Damian was down an extra large cup of coffee when he noticed that Alfred was pouring some broth into a small bowl. It must have been chicken broth since the day before Tim had been on beef broth. Downing the last of the hot drink the teen walked over to the counter snatching a muffin off the severing plate before heading upstairs to follow the man.

Once in the room Damian watched as Tim sat up, easy drank down the bowl before taking the pills he needed. The odd thing was that it was so natural. Like TIm had expected that this was how life for him was because the motions of it seemed like it had been done since he was born.

"If you need anything Master Tim I will be downstairs."

"Oh." TIm gasped excitedly.

"Call me via phone, not by walking off to find me. "

"Aw, I was so close, Alfred," Tim leaned back before spotting Damian. "Hey! Want to play a game or something."

"I was just checking in," Damian answered before turning. "I have school."

"...Fine." Tim sighed laying back. "I'm so bored… can I just solve cases? Just an easy one, I swear."

"Rest now, work later," Alfred insisted tucking the small child in. "Now, I shall return to my chores."

Damian left as well closing the door behind him feeling slightly, guilty.

Tim was trying to think of a way he could escape his room.

There had been enough rest, now Tim needed to find away to get out of bed. Sliding out of the blankets Tim slipped on some small slippers Dick had gotten him, along with some teasing, before sneaking out of the door.

Carefully sneaking around the hall Tim ducked into Damian's room when he heard Dick's voice. Pressing his ear onto the door the small child listened. He didn't hear a second voice so that meant he must have been on his phone.

Once the voice faded Tim opened the door slightly before slipping out. Rushing down the stairs Tim made it too the second floor. Happy about this he continued on until he got toe the movie room. Closing the door he got on a chair before grabbing the remote. Pressing in a long set of numbers he pulled up a computer screen.


"Ahhhhh!" Tim jumped back. "Dick, you jerk!"

Laughing Dick scooped up Tim, tossing him over his shoulder. "I believe you're supposed to be in bed."

"I'm bored and needed something to do before I go crazy." Came the whine. "Just pretend you never saw me?"

"Not happening, bed, rest and soup until further notice."

"Ugh," Tim reached out helplessly as he saw his freedom escape. "I hate you."

Damian had gotten home around five ready to relax for a short while, grab something out of the fridge he spotted a bowl of broth mostly full. Frowning Damian opened the freezer before going to the microwave he tossed them into nuke them for a few minutes before grabbing a plate and before tossing the two things onto it before heading upstairs.

The five minute walk was plenty of time for them to cool down. Without waiting for invitation or knowing Damian walked right into the room kicking the door closed behind him.

"Are they starving you now?"

"Damian!" Tim looked up. "Is that…? Hot Pockets! Please say their for me!"

"Yes. I rather you be alive." Damian handed them over before sitting down on the chair next to the bed leaning back. "Because I'll somehow be blamed for it."

"Probably," Tim took a bite happily. "Mm, this is good. You know Alfred is going to be mad at you."

"I'll risk it."

It was silent after that. Tim ate his food happily and Damian scowled on his phone. The odd thing was the surrounded area didn't hold a place of tension but rather calm. It was rather nice. After a good ten minutes of eating Tim leaned back sighing happily.

"That really hit the spot. I was tired of broth," Smiling Tim realized. "And suddenly sleepy."

"I heard you were attempting to escape all day."

"Dick told you!" Tim sat up quickly. "I knew he was telling everyone!"

Damian took a picture of Tim glaring at this phone as he angrily texted Grayson.

{Favorite/Long Time Reviewers}

To 14fox: Wonderful! I'm glad!

To Zatannagurl: Thanks so much! Tim's sickness is due to him deaged but since he kept his memories he also kept his illnesses and not taking his meds caught up with him. Thanks for the lovely review.

To Animelover6858: Yes, thank you! That's what I'm aiming for. I love them to have a good brotherly relationship!

To SecretofRobins: Sick Timmy is always a welcomed read and more so with FULFF!