You guys seemed to like the first chapter so I wrote a second, hope that's okay with you?

So it seems like I'm going to make this a romance story, that means it'll mainly focus on Lucaya but I will throw in a little Riarkle for you guys too. I'm sorry if you don't like those ships but I hope you could maybe overlook that and still enjoy the story? I understand if you don't though, no hard feelings!

Thank you to those who reviewed the last chapter, you guys were the best! Also to those who favorited/followed it, thank you :)

Oh, I made a cover for this story, if you wanna check it out, I've uploaded it to the story and it should be there for you to see!

Alright, I won't keep rambling on and on, I'll let you enjoy the story…


Disclaimer: I own neither Girl Meets World, the characters nor the pieces of plot that I've borrowed from If I Stay. I wish I did because there would be a season four of GMW in production right now.


Something Unpredictable


"Here's the secret baby, if you live, if you die, it's all up to you. So whatever fight you got in you, you got to pull it out now."


Chapter Two


Riley Matthews


Charging into the emergency room waiting area, Riley's dark eyes darted around the room, looking for any signs of Katy or Shawn. Spotting Shawn sitting in the corner of the room, she quickly made her way across the room and to her uncle, coming to a stop in front of him.

Shawn, noticing the pair of shoes emerge in front of him, glanced up. He gave Riley a tight smile but didn't say anything else.

"Is she here yet?"

Shawn didn't reply straight away, which allowed Cory and Topanga to catch up to their daughter, coming to a stop either side of her.

"Katy's gone to ask now," Was all he said before sitting still once more.

The Matthews took seats in the hard plastic chairs, watching where Katy was standing impatiently at the desk as she waited for any information. Finally, a nurse turned to her and the pair had a quiet conversation before Katy turned around and walked back over to them. Without any prompting from the others, she began to explain, "They haven't brought her in yet, so they don't know her exact condition until she gets here."

"What do we do now?"

"We wait."


Ten minutes later, Riley had text Farkle, Lucas, Zay, and Smackle – instead of phoning them seeing as it was close to one in the morning at that point – and told them that Maya was hurt and what hospital she was in.

After she had done that, all she could do was wait, anxiously staring at the two automatic doors that lead in from the ambulance bay.

Shawn and Katy were sat opposite her, his arms wrapped around her shoulders as he held him to her. Although not related by blood, she could physically see the effects of Shawn being in Maya's life had. The blonde, although happy before with just her and her mother, especially after her mother had admitted the truth about her father, but as Shawn started to hang around more, the girl got happier by the visit.

Of course, there was the fiasco of the wedding but that seemed to be a turning point in their relationship. Yet nothing managed to compare to the moment handed Maya the adoption papers. He was more of a father than her biological one could ever be.

Sitting next to her were her mother and father. Her father was on his phone, his thumbs moving over what she presumed the keyboard as he texts someone, probably the rest of the family. In the eight years that she and Maya had been friends, Maya had been accepted into the Matthews family as an honorary member much like Shawn had been. They'd probably be down by tomorrow night, assuming that they could get free of their commitments. Over the years, Cory and Topanga had taken Maya in as their third, non-biological daughter. They had fed her, paid for things for her just so she wouldn't miss out on opportunities because her mother couldn't pay for them, let her sleep in their house – probably more so than she slept at her own and even bought her school pictures when her mother couldn't.


Topanga Matthews stepped into her apartment, dropping her briefcase to the floor next to the single chair. Her feet ached something fierce after her day at the law firm she was working at. She didn't have a major role at the firm just yet, but the boss there seemed to like her and mentioned in off-handed comments that if she kept it up she could be someone big at the firm someday.

Sitting at their dining table, her husband of nine years was sitting over some papers he had to grade. Since moving to New York City, Cory had decided to follow in Feeny's footsteps and become a teacher. Currently, he was a teacher's assistant at a local middle school.

He glanced up as he heard the door shut, watching as Topanga made her way over to him and quickly kissed him, exchanging greetings.

"I'm going to change and then I'll start on dinner," She told him, slipping her heels off and picking them up off the floor. "How was Riley?"

Turning back to his papers, he replied, "I haven't heard from her since she went into her room after school."

Topanga nodded, knowing he couldn't see her and made her way through the door to the hallway.

Before she could even take five steps into the hallway, she froze, seeing the bathroom door open and out step a blonde little girl. Said girl seemed to sense a presence in the hallway with her and turned slowly around, making eye contact with Topanga before making a break for it down the hallway and into Riley's room.

The older blonde stood still for a moment, frozen in shock at the sight of the stranger in her home. Still not moving, Topanga managed to hiss out a "Cory," catching the attention of the dark-haired man.

"Who's the blonde girl in our apartment?" She asked the minute her husband joined her in the hallway.

Cory's eyes furrowed together in confusion, "What do you mean? There is no blonde little girl in the apartment. Or at least there shouldn't be."

"Well, there is. She came out of the bathroom, saw me and made a break for Riley's room," She told him. "You don't think Riley's been sneaking someone in here, do you?"

Stepping around his wife, Cory replied, "Well there's only one way to find out," as he made his way down the hallway, grabbing and twisting the knob of his daughter's door and pushing it open, Topanga following closely behind him.

Sat on the bay window was Riley, the girl that was supposed to be in the room, and the blonde that Topanga had encountered in the hallway.

Upon seeing her mother, Riley smiled and jumped off the seat. "Mommy!" She cried happily before hugging the older woman around the legs. Once she had let go, she made her way back over to the bay window and jumped back up next to her friend.

"Uh, Riley?" Cory asked, gesturing with his right hand, "Who's this?"

"This is Maya, she's my best friend," The seven-year-old explained as if it was obvious.

Still not moving, Cory continued, "That's nice, how did she get here?"

"Through there," Riley pointed at the open bay window.

"Well, hi Maya," Topanga greeted the little girl before turning back to her own daughter, "We need to have a chat Riley, you too, Maya. But first, let's get some dinner in you."


The memory was broken by the sound of sirens getting closer, followed by the sound of doors being slammed open.


Maya Hunter


The first thing she recognized was the fact that the ground beneath her was soft. Not soft like her mattress, but it was somewhat comfortable to be laying on. It then clicked in her mind that the ground was also wet, causing her eyes to spring wide open.

Straight above her was the gray sky, an indication that it was night time and that she wasn't at home but instead lying on the ground outside somewhere.

Pushing herself up off the ground, Maya found to be a bit of a task as her body felt heavy. Once she was finally standing, Maya was able to get a good look at her surroundings and took a minute to blink.

In front of her was an overturned car, the bottom (which was now facing upwards) was on fire as firefighters were tending to it. Surrounding them was about three different ambulances, while there was another car that was badly dented but still on its four wheels.

Taking several steps forward, Maya came to a cluster of paramedics working over something frantically, shouting out different orders that she couldn't hear as her hearing was muffled for some reason. Once she was close enough to them, she peaked over the top of one's head and gasped a little, stumbling backward slightly.

On the floor in front of her was her younger cousin, Aria. Her eyes were open the slightest and she was nodding to the different questions one man was asking her as the others worked on other parts of her body. Maya couldn't help but think about how small she looked, her brown hair sprawled across the snow and an oxygen mask placed over her nose and mouth.

Behind her, she heard more frantic shouting and spun around seeing another group of people working on something else. Taking a quick few steps over to the group, Maya froze in her tracks when she saw who lay in front of her.

Arms spread out and body laying oddly still, there in front of her was herself, eyes closed as someone supported her head while another was doing something to her leg.

It suddenly hit her as she began yelling at different people, "Hello? Excuse me? Can someone please just answer me and tell me what's going on!" Yet nobody even turned to look at the teen who was standing amongst the different people working frantically.

It was almost as if she was invisible, but she couldn't be, could she?

But still, as no one spoke to the blonde, Maya realized that no one could see her and her body was lying on the ground.

Without much warning, her hearing rushed back to her and she was able to hear everything the paramedics were talking about as two others wheeled a stretcher over to her body while another one put a bag valve mask over her face. She watched as they lifted her onto a stretcher and rushed her towards the ambulance.

In the rush of things, Maya managed to make out someone saying, "Her Glasgow Coma's at a seven."

"Tell them to have a trauma team ready," Another called out but the world around Maya was beginning to spin a little.

Somewhere in the midst of them rushing her body off to an ambulance, her legs began to move as she followed them, feeling the need to follow them and maybe catch their attention.

"Glasgow coma?" She asked herself as they boarded her body into the back of the ambulance. "Why do they need a trauma team?"

One of the men began speaking into his radio, mentioning something about herself and a ten-year-old being conscious before he began shutting the back of the ambulance up.

At the last minute, Maya managed to jump into the back, sitting by the door as it shut. As they began to pull away, she managed to catch one last glance at the scene behind them, it being permanently etched into her brain for the rest of her life.


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