AN: Got the idea for this story after watch Saving Hope. What if Elijah and Joel met. Hope everyone likes it. Remember to review. Possible Joel/oc.

Chapter 1: Disaster

Destiny took a deep breath before allowing her body to flip over the bar. She could feel the wind rushing past her as she reached out for the taller one. With her body vertical on the bar, Destiny moved her legs into a split before she straightened them. Destiny really wanted to nail the routine, seeing as she was announcing her retirement the next day.

Suddenly, she felt the bar collapse beneath her body. The whole apparatus was falling apart with her on the very top. Destiny made eye contact with her coach and best friends from her team and the Russian's team before she propelled her body off. Her right foot got caught in the cable and was pulled in an opposite direction. She could move away from the cable and make a disastrous landing ten feet away.

Destiny looked up to see that her low half of her right leg was bent at a right angle with the bottom her foot facing up. She groaned both in pain and annoyance then attempted to sit up, only to find out that she broke her wrist on her left arm.

One of the first people to get over to her was a doctor from the local hospital. He had blonde his and kind eyes. The medical team tried to stop him until he told them he was a surgeon. They relaxed and worked with him.

"Hey kiddo, my name is Charlie, what's your?" He asked, trying to figure out a way to stabilize her leg. "Destiny Mikaelson." She replied, "Ouch!" "Sorry, quite the fall, Destiny." He said, "Does your knee hurt too?" "Yeah...please don't touch it." She whimpered. "I won't yet...Destiny, where are your folks." Charlie asked. "My mom died when I was born, my dad and his family are in New Orleans. They couldn't make it to this competition." Destiny told him. "Kay, how old are you, Destiny?" He asked. "I'll be 18 in a few weeks." She told him, "I was planning on announcing my retirement after tonight. I already been to the Olympics once, I don't think I could do it again." "Yeah, after a fall like this, it would be kind of hard to do, but very impressive if you could." Charlie told her, making her grin.

Charlie looked to her coach with a concerned look in his eyes. She was going to need surgery to fix her leg. But he couldn't fix it until he had legal consent.

"Get a hold of her family and get them here, I can't do anything until we get consent." Charlie said as the paramedics arrived.

Destiny looked at her friends with tears in her brown eyes. The two other girls came over and hugged her before letting them leave. Her friend, Nadia from Russia caught Charlie's sleeve before he left.

"Take care of her, our mothers were close. I do not want to lose my friend." Nadia told him. "You got it...she is in the best hands." Charlie told them. "Good, cause her family is fiercely protective of her." Lana, her other best friend told him.

Charlie smiled as he walked out of the arena and followed the medics out to the ambulance.

Meanwhile, in New Orleans, the Mikaelson family sat in horror at what they just watched. Destiny, the girl who never once fell or injured herself in all her years of gymnastics, got hurt. Elijah barely registered in his mind that her coach was calling him. Freya took the phone and answered it.

"Hello?" She said. "Is this Elijah Mikaelson?" The coach asked. "No, this is his sister, where are they taking my niece?" Freya asked. "To the local hospital, Hope Zion. It is the best hospital in Toronto." The coach told her, "They need one of you out here to sign a consent form for surgery...her leg is pretty bad." "We will be leaving shortly." Freya said, "See you in a few hours." "Yes, Ms. Mikaelson." The coach replied, hanging up.

She hung up and used her magic to snap them out of their daze. All of them cried out in pain as they felt her magic hit them, then it stopped. Her brother, Klaus looked annoyed. However, the look on Freya's face told him to knock it off.

"You and Elijah need to be on a plane in thirty minutes. Your daughter just snapped her leg and can't have the operation to fix it because you aren't there." Freya said.

That snapped him and Elijah out their stupor and onto their feet. Elijah took his phone from her and called his friend to charter a plane. Klaus ran up to his room and grabbed the bag he kept packed and then headed to get somethings for Destiny. He smiled softly when he seen her still unmade bed. Klaus walked over to her dresser and pulled out all her pajamas and sweat pants and shirts. He packed them onto her Olympic duffle and grabbed her slipper socks and the bear that Elijah gave her for her second birthday. Destiny still to this day slept with it.

"All set, are you ready, Niklaus?" Elijah asked. "Yes, you realize that we will be gone for a while, right?" Klaus asked. "Yes, I want to make sure my niece is completely healed before we come home, however long it takes." Elijah replied. "I agree." Klaus said, "Let's go."

The two said goodbye to their family and headed to Toronto. The whole time, Klaus was wondering about how his daughter was doing.

Meanwhile, Charlie and the ambulance arrived at the hospital. Destiny was still upset about the fall. She also knew that her coach had been able to get a hold of her father. The teen was more upset about them having to set the bone.

"Dr. Harris, will they have to set the bone before surgery?" Destiny asked. "Yes, but don't worry, you are in good hands, we have the best orthopedic surgeon around" Charlie told her, making her smile through the pain.

Inside, a team of doctors was waiting for them to enter. Dr. Joel Goran had been told the girl was an Olympic Athlete and had a major break. He felt sorry for her. His friend, Alex and another surgeon, did as well. She had watched the girl fall.

"Poor kid, she was set to go to Rio." Alex said, as she pulled gloves on. "That is what I heard…what I want to know is how the uneven bars collapsed beneath her, this kid only weighs 90 pounds." Joel said, reading over the chart that had been started. "No idea, I am sure the Olympic Committee will be considering that." Alex replied as the doors opened. "Here we go again." Joel said, looking up.

"Alex, this is Destiny, she took a little spill." Charlie said as Alex and Joel met them. "Hi Destiny, aside from your leg, does anything else hurt." Alex asked as they rolled her up beside a bed. "Aside from my wrist and being a little sore from the fall no…I know in the morning I will be saying otherwise." Destiny said, "Falling from the top bar does that."

Joel came over and carefully pulled the blanket away. He made a face as he looked at the bone. Destiny looked over at him and got wide eyes. Alex smirked at her reaction.

"Destiny, this is Dr. Goran, he is going to be fixing your knee once we get the okay from your dad." Charlie said, as Destiny nodded.

"He can pass for my Uncle Elijah's twin." Destiny said, making Joel grin. "Oh, you saying I have a doppelganger?" Joel asked, making the girl laugh. "Yes, only he would not be caught dead in scrubs." She grinned, trying to ignore the pain. "Is your neck sore?" Joel asked, noticing her blood pressure was up. "No, but the brace is starting to bug me…I feel claustrophobic with it on." Destiny told him. "Let's get this off then, better?" He asked, noticing that her blood pressure dropped once he removed it. "Much…I have fallen from the top bar before, but never during a competition." She told him. "It happens to us all." Joel said.

"Okay, Dr. Goran, we need to set her leg before we can send her up to MRI." Charlie said. "Got is. Hey Destiny, do you have any pins or metal in your body?" Joel asked, looking at her. "No, I have never gotten hurt before." Destiny said. "Alright, okay, now this will hurt, I won't lie." Joel told her as they moved the blanket off her. "Okay." She replied, her gold eyes filling with tears.

"Hold my hand." Alex said, taking her none injured hand. "Thank you." Destiny smiled. "You ready, kiddo?" Charlie asked. "Too late now." Destiny said, making him and Joel smile. "Take a deep breath." Joel said, looking in her eyes. Destiny nodded, trying to relax.

Joel and Charlie nodded to one another and carefully began to turn the broken bone. Destiny tried not to scream as she felt her whole moving. Alex held her hand, telling her it was okay.

"You're doing great, Destiny…one more turn." Joel said. "Okay." She whimpered through the tears. "One more big breath." He said as he took hold of her knee.

Destiny's breath caught in the throat as she felt searing pain come back full force. Every tendon and ligament came to life as they moved her leg back in place. He smiled softly, checking her wrist before reaching for the brace.

"Good job, I promise I am done torturing you." He smiled, making her grin. "Kay…has anyone talked to my dad yet?" She asked. "We are working on that." Joel said. "I can call him…my phone is in my jacket." She said.

Charlie walked over to where her things were put. He pulled the phone out and looked at the screen lock. He smiled when he seen the family picture as the background.

"Hey Destiny, what's the password?" He asked. "Thor…he is my favorite character from Norse mythology." Destiny replied, "Call my Uncle Elijah, my dad broke his phone before I left." "How did he do that?" Joel asked as he gently lifted her leg. "He dropped off the balcony by mistake." Destiny said. "Big house?" Joel replied. "Yeah, old family mansion in the quarter." She said.

"Always wanted to go to the Big Easy." Alex said. "It's fun, the French Quarter is my favorite part of the city. It is my home." Destiny smiled, "Hey, Dr. Goran, is there a way they cannot cut my leo all to shreds. I wanted to keep it and put it up. I keep all my competition leotards." "I'll make sure they don't." Joel smiled. "Thanks." She smiled.

Just as Klaus and Elijah were getting to the airport, his phone began to ring. Elijah looked down to see Destiny's name light up. He showed Klaus the phone and answered.

"Destiny, are you alright?" Elijah asked. "Destiny is beside me, Mr. Mikaelson, I am Dr. Harris, I am one of the doctors treating Destiny." Charlie said. "Is my niece alright?" Elijah asked. "Yes, she is fine. She will require surgery." He replied. "But she can't get in without my brother's consent…is there a way do it verbally?" Elijah said. "Yes and no, we still need a signature." Charlie said.

"Is there a way she could sign for us?" Klaus asked, listening to conversation. "My brother was wondering if she could put our names until we get there" Elijah said.

Charlie sighed as he looked at Alex and Maggie helping her out of the leo and into a gown.

"As long as you fix it when you get here…whose name should she put?" Charlie replied. "Tell her put mine, her father's is too complicated to replicate." Elijah said, making Charlie laugh. "Got it." He replied. "Take care of her." Elijah told him. "Will do, Mr. Mikaelson." Charlie replied, before hanging up.

"Alright, let's do this…Destiny, put your uncle's name here." Charlie said, handing her the clipboard. "Uh, she can't." Alex said. "Father gave us permission over the phone." Charlie said. "Kay, still she shouldn't…whoa, that is almost an identical copy of the one on her paperwork." Alex said.

"Our hand writing is similar." Destiny shrugged as Maggie handed her the cap. "I see that…okay, no allergies to anesthesia?" Charlie asked. "None, will I be asleep?" She asked. "Yes, this one you will." Alex said. "Kay…how long until my dad and uncle get here?" Destiny asked. "Not sure, probably by the time you wake up in the morning." Alex smiled.

Destiny nodded as she twisted the crest ring around her finger. She was nervous. A different town and different people. But she knew that she could trust them.

"Kay." She whispered, "How long until I can walk again?" "A while, Dr. Goran is probably the best to ask." Charlie told her. "Okay." She replied.

Destiny sighed as she was rolled down to the OR. All she wanted was to hear her father's voice, telling her it was going to be okay. Charlie felt sorry for her. It was hard to go through surgery without your family close.

Once in the OR, Joel came over to check on her. He could see the anxiety in her eyes.

"How are we doing, Destiny?" Joel asked, walking over to her. "Okay…missing my dad." She replied. "He'll be here soon. What's your dad like?" Joel asked, "the doctor giving you some medicine that will make you tired." "Something else…very protective." Destiny replied. "You two close?" He asked. "Yeah, for a while it was just us…then our family kind of got back together…they didn't have it so great growing up." Destiny said, beginning to feel tired. "I see, you close with your uncle?" He asked, smiling. "Yes, even with my baby sister, I am his favorite." She said, her eyes feeling heavy. "I can see why…I'll see you in a couple of hours, okay?" Joel smiled. "Ka...y..." Destiny replied, as her eyes shut.

"She's out." The nurse behind her said. "Okay, let's rock and roll." Joel replied.

The team of surgeons worked to piece Destiny's leg back together. When Joel got the first look at her leg, he was amazed to see how bad it was. Every tendon was torn and several ligaments were popped.

"Man, this girl seriously messed up her leg." Victor, a nurse and friend, said, handing Joel a tool. "Yes, she did, it is a miracle it wasn't her neck or back she destroyed." Joel replied, as he screwed a pin into place, "do we have the plate ready, Dr. Reid." "Yes, are we sure that will hold the bone together?" Alex asked. "It is worth a shot…she'll be off her feet for a while, should allow the bone to heal." Joel replied as she handed him the small metal plate.

Finally, after four hours, Destiny's leg was stabilized. Also, during that time, Charlie came in to tell them that her father and uncle arrived. Joel smiled, telling him that he would be out once she was closed. However, he was not prepared for meeting them when he seen her uncle.

Joel walked out to see Maggie and Charlie smirking. They were both amazed about seeing Joel's double.

"She was not kidding." Charlie said. "If that is what Joel would look like in a full suit, I am all for it." Maggie grinned, making Charlie laugh.

"Hey, where…whoa." Joel said, looking in the same direction as them. "Destiny was right, you could pass for her uncle's twin." Charlie smirked. "Yeah, the blonde must be her dad, then." Joel replied, taking off the cap. "Yeah, he looks worried." Maggie said, looking at him. "How did it go?" Charlie asked. "Great, hopefully the plate will hold." Joel replied, finishing the paperwork. "Go let him know that, he seems quite anxious, after all, she is his kid." Charlie said, "We'll move her upstairs." "Kay, see you there." Joel replied, heading to the waiting room.

"Mr. Mikaelson." Joel called.

Klaus and Elijah looked up to see a doctor coming towards them. Elijah's eyes grew wide when he realized he looked just like him. Klaus would have made a smart remark about it, but was more worried about his daughter.

"Yes, is she alright?" Klaus asked, looking up. "Yes, she is still waking up from the anesthesia we gave her." Joel replied, looking at him. "May we see her?" Klaus said. "Of course, she was telling me that she wished you were here just before we put her under." Joel told him.

"Sounds like her, any time she was ill as a child, she clung to her father." Elijah smiled. "Or you…she also said you two were pretty close." Joel grinned. "Yes, she is her uncle's favorite girl, almost bumping our sister from that spot." Klaus smirked.

Joel grinned, amused by that statement.

"Yeah, she also said I could pass for your twin. I have to say, she may be right." Joel laughed. "I have to agree…when will she be able to walk again?" Elijah replied, smiling about his niece's statement. "Not quite sure right now, the only concern I have about the plate is her body could reject it and then it would have to be removed." Joel said as they stood.

He led them over to the elevator to the ICU, where Destiny was being settled. Joel was hoping that he would not have to do a bone graft for her leg.

"What would you do then, I don't know much about medicine, but her body rejecting the plate doesn't sound good." Klaus asked. "A bone graft, we would take the damaged piece of the bone out and put the bone in to fix it. It would take longer to heal, but she would not lose her lower leg." Joel replied. "Well, let's hope that doesn't happen, hey mate." Klaus said, not wanting to think about that. "Agreed, she is a great kid…I have never known anyone to stay conscious while setting a break like that…she is a trooper." Joel told them, as they reached the ICU.

They walked out to see Destiny sleeping in her room. Klaus instantly rushed to her side and took her unbroken hand. She instantly gripped it back, knowing who was holding her hand.

"Daddy." She whispered. "I am here, princess." Klaus said, kneeling beside her. "I fell." Destiny mumbled, making Joel and Elijah chuckle. "I saw…the girls made team finals…your coach said he was going to bring your medal in the morning." Klaus told her. "Yeah, which one?" She asked. "Gold." Klaus replied, making her smile. "Yay!" Destiny mumbled, sleepily.

"Hey, Destiny, how does your leg feel?" Joel asked, walking to the foot of the bed. "Sore, so long as I don't wiggle my toes, then it just hurts." Destiny replied. "That is expected, how about your arm?" He asked, taking the sprinted wrist. "Hurts, especially when I move it towards you." She told him. "Okay, we are going to get you a better brace, possibly a hard cast." Joel said. "Purple and black." Destiny told him. "Okay, I will be back in a bit to check on you, okay." Joel smiled, when she opened her eyes and looked at him. "Kay." She smiled back.

Joel smiled back and walked towards the door. Klaus nodded his thanks and turned back to his daughter. The night was slowly beginning to unwind for the day. The surgeon had a smile on his face as he started his second shift, thinking of a brunette with golden eyes.

AN: Hope everyone likes it. Please remember to review and tell me what you think. Only character I own is Destiny. Others belong to their respective owners.