Title: Servant In Shining Armor

Summary: In a sick twist of life, Merlin finds himself naked. A series of events occur, in which he ends up in a Knight's armor. No one knows that the Knight under the armor, is actually Arthur's manservant.

A/N: I really hope you guys like this first chapter. Let me know if you do! Quasi-sort-of-Knights-Tale plot, mixed in with a bit of Cinderella storyline. Thanks for reading and please leave a review!


Chapter One:

In a sick twist of life, Merlin finds himself running down the halls of Camelot's castle, absolutely naked. No, he hasn't completely lost his mind… but he'll be bloody well on his way there if he doesn't find some clothes to put on soon. And this is all Kilgharrah's fault.

The new spell that Merlin learned from the Great Dragon today, is a very powerful one that could prevent him from getting burnt to a crisp. The spell worked fine in protecting him… but it did nothing for his clothes, which were incinerated on the spot. So now, Kilgharrah's having a field day, and Merlin is running up staircases and down hallway's, in his birthday suit.

The manservant ducks behind a pillar when he hears the numerous footsteps of guards coming down the hallway, and he prays to all that is holy in this world, that none of the guards will notice him trying to become one with the pillar.

The guards all pass him without noticing his lanky frame, and for once in his life, the manservant is extremely glad to be so skinny. After making sure that the coast is clear, Merlin continues down the hallway in the opposite direction of where the guards are headed, covering his manhood with his hands. He chants prayers and plea's to the Triple Goddess, that she may grant her favor upon him just this once, and let him get to his room without anyone noticing him.

And it's just his luck, that he hears more footsteps approaching. This time, he ducks into the alcoves and hides behind the hanging vines. He waits silently as more guards walk past him. He sighs when their footsteps pass. But then he hears another set of footsteps, this one much louder, and accompanied by the unmistakable clank of armor. Jousting armor to be exact… Of course, today is the jousting tournament, and Merlin inhales sharply upon the realization, that Arthur is probably looking for him. And it's just his luck, upon his inhalation of surprise, a piece of dust or something shoots straight up his nostril, causing Merlin to sneeze. He freezes, and his heart sinks when he hears the footsteps outside the alcove freeze as well.

Merlin resists the urge to groan, hoping that the Knight didn't hear him, but he highly doubts it.

"Who's there?"

Merlin doesn't recognize the voice, and he figures it must be a new knight from another Kingdom, only there for the tournament. The footsteps continue again, but this time, they move closer and closer to Merlin's hiding spot until the manservant could see a tall shadow standing right in front of him.

Merlin panics silently as he sees the silhouette of the Knight's arm move from his side, raising up in front of him, and wrapping around the thick vines currently covering him from view. In between panicking and utter embarrassment, Merlin reacts, his eyes glowing gold and his hand outstretching as he pushes magic out of himself and towards the Knight.

The Knight freezes, then slumps forward and directly into Merlin's arms. The manservant struggles to drag the unconscious and heavy Knight in further with him, before plopping him down against the wall.

Huffing tiredly, Merlin pokes his head out of the alcoves and checks that the coast is clear. Just as he's about to leave, the horns from the arena outside the castle sound loudly, signaling the final warning before the commencement of the tournament. Merlin panics some more as servants, maids, cooks, and a bunch of guards suddenly fill the hallways again, and he's forced to stay inside the little alcove with the unconscious Knight.

Merlin groans softly as he looks down at the Knight, and then realizes something. About 10 minutes later, the manservant steps out of the alcove, grinning from ear to ear as he glances down at his attire through the narrow slot of the burgonet helmet on his head. He momentarily wonders how the Knight could see anything through the bloody thing, then immediately feels bad for the unconscious and now naked Knight still in the alcove. He figures, the Knight won't miss much. Arthur will surely win this tournament anyway.

Merlin decides to go and watch the tournament first and change later, not wanting to miss the beginning of the tournament. He hobbles quickly down the hallway and towards the arena where the jousting tournament will take place.

He had always loved watching tournaments. It's hilarious, watching a bunch of armored men trying to smack each other in the face with long sticks.

Merlin grunts as he tries to straighten the breastplate of his borrowed armor. "How the bloody hell does this thing work?" he mutters under his breath as he tugs on the breastplate.

"Sir Zane!" a young man who oddly enough, looks a lot like George, races to his side and tugs on his arm. "I've been looking all over for you!"

Merlin's eyebrows furrow in confusion before it dawns on him. He's wearing a Knight's armor, and still has the helmet on his head, so all that could be seen, are his eyes. He looks nothing like the Knight whose name is apparently, Sir Zane. "Errr, I'm not—"

The George-look-alike waves a hand and shakes his head furiously, "There's no time, Sir Zane. We have to get you to your place. If you don't show up during the announcement of the competitors, you will be disqualified."

"But—" Merlin begins to say, but the man is already pulling him along.

"No time for discussions. If you get disqualified, your father will surely disown you."

Merlin's stomach sinks further as he lets the young man drag him towards a little booth, filled with blacksmiths, servants, a physician, and several other people whose jobs he doesn't know. If he doesn't go out to the tournament during the announcement of the Knights, Sir Zane will automatically be disqualified. And if he's disqualified, he might possibly be disowned by his father. God, I never should've came here with the Knight's armor. Now I'm stuck in this mess, feeling guilty.

Merlin gasps as another young man rushes to his side and looks up at his helmet. "Wildfire is ready for you, Sir Zane." the young man says with prideful eyes.

Merlin stares, not sure what the man is talking about. "Wildfire?"

The young man's eyebrows furrow together before he turns and points towards a single stable. "Your horse, Sir."

"Oh." Merlin's stomach flips as he swallows hard and tries not to pass out on the spot. He's been in countless situations where his life is in danger or something similar, but he had never been mistaken for a Knight before, and he had certainly never been in a tournament before. This is all completely confusing to him. "Errr, right. Listen," he pauses and tries to think of something to say. Maybe if he hurries, he can get the real Sir Zane to wake up, get in his armor, and rush back down to the arena before the announcements begin. "I'm not—," he's suddenly cut off by the sound of horns blaring again.

"The announcement of the Knights is starting, Sir!" the young man says hurriedly. "You can tell me later." he then drags Merlin to the stable, pulls out the horse, and practically pushes Merlin onto the horse. "Good luck, Sir Zane." with that, the young man smacks the horse on its rear end, causing the horse to trot forward towards the side entrance of the arena.

Merlin can only stare with wide eyes as the horse leads him straight to the entrance. He pulls on the reigns, bringing his—errr, Zane's horse to a stop as an announcer steps forward in front of Uther, Morgana, and the rest of Uther's guests and advisors.

"Milords, Miladie's, and the rest of our convocation!" the announcer, who Merlin had seen a few times around the castle over the past few months, calls over the crowd through a large cone. "It is a privilege and honor for me to stand here before you all, and announce the commencement of Camelot's 83rd Jousting Tournament!"

Cheers, applause, hollers, and screams of excitement echo throughout the stands in the arena. Merlin's heart and stomach twist together in panic as his eyes scan the other entrances. He's not sure which one is Arthur, and he dreads being found out by anyone. Uther will probably charge him for knocking out a knight, stealing his armor, and then wearing it and pretending to be him. Merlin takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. "What am I doing?" he mutters under his breath.

One by one, the Knights from different Kingdom's are announced. They would enter, pass in front of the King and his ward, say a few words here and there, and then go back to their places. Arthur is announced as well, and then finally, he… errr, Sir Zane, is called by the announcer.

"Traveling from faraway, representing a very long lineage of Knights, Lords, and Dukes, sired by Sir Edmund Ulster III- Doran's champion, I give you all… Sir Zane Fenwick Ulster of Doran!"

Merlin swallows down the lump in the back of his throat and takes another deep breath as cheers erupt in the stands again. He gently digs his heels into the horse's sides, getting it to slowly trot forward. Merlin makes sure to ride all the way towards the front of the Royals like all the other Knights before him did, circles around the small flag once, and then comes to a halt in front of the King and the ever-beautiful Lady Morgana.

He waits with bated breath as King Uther nods to him. Merlin then glances towards the Lady Morgana, and his heart leaps when their eyes connect. Morgana quirks an eyebrow at him, and for one crazy moment, Merlin thinks she can see him. He thinks she can really see him and knows that it's him. Merlin looks away quickly, and the look is gone. She curtsies towards him, much like she did with the other Knights, and then she smiles lightly. "I wish you well, Sir Zane."

Merlin stares, his mouth hanging open. Though it wasn't his name that she said, he can't help but feel like she'd just said the most intimate thing he had ever heard in his life. Merlin does not know what to say, so he says nothing. He only bows as much as the blasted full body armor will allow him, before backing the horse slowly away. His eyes, however, stay trained on the Lady Morgana. Her eyebrows are furrowed as if in confusion and disappointment, before she suddenly narrows her eyes at him.

"Wait!" she calls, and takes a step forward. She pauses when Uther clears his throat loudly at her little sudden outburst. Merlin freezes with Sir Zane's horse. Morgana walks right up to the front of the stand and looks curiously at him.

Merlin moves Wildfire forward until he's close enough to the Lady Morgana to reach out and touch her feet. "Yes, Milady?" he asks curiously.

Morgana then leans forward just a few inches and stares at him. She's trying to look at his eyes, so Merlin stares at her feet. "All the Knights have asked to fight in my honor… I've turned all their offers away."

Merlin stares, then mentally slaps himself. He should've remembered to ask to fight in her honor, but it simply slipped his mind because he was too busy trying not to drool over her beauty. Add that to the fact that he's not actually a Knight and he has no bloody idea how to speak like one, and you can understand why he's lacking. "My apologies, Milady… I—,"

"No." Morgana cuts him off. She then looks down at her wrist, and unties what looks like a silk, light blue and white embroidered ribbon from around her wrist. She looks up at him and smiles lightly. "Will you carry my favor?" she holds out the ribbon in her hand and waits for his reply.

Merlin's jaw drops, and for once since he put the blasted helmet on, he's glad it's covering his face, because he's sure he looks like a complete idiot right then and there. Shaking his shock away, the manservant has to remind himself that he's not really a knight, he has no idea how to joust, and he's just a simple manservant. Morgana would never want him to carry her favor anywhere if she knew it was him under the armor. Still, she's waiting for an answer. So he reaches up, wrapping his fingers around the end of the ribbon. Her fingers graze his as she lets go of the small token, and Merlin looks down at the soft fabric. "I would be more than honored to carry your favor, Milady." He bows low and respectfully. When he raises his head, Morgana has her head cocked to the side as if curious about something.

"And will I not see your face, Sir Zane?" she asks softly.

Merlin panics, but quickly comes up with a fib. "You will, Milady… Tonight. When the tournament is over. I will be the one with the ribbon around my wrist."

Morgana gives a slight pout, then smiles, says nothing, and nods as Merlin slowly continues to back away and finally make his way back to Sir Zane's crew.

Merlin firmly ties Morgana's ribbon around his wrist before looking around quickly. He needs to find the real Sir Zane, give him back his armor, and have him go out there for the tournament. Just as Merlin is able to dismount Wildfire, the George-look-alike comes rushing back with a large smile. "Sir Zane! You have the Lady Morgana's favor!"

"I know this… errr," Merlin trails off, for he doesn't know the mans name.

The George-look-alike stares weirdly at him. "Charlie."

"Right." Merlin nods. "Charlie."

"Would you like for me to polish your helmet quickly before the first round, Sir?" Charlie moves towards him with outstretched hands, but Merlin is quick to move away.

"No!" both he and Charlie freeze at that. "Errr, I mean… it's fine, Charlie."

Charlie stares at him as he too, cocks his head to the side. "You sound different. Are you feeling okay, Sir?"

"Yes, I'm fine!" Merlin snaps. The first round will start soon, and if he doesn't leave to get the real Sir Zane, he'll be stuck here without a clue as to what he's doing. "Look… just— fetch me some water, will you?"

Charlie nods immediately and rushes off in look for water. Merlin sighs heavily in relief, turning towards the castle, prepared to go find Sir Zane, but he's stopped by the sound of the first horn, marking the first round of the tournament. Merlin groans loudly and swears colorfully under his breath as several people rush to his side and begins ushering him back onto Wildfire.

All the manservant can ask himself, is, "What the bloody hell did I just get myself into?"

A/N: The plot for this fic is kind of like a cross between Cinderella, and a Knight's Tale. I loved A Knight's Tale (Heath Ledger is just so bloody gorgeous!). And I really wanted to write this, so I did. Anyway, I would really appreciate some insight from you guys. I want to make this a longer multi-chapter fic, but at the same time, I'm already writing 2 other multi-chapter fics, so I'm not sure. What do you guys think? Should I make this a long one, or just write 2 or 3 chapters and call it a fic? Let me know what you all think of this first chapter as well! Thank you all!
