A new story while I'm working on another Yuri on Ice story but no worries it won't be chaotic I'm sure. The chapters here would update the day after "Hearts of Ice" has been updated. Anyway, this is based on the awesome broadway show music of "Hamilton" and the youtube video Rod Plisetsky has made with Yuri on Ice and the song "BURN"
And because I don't want to make any of the other characters have the affair, I made my own character.
Viktor: *cries into tissue* Midnight, I don't like this idea story! No, I HATE this idea!
Yuuri: Viktor *pats him* it's just a scripted story, I know you wouldn't really do that.
Me: Exactly, now let's begin! Remember I own nothing but my OC character.
He never wanted things to end this badly.
If he could turn back time, he would have stood his ground. He would have honored the golden ring on his finger and kept his promise to wait for the destined wedding day after the Grand Prix Finals. He would have kept his promise to his beloved Yuuri about waiting for him to feel ready. He would have cursed the wicked woman who tried to seduce him in her spell.
But he didn't, oh lord, he didn't.
He sat down on his cold empty bed, in his empty apartment where all the light and happiness used to be as he stared at the golden ring he still had. Tears were slowly streaming down his face, his day was full of angry and disappointed looks from his coach, reporters, and even his rink mates. Makkachin seemed to be the only one who tried to provide comfort but Viktor didn't deserve it...
He doesn't deserve a damn thing after what he has done to Yuuri.
"Yuuri~ I don't think I can leave you all alone in Moscow!" Viktor whined as he hugged his fiance at the airport where his plane to France was waiting. "Is it too late to demand those stupid Grand Prix Series people to let us compete in the same competition events?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so Viktor," Yuuri sighed as he tried to pry himself out of Viktor's tight hug. "We both knew that we'd have to compete in different competitions in different countries. But hey, at least you have Chris in the Trophee de France to hang out with." He planted a small kiss on Viktor's cheek, "So don't worry about anything, we'll see each other in Barcelona for the Grand Prix Final."
They were in the second Grand Prix Finals competition that they are competing in together after the year Yuuri won silver. Last year, Yuuri won bronze, Yurio had silver, and of course, Viktor won gold despite his one-year absence. But this year, after the first event in the Cup of China, Yuuri managed to win gold with Victor trailing behind with silver so they were more than confident that they'll be seeing each other for the Finals. This year Viktor was certain that Yuuri was going to win gold so they can finally get married after being engaged for nearly three years now!
"HEY GET GOING ALREADY! Viktor your plane is about to leave and we got to head back to the rink to practice!" Yurio shouted in annoyance with how the two men were getting lovey-dovey again. At first, he was confused as to why Yuuri wanted him to tag along but now he knew why he was dragged to the airport.
To make sure Viktor actually boards the damn plane!
"You're so mean Yurio~" Viktor whined as he prepared to walk away to his plane until he grabbed Yuuri's hand to kiss the golden ring on his hand. "I shall return to you lyubov moya, no matter what, I will find you."
"Viktor, I love you too," Yuuri replied with laughter. "But you're being sent to the army, now go before Yurio gets security to make you."
"Fine~" With one last kiss exchanged with their mouths, Viktor waved farewell as he went off to board his plane to Paris, France with Yakov already scolding him for taking too long and nearly missing the flight.
"Finally," Yurio sighed as he and Yuuri began to walk to catch a cab to drive back to the rink once they no longer saw Viktor frantically waving goodbye. "I thought he'd never leave."
"Come on Yurio, at least it wasn't as bad as last year," Yuuri pointed out, recalling how the previous year when they had to fly to separate countries, Viktor was totally much worse than now. Last year, they thought Viktor had gone to his plane when he actually put on a disguise to walk back to Yuuri but only to get caught by Yakov and dragged away while making a scene that attracted a lot of attention and Instagram users. Up to this day, those pictures and videos are still being reblogged, liked, and shared amongst the fan base.
Yurio nodded as he scuffed at the memory, "That idiot is too obsessed with you pork cutlet bowl."
"That's kinda true, but he's my idiot," Yuuri smiled as he glanced down at his ring.
"Yeah, yeah," Yurio chuckled at the comment despite how cheesy it sounds. "Let's hope he doesn't do anything stupid in Paris."
"Come on Yurio, he won't get into any trouble," Yuuri reassured with a laugh. "Viktor might have some moments but he'll manage to survive Paris." He paused for a moment then continued, "But I'm pretty sure he'll like some phone calls so he won't go completely insane and drive Yakov crazy." Yurio nodded as they sat in the cab as the driver drove them to the ice rink in St. Petersburg.
"Just because you two are engaged and have a good chance at getting married this year doesn't mean I'll go easy on you," Yurio reminded him with a sly smirk, "Like last year, I won't slack off!"
"And you won silver last year."
"HEY! I wasn't expecting Victor to have such an epic comeback!"
"So you were too over confident and it got to you?"
"Better wipe that smirk off your face pig! Or I'll use my knife shoes to wipe them!"
"Alright, alright, Yurio."
Viktor sighed as he stared out the window of the plane already missing his Yuuri, wondering what he was doing right now as he sat there bored and alone. He didn't pay heed to who was sitting next to him as his mind was still lonely without the company of his fiance.
Until the person tapped his shoulder to earn his attention and it turned out to be a woman with curly dirty blonde hair, silver eyes with lips painted in crimson lipstick, blue eyeshadow, and not to mention her short dress and furry coat over her shoulders. He wouldn't lie, she looked damn beautiful. "Excuse me sir, but do you mind telling me which plane this is?" She asked in an innocent angelic voice.
"You're on the plane heading to Paris, France," He replied as quickly he could as he made sure his golden ring was visible to be seen.
The woman's face perked up in panic as she gasped, getting up only to be told to sit back down by one of the flight attendants as she turned back to Viktor, "I-I'm on the wrong flight! I was supposed to go to Barcelona!" She began to talk to herself in worry as she dug through her purse. "Oh no, I don't even have my credit card with me or any place to go to! What should I do? I don't have any money to buy another ticket...Damn my phone is gone too?"
He knew he shouldn't ignore anyone in need of help in such a situation like this so as cautiously as he could, he tapped her shoulder as he suggested with a reassuring smile, "If you want, I can help you get another ticket when we land."
"Oh really?" She gasped in joy. "Thank you so much uh?"
"Viktor," He replied as he introduced himself, "Victor Nikiforov."
"Well, thank you Viktor," The woman smiled as she extended her hand to shake his. "I'm Valeria Babkin, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Out of being polite, Viktor shook her hand unaware of the hell he was about to get into in the future.
Viktor: I already hate this story! *cries and hugs Yuuri* I don't even find that woman pretty! Yuuri is my only love!
Yuuri: Viktor, please calm down. I'm right here, I still love you.
Me: Sorry Viktor but I seriously love this idea
Viktor: You're cruel
Me: Don't worry, it'll get better don't worry.
Viktor: No it won't!
Yuuri: Midnight hopes you like this first chapter and to make sure to review to see what happens next