
Notes: Find me on Tumblr at spoopercorp and on AO3 as Local_Asshole.

Summary: Kara and Lena finally get a chance to discuss things. Like their feelings.

Final chapter.

Sad ending.

Just fucking kidding, bitches. Happy ending.

Just a lil sprinkle of angsty and fluffy Supercorp here, there, EVERYWHERE.

Lena took in Kara's appearance, scanning her body for injuries, her vigil unrelenting.

The Luthor could not help but feel a bout of laughter bubble up her throat at the sight of National City's greatest hero donning puppy pajamas and fuzzy slippers. Then she remembered the situation they were in, that Kara was in after the horrific wounds she sustained. Then the situation that Lena herself was thrust into, still recovering from her own injuries, psychological and physical.

She swallowed down her signature smug chuckle.

Kara did the same, noting that Lena had her black hair in a messy bun, void of makeup, leaving a pale, emotionless face with enigmatic green eyes for others to see.

So profoundly ambiguous and cryptic.

Not that it passed Kara's observation though, and the Kryptonian momentarily thanked the supervision she had to spot the peculiarity.

Or maybe it was because she knew Lena so well, knew when something was bothering her.

Kara frowned at the sight of her casted left arm, its fragility encased in a sling and hanging limply.

Her eyes tightly shut, the memory of Lena's body crushed too overwhelming, not to mention it was within her reach, but out of her control; she could only watch and feel useless.

The worry tore at Kara's heart, seated deep in her lungs and dug further, rendering her breathless.

Then she opened her eyes, and there Lena was standing in front of her, safe and sound.



And it struck Kara to her very core, tingling all over her nerves and receptors.


What if I hadn't been able to save her in time?

She felt her throat close, choking back a cry as her x-ray vision took in a section of Lena's ribs on her left side, fragmented, segments that were formerly detached as a whole, collapsing her lung.

They were mended now though, but her ragged breaths remained, and she could see the muscles tense from the pain that was brought with each intake of air. But the occasional wincing that followed after every inhale Lena made - that she failed to try and veil - was the source of Kara's growing distress.

The pain would be perpetual, long-lasting - she recalled Alex stating that the injuries were too serious to not cause future complications, though treatable.

All 'cause of me. It's my fault.

Lena released a short agonizing breath, her eyes lowering to the ground when she was sure that Kara was okay, involuntarily shuddering at the memory of her protection against a kryptonite bullet, then skewered by harpoons of the same material shortly after. The quick recollection sent another excruciating thought into the pit of her mind, and she felt her stomach drop.

Kara utilized herself as a shield, to protect her - the woman she loved so dearly - and she would most certainly do it a million times over.

I don't deserve her.

The shiver that coursed through her spine was enough to start a continuous stream of trembling, uncontrollable and unstoppable.

Kara was suddenly aware of Lena's shaking as she cried freely and silently, balling her hands into fists.

She took a step forward to reach out, then uncertainty clawed its way into the back of her mind, forcing her to retreat.

The tension snapped, its walls crumbling into dust.

Lena let out a sob, moving towards her as she stepped away.

Kara's eyes widened a fraction at the unsteady heat that quickly enveloped her body, staggering back at the unexpected force.

It took her a moment to register that Lena was now crying freely, into her neck, where she could feel the hot tears wetting her skin and dampening the collar of her shirt.

It did not take long for her to break as well, wrapping her arms around the fragile body gently.

She felt the grip around her become firmer, and Kara sagged into her embrace as well, tears spilling over as the warmth of her breaths puffed next to Lena's ears.

Her senses honed in, hyper-aware of the Luthor's existence. Her scent was a faint smell of vanilla and mint, but strong enough to overwhelm Kara with the familiarity. Her skin was so smooth in her cradle, the soft and supple flesh of her ghostly cheeks melding against her throat, the tickling of her eyelashes as they fluttered now and then. Her breathing, hasty and desperate sips of air that Kara realized would most certainly cause a significant amount of pain.

She reluctantly pulled back, her hopeful blue eyes staring into Lena's green ones.

Or trying to, as the flash of emerald focused its attention on anything but her.

And she deflated at the amount of helplessness encased within them, despondent and lost, lacking in spirit unlike her own, even with just a split second glance.


It was filled with exhaustion and tiredness, some form of defeat hanging heavy in the dark bags sagging under.

Not to mention, Lena was avoiding eye contact.

It disheartened Kara.

But there was an optimistic glimmer in the Luthor that she held onto, vowing to make it grow.

She raised a shaky hand, slipped her fingers into the dark hair, obsidian in its hue, and stroked it gently, soothingly.

It seemed to ease both of them, and they relaxed into one another's embrace.

Eventually, they made their way onto Kara's couch, worn from use, but comfortable otherwise, a stark juxtaposition to Lena's furniture in her own abode - unused and stiff, still yet to be worn in.

Though it was not the same case with the couch in her office, probably due to the blonde's uppity visits where she brought takeout goodies that they dined on the white cushions.

The C.E.O. made a mental note to herself to purchase a new one in a darker color.

Lena shifted in Kara's hold, grimacing at the hot pain that nicked at her left side.

It obviously did not go unnoticed by the Kryptonian, who felt the woman flinch in her arms, and she made to stand.

"No," Lena pleaded, begged, her voice ragged from silent cries and unsaid words, "Don't. Just...stay here for a while. Please..."

Kara's lips twisted into a sad smile, who was she to deny the woman she loved?

Not that she would have really passed up any chance to cuddle with her, another person so dear, that she felt such passion for.

And they did, they soaked in each other's gentle arms and soft hands for what felt like forever.

But even eternity did not feel like enough time for them.

Kara steeled herself, "Drink?"

She was surprised at how stable her voice sounded to her own ears.

Lena nodded, rising from the couch slowly, stretching her ribs inch by inch, muscles astringent, before releasing the breath she held.

The blonde looked at her with concern before making her way to the kitchen, gathering ingredients to make herself some tea and...

"Um," she glanced over her shoulder as she prepared her kettle of green tea, "What would you-"


Kara shot her a grin, then frowning when Lena's gaze darted away, unwilling for them to connect.

The blonde forced herself to muster up another smile, which probably looked as half-hearted and pathetic as it felt.


The Luthor nodded, and her mind wandered, to what it would be like to wake up in the mornings, or this case at night, to witness the woman she had been pining over for years make her coffee quietly - lovingly.

Kara punched her preferences into the coffee maker, watched and heard as the liquid dripped a small waterfall into a mug, then she smiled forlornly with a faraway twinkle in her blue eyes at a long ago memory - just after she confessed and finally had a chance to take Lena out.

Just before everything went to shit.

"Finally. So this is your first official date?" Alex quirked a brow.

Kara nodded, her body happily bouncing with an unkempt amount of energy.

"Wait, hold on," Maggie groaned, rubbing her temples, "So you guys fucked and now you're going on your first date? What type of-"

"Maggie!" Kara shouted, her face reddening with embarrassment, "We didn't - stop it!"

"So what are you guys doing then?" Alex inquired, diverting the subject in a fluster.

The blonde gave one last glare at the detective before facing her sister.

"We're actually going to go to eat out at this new fancy Chinese restaurant and maybe just watch movies afterwards. It's a lazy day since the board members apparently enjoy making her life hell, so..."

"That's...rather simple," the agent tilted her head, "But don't you guys eat out each other all the time?"

Maggie made a gagging sound.

"Alex!" another blush flamed Kara's cheeks.


The detective chuckled, "I think you meant to say 'but don't you guys eat out with each other all the time'. You omitted the 'with'."

Alex flushed slightly before joining in with laughter, much to Kara's annoyance.

"Okay, okay, we'll stop," Maggie snickered, struggling to hold in the chuckles that wanted to burst from her lungs, "Just have fun, right?"

Kara scrutinized herself in the mirror, "Should I wear something more fancy? I mean, I did text Lena to dress casual, but I'm not sure what her definition of casual is..."

"Nonsense!" Maggie interjected, "Your khakis are always charming. You'll be getting girls gawking at you from a mile away."

Kara blushed, rolling her sleeves up to her elbows, "Thanks, Mags. But what about my hair?"

She pointed to her ponytail, "Should I let it down?"

"Well, considering the fact that you're eating out," the detective winked, "I think you should keep the ponytail, your hair could get in the way of your meal if you know what I'm saying," she nudged the blonde suggestively.

"Wh - I - stop teasing me!" Kara whined.

"On another note," Alex interrupted, shooting a glare at Maggie, "I think you look great. Just focus on having fun, you're off duty, make the most of it."

"Thank Rao I don't have to wear the suit under this... And I don't know," Kara frowned, "I still feel underdressed."

She played with the cuffs of her pale blue dress shirt scrunched on her elbows, then picked off the nonexistent lint from her argyle sweater vest.

"Let's be honest here, Kar," Alex chuckled, "Everyone is underdressed in the presence of Lena Luthor."

"That's not helping," she pouted.

Maggie rolled her eyes, "Just make sure you don't just stand there gaping like a dumbass when you see her."

Kara could only just stand there gaping like a dumbass when she saw Lena, who stood outside her door with her head tilted and a perfect brow arched in confusion.

"What the hell did I just say ten minutes ago?" Maggie chided, only loud enough for the Kryptonian to hear.

"I - uh..."

The detective rolled her eyes and plopped off the couch, dusting herself off before walking to the door.

"Hey, Le - holy shit."

Maggie's eyes bulged, then darted to Kara, then back to the C.E.O, then back to the still speechless blonde.

She slammed her fist under the Kryptonian's chin, clacking it shut, "Eyes up, Little Danvers."

"Hey!" Alex called out, joining the women near the door, "What's with all the - woah," she grinned, "Looking good, Luthor."

She pat her sister on the back, but when she was only met with silence, she turned to Maggie and they shared baffled expressions.

Alex shoved Kara out into Lena's arms, and that seemed to snap her out of her daze.

The blonde whipped her head around, "Hey!"

"Have fun, kids!" Maggie waved before slamming the door shut.

"I swear to Rao if you eat all of my ice cream again-"

"We'll be gone before you get back!"

She huffed, irked.

"Kara, we can buy all the ice cream you want at the grocery store," Lena murmured, placing a hand on her upper arm and squeezing once, which was at first just a reassuring action, but the rock hard muscle underneath the fabric caused the C.E.O.'s mind to short circuit momentarily.

Her focus returned when Kara tugged her hand, urging her to follow.

They walked to the car, drove, and walked out into the restaurant in silence.

Their time dining was peaceful, their conversations easy in its flow, and before they knew it, it was already ten at night and they ended up driving to Kara's apartment in more comfortable silence, or relative silence.

The Kryptonian kept glancing over in her peripheral vision on their way up, noting Lena's increased heart rate and her nervous breathing, but she was more so taking in her appearance.

Kara was prepared for a 'casual' Lena Luthor, but she was expecting her to wear one of her not-very-casual elegant dresses - that she could handle, she was more accustomed to it.

However, what threw her completely off was Lena Luthor in black high heels, maroon skinny jeans similar to the crimson lips she had, a deep forest-colored blouse to match the emerald of her eyes, and a black leather bomber jacket - that she was not prepared for. Her hair was loose as well, wavy and draped over one shoulder, revealing the alabaster skin of her collarbone and neck.

"See something you like, Ms. Danvers?"

Kara startled from her reverie, stumbling over her words before settling on a weak 'yeah' and a stiff nod.

"Cat got your tongue?"

The blonde pouted, fishing out her keys to unlock her door.

Two can play this game.

Kara shrugged, a tease rolling off her lips, "I'm sure you were just as speechless when you were so 'stealthily' feeling up my arms, Ms. Luthor."

Lena's eyes bulged at the accusation, "I-I wasn't-"

The blonde chuckled, cutting her off, "I had a lovely time with you tonight."

She stepped closer, still hesitant, but leaned in regardless, slow enough for the Luthor to pull away if she wanted.

Lena closed the remaining distance eagerly, their lips grazing over each other's in a glorious fashion.

Kara giggled.

"Stop it," Lena muttered, breaking the kiss and slapping her shoulder in a playful manner.

"I thought you liked it when I smiled?" the blonde asked quizzically.

"I can't kiss you when you're giggling like a dork, you idiot."

Kara stuck her tongue out, "Maybe I don't want to kiss you," she folded her arms and pouted, "I'm still angry you ate the last potsticker."

"You offered!" Lena argued.

Kara ran a hand down her face, "And I regretted my decision the moment you put it in your mouth."

A minute passed before the blonde poured her tea into her own cup and brought the two drinks to the table.

"Here's your coffee," Kara mumbled, setting her own beverage onto the polished wood and sitting herself across from Lena. She placed the drink down with a quiet thud.

In the process, the liquid swished over the edge, dripping over the lip of the mug and splashing a few ounces onto Kara's hand.

Lena reacted, her fingers flinching as they darted to grab the blonde's wrist to inspect it before she had an epiphany, her hand still hovering over the Kryptonian's.



Some celestial being everyone looked up to.

Not that Lena did not think so too, but perhaps for different reasons. She knew this goddess, a childhood friend, with those immaculate blue eyes, that divine beauty inside and out...ethereal in almost every way.

But that was it.


She was corruptible. She could be bent and made crooked.

And sometimes Lena forgot that Kara was invulnerable to most things, like boiling hot coffee, scalding enough to blister.

Most things she could withstand.

Not all.

And it terrified her. Not Supergirl though, she preferred to fly headfirst into danger regardless of consequences.

The blonde slid the mug over as Lena's arm reached out, met her halfway.

Their hands brushed in the exchange, and Kara could not help the dread that flooded her entire being when she felt Lena's fingers twitch at the contact, heard her heartbeat pick up for a second before struggling to steady once their skin parted ways.

Was it love? Blooming with a giddy nervousness that it always had?

Or was it fear?

The probability of it manifested. It was there, palpable.

And maybe it was going away.

But Lena could not even look at her in the eyes.

Was it a step back? A step forward? Did anything change? Would it be a bad thing if it did not? Or would it be a good thing that it did not worsen?

Kara drank her beverage in greedy sips while stealing long gazes at the Luthor; it was a pretty bland tea, probably because she was too impatient to let it stir in the leafy water, too eager to talk to the woman in front of her.

And now not so eager.

Lena though, she simply stared into the cup that held the dark liquid, the steam floating in a swirling pattern.

The anxiousness was eating at her the longer the blonde stared.

She was afraid.

So very afraid.

Afraid that one look at Kara would be all it took for her to fall into a panic attack, that it would trigger an onslaught of traumatic memories with those glowing red eyes, that maybe it would tell her that their relationship was irreparable and unsalvageable.

That they would be back to square one with a path that only led down into an abyss, bottomless with its unforgivingness.

Her fixation did not last long, the edge of her vision recorded slight movement, and she glanced up, attacked not by her trauma, instead by a dorky smile - Kara's dorky smile.

But half of it faltered, and it failed to reach her eyes that were now a solemn shade of blue - not red - and lacking in the brightness it held before.

Even though it was a forced imitation, the adoration within them remained unchanged, maybe even stronger.

Lena could feel her chest ache at the sight.

And a darkness nagged at Kara when she recorded the stuttered heart beat, telling her that maybe they were not meant to be if they were only going to cause each other unbearable pain.

If Lena was still fearful.

And she let herself sink into her insecurities.

"Do you still want this?" she asked, toying with her tea, tapping the glass with her nail, loud enough for her to ignore the answer if she wanted to - if she wanted to focus on the resonating crystalline sound instead of the awful sound of rejection based on trauma.

Do you still want me?

Lena's expression was, for a moment, confused, before cutting into something excruciating - something she did not even try to hide with a mask as the potency of her emotions were too useless to obscure.

"Do you?" Lena asked instead, dodging the blonde's inquiry and maybe avoiding something catastrophic.

Not quite.

And the instant the question left her lips, she bit her tongue, not wanting the answer, and now she could not take it back.

Now, she could only wait.

Kara did not reply, her piercing blue eyes falling straight through the table and to the floor.

She thought to herself that this was for the best, that their association would only bring upon danger to one another.

Lena let herself smile - neither of them were willing to lay down all of their cards first - but the silence was enough of an answer for her.

"I see... Then I'll take my leave."

She stood abruptly, enough for her chair to scoot back with an awkward screech and the table to wobble in the heavy silence. Then she pivoted, rapidly, to cover her vulnerability.

Lena was exposed, she was defenseless and susceptible - always susceptible - to Kara.

She moved to stride out the door.

She did not even reach the knob before a gentle trembling hand grasped her own, halting her movements.

"I do."

It was a harsh whisper, deep from the cries that threatened to leave Kara's chest.

Lena froze, "You..."

"I want this," she rephrased, "I-I...I want..."


She turned, slightly, so their eyes could connect their gazes.

"But I don't know if you want this," she confessed, "I don't know if you want me ditching dates or leaving early 'cause of my duties as Supergirl. I don't know if you want the crosshair - the target - on your head to inflate itself into a bullseye that's ten times bigger, 'cause I sure don't. I don't know if you want to waste your time on me, you're a C.E.O., time is precious to you. I don't..."

Kara choked on her words.

I don't know a lot of things, and it scares me.

I don't know if you love me as much as I love you.

Lena pressed her palm against the blonde's sternum, she could feel the symbol that she adorned, how it was emblazoned upon her chest, pure hope and optimism inscribed within every stitch. Her fingers traced its outline through the soft fabric of her shirt, every inch of the embellishment as it pressed itself against the resigned grooves of her fingertips.

"I want this too," she whispered hoarsely, "All of it."

All of you.

A pause, then she leaned in, pressing their foreheads against one another's, so close their noses brushed.

They closed their eyes, relishing in the heat their bodies radiated.

Then it was Kara that leaned in and Lena followed suit until their lips were captured by the other's in something passionate, but chaste.

Neither of them knew who deepened the kiss first, neither of them having the chance to dwell on it as Kara intertwined her fingers in Lena's good hand, and with her other, reached up to caress her pale ivory cheeks.

A wetness trailed down both their faces in slow waves, the kiss now salty in taste. Kara swept the heel of her palm over Lena's protruding cheekbone, sunken in during her recovery, to remove the tears in vain as another tide spilled. Then she untied her messy bun, allowing the unruly locks to cascade down, and tangled her fingers into the dark tresses with a sigh.

Her other hand played with the hem of Lena's shirt, slipping under the fabric and sliding over alabaster skin.

The Luthor shivered at the ghostly touch, hooking her good arm around strong shoulders for some semblance of an anchor, trailing to the nape of Kara's neck to stroke it affectionately.

And they somehow, in the time of their love, moved away from the door, Lena leaning against the dining table with Kara hovering over her, her kisses drifting away to trace the strong jawline with her lips, eliciting a moan.

The Luthor mimicked the action then took the lobe of her ear between her teeth, sending a jolt up the Kryptonian's body.

Lena smiled at her effect on Kara, moving her mouth lower and lower until her lips brushed the skin of her collarbone, stretching the cloth away and nipping at the sensitive skin.

Kara groaned at the sensation and Lena let out a pleased hum.

The blonde buried her hand further into the Luthor's shirt, tucking itself comfortably under the comfy fabric before gingerly resting over her ribs.

Kara instantly retracted her arm at the sound of a tiny whimper, recalling with sadness at the grim bruises underneath.

"I-I'm so sorry, Lena," she panicked, "I didn't mean to - I forgot, it was a stupid mistake-"

"It - it's fine," she answered in a wavering voice, "I can deal with it, it's not my body that hurts."

Kara frowned at the response, pulling away in increments until just their foreheads touched, "What's-"

"Do I deserve this?" Lena whispered, pulling away so they could lock their eyes.


"Do I deserve you?"

Kara swiftly took her face into her hands, cupping her cheeks with reverence.

"You do," she stated, "Of course you do. And if you don't think so then..." she paused, racking her brain for a word, "Then you're a dummy."

The Luthor failed to repress a small chuckle at the word - a common word the blonde used to describe Lena whenever she was upset.

"If anything, I..." Kara faltered when she choked on her sentence, "A lot of the times I think that I'm the one that's unworthy of you."

The Luthor shook her head, tapping the blonde's chest, "I can assure you, you Kryptonian oaf, that you are completely worthy of anything you want."

"I want you."

Lena took in a sharp breath at the confident statement, her eyes brimming with tears once again at the declaration.

"I want you too."

A pause.

"I want you more."

The Luthor rolled her eyes, giving Kara a playful shove, "Way to ruin the romantic moment."

The blonde flashed a bright grin, "I love you."

Her eyes bulged at her blurted phrase.

Lena smiled, the utter joy building in her chest was beginning to become intolerable.

"I love you too."

They spent another moment standing in each other's embrace, Lena humming as she traced along the outline of the sigil of the House of El once again.

There was another moment of comfortable silence as they basked in each other's warmth.

"Danger is always going to find us, Kara," Lena sighed, a bitter smile haunting her features, "You're a Super. I'm a Luthor."

"And I'll protect you," came the steadfast reply, "Always. I promise."

Lena smiled, planting a loving kiss to Kara's cheek, "Likewise."

Notes: Constructive criticism appreciated.