved this," Bella said, looking around. Alice sighed and she nodded.

"As much as he loved the band, this was his long term plan. He wanted to have a place to call home. We should do it."

"Do what?" Bella asked.

"Get this place up and running. I mean, I know some contractors that would get me a good rate."

Bella looked around once more and she smiled a little. This was something she could do for him.

6 Months Later

"Get your lazy ass out of bed," Alice called out as she pulled the blankets off, causing Bella to wince.

"Go away, Alice," Edward said, trying to grab for the blanket

"No, the doctor said you need to be up and walking as much as you can."

"Doctors are stupid, come here, Bella. Tell her you're on my side." He batted his eyes at Bella and she giggled. It was good to hear him joking.

It had been a rough six months. Edward had lost two of his bandmates in the accident and suffered two broken legs and a few cracked ribs. He'd been inconsolable for the first month and had tried to push Bella away, but after the scare she'd had, she knew he was it for her. The thought of another day of her life without him was too much to bear.

"Come on, baby," she said, smiling at him. "We have a surprise for you."

"You know that would sound a lot more sexy if my sister weren't involved."

"Ew," Alice said and picked up a shirt from the end of the bed and threw it at him.

Edward laughed and swung his legs, but he winced when he put weight on them. Bella was beside him in an instant, wrapping her arm around his waist and supporting him until he was standing tall.

"Alright, what's this surprise?" he asked, his voice more pinched than it had been when he was laying down.

"It's in the living room," Alice replied cryptically and she sauntered out, giving Edward and Bella some privacy to make the trek.

"What's all this?" Edward asked as he made his way to the open books and drawings laying on the coffee table.

Alice replied, "It's just some ideas, but I talked with James and he thinks he can have the work done in three months, so knowing James, I would say six. But his work is impeccable."

Edward looked toward Bella confused, as if willing her to translate his sister's ramblings.

"The Club," Bella explained and she hated the look that came over Edward's eyes. "I know it's hard, and if you say you don't want it anymore that is fine, but it was your dream and you can still have it."

Edward looked toward the pictures and then back at Bella. "This was your idea?" he asked, picking up one that had a sketch of a stage that had a section set up for a DJ and lighting and space for live bands.

"Well Alice and I have been working on this together," she replied nervously.

He didn't say anything, instead, he winced as he leaned down and picked up a few of the sketches. Bella looked over to Alice and found his sister smiling. Edward took a few of the sketches to the table and grabbed a pencil and began to tweak the images.

"Come on," Alice said, "let's leave him to it."

6 months later

The club had been opened a week and Bella was exhausted. She never knew how much work it could be to book bands, even with Edward's connections. Between her day job and helping Edward get everything up and going, she needed a night off but knew that was unlikely to happen any time soon. Still, she couldn't imagine her life any other way.

She made her way home, planning to change quickly, grab something to eat, and head over to meet Edward at the club. So she found herself nearly screaming when she walked in and found Edward standing by the door.

"What are you doing here?" she said, trying to catch her breath.

"I live here," he replied cheekily, and she smiled because him moving in with her was one of her happiest days.

"Yes, but what about the club?"

"Alice has it under control for a couple hours. I thought we could use some time together, it's been too long since we've had some alone time."

Bella smiled and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. They had been intimate since his accident but it wasn't often, and with the stress, Bella couldn't deny that she'd been aching for more.

"I made dinner," he said, smiling and leaning to kiss her.

"I'm not hungry," she replied, her hands running down to his ass.

"I'm trying to be romantic here," he said and there was a bit of an edge to his voice, but not anger. Bella couldn't put her finger on it.

Edward sighed. "Come on, I want to show you something," Edward said, grabbing Bella's hand and leading her toward the closet. He opened the door.

"It's been a long time since we've been in here," Bella replied, laughing. "Are you after that blowjob you turned down so many years ago?"

"Well yes," he admitted shutting the door behind them, leaving them in the dark. "But I want to earn it first."

"Oh," Bella replied in a sing-song voice as she grabbed his waistband and pulled him forward. "That sounds intriguing. Hey, what are you doing?"

Edward pulled back from Bella and she frowned into the dark. "What's going on?" she asked, some of her playfulness gone.

"This seemed like a better idea in my head," Edward admitted making a small sound, and Bella, starting to worry, opened the closet door, letting the light in.

There before her, kneeled Edward. He held a ring box up and he blinked as his eyes readjusted to the light. Bella gasped.

"Will you marry me?"

"You really are serious about that blowjob," she stammered, still in shock, her hands shaking.

"Bella, be serious," he admonished but there was a smile on his face. "You have always been exactly right for me. You deserve better…"

"Oh shut up," Bella cut him off. "There is no better. You've always shown me exactly what I deserve, even when I didn't see it myself. So yes, Edward, of course I will marry you!"

He stood up and wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her. His strong arms held her close and he reached over and closed the door again. It was a lot longer than seven minutes, but it was definitely heaven.

The End

E/N: Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed. I appreciate you all. Make sure you check out some of the other wonderful fics written for the exchange.

See you next time.