I loved Season 4! I already want season 5!
Stupid Hiccup. He had always got into problems. Of course this time, it was actually nevertheless Hiccup's fault, but he didn't tell his father who could have easily protected him. Speaking of protected, Astrid had felt she failed to save the boy she deeply loved. He was taken from his home and taken from her in the middle of the night. She could have stopped him from leaving the Great Hall, she could have offered to stay in his room with him. So many things she could have done to keep him safe and away from the harm in the world. Even if he did stay at the clubhouse on the Edge, Stoick wouldn't be happy like Hiccup had said, and if the rest went to the party without Hiccup, it wouldn't be fair and Hiccup was the heir so he had to be there. Also he could have been taken when the riders were gone, so Astrid couldn't argue. No matter what they did, Hiccup would be taken. So now here was Astrid and the riders with Stoick, fighting to get Hiccup back in the safety in their arms.
Astrid watched as Ryker had put Hiccup into an unconscious state and flung the boy over the Dragon Hunter's shoulder. Ryker ran through his members and away from the riders. Astrid wanted to get Hiccup herself but she had to clear the Hunters for Stoick. So instead of actually blowing Ryker to pieces, she followed behind him to keep her eyes upon Hiccup.
Stormfly had fired at the archers, chasing them away and watching the riders clear the rest of the Hunters.
Now that the archers and swordsmen were handled with, Astrid didn't wait a minute to find where Ryker ran off with the man she wanted back.
She watched as Toothless fired at the crazy man who messed with Berk, she watched Toothless disarm Ryker, the dragon angry after his rider was taken and delivered to the shaking Second-In-Command cowering under the Night Fury.
Suddenly Toothless relaxed and headed towards the form of Hiccup upon the ground, Stoick taking the place of Toothless and threatening Viggo's brother.
Once Ryker was on the ground, Astrid made sure the area was safer and landed. She raced towards Hiccup, seeing his fake leg, missing. He couldn't walk and he couldn't run. He needed her and she was there for him.
"Hiccup, your leg, are you okay?" Her voice barely hid her worry, she wanted to him to know, she's here for him and he's there for her.
"I'm okay, let's just go home." He wrapped his arm around Astrid's shoulder as her hand wrapped around his waist and her other hand rested firmly on his chest. She supported him up and he clung tightly on her, afraid she might disappear as well.
As everyone walked away, a happy moment seemed to live forever. The soon-to-be couple were enjoying the feeling of each other's arms.
Ryker however woke in the background, he pulled a small dagger from his boot and aimed it at Hiccup's back. It would be now or never. Viggo wanted the pleasure to kill Hiccup Haddock himself but the boy was getting away and the chance to take down the riders would be now. Hopefully Viggo was going to be proud.
He threw the knife, hoping it would work and take the boy down.
Ryker didn't get a chance to watch the knife slice through Hiccup's back because the peg that the masked man had fell with, connected with Ryker's head, making the man go unconscious.
Hiccup screamed as the knife sliced through his skin and stopped when it reached the hilt.
Everyone looked at Hiccup with panic as he fell to the ground dragging Astrid with him.
"Hiccup!" She screamed, Stoick looking at his son and the girl kneeling beside him. One name flashed in his mind. Ryker.
"AH!" Stoick screamed with fury. He wanted to wake Ryker up and kill the man, but it wouldn't do any good. Besides Ryker seemed out of it. Hiccup wouldn't even let his father kill the man anyways. The way Toothless stood over Savage, Stoick knew the two knew the good way to get revenge and killing wasn't the answer.
"Astrid, Fishlegs, and Heather. Get my son back to Berk. Toothless, the twins, and Snotlout. You're with me. Get Hiccup's peg and give Ryker a lesson he needs to learn."
The riders were too interested to notice the man who thrown Hiccup's leg, hop back down and left the sight of anyone who stayed.
Astrid looked at the knife in Hiccup's flesh. The blood slowly dripping from the edges. She made sure he laid on his stomach so it would be easier to pull out the knife. He legs worked as a pillow. Hiccup's hand crawled to her thighs and squeezed it, trying to prevent a cry that tickled his throat.
"Hold on Hiccup, you'll be okay." Astrid looked at her shirt and the wound that was getting closer to infection. "I have to pull the knife out, okay."
"Hurry…...it h-hurts."
"I know, I know."Astrid looked at the team she was given as Stoick's team was handling Ryker who was now waking up to the world. "Heather, come help me. Fishlegs, head to Berk and get Gothi get ready. Make sure Gobber is by her too."
"You got it!" Fishlegs called and hopped onto Meatlug, once the two were gone, Heather was by Hiccup's side and holding the piece of cloth that was ripped from Astrid's shirt.
"How are we going to keep it on his wound?"
"I got a blanket in Stormfly's saddle bag, grab it and rip a few strips off, make sure it's long to wrap around his body. The piece of my shirt will keep the wound from bleeding out." Heather nodded as moved towards Stormfly, digging into the saddle bag for the blanket.
Astrid gripped the handle of the dagger and gave a deep breath. She didn't want to hear him scream again, but it was either cause the poor boy some pain or let him die and Astrid couldn't lose him.
"One, two, three." She pressed her fingertips in his skin and pulled the dagger out, his scream haunting her. Her thigh began to burn as he squeezed the life out of it, but she didn't mind. The blood oozed from the wound as she dropped the bloodied blade to the side. His blood that coated the blade, make her glare at the harmful weapon. She quickly pressed the cloth to his wound that luckily, wasn't that big. Heather had returned with three long strips of the blanket. The three had been tied together at the end, creating a makeshift bandage.
"Here, I think that will be good until the flight home."
"It works, thanks Heather." Astrid couldn't say anything else, all she could focus on was wrapping the bandages around his body and slowing the blood flow.
Once she was finished, she ordered Heather to help Hiccup onto Stormfly. Astrid crawled on the saddle of her dragon, Stormfly lowered to the ground to pull Hiccup up easier.
Heather finished pushing Hiccup into Astrid's secure arms, she looked at her best friend and sighed.
"He'll be okay, he's Hiccup."
"I know, but this whole day.. It made me think about how easy I can lose him."
"That's what I've been trying to tell you about your feelings. I don't know when you're going to go for it but you guys are made for eachother."
Astrid stared at the boy whose head was rested on her shoulder, it was a moment of awkward silence until Hiccup moaned in pain, his eyes trying to stay open.
"We have to get him back, I don't know how long he is going to last." Astrid says, trying not to change the subject because she needed the help for her feelings from her best friend, but she also needed to save Hiccup.
"Come on, I'll follow behind if anything happens."
"Sounds good." Astrid watched as Heather mounted WindShear. The two took into the sky, Astrid looked in the distance behind her to see Stoick and the rest of her friends holding Ryker captive, earning some answers with the sweet revenge from Stoick, Toothless keeping Stoick from murdering the man, even though to Astrid, murder sounded wonderful for Ryker.
After she took her deadly glare away from Ryker, she commanded Stormfly to fly faster. No minute to waste to get to Berk.
Astrid took a glance at Hiccup, his lips were slightly parted as his eyes fully closed. The only problem was, his stomach wasn't moving, his breaths were no longer uneasy, but gone.
"HICCUP! Come on stay with me, breathe. Don't leave me now!"
Astrid waited for any sign that he was still in this world, when she got nothing, she positioned his body where CPR could have been given and began to press on his chest, hot, salty tears running down her cheeks.
"Please.." She mumbled.
Cliffhanger… I think but next part will come soon! I might add 3 parts..