Crutchie Morris knew he was as good as dead. When your folks kick you out of the house at age four because they don't want to take care of a 'useless cripple', there isn't really much you can do. You become an orphan, you have to fend for yourself on the streets, and you've got to do whatever it takes not to get caught. And because of this, Crutchie Morris knew he was as good as dead.

For starters, he wouldn't steal anything, even if his life depended on it. Having a gimp leg made real hard to run off, anyways. Crutchie had too much pride to beg for anything, whether it was food, clothes, or money. He wouldn't let people feel sorry for him if he could help it. So, he lived off of the garbage, rats he managed to kill, and anything else he could find. Every once in a while a sympathetic lady or kid would give him a coin or two when they saw him in the streets, but those times were rare.

Crutchie didn't mind the life he had now. His folks had been horrible, always treating him like he was less than a person just because of his bad leg. The life on the streets was tough, and sometimes he'd run into a gang of nasties and they'd beat him, stealing whatever thing he had of value, and Crutchie had to learn how to defend himself real quick. By the time he was nine, everybody knew to steer clear of the not-so-weak crip. But, Crutchie did hate one thing. He was lonely. Not that he could help it, really. You can't trust anybody on the streets.

The only people Crutchie ever tried to talk to were the Manhattan newsies, a group of boys his age, younger, and up to eighteen that sold newspapers. He never became friends with any, just helped them out to sell their last few papes every once in a while. They all called him their pal, but Crutchie didn't know any of their names. Was that bad? Crutchie didn't think so. He didn't trust anybody; he didn't need anybody. But he still felt lonely, and life was still tough.

But one day, all of that changed. One of the newsies (Specs was his name, but Crutchie didn't know that) brought Crutchie to meet Jack Kelly. He was their leader of sorts, Specs said, and he'd get Crutchie a job for The World selling newspapers if it was the last thing he did. Crutchie was hesitant at first, but after a couple of the younger boys begged and pleaded with him to go meet Jack, saying how nice he was and how much Crutchie would like him, and he was reminded of how lonely he was, he agreed.

"What's we got here, Specs? A crip?" Those were the first words Jack Kelly said when he met Crutchie Morris. Crutchie bit his lip and stood as tall as he could, puffing out his chest and mustering up a smirk. "That's right. Name's Crutchie. Crutchie Morris." He stuck out his hand for Jack to shake, watching as he looked him over with dark, hard eyes. Crutchie actually found himself starting to shake a bit when Jack sauntered over to him, getting only inches away from him. He let his hand fall to his side and pushed his crutch farther up under his arm to steady himself, narrowing his eyes and keeping them firmly on Jack.

"Cripples ain't got a chance sellin' papes. Not real ones, anyways. Beat it, kid, and go find work somewhere else," Jack said. Crutchie stiffened, and he curled his hands into fists in an attempt to surpress his anger. Jack noticed and he raised a questioning eyebrow, but said nothing about it. "Well, don't just stand 'ere. I said beat it!" Jack snapped again, and Crutchie actually shrank back a little. A few of the other newsies looked uncomfortable, and some were even looking at Jack in shock. Was this not how their leader usually acted? Crutchie felt his anger rising to the surface again and he drew himself up, glaring at Jack defiantly.

"I ain't goin' nowhere, no sir. Just 'cause I'm a cripple doesn't mean I can't do anythin'," Crutchie said coldly. With his hand that wasn't holding his crutch, Crutchie pressed his index finger into the middle of Jack's chest. "You think you're all that, with your workin' legs and your high standin' with the newsies. But d'you know what I think of ya, Jack Kelly? I think you're a pansy. You's afraid to let a crip sell papes. But I'll do it, just you see. I didn't have nothin' but myself for 'bout five whole years, and I ain't gonna let a cowardly, lyin', stuck-up pansy tell me he ain't gonna let me sell papes. I can protect myself just fine, and none of you will hafta lift a finger to help me." Crutchie finished with a smirk on his face, taking great pleasure in the shocked look on Jack Kelly's face. His smirk faded when Jack started to grin, and he became even more baffled when Jack gave him a hard clap on the back that almost sent him flying.

"What do you think, boys? Think we gots ourselves another newsie?" Jack cried to the other newspaper boys. Crutchie eyes widened in surprise when the newsies let out wild cheers and whoops, some of them even clapping and waving their hats high above their heads. Crutchie felt something weird in his body, as if he was light as air and could just float away if he wanted. Is this... Is this what being happy felt like? If so, Crutchie liked it. He beamed widely at the other newsies, his new friends, and took a deep bow, careful not to go too far to keep from falling over. Jack had an arm around his shoulders, and Crutchie could never have been happier. He sheepishly gave Jack a small smile and scuffed the ground with his good foot.

"Sorry about what I said. You seem alright," Crutchie muttered, and Jack gave him a smile that just about melted his twelve-year-old heart. Jack ruffled his scruffy blonde head and laughed. "You ain't got a thing to 'pologise for, kid. I was doin' that on purpose, see. Wanted to know you would stick up for y'self. A proud newsie is a good newsie," Jack said wisely, and Crutchie stared up at him in awe. Proud, him? Crutchie never felt proud of himself. Sure, he wasn't willing to let people see him weak, but was that being proud? Well, to Jack it was, and it made Crutchie's heart soar. Crutchie was proud, and maybe thanks to Jack, he always would be.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading the first chapter of my newest fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! I went to the theater today with some friends and we saw Newsies. It was incredible, and I fell in love with Crutchie's character almost instantly, and INSPIRATION. XD Anyways, thanks for reading! Don't forget to FF&R!