I hope everyone likes the last chapter. My heart is broken at the news of the end of the Originals. But, I still hope for a new crossover. This chapter will pick up two months after the last one.

Chapter 3: The Fall

Destiny groaned as she finished her last rep on the machine. She was starting to hate doing physical therapy. The only time she was happy was when she got to talk her sister and Joel. They had left Toronto for New Orleans two months ago. She had grown closer to her sister. Maggie and Joel constantly encouraged her to keep pushing forward.

Just then her computer started ringing, making her look up. It was Joel, he would video chat with her when he could. She dragged herself off the floor and over to the computer.

"Hey." Destiny smiled, looking at the young surgeon. "Hey yourself…did you just get done running?" He asked, smiling. "No, rowing machine…my knee is killing me." She replied, making him smile. "Yeah, how are things at home?" Joel asked. "I am not allowed to leave Marcel's house, period." Destiny told him.

Joel frowned, he knew how bad things were getting. Maggie had told him what had happened the other day, her uncle's girlfriend was dead and her best friend was struggling to help keep them together. Her brother was doing all he could to protect her.

"Why?" He asked. "Lucien brought Aurora back and now she has a vendetta against our family. Hope is with Hayley and her friend in the Bayou but I am still here…Joel…I am scared." She told him, her brown eyes starting to tear up. "It will be alright…I promise…when are you coming back up here?" Joel told her. "How do you know…her bite killed Cami in 12 hours, and daddy's blood did not help…my family could be dead in hours and it's just me, Marcel and Hope…I can't lose them." Destiny replied, tears rolling down her cheek. "Because I have hope that things will turn around. Your family is the strongest on earth, they have faced many things meant to kill them and yet, here they are. You have too, you are so strong." He told her, "That's one of the reasons I have fallen for you."

Destiny froze, staring into his brown eyes with a shocked smile. She grinned when she realized what he felt the same way about her as she did. Elijah and Klaus had both agreed to let them date. They could trust him.

"You…what…?" She asked, smiling. "You heard me…I am in love with you…I hate that I can't be there with you." Joel told her. "Me too, this is the longest three months of my life. Mama told me that the house is in my name…but where can I go to college…do I go in the state or in Canada?" She replied. "I would go in the states, better schools, some place like Harvard or NYU." Joel told her. "Yuck…snow." She grumbled, making him laugh. "I would even transfer there to be with you." Joel told her, making her smile. "Really? I thought you liked Hope Zion?" Destiny asked. "I love it, but I love you too. I would want to be with you." He told her.

Just then, the door to Marcel's apartment slammed open. Destiny jumped up and saw all three of her uncles had been bit. Her eyes grew wide as she stared in horror.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Joel asked, noticing her look of panic. "They were bit…all three of them." She said, making him sigh. "I'm getting on a plane now…text me your brother's address." Joel said. "No! If Lucien finds out that you're an original's doppelganger, he'll kill you…stay there." She said, terror in her eyes. "Okay…just call me back in a bit, let me know where you're leaving." He said. "Okay…I love you." She said, making him smile. "Love you too." Joel replied as he ended the video.

Destiny came out of her room as she saw Elijah and Kol. Finn looked up to see her scared as she watched him nearly double over. She reached over and grabbed him as he fell.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" Destiny exclaimed, reaching out to catch him. "Lucien and Aurora…you are leaving to go to your mother." Klaus said, making her protest. "No…what happened?" She asked again, seeing Rebekah for the first time in months.

"They went to confront him to get me back, but Elijah woke me up last night…oh sweetheart, I am so glad to see you." Rebekah said. "I missed you too…what is going to happen?" She asked.

"We need to play Lucien…he still thinks I'm holding you hostage with the witches…but it is really Josh…it will give us some time to get you out of the city and back to your mama, who will cloak you." Marcel told her. "But…" She said.

"Listen to them, little one." Finn said, leaning against her. "How will you do it?" She asked, looking at Freya.

"I'll link us, but your father has to remind behind to be the anchor…not even the strix will be able to track you…I promise that you will be alright…we will see each other again, baby." Freya told her as she hugged the girl close. "I can't lose you guys…I need you." She said.

"You will always have us around, darling." Kol told her, making her tear up more. "I know…I can't imagine life without you guys…you're my family." Destiny replied, hugging him.

"We have also put everything in your name. Hayley has her account separate per her asking so that she will keep you and Hope safe." Elijah told her, handing her the envelope from his jacket. "O…kay…please don't give up…I need you too, you've been there for me and daddy all my life…you have to be there when I get married." Destiny told him.

Elijah tried not to tear up at that as he pulled her tightly to him. She had was the closest thing to a daughter he had. Everyone knew that he had filled in as father figure while Klaus was on his revenge kicks.

"You have my word. I expect you to save me a dance." Elijah replied, making her smile. "I promise I will." Destiny told him as he kissed her forehead, "Go with Marcellus, he'll drop you at the airfield." "Okay." She replied as he released her to Klaus.

"I want you to go to school and be happy." Klaus told her, hugging her, "Travel the world, take your sister on a family vacation…fall in love." "I think I already am…Joel told me how he felt today." She said. "I knew that young doctor was smitten with you…go to college first." He told her, making her laugh. "Okay…I need to change before I go…" She replied. "Quickly." He said.

Destiny told Joel that she was heading his way. She choked on a sob as she changed into jeans, a black tank top, one of Elijah's shirts and Klaus's hoodie. It was still cold there. She put her boots on and grabbed her purse. Destiny put her crest ring and necklace on and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

"Okay…I'm ready, Marcel." She replied, coming out. "Okay…come one, we need to get you out of here before things get ugly…we'll be okay." Marcel told her as Hayley came over.

"Be safe…call me when you land." Hayley told her. "Okay…this feels like a bad dream." She replied. "I know it does, they will be okay, and our family has a thing with cheating death. It may take a bit, but they will always get back up." Hayley said. "That is the famous Mikaelson stubbornness." Destiny grinned sadly. "Yup." She laughed.

With one last look at her family, Destiny left the apartment with a heavy heart. Marcel understood her pain because he was feeling the same. While he had lasted the last 90 years without them, he had grown to remember the family that raised him.

"Come on, the plane is waiting." Marcel said, wrapping an arm around her.

They left just in time for her to break down in the elevator. Marcel pulled her to him as she collapsed to the floor. She leaned against him as she cried, letting out all the pain. Marcel turned off the machine and let out his tears as well. He knew her pain. After a few minutes, he turned it back on. They both had red faces as the got out.

When they reached the air field, Marcel gave her a bag and a box full of the documents for their family. The deed to every piece of property that their family owned, all the bank accounts, all of it was in her hands.

"Okay, let me know when you get there." Marcel asked. "I will, will you tell me when they are under and safe." She replied. "Yeah, I can do that…just don't stay there alone, okay…not right now." He said. "I won't…Joel will probably be there when I land…we were talking when y'all came in." She told him. "Good, see you soon. I'll be there to check on you in a couple months." Marcel told her. "Alright, just remember to bring the king cake." She told him, making Marcel laugh. "You got it sister." Marcel smiled, hugging her.

He watched her board the private jet that was also her's with a heavy heart. Marcel wished things had never happened, but who knew what the good thing that would come from this would be.

Three hours later, Destiny landed in Toronto at the private airfields. She smiled when she saw Joel's car. The man really did care about her.

When she got off the plane, the surgeon came over and took one of the boxes. He frowned when she looked at him, her brown eyes were red and puffy from crying. She limped over, her brace on the outside of her pants.

"What happened?" Joel asked, looking at her. "Lucien…he bit, my uncles, they have to play him. Marcel has made them think that he is on their side because Cami is dead and the ancestors brought Aurora back." She told him. "Okay, where do we go?" He asked. "The house my dad bought for me. It's in my name…I need to get all this in order…everything my family has owned in the last thousand years is now mine." She told him. "Well, let's get to the house, we'll call Maggie and your mom. We'll worry about getting all that in order in the morning. You can't think about this now." Joel told her.

Destiny nodded as he led her to his car. He set the boxes in the back seat and her bag in the trunk. She texted Marcel, telling him she got there. He texted back telling her things were bad and that he wouldn't be able to talk for a while. Destiny leaned against the seat, tears in her eyes. It had been a month since she turned 18 and already she wished she was still little.

Joel took her hand and kissed it softly, send shivers down her neck. Her brown eyes met his as she stared at him. His smile instantly calmed her nerves, telling her all would be well.

"Everything alright?" He asked, seeing her tears. "Nope...the trial of Klaus Mikaelson has begun." She replied, sounding sarcastic. "That bad?" He asked. "Yup...did you tell Maggie I was coming home?" She asked. "Yeah, she said as soon as her shift is over, her and Linda will be there." Joel said.

She nodded as she held his hand. Destiny looked over to see that his facial hair was a bit longer than before. His dark hair was spiked in the front.

"When did you let this grow out?" She asked, playing with the unruly piece that wouldn't cooperate. "A month or so...why, do you not like it?" He asked. "No, I love it...I like that scruffy look." She told him, making Joel grin.

When they got to the house, Joel helped her get things put away. They found the safe was more like a safe room. It was designed to hold jewels and other things that Marcel would be bringing soon.

"Whoa...that is huge." Destiny said, making her boyfriend nod. "Yeah it is, just set a box down?" He asked. "Yeah...they redecorated." She said, looking around the study. "Yeah, I see that." Joel replied, seeing her things there.

They left the safe after she set a password no one but her and Joel knew. He kissed her softly and held her close.

"I promise that I will never leave you." He told her, sweeping a strand of hair from her face. "Good, cause you ain't getting rid of me." Destiny told him.

He smiled as the back door opened to reveal Maggie and Linda. Her mother came over and hugged her close. Destiny let her hold her for a minute as Maggie looked to Joel. She knew that he knew how bad it was.

"How bad?" Maggie asked. "Elijah, Kol and Finn were bit." Joel told her. "Damn...did she see the bites?" She asked. "Yeah, I was on a video chat with her when she saw them come in." Joel said.

"What are they doing?" Linda asked. "Daddy is to become an anchor for a linking spell. She will put them all under until Hayley finds a way to heal the bites. They need the venom from all seven packs." Destiny said, making her mother nod. "I'll help her, the house is already linked...no one will find you here." She told her.

Her mother and sister stayed for another hour to help her settle in. Joel told her he was not leaving her alone.

"I'm staying here with you tonight. There is no way you are going to stay in this big house by yourself." Joel told her, making her smile. "Okay...I texted Hayley to let her know I am here...I can't believe this happened." Destiny told him. "I know...it will get better." Joel replied.

They went up to the master bedroom where they both were shocked to see it decorated for a couple. Joel knew that her father and uncle knew they would end up together. The room has been painted grey with white trim. Their eyes landed on the extra-large California king bed made for them. It had an upholstered grey bed frame with a white and grey bed set. In front of the bed was a grey chaise lounge with a white throw pillow and blanket and a giant crystal chandelier above the bed. The closet and bathroom were together. Destiny walked into the bathroom and froze.

"Whoa." She gasped, looking in the room. "What?" Joel asked coming over, "That is a big tub." He said, making her smile. "It is...this is amazing." Destiny said, looking at the huge bathroom.

They ended up settling down for the night, knowing the days to come were going to become difficult as she adjusted to not having her father or the rest of the family around.

2 Years later…

The snow fell as Destiny walked out of the college to find Joel sitting on the hood of his car holding two cups of coffee and a smile. Her tired eyes lit up when she saw her boyfriend of two years waiting for her. Class had been long and tiring that semester. She was thankful that it was Christmas time.

"Hello handsome." Destiny smiled, walking over to him. "Hello beautiful...how was class?" Joel asked. "Long tiring and I passed Organic chemistry with an A plus." She grinned, making him smile. "See, told you it was easy." Joel teased, making her roll her eyes. "Yes you did." Destiny smiled.

They got into the car and headed back to their house. There, they found a surprise waiting outside. Hope was twirling around in the snow, her strawberry blonde curls bouncing. Hayley and Marcel watched with huge smiles as Davina and Josh took pictures. Mary stood beside them, a huge smile on her face.

They got out and made the tiniest Mikaelson smile. She started running over to her sister as Destiny lifted her up.

"Destiny...It's snowing!" Hope smiled, making her laugh. "I know baby...look how big you are...what are you feeding her Hayley?" Destiny replied.

"At the moment, cheese sticks, mac and cheese and cucumbers." Hayley replied, making Joel laugh as he lifted her up. "Sounds like someone is going through the picky fours." He smiled.

"Yeah...so, how did finals go?" Mary asked. "She passed with flying colors." Joel said, making them all cheer. "So, do you start med classes next?" Josh asked. "I'm still pre-med, so I still have the more classical classes, like English and history left." Destiny told him. "Nice." He said.

They all went inside where they warmed up by the fire with hot chocolate and something stronger for the others. Davina smiled when she saw the family picture from before things got bad.

"You know, when we wake them as soon as we get the last pack, we should do a big Christmas." She said, looking at the picture. "Oh yeah...and maybe a Christmas wedding." Destiny added, making her smile.

Joel smiled as he looked at the bright light in her eyes. He would do anything to keep it there. Hayley saw the look in his eyes as he watched them.

"You make her happy." Hayley told him. "I know, she deserves to be happy. The last two years have been hard. Maggie and her lost Linda to an accident. They both were shattered, but they've grown closer because of it. It is funny because I come into the breakroom some days and see her books out and Maggie and her arguing over homework stuff." Joel told her. "She'll be an amazing doctor." She smiled. "I know, she's going infectious disease, the more she thinks about it, the more she is interested." Joel replied, making Marcel and Josh cringe.

"Eew...that is just nasty." Josh said. "She can't get any of it...her vampire genes prevent her from getting sick." Hayley replied. "Still, Ebola, the plague, who knows what other creepy bugs are out there." Josh cringed.

"The Spanish flu." Destiny told him. "Nope, I'm out...the old sanatorium is creepy enough to look at, I know what happened in that place." Marcel said, making Davina and her laugh.

A little while later, they were all gathered around on the couches watching a Christmas movie that Hope adored, the Polar express. Joel and Destiny curled into each other, happy to have their family around for the holidays. It made things seem easier her to move forward.

I hope everyone liked the chapter. I know it took a while to get it up, but I've been using an older computer and it takes a while. Please remember to review. Only character I own is Destiny. All other characters and shows belong their respective owners.