We're going straight for it! This time, we'll see a new summon at the end, but I kind of left it as a cliffhanger without actually knowing if I'll have the inspiration to actually write the next chapter for this. Hopefully it isn't so obvious that there was a large break betwen me writing the last chapter and this one but, oh well. Anyway, let's go!

Super hero time!

Elwyn: The Kamen Rider killer... Bauen, you most certainly have an interesting past, don't you?

Bauen: And you Prince Elwyn have gotten yourself stuck in another world. Thing aren't exactly normal with you either!

Elwyn: Now that is certainly true! Regardless however, we have to fight on!

Bauen: You'll get no arguments from me. Shall we?

E + B: Fight for your right! Rider once more!

When Issei first made it back to the world of the living, it was to the sight of a smiling Kiba and Rias; they were people he could at least say he was familiar with and Koneko and Akeno were two more he had only little difficulty recalling. The other four within the room however were completely new to the brunette, one looking particularly fierce within a shining set of silver armour.

"A…cosplayer?" admittedly, they weren't the most majestic words to come out of the mouth of someone for a first impression, an act which could've been far more dangerous considering the wicked blade of gold that sat to the side of the armoured girl's hip, but all that he elicited were a few strange looks from the four he didn't know.

"Ah, allow me to explain!" Rias' declared, turning to the four with a brief smile. "A cosplayer is someone who acts as a different character by using a costume, usually taking them from different books or other forms of entertainment."

"While it's nice to see that you're willing to explain the differences of your world to us, do you not believe that Issei here deserves a little more recognition than what you've shown him?" Elwyn prompted, the girl giving a chuckle before she turned to the newly resurrected boy, who had resigned himself to simply looking around the near Victorian architecture with a curious eye. "It's a pleasure to meet you Issei, though I wish it could be in a better situation. My name is Elwyn; those beside me are Arron, Alice and Corrin."

"Um, hi?" the boy answered, a weak wave given to the blue haired man as he turned to a more familiar face. "Rias? Kiba? Akeno and… Koneko, right? Where am I? The last thing I remember is…"

"The fallen angel who went by the name Yuuma Amano, correct?" the redheaded princess of destruction finished, a frown marring her lips as the boy began to splutter in surprise. "She managed to kill you with a spear formed from light through the heart. Issei Hyoudou, while you may know of the elite Occult Research club, you'll find that the truth behind it is actually quite surprising."

"The truth behind it?" Issei parroted, looking around the assembled members and extras in confusion. Akeno placed a hand to her mouth to block the small giggle that escaped her, Kiba merely giving an indulgent smile while Koneko remained fully absorbed in the treats that had been placed before her. "Does that have to do with these new people?"

"Not at all, though they know the truth." Rias corrected, standing from her position. What was meant to be a disarming smile came upon her face, but considering just what was happening to the boy, it did little to calm him down. "You see, everyone here from our school? They are devils. The woman who calls herself Yuuma was an angel once under the hand of God himself, only to be corrupted and fall to the underworld beneath; her objective was to see you dead and she managed to fulfil it. Fortunately, the people here have dealt with her swiftly after your murder."

"You were there when we were fighting, were you not?" Elwyn added with a raised eyebrow as the boy slowly nodded. "I was surprised to find one who was willing to stick around and watch a battle as if it was some kind of road show. Had any from the world we came from chosen to be so foolish, they would either be dead or an enemy spy – soon to be dead."

"My, my! Such blunt speaking for one of royalty!" Akeno remarked with a calm smile, ignoring the way that Issei flinched at the lord's words. While he was not truly aware of what exactly had happened to him, as far as Issei could remember, he should be dead; he didn't need the reminder so quickly.

"But if she was meant to kill me and she was successful, then why am I still breathing?" Issei questioned with a hand to his neck. There was a still a pulse to his bloodstream, so he was clearly alive rather than some sort of unaware spirit, so how could she have succeeded in killing him?"

"That is easily explained. Issei, you have been reborn as a member of the house of Gremory. I, Rias Gremory, daughter of the Marquis of Gremory, have brought you back to life once more as a devil to act as my servant!" Rias declared in response, wings of pure black jutting out of her back as similar wings fluttered out of the backs of each member of the Occult Research club without another word.

"My apologies if we cannot repeat this. I'm afraid we don't exactly have that sort of ability." Alice apologised, the redhead flicking through one of her many tomes with intrigue. "I must admit, the majority of my tomes hold only spells; I know little about various magical creatures of myth and especially those of other worlds."

"Other worlds?" Issei asked, only to turn back at the strange sensation upon his spine and let out a gasp of terror. Hands began feeling the odd pinions that now adorned his back just the same as the other devils within the room. "Argh, what the hell are these!? Why do I have them as well!?"

"Clearly the boy doesn't take to twists very well, does he?" Arron mused with a chuckle, leaning his arm on the sofa so he could prop up his head. "Can't say I would react any better if I suddenly had wings though."

"Issei, as a devil, it's only natural that you would have wings like the other ones. If it's the fact that you're now a servant to me, then rest easy – I treat my servants very well." Rias reassured, though her face grew more confused when Corrin suddenly rose from her seat, the white haired girl placing her hands upon the boy's shoulder.

"Even though Rias may say that, there is still the fact that you have been turned into a devil, as servant at that, without making the choice to do so." The fateful princess added, her face stern as she looked directly into the boy's frightened eyes. "I however still believe you should have a choice. Issei, you were meant to die upon that battlefield and yet you stand before me. Do you think you should be alive at this moment?"

"W-what? Of course I want to be alive!" Issei immediately protested, the boy backing up as Rias raised an eyebrow. Looking to the group from Aneron, she only found a grim look upon their faces as they watched in silence, a move that she chose to copy for herself. "Why wouldn't I want to be?"

"Perhaps the way I phrased that was a bit strange…" Corrin replied, a hand moving to her chin for a moment before it was resting once more upon his shoulder. "If you continue onward, there is no doubt going to be great struggle in your life. I can tell it already, there's bound to be trouble in the future and though there are those who might be able to assist you, ultimately, it will be you who has to put in the most effort for a future you weren't even supposed to be a part in."

The way that she drew her sword had Issei backtracking, Kiba about to move to his aid before a held out hand from Elwyn had him paused within his tracks.

"…While I don't exact believe it to be the most efficient technique, I can understand why she would propose such a thing. I ask thus, that you do not interrupt her." The lord declared, Kiba siting down before he even realised his actions. Looking to his body with shock, his eye returned to Elwyn; though in the clothes of a normal person there was far more to his posture, the very aura that surrounded the man…

"If you follow the path that fate wanted you to, you would be dead and any burdens upon you would be lifted. If you don't think you can deal with what has been asked of you, then let my sword strike you down!" Corrin ordered, Issei flashing back and forth between the people surrounding. When it was clear that there would be no help coming his way, the boy could only give a sigh.

"Well, I mean… Being a devil is weird and definitely not something I can really understand at the moment…" Issei admitted with a finger scratching his cheek. "But if I have to be indentured to any one, then at least it's Rias Gremory! Knowing that she's my master, I could take on the whole world!"

The bright exclamation had the majority of the people within the room letting a bead of sweat roll down their faces, but Corrin merely gave a sigh of relief as she sheathed her blade, an impish smile appearing upon her face as she stepped back.

"Thank the gods. I really didn't want to kill you, but I had to give you the choice. It is something very dear to me after all." Corrin explained, turning to Elwyn with a nod before she disappeared once more. With Issei letting out a cry of shock and waving his hands in the area where the dragon girl once stood, he stumbled forward a bit when Arron clapped him upon the shoulder as a hearty laugh came from him.

"You just couldn't be like the rest of us, could you?" the brown haired archer chuckled. "I mean, we joined our lord of our own free will and we didn't really act so pleased!"

"But my master is Rias Gremory, one of the great women of Kuoh Academy!" Issei immediately countered, turning to shove his own hands onto Arron's shoulders. "Any guy would love to become her servant!"

"My my, it appears that even devils will have their eccentric retainers." Elwyn sighed with a shake of his head. "Well Rias, I supposed we've outstayed our welcome. I can only hope you will stay true to your word; treat him bad and I will most definitely bring my wrath down upon you all."

Watching as the lord and his retainers stood from the places, exiting with one final glance towards Rias, Issei could only turn back to his apparent new master, eagerly awaiting the orders she was bound to give. Was she going to have him massage her feet, help her when she was changing, assist when she was in the shower!?

"Okay Issei, I have my first task for you as my servant… will you please hand out these fliers for me?"

"So, girl's gotten herself stuck within an arranged marriage huh?" Arron mused as he casually spun an arrow around his fingers. The group had retreated into the safety of an abandoned church, meaning that while it was cold and not exactly the cleanest, they would at least be able to have their own privacy. "That does kind of suck for her. Maybe he won't end up that bad though; she's bound to be a little bit exaggerated when it comes to how much she dislikes him."

"You must remember that they've shown us proof that they are devils, creatures of a world far darker than we know. For even one of that kind to believe another to be worse beyond their expectations has to mean something at least." Elwyn countered, looking to the various items scattered around the room. While the church was indeed abandoned, the relics held within surprisingly remained rather than be plundered, somehow still glistening in the moonlight despite their clear age.

"Oh? I wasn't expecting to see people here, yet alone killers." The deep voice had weapons drawn from their hiding place, Alice's hands glowing as fingers pointed directly towards where a magically formed flame lit up a brown haired man's face, a tilt of is fedora given their way as he flared out his trench coat. "So, you decided to take up residence here for now? Trying to repent for your sins or something?"

"…You know about that girl, the fallen angel, don't you?" Alice asked, the flame growing in intensity as the man gave a chuckle, inspecting the fire as if it wasn't almost burning the edges of his clothes. "A friend of hers coming to get revenge?"

"Raynare was initially the leader of our motley little group, that is true, but in the end she simply couldn't step up to her task." The man sighed with a shrug, placing his hands within the pockets of his coat. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dohnaseek and yes, I too am a fallen angel. I'm afraid that I must see to it that your blood stains this church!"

A light spear striking through the fires had the flames dispersed, a second swing burning away the arrow that shot directly towards his face. With no form of long range attacks, Elwyn was left to charge in, swing after swing smashing against the weapon formed of light held within Dohnaseek's hand. The other had yet to move from its place within his pocket an insult that had the Aneron royal doubling his attempts.

The rapier slid close to Dohnaseek's face, only for the angle of the fallen angel's spear to have it slide mere millimetres away from the flesh, steel blocking the strike that threatened to impale Elwyn seconds later. His other hand finally left his pocket when Alice sent an elwind in his direction, the spear twirled and twisted as if it was a bo staff to block the relentless storm while still keeping the lord away.

"Just need to get this shot right… looks like a fifty percent chance of the shot landing." Arron mumbled, one eye closed as he let his power flow into the arrow, the tip gaining an orange glow. "Those are odds I like!"

The sudden sharp pain of an arrow head lodging into his shoulder had Dohnaseek reeling backwards, black wings unfurling in a flurry of feathers as he took to the skies. A strong pull had the arrow dislodged in no time, the projectile tossed to the ground as if it was nothing more than dirt as Arron caught it.

"Hey, you could at least act nice with other people's toys! Someone's worked hard to make that." The brown haired archer mockingly scolded, a growl escaping the fallen angel as a light spear shattered the ground where the man stood and sending him tumbling across the ground. "Okay then, no teasing."

"You truly are fools, do you know that? To challenge a fallen angel within a holy area!" Dohnaseek laughed out, a wave of his hand having several of the light based weapons hovering beside him primed to strike at a moment's notice. "I will admit I've been going easy on you three until this point. Now, face my wrath!"

The storm of purplish light rained down and it was soon a constant stream, the lord and his retainers dancing around like some sort of demented puppet show to save themselves from being skewered. Hiding behind the stone of the church, with Arron and Alice flinging thunder and arrows in the fallen angel's direction in a weak attempt to out shoot him, the lord began rifling through the pages of the book in his possession.

"Come on now, a fierce Pegasus knight who may take to the skies and bring him down…" the man muttered, flicking across the paper until he finally set sight upon the first that passed his eyes. "Alright then, it is settled. Let's see what you can do!"

"Oh? Has your leader decided to stop hiding away like a coward?" Dohnaseek mused as the blue haired lord showed his face once more, the white gun aimed to the skies, though oddly not at him. "Do not think that such weak weaponry would be enough to take down someone of my calibre!"

"I would stay silent if I were you, for you're about to face the wrath of a true master of the skies!" Elwyn called out in return, five orbs orbiting around before fusing at the barrel of his gun, a smirk appearing on the Aneron prince's face. "She who follows the path of the heart, remaining upbeat in the most dire of situations, take to the skies with your sisters behind you! Junior Whitewing Est!"

And as the shot entered the air, it slowly morphed until a magnificent white Pegasus neighed in the air, wings flapping as the pink haired girl upon its back pulled upon the reigns. Elegant halberd in hand, a red dress had shining armour of silver to protect the shoulders and chest, an innocent face taking on a frown as she looked upon Dohnaseek, the man staring in alarm as the Pegasus aimed itself towards him.

"A Pegasus? But those are exceedingly rare, for someone as low as a human to have one…!" the man growled, light spears forming in his hand. "What kind of trickery is this!? To summon people like a familiar?"

"So you're the bad man my summoner wants me to beat?" the pink haired girl questioned, leaning forward before a spin of her lance had it aimed forward and ready to stab. "Well then, even if my sisters aren't with me, I'll try my best! For the Whitewings!"

The one advantage a Pegasus held over a fallen angel is that while Dohnaseek had to divert some of his attention to attacking as well, the winged horse only had to make sure it and its rider was unharmed, meaning it was able to weave its way around the incoming light projectiles while Est waited patiently, moving closer and closer by the second. With his attention placed upon the youngest Whitewing, the fire that nipped at his leg had him dropping the weapons, a period of free air having Est shoot forward.

"Let's do this!"

Yep, it's Est! I was definitely aiming for a Pegasus knight, so naturally, I go to fire Emblem Heroes wiki to see which are the best and Lo and behold, this little Whitewing was up nice and high. What did you think of this? I am happy to admit this isn't the best it could be, but it's not too bad for what it is, right?

Super hero time! See you next time!