I had this story idea in my head for a LONG time now and I could no longer RESIST! The thing was, I was kind of scared to go through with this because I was afraid of Writer's block and stuff. I plan for this story to be very long, I don't know how many chapters it will be but this story is a long tale about two Soulmates since birth and it's going to be one of those Cliche stories With a boy and a girl who grow up together and fall in love while their friendship is becoming stronger, getting together and etc. It could take me FOREVER to update chapters or maybe not but I hate when I can't finish things.

Anyway on to the story...

May 6th, 1989

It was early May of 1989 and two women who have been very good friends for a long time, Lucille Bolton and Marie Montez were both going into labor. Lucille was expecting a baby boy and Marie was expecting a baby girl. They found it weird that they were going into labor on the same day! They were being brought to hospital rooms with their husbands following. The rooms they were being rolled to were right next to each other.

It was 11 in the morning and it was the 6th of May. The women were in bad pain and the nurses helped them get on the hospital beds. Jack Bolton held his wife's hand and told her everything was going to be okay and he'd be right there. Jose Montez did and said the same thing to his wife.

The two women hyperventalated as the nurses began to help them push their stomachs. 16 hours later, it was May 7th and it was 3 in the afternoon. Both of the babies were finally born! The boy was 60 seconds older than the girl.

The nurses had to make sure the babies were okay and gave them a bath and dried them off before wrapping the towels around them.


Lucille took her newborn baby from the nurse. He was wrapped in a blue towel and she couldn't help but smile as she stared at the bundle of joy she was holding in her arms. "He's so cute." She cooed. "Look at his little nose and those piercing blue eyes."

Jack nodded. "Yeah, he's going to be a very handsome young man and a heartthrob. All the ladies will be all over him once he starts High School and he'll be as popular as I was."

Lucille chuckled. "Jack, he was just born and you've already predicted his future?"

He shrugged. "Pretty much but you know I'm right." He winked at her and she rolled her eyes with annoyance.

"Oh Jack, you are so full of yourself."

"I know." He smirked. "But that's why you married me."

The nurse smiled and walked over. "So, you have any idea what you're going to name him?"

"Yes, I do. Troy." Lucille held her baby up with pride. "Welcome into this world, Troy Alexander Bolton."


Marie smiled as she held her newborn baby girl, wrapped in a pink towel. She had gorgeous brown eyes and as Marie held her, she felt like she had the world in her hands. "She's beautiful." Marie said, just above a whisper.

Jose smiled. "I know, just like you."

"She is going to be the sweetest girl in the world. I already can't wait to start buying clothes for her and having her ears pierced." Marie's eyes were filled with excitement.

"Oye." He said. "This is going to be so much fun for me. Not only will I have to carry all your bags now, but I'll have to carry hers as well." He half joked before bending down to give her a kiss on the cheek.

A nurse walked over. "So, what do you plan on naming her?"

"Gabriella." Marie replied, staring down at her beautiful baby girl, before holding her up with pride. "Welcome into this world, Gabriella Marie Montez."

3 days later...

Lucille and Marrie were walking through the halls, carrying their babies. They were extremely blessed to know that their babies were completely healthy. Their husbands were walking behind them.

"So, you have any big plans for your little baby girl?" Lucille asked.

Marie nodded excitedly. "Oh yeah, big plans. Plans that will have my husband tortured to death."

"Let me guess," Lucille began, giving her a knowing look. "You're going to do some serious shopping?"

"It's like you read my mind." Marie said.

"Hey, I've known you long enough, sixth grade. It's kinda hard to forget your love for extreme shopping and fashionable clothes." Lucille remembered all the times she and Marie would go to the mall when school was out. Whether it was school shopping, getting ready for a prom or just for the heck of it. Marie was the fashion plate in High School. She always wore what was in style, kept up with the times and made sure she always looked her best.

"Glad to hear that cause if people did forget, then that means I'm losing my touch." Marie joked as she glanced around. "Do you think our babies will become great friends?"

"Well, I sure hope so cause we're great friends." Lucille replied which caused Marie to laugh a little.

"Yeah and I can't wait to bring my little Gabriella over for play dates with your son."

"Hey, Troy isn't old enough for dates and neither is your Gabriella." Lucille joked.

"Relax, relax, you know that's not what I meant. Since you brought up the word date, wouldn't it be something if our kids fall in love as they get older?" Marie asked.

"Anything's possible. Maybe they're already meant to be together." Lucille joked.

"What do you mean?" Marie asked, confused.

"I mean, what if they were born to fall in love? You know...soulmates since birth."

When people find true love, it's a beautiful thing. It's a blessing. You can meet that special someone anywhere or maybe their already in your life and have always been since birth.

Well, there you go! I hoped you like it! Expect lots of cuteness, play dates and child innocence. Maybe you could give me some ideas for the next chapter. I don't want to age them too fast. Let's enjoy the cuteness while it lasts. Come on! You all remember when you were young and innocent, don't you? Sure ya do. :)

I don't know old I should make them in the next chapter but the age has to be under two. I heard some babies actually become aware of things before they're one or two, I don't know if that was the case in the 80's or 90's but let me know what you think so far.