Love trials! Case three: Lying is just bluffing?!

The weekend rolled around and surprisingly nobody mentioned the fact that I didn't finish organizing the books. It was weird but I was not complaining. However...I had another task to do. Since the school festival was coming soon I had to buy hardware to built our voted haunted house. On my weekend!

What a great way to spend it. I dressed my self and left to catch the train downtown where I could find the large department store. The train was packed, I could barely find a seat. When a space finally freed itself I took it quickly only to be shoved against the side of the chair by a bigger man. Great...I sighed.

Finally, the train reached my stop and I got off only to bump harshly into a man. I fell on my behind with a groan. "Are you okay?" A gruff voice asked, a hand extending towards me. "I'm fine." I assured him with a smile, taking the hand gratefully.

He pulled me to my feet. I got a good look of him. He was an older gentleman with weirdly long white hair and a stocky built. He was smiling yet his eyes were puffy. Was he...crying? "Um...Are you okay Mister?" I asked softly.

"No..." He looked miserable. I felt bad. "I know it's none of my business but...I can try to help you." I offered. I gasped when he grabbed my hands in his, his eyes glistening with grateful tears. My sweat dropped.

"Walk with me?" He asked and I nodded, following out the train station and down the street. "You see...I'm married to the best woman in the world. She's beautiful and her hooters are huge," I rolled my eyes at the perverse comment, "but I blew it..." He finished sadly. I frowned at his expression.

"What...did you do?" I asked him slowly, walking around a couple walking by us. "I went to a strip club... and she found out."


"What kind of married man goes to a strip club?!" I yelled in outrage despite myself. He eased me, silently asking me to keep quiet. I glared at him as we continued walking. Infidelity was practically a crime. "I know but I like women okay! It's not my fault!" He tried to defend.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Of course it's your fault, have you no restraint?" I scolded as I led me inside what looked like a book store. I looked around curiously, it looked like an ancient antique book store. It was beautiful. I barely paid attention as he walked around the counter and in the back.

The walls were littered with books and paintings of all sorts. I grabbed one of the books, flipping through they aged pages. How neat. Placing it back, I looked for more. There was a room covered with a curtain but I refrained from going in. It probably held adult books. "Hello?" A familiar voice called, I twisted around quickly.

Sai. "Oh...if it isn't Sasuke...?" I nodded, smiling politely despite my previous irritation with him. "Well then, what are you doing here?" He asked, walking to stand in front of me with a bag in his hand.

Yeah about that... "I actually don't know what I'm doing here...I bumped into this old man and he-"

"I'm not old!" The man popped up beside me. I yelped in surprise at the sudden appearance. He greeted Sai with an amicable smile and motioned us to the counter. He showed us a picture of a pretty blond woman. "Who is this?" I whispered.

"My wife, Tsunade." The man said pridefully. Sai smirked, eyeing me. "So...Jiraiya,I see you guilt tripped Sasuke into coming here so you could brag about your pretty wife?" What!? I snapped my head to the man who was smiling brightly. "Hell yeah."

"Are you serious?!" I cried in outrage at being fooled like that. I was burning with anger and embarrassment from being tricked when a hand set itself on my shoulder. I looked back at Sai who was smiling down at me. I am so confused! "You're a very kind person class president...not many people fall for Jiraiya's pitiful acts."

"He tricked me! I actually felt bad for you!" I pointed at the white haired man who was searching for something behind the black curtains. I glared fiercely, still not believing that I was tricked like that! However, I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with Sai's hand resting on my shoulder.

"There we go." Jiraiya smiled in triumph pulling something out and handing it to me. "Here, a token for your kindness." He showed me a small fluffy nine-tailed fox doll. I took it gently from his hands, mesmerized by the beauty of the fox. It reminded me of the moment I had with Naruto in the library.

The fur was soft and fiery looking as I ran my fingers through it. The eyes were a beautiful shade of angry red. It was almost hypnotizing. I forced myself to look up at the older man. "Thank you..." I whispered weakly, it reminded me of Naruto. This was probably the closest memory I'd get from him, I would cherish it. "No problem." He assured.

"Anyways, what were you doing all the way over here Sasuke?" Sai asked, snapping me out of my trance. I looked back at him, thinking for a moment before I remembered why I had come all the way here. "I had to buy some supplies for my classes haunted house since I'm class president."

Sai checked his watch and looked back at me weirdly. "Well, stores close in fifteen minutes."


"What!?" I squeaked, this was not happening! Everyone would be extremely angry if I didn't bring the supplies and I'd get punished and I'd- "Sasuke!" Sai yelled, "What?!" I yelled back.

"I can take you there. Jiraiya call Naruto and tell him to keep the store open for a just a little longer alright?" Huh?!

"N-Naruto?!" I asked in confusion. Everything was happening so quickly and now Naruto was going to be involved. I clutched the fox to my chest tightly as Jiraiya proceeded to make the call. He yelled what Sai told him and hung up after a few seconds of nodding. "Alright, I lied a little but he will keep it open." With that Sai began to usher me out.

I glanced over my shoulder, holding my fox tightly. "T-Thank you!" He waved until I could no longer see him. I turned my attention back to Sai who was walking quickly, his hand dragging me along. This was weird, "Why are you helping me...? I was so rude to you before..." I said in a small voice, feeling guilty.

"It's fine. It's only natural...that you'd fall for Naruto's charm." He smirked over his shoulder and I frowned, clutching the fox tightly to my chest. It reminded me of Naruto and of the words I said to him about the nine-tailed fox...all implied to Naruto as well. "I'll find out for myself if he is as you said he was." I concluded, referring to Naruto.

He stopped walking abruptly and stood silent for a while before turning back to me. "Were here." He muttered, ignoring my resolve. I huffed and peered around him. It was a small hardware store where I could get what I needed. I wouldn't get in trouble! I shot Sai a large grin, "You got me here! Thank you!" He looked at me strangely but I shook it off and grabbed his hand to drag him along with me in the store.

"What the fuck?" I heard a familiar growl when I entered the hardware store. My head snapped to the side. My eyes immediately locking onto angered blue eyes. Naruto stood tall with his arms crossed over his apron covered chest. I fiddled with the fur on the fox nervously as the eyes stared down at me. My mind completely blank. "Um-" I tried but failed to answer under his intense gaze.

"Jiraiya fucking told me to keep this place open because he busted the pipes." "Yeah, he lied. Sasuke here ran late on his shopping trip because of Jiraiya and now here we are." Sai drawled blankly and Naruto groaned in irritation. I instantly felt bad, my eyes glued to the floor. "I'm sorry..." I whispered.

Naruto sighed, "Just get your damn stuff."

I nodded numbly and looked over at Sai to see if he was going to join me or not. "Go on, I'll stay here with Naruto." He assured me with a smile. I did as I was told and headed down the alley with the fox tightly gripped against my chest. I pulled out my list and checked what I needed. It was a good amount of stuff. I grabbed a basket from the corner and started filling it what I needed. Three rolls of duct-tape, four cans of black spray paint, eight paint brushes for details and eight utility knives; that was all I needed.

When I was done, I carried the heavy basket with much difficulty when I heard, "Don't you fucking mention him again, it's none of your fucking business!" The yell was vicious and scary. My eyes widened as I dropped the basket and ran towards the source of the noise.

I came out of the alley to the sight of Naruto's hand woven around the collar of Sai's coat, pulling him up with a vicious look on his face. Yet, Sai was still smiling. The look on Naruto's face was terrifying, Id rather is nonchalant look...not this... I ran towards them both, grasping at Naruto's arm tightly. "Stop it!" I cried out loudly but I was ignored.

"Why don't you let me go, Naruto? Can't accept that your nothing but a monster like your father!?" Sai said fiercely and then everything was moving quickly. I was pushed back onto the floor and Naruto was on top of Sai, his fists pounding the pale face into the ground. I watched from my spot on the ground with fear and despair. My eyes never leaving the anger on Naruto's face...this was not the Naruto I admired...This was somebody else...he was scary...he was scaring me.

"Stop it, please just stop it!" I begged, shutting my eyes tightly to block the images and save my previous image of Naruto. The sickening sound of hitting flesh stopped and I let my eyes slowly open up. Naruto had his back turned to me and Sai was on the floor, holding his bruised and battered face. He got up slowly, sending me nothing but a smile before leaving without another word.

It was unbearably quiet after the door swung shut. The sun had set and things were dark. "Pay for your things and leave." I was ordered which I complied without a second thought. I didn't want to stay much longer with the image of a dark Naruto floating around. I dragged my basket along with the fox and gave it to Naruto, never looking in his eyes as he scanned my things.

659.16* is your total." He forced out, my heart fell to my stomach. I pulled out the funds Kakashi-sensei gave me for the project and handed it to him. He cashed my things in and bagged them for me. I wordlessly took them and bowed in thanks before leaving quickly.

The cold air hit me like a brick and the bags were heavy. I couldn't make sense of what had happened or what Sai had said. I just knew that it was terribly wrong. Naruto looked so...different. I couldn't leave him like this.

I leaned against the wall, deciding that I'd wait for him. I set the full plastic bags down to inspect the stuffed fox once again. The reddish fur was even more beautiful in the moonlight. It's angered expression...looked a lot like Naruto's own when Sai mentioned something about his father and him. My stomach was flip floppy, I had to know. Even if it wasn't my place to know... I had to know.

-Case Three-

It was a whole thirty minutes in the falls chilly night until Naruto exited the building with his hands stuffed in his pockets and his head hung low. I pushed myself off the wall, facing him nervously until he stopped in front of me. Looking at me with an expression I could not distinguish.

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting." I replied quickly yet softly, a puff of white smoke condensing in the air as our words were exchanged. It was cold for the season. I held my articles tightly, I had previously placed the nine-tailed fox in the bag to make it easier for me. "It's late." He said pointedly.

I nodded, "I know."

"Go. Your parents will worry." He shooed me in a whisper, walking around me to head down the road. I turned to catch him before he got too far. "What about your parents?" I asked, an unsteady lump forming in my throat. He stopped walking and I held my breath, fearing he would get angry. Yet he ignored my question.

"Go home." He snapped, his voice cutting the silence. I flinched, gripping at my pounding heart. He was so...cold. So mean. I didn't want to leave...his back looked so...lonely. It swelled my heart with sadness. "No." I said firmly, squaring my shoulders. I wasn't going to move. He turned around and gave me an incredulous look.

"What do you mean no?!"

"I mean that I'm not going home nor am I moving from this spot if you don't explain to me what Sai meant!"

"And if I don't tell you?" He challenged but I was ready, smiling softly. "Then...I'll stay here and if I die it'll be on your conscious!" I threatened, priding myself for being so smart. He huffed, glaring at me. Expecting me to cave into his look but I stayed my ground. He turned around with a growl.

"Fine but just walk so we can catch the train." He sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets as he continued to walk towards the train station. I smiled in triumph, grabbing my things and running to catch up to him.

I opened my mouth to ask my question but he interrupted me, "No questions until we're on the train." He groaned and nodded in hesitation...fair enough. The rest of the walk was uneventful and silent, the only thing I could hear was the pounding of my heart. My cheeks began to burn as realization hit me, I'm walking with...Naruto Uzumaki.

I was in la-la land until we reached the train station, waiting for the train that was set to arrive in fifteen minutes. I tried to entertain myself by looking around the fairly empty train station. There was an older gentlemen on the bench, a nicely dressed man (probably a CEO of some sort), and a...staggering drunk man. I stared at the man, wondering what compelled him to get so drunk.

Unfortunately, my gaze wasn't one-sided. The man's hazy eyes met mine and fear swelled in me. He was blushing and grinning wildly as he wobbled over to us.

Oh no. I scooted closer to Naruto, tugging on the sleeve of his coat. He looked at me in irritated question and I pulled him down to whisper in his ear, trying to be discreet.

"There's a drunk guy coming over here..."

"Huh-? Why the hell is he coming over here?"

"Well- I might have been looking at him..."

"What-Are you fucking serious?"

"I'm sorry...I was curious!"

When our exchange was over, we looked up to see that the drunken man was just a few feet away from us. I looked around nervously for the train that was taking entirely to long to get to the station. I looked back at the drunk man in fear, there was stories like this...a drunken man having his way with poor unsuspecting school children!

"H-" "W-Were not interested!" I yelled, clenching my eyes tightly waiting for whatever was coming. Snickers irrupted from behind me and I slowly popped an eye open. The man walked right past us and Naruto was laughing at me! "Oh God, you are too much."

Dammit, yet again I've made a fool of myself. I hung my head in embarrassment until the train showed up. We got on and my terrible blush resided. At least that was over with. I sat down the seat opposite to him, it was better to question him this way. After setting my bags, I got comfortable.

"Can I ask now?"

Naruto nodded and I took a breathe, preparing myself to hear what the blond would say.

"Why...why did you freak out when Sai mentioned you resembling your father?"

"Because I am nothing like my piece of shit father. I'm not an asshole and I'm not...abusive." He ended angrily, the words gritted through his teeth as he stared viciously at the floor. My blood ran cold, and my ears rung. Abuse? Naruto's father was...abusive? That was a term that was taboo in my mind, abuse; the action of hurting someone mentally or physically was unheard of for me. I couldn't stop my aching heart. Naruto was always surrounded by people, surrounded by love but when he returned home, he returned to hate from the person who was suppose to love him the most? That made tears well in my eyes but I lowered my head so his searching eyes wouldn't see.

"Let me go to your house...please?" I chocked out, trying my best to sound normal. I could hear him scoff, he probably crossed his arms over his chest and glaring at me with those angry blue eyes that resembled a raging sea. "What? So you can throw me a pity party? I don't need your sympathy, this is my problem. I can deal with it...that man just knows one way to express himself." "That's not an're his son!" I cried, clenching my fists. My heart was burning in my chest, clenching tightly. I couldn't believe that the Naruto saw in school was the same that is abused at home...the person...I claim to love so much...abused...? No. I couldn't accept that.

"Let me go to your house...please! I promise I won't be long." I begged him, not knowing exactly what I'd do when I got there but...something told me to go. I had to go...

"You're a bother, you know that?" He groaned, and I nodded... at least it wasn't a no. It was a good ten minutes of aching silence before we reached Naruto's stop, a stop from mine. My brother lives around this part of town.

Naruto walked in front of me, his hands dug deep in his jacket pockets and puff of smokes condensing in the air every time he exhaled in the cold night. I struggled the follow his quick pace with my heavy bag, the strap was stretched to an impossible extent. So heavy... "H-How much farther?" I struggled, tired of carrying the stupidly heavy bag. "Not much, it's just up here." He said as we approached the sturdy staircase of an apartment complex. He walked up the stairs quickly while I heaved the bag up, cursing him for not helping me...but I was already asking a lot.

He was unlocked the door on the farthest corner when I got up the stairs tiredly. He shot me an impatient look, stomping over to me and ripping the bag out of my hands that were red with strain and cold. I felt relived when I bounced into his warm apartment but I quickly regained my cool when I remembered I was here. "Where is your father?" "That's none of your business. You saw what you had to see...I live fine so you can leave." He snapped as he pulled off his jacket.

He didn't want my help...I tightened my fists...he didn't want help but when I saw his back walking away...he looked so lonely. He didn't want my help but I had to help. I squared my shoulders, racking my head to find an excuse.

"I'm class president, it's only natural that the well being of my classmates is my main priority." Good going Sasuke! That sounded legitimate. He stared at me as if I had grown two heads but didn't say anything further so I turned and allowed myself further access into his home. Checking for any signs of neglect but found none. Maybe Naruto's father was abusive but at least he kept him well fed.

I opened the first door to my right, it was a bedroom. Full of books. Suddenly, a presence appeared behind me and I squeaked, turning around quickly to face a glazed eyed Naruto who smirked seductively, a hand loosening his tie. "If you wanted to do it in my room, you could have just said so...I would have complied without a second thought."

I blinked once, twice and a third time before cocking my head to the side. "Gross." I said blankly. His expression dropped before turning comically angry, his hand gripping my shoulder. "What do you mean 'Gross'?!" He grit through his teeth. I shook my head, putting my hands up in defence.

"That stuff is only know...after marriage...anything before that is gross." I said in a matter-of-fact tone, that's what I had been thought all my life.

"Who told you that?!"

"My big brother...speaking of him, I should tell him that I'll be staying over at his place, could I borrow your phone?" I asked quickly, realizing that my family was probably worried with me being out so late. My brother lived around here since he moved out.

Naruto crumbled to the floor, pinching the bridge of his nose. I looked at him in confusion, what was his problem? "Just do whatever you want." He said weakly and I complied calling my brother and telling him that I'd be over soon. When I was done with the phone call, I walked back to Naruto who was still on the floor. Looking least calmer then what he looked like when Sai was around.

I crouched in front of him, wrapping my arms around my knees. "If...If your father is abusive...why haven't you reported it...?" I asked, not quite understanding why anyone in this kind of situation would keep quiet but I couldn't possibly understand because neither of my parents had ever raised a hand against me.

"Still on this?"

"Yes. Answer me."


"Because I'm class president."

"And I care why?" He shot back.

"Because...because..." I tried, the usage of my title failing me. I thought for a minute, thinking hard and racking my brain for anything that could help me out. "Because...someone who claims to resemble the nine-tailed fox would never let himself be abused." There! That should work!

Naruto's eyes widened before he chuckled violently, throwing his head back. "I guess you're right but that man isn't around much anymore...neither is that woman so I'm not bothered." He confessed with a smirk, I shot him a confused look. "Your...mother?"

"No...not my mother...she's just my biological parent, she doesn't deserve such an intimate title."

"How could you say that?" I scolded him with a frown, I would never think that my mother didn't deserved to be called just that. She has always been the best mother she could possibly be...but maybe that wasn't the case for Naruto's mother.

"She divorced my father to escape the abuse and left with another man."


"Why are you apologizing? It's not like I care." He snapped and I looked at him with pain coursing through the veins of my heart.

'But you do care...because behind that mask you wear at school; is a lonely boy.'

I left when my brother called demanding me to come home. Naruto didn't look at me as I bid him farewell, not wanting to leave him alone but I had too.

When I got to my brother's house, I realized I forgot my stuff at Naruto's place.

(*) Estimated price?