Season. 4. Of. Race. To. The. Edge. Was. Absolutely. AMAZING!
If you haven't seen the season, I totally recommend you go and watch it. NOW! Guys, it was so awesome. Not only did we get LOADS of Hiccstrid (guys, I fangirled so hard. I could hardly breathe when they first kissed!) but it was also hilarious, action packed, and full of "What!? Did that seriously just happen!?"
So at the end of Blindsided, I just sat there for a second staring at the screen like "Do I dare go to the next episode?" Then, I thought, "Ugh, is this going to be like other series I've seen where they kiss once and never bring it up again?" so I clicked the next episode and almost right away they share an almost-kiss and then another kiss! I was so thrilled! What will season 5 bring!?
Well, anyways, here is a new FanFiction. Please review, and I'll update soon! :D
"Get him Toothless!" Stoick shouted, aiming his battle axe towards Ryker. Astrid smiled when she saw Toothless step forward and open his mouth, preparing to fire at the man who'd kidnapped Hiccup.
But then, Astrid's heart skipped a beat when Ryker grabbed Hiccup's shoulder, forcing the still dazed boy out in front of him, holding his jagged sword closer to Hiccup's body then Astrid would've liked. Toothless's screech faltered, and the purple in his throat died.
Even though Astrid and Stormfly were hovering in the air behind Stoick, Astrid could still here what Stoick said. "Let him go, Ryker."
Toothless barked in agreement, growling fiercely at Ryker, but not firing for fear of hitting Hiccup.
Ryker laughed, pressing the swords blade to Hiccup's chest. "I don't think so. If you want this boy to live a little bit longer, you'd better back off and let me take him to Viggo."
Hiccup seemed to snap back into awareness, for he began to struggle and writhe in Rykers strong grip. But Hiccup had gotten the wind knocked out of him, so hadn't regained his strength to full force.
Astrid's mind was reeling. She wasn't sure what to do. Maybe she could fly up behind Ryker and surprise him, but she had a strange feeling that Ryker wasn't that stupid. Besides, he could still hurt Hiccup in just the split-second Astrid hurt Ryker.
"Hiccup." She whispered, fearing for what might happen. What to do, what to do, what to do!?
"Dad, I'll be fine." Astrid heard Hiccup say. Ryker immediately slammed his beefy fist over hiccup's mouth, silencing him from saying any more. Hiccup stared at Stoick, his eyes telling him to just go.
Hiccup was way too selfless. Even now, when he had a sword pressing against his chest, he was thinking about their safety instead of his own. She could tell that all he wanted them to do was to run, get out before they got hurt.
Ha. Not happening. Astrid wasn't leaving without Hiccup, and she had a very strong feeling Stoick felt the same way.
Ryker pressed the sword closer to Hiccup, the blade now resting against Hiccup's chest. Astrid gulped, knowing Ryker wouldn't hesitate to kill Hiccup. Although Viggo probably wanted to kill him himself, the poster had said Hiccup had been wanted dead or alive. Ryker would definitely kill Hiccup if Stoick didn't cooperate.
Stoick took a half step forward, then set his foot back, as though struggling against an invisible force to reach his son. "Let him go." Stoick growled, his voice lower, deadlier, darker, and fiercer then Astrid had ever heard. She had never seen Stoick this angry- not even when Hiccup had tried to train the monstrous Nightmare. Never, had Astrid heard him this angry.
"NOW." Stoick repeated, his hand waving the battle axe in a small arch, threatening Ryker.
Toothless looked at Stoick, and his eyes also narrowed as he swirved his head back at Ryker. Toothless opened his mouth, purple building in his throat again as a loud screech sounded.
"Let me go alive, with your son, and I won't kill him." Ryker said- or rather shouted so he'd be heard of Toothless's screaming.
Stoick gave a deep laugh, "And let Viggo kill him? I don't think so."
Ryker shrugged. "Then in that case…"
It all happened so fast- and yet so slow. It played out in seconds to minutes before Astrid's terror filled eyes. Ryker pulled the sword back, and Hiccup tried to jump aside as the sword came down, embedding into Hiccup's side. Everything was blurry, and Astrid's ears weren't working properly. Everything sounded like they were under water, all except Hiccup's scream. That came piercing loud and echoing right through her skull and deep into her heart.
The beat of Stormfly's wings continued to pound through her head as she watched Ryker withdraw the sword, and let Hiccup crumple to the ground. But that was about all he had time to do, for Toothles leapt forward, taking after the man who was now scurrying away as fast as possible.
Astrid's senses snapped back all in one sudden moment, and it left her gasping for air. She ignored her shock, not hesitating to jump off Stormfly's back eight fee to the ground, stumbling slightly as she found her footing. She stumbled forward, never slowing her pace a she made in made haste after Stoick towards Hiccup's body.
Stoick crashed to the ground beside his son, hurrying to roll Hiccup over onto his back. Astrid zipped around to Hiccup's other side, helping Stoick turn him over. The first thing she noticed was the blood. Thor, all that blood. Hiccup's armor was slick with it, and the bottom of his red shirt was soaked in the stuff. Astrid froze at the sight, barely able to breathe when she saw the large slit in the copper armor. The blood was bubbling from the wound, and the sight made her want to be sick. But she fought against it, for she was a Viking, and Viking's couldn't be squeamish. But this was Hiccup! And he had just suffered from a severe stab wound to the stomach… can somebody even survive that?
But Hiccup was breathing- thank goodness. His breath was shaky and rattling in his chest, each breath coming out as a gasp. Each one sounded hard to do and painfilled, making this situation feel so much more real and life threatening.
Astrid looked at Hiccup's face, and hated how white it was. The saying "face as white as snow" now made sense to her. His face was literally starch white, and his auburn hair only accented it, making it look that much paler. She raised a shaking hand to brush away a wayward bang that fell across his closed eyes, trying to stifle a sob at the sight of him so limp and lifeless.
"No, please, Hiccup, no, please be fine. Thor, Hiccup don't leave us. Stay with us, Hiccup. It's going to be okay…" Astrid rambled, feeling like she had to say something positive. That's how she was. In an un-positive situation, she spoke positive. Unlike Fishleg's who seemed to like being their voice of doom.
"Son, so sorry." Stoick murmured, his eyes wide and un focused as he stared at Hiccup's wound. "I should've stopped him…"
Toothless rushed over then, cooing nonstop in worry as he ran around them, unsure as to where to go. He stopped by one of hiccup's hands, thrusting his snout under it, but immediately with drew it, a small streak of blood streaking his nose. Toothless growled at the blood that covered Hiccup's hand, for it had been sitting in the puddle. Toothless then groaned in worry before licking the blood of his nose, then off Hiccup's hand.
The other riders landed their dragons around them, all looking stricken and shocked. Astrid whipped her head around, sighing in relief when she saw Fishlegs and Heather rushing forward. Those two knew the most about medical manners- especially for such a serious case as this. Astrid knew the first aid for minor cuts or broken bones, but nothing for a deep stab room under the ribs.
Fishlegs froze in place when he saw Hiccup, his hands going up to his mouth as he gasped out a "Oh Thor."
Heather didn't stop, being the master of action. She immediately dropped the ground, hurrying to dig through Toothless's saddle bags for the water canteen and emergency bandages. She glanced behind her shoulder at the still shocked Fishlegs. "Fishlegs, get over here and help me! He's losing so much blood-"
Fishleg's launched forward, pushing Astrid aside as he bent down to help Heather. Stoick seemed to snap out of his daze as well, for he too leaned forward asking what he could do to help.
Astrid moved up to Hiccup's head, lifting it and setting it in her lap so he'd be more comfortable. She hesitated before pushing his bangs out of his face, revealing his white face all the more. She choked on a sob as she glanced back at the others, hurrying to look back at Hiccup's face when she noticed they were starting to cut away Hiccup's armor and shirt around the wound. Usually, she didn't have a problem with blood- but this was Hiccup's blood.
It was different.
"Astrid, make sure he doesn't struggle." Heather said, her voice calm and even, although Astrid knew she was anything but. But she didn't say anything as she grabbed Hiccup's hand, squeezing it slightly to let him know she was there- if he could tell at all in his unconscious state.
"Stoick you'd better hold down his legs, he's going to struggle." Heather added a bit quieter since Stoick was literally right next to her. But Astrid still caught the words, and they made her heart tighten all the more to think that whatever Fishleg's and Heather were going to do to Hiccup- that it was going to hurt him bad.
Astrid didn't dare look. She knew if she did, she'd pass out. It was a strange feeling- one she'd never experienced. Well, not since Hiccup lost his leg. What was it with Hiccup and making her panic like this? He worried her constantly.
Although Astrid wasn't watching, she knew when Heather and Fishlegs were cleaning the wound. Hiccup's body jolted forward as though he wanted to sit up, and his eyes squeezed shot as he cried out in pain. He didn't actually scream- which made Astrid think that maybe he hadn't been fully unconscious earlier, but only semi-conscious. Either way, he was in a lot of pain, and to see him in pain made her heart ache for him.
His breathing was loud, gaspy and wheezy, making it hard for Astrid to talk and be heard. But she leaned closer to his ear, squeezing his hand tighter in reassurance as she whispered soothingly. "You're okay, hiccup. It's going to be alright. You're fine. We'll get you back to Berk and Gothi can look at you, everything'll be fine. It'll be okay." She rambled quickly, hoping she sounded somewhat comforting.
Toothless had wrapped his body around Astrid, his tail going to wrap around Stoick's body and Toothless's tailfin rested by Hiccup's prosthetic. The dragon had his large head resting by Astrid's knees, near Hiccup's head. He cooed worriedly, nudging Hiccup's shoulder comfortingly.
"T-Toothss…" Hiccup whispered weakly. Toothless immediately lifted his head, touching his nose against Hiccup's cheek. Hiccup blinked his eyes, but didn't open them. "H-hurts…"
"I know." Astrid said softly, trying to steady her voice. "But it'll be alright. Fishleg's, Heather and your Dad are taking care of you. You'll be fine."
Immediately Stoick switched positions from caring to Hiccup's wound to instead look at his son's face. Stoick moved forward grabbing Hiccup's other hand and squeezing it. "Aye, I'm here, son."
Stoick shook his head, his look darkening. "Never." He said hoarsely. "Don't Hiccup. I should be sorry."
"N-no… i-it…" Hiccup's jaw snapped shut and he hissed through his teeth, his eyes once again clenching shut, his grip tightening around Astrid's and Stoick's hands. The two looked at each other, each one feeling pained at watching Hiccup suffering.
Stoick patted Hiccup's hand before releasing it, instead setting it on top of Toothless's head. Hiccup ran his hand weakly back and forth over Toothless's scales before letting it sit motionless, too weak and pained to find the strength to move it.
"Done." Heather stated flatly. She leaned back, and only then did Astrid look. She really shouldn't've for the blood was still everywhere. On Heather's hands, on Fishleg's hands, even Stoick's. And it was on all their cloths, even Astrid's. Even Toothless still had blood on his nose from where he'd touched Hiccup's hand.
"He needs to get to Berk. Gothi will know what to do better than us." Heather went on. "I don't think anything internal was damaged, because the sword went right below his ribs and towards his back. A kidney perhaps… but I don't think it went deep enough for that. His rib is bruised for sure, but I really can't tell anything else…"
"He's not coughing blood, which is a good sign." Fishleg's added, his voice stuttering and cracking in his panic. Fishleg's did not do well with stress.
"The let's get him to Gothi." Stoick said, standing before leaning back to pick Hiccup out of Astrid's and Toothless's hold. Hiccup groaned loudly, burying his head against Stoick's chest to muffle the sound. Toothless jumped to his feet, stepping closer to Stoick's side to let him know he was ready.
Stoick climbed into the saddle, positioning Hiccup carefully in his arms while also trying to get his feet into the pedals. Then, Stoick tapped his heels against Toothless's side, although it really was unnecessary, for Toothless was already taking running leaps towards the air.
Astrid whirled around and whistled for Stormfly. Her dragon stepped forward, squawking happily at her rider. Astrid grabbed the saddle, leaping aboard at the same moment Stormfly leapt into the sky. The other riders were also scrambling back into the dragon's, for once no body having to tell the twins or Snotlout to actually do something.
Astrid urged Stormfly faster, but nobody could catch up to a Night Fury when it was flying at top speeds. Already Toothless and Stoick were a long way ahead of them, nothing but a black blob against the blue sky. Astrid sighed, realizing she was shivering in fear.
And Astrid Hofferson didn't shiver in fear for absolutely no reason. In fact, she never shivered in fear, never ever showing that she was afraid.
But Hiccup being hurt and literally knocking at deaths door, that had her afraid. No, that had her terrified.
Because she knew a world without Hiccup in it was a blank, empty, lifeless world. Hiccup was everything to her… and if he died.
She would die to. Inside, her heart would go out.
"Hiccup, please… please be okay." Astrid whispered to absolutely no one. But she hoped, that somewhere, someone was listening.
So dramatic, I know. But I haven't done a dramatic FanFic in a long time.
So yeah, I know I said I'd be on Hiatus until the 24th, but honestly after watching RTTE season 4, I couldn't stay away any longer! So here you go all, and enjoy! If you're knew to my stories, you should go check out my other ones. I've written quite a few other HTTYD FanFictions, so if you're in that fandom totally go check them out.
Thanks all, and until Chapter 2!