"Lapis, this calendar thing is starting to get ridiculous. Peridot's a being not a pet."

"Can you think of a better solution Steven?" Lapis asked Steven as she began labeling the days of the week. "Amethyst gets to have Peridot Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday while I get to have her the rest of the days of the week including Valentine's Day which is this Tuesday. This way we don't have to scramble for Peridot's attention when we already have the days planned. Besides, Peridot is cool with it."

"That's because she loves any kind of attention." Steven pointed out.

"See? It works out perfectly!" Lapis rubbed Steven's head playfully before flying away from the calendar nailed to the barn wall and flying onto the loft outside the barn where Peridot was sitting and Lapis put her arms around Peridot and rested her head on Peridot's.

Steven couldn't help but wonder if Peridot even understood the significance of dating both Amethyst and Lapis. Peridot couldn't possibly know the conflict between the two thanks to her and because they're trying to share her, it could only get worse.

Two days later it was Valentine's day and Lapis and Peridot were watching romantic movies on the loft with Steven and Connie there with them. Lapis was holding Peridot in her arms and smiling sweetly.

Steven and Connie were actually there to keep an eye on the two since neither of the two liked the idea of the calendar and expected it to backfire horribly. However Connie leaned on Steven's shoulder and sighed.

"Maybe this calendar thing can work out Steven. I mean it has been for half a year now." Connie whispered in Steven's ear.

"But they're going to live forever. Even if it takes years for it to happen, something bad is going to happen." Steven explained trying to stay quiet. Lapis looked over at him slightly annoyed and Steven was about to speak when he saw Amethyst below the loft looking angry.

"I thought we were both having Peridot on Valentine's day!" Amethyst growled.

"The hell are you talking about." Lapis scoffed with amusement. "I made it clear that I was having her."

"For only the first half of the day! It's 1 o' clock you dimwit!" Amethyst hissed.

"No one ever said that...ever." Lapis rolled her eyes and looked back at the TV.

"W-what? Garnet told me!" Amethyst said. Steven and Connie exchanged looks of utter confusion.

"Well, she was wrong. You can go now." Lapis was starting to sound annoyed.

"Well even if she was wrong, how's it fair that you get to have her four days of the week including Valentine's day?" Amethyst pointed out. "Shouldn't I get to spend time with her on this special day too?"

Lapis ignored her and looked at the TV screen while Peridot looked at Amethyst disappointed. Amethyst took out her whip and Steven and Connie's eyes widened.

"I said...she should be with me on this day too!" Amethyst snapped, hitting the loft with the whip violently. The sound spooked Lapis and she flew off the loft to face Amethyst.

"I said leave." Lapis growled, humongous water wings springing from her back.

"Amethyst don't! You don't stand a chance!" Steven yelled.

"Do you really think you're right for Peridot?" Lapis scoffed. "Peridot obviously likes hanging out with memore."

"You obviously didn't see the sadness on her face when you told me to leave." Amethyst pointed out smirking. "She doesn't like you as much as you think she does."





After Amethyst's last insult, Lapis flew several inches off the ground and collided into Amethyst and Amethyst rolled several yards away from the impact. Amethyst showed up really quickly using her spin dash and stood before Lapis.

Peridot leaped off the loft and ran into the barn when Steven and Connie looked at each other concerned. They knew they had to do something and they thought of the same thing and Steven twirled Connie and dipped her before they fused.

Stevonnie leaped off the loft and in the middle of Lapis and Amethyst and pulled out their shield.

"Stay out of this!" Lapis lifted Stevonnie with big arms made out of water and tossed Stevonnie far away. Amethyst pulled out two whips and threw one around each arm and pulled Lapis towards her and Lapis collided with the quartz's fist.

Lapis flew into the sky and Amethyst was lifted off the ground because she was still holding onto the whips. Lapis flew rapidly in circles till Amethyst could no longer hold onto the whips and she let go and slammed into the ground.

While Amethyst was still dazed, Lapis dived towards her ready to poof the quartz when Amethyst grabbed her and they turned into a ball of light.

"Thanks for tossing me in the-HOLY SMOKE!" Stevonnie gasped when they saw the big gem before them.

"W-What's wrong?" The gem asked staring at Stevonnie with four pink eyes. The gem also was dark purple with light purple hair, a white shirt with a black triangle on it, and she had four arms.

"You two...you two-"

"Who's out there?" Peridot asked, running out of the barn. Her eyes turn starstruck when she saw the beautiful fusion before her. "Holy stars she's..."

Before Peridot could finish her sentence, the unknown fusion defused and Amethyst and Lapis laid on the ground. Peridot looked visibly disappointed

"C'mon Peri, let's get back to the loft." Lapis said looking at Amethyst with disgust.

"N-no!" Peridot gasped. "I want that gem back...t-the fusion!"

"You really think I'd fuse with her on purpose?" Lapis scoffed. "Why do you want to see the fusion anyway?"

"I think I like her." Peridot admitted. "Please fuse? For me?"

Neither Lapis nor Amethyst could say no to Peridot's face. And since Peridot liked both of them, wouldn't it make sense if she wanted the two fused together?

Amethyst sighed and stretched her hand out to Lapis. They did a brief dance before Amethyst dipped Lapis and they melded into one.

The fusion stood before Peridot and Stevonnie and the former's eyes turned starstruck again.

The fusion didn't exactly like being herself, but she was doing it for Peridot.

What am I again? I'm a Blue Black Opal...I shouldshorten that. B.B. Opal! Yes, that is my name.