Pacing back and forth Bubblegum just couldn't make sense of the current situation. "So what you're all telling me is that none of you have seen or heard from Finn in the last three days?" She asked quickly turning to her friends. "Sorry PB but yeah, hell I haven't had a conversation longer than five minutes with Finn in months." Jake said somberly wishing he could spend more time with his bro like in the old days. "What about you Marceline, anything?" Bubblegum asked. "Sorry Bonnie there wasn't a trace of him at the treehouse." "What about BMO? Did Finn tell him anything about where he was going?" Scratching her head she explained what happened. "When I found BMO he was wearing a fedora and just kept shouting something about someone named Bebe." Bubblegum groaned loudly and began to pull her hair. "WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS CRAP!" "보니 편하게 하다, 진정해, 그는 괜찮아. 그는 옛날을 재현하기 위해 아마도 끔찍한 지하 감옥이나 오래된 전장에있을 것입니다." Lady said walking over and hugging her friend.

"That's easy for you to say Lady, we both know Jake is more predictable like that, but Finn is more random and spontaneous. He could be anywhere from being trapped at the Ice Kings house to the fucking Red Kingdom doing who knows what!" She exclaimed as she sat on the edge of her bed. "너는 그 결론에 너무 빨리왔다." Lady said rolling her eyes. Sitting next to her BFF Marceline attempted to calm her down. "She's right Bonnie you need to calm down. Look Finn does this sort of thing sometimes, remember when he went on that huge fucking journey to find other humans?" "I know, I know. But the difference is Finn at least told someone when he went on those adventures. This time he told NO ONE! And we have no idea where he is!" Grabbing her friend by the shoulders Lady shook Bubblegum like a ragdoll. "진정해!" "Ok, Ok!" Bubblegum shouted pulling away from Lady's grip. "*sigh* Look I know that I'm being difficult but I'm just worried about him, especially since Princess Celebration Day is coming up." Bubblegum began to worry that one of her fellow princesses did something to Finn before she could warn him. Jake raised an eyebrow. "What, why? What does P. C. D. have to do with Finn?"

Suddenly realizing what she had just said Bubblegum turned a dark shade of red and stuttered. "W-Well all the princesses said we should i-include Finn a-and have him...umm... uhh..." "그리고 뭐?" "HAVE HIM PREFORM FOR US!" Marceline blurted out. They all turned to look at her. "We uh, all wanted Finn to do something like sing for all of us. Right Bonnie?" "Right!" She exclaimed nervously. Jake and Lady looked at each other. "Oooooooook then, But I don't think that's really important right now guys." "You're right Jake, we need to think of a faster way of finding Finn." Bubblegum said folding her arms. "Anyone got any ideas?" Jake asked. The room went silent as all four of them tried to come up with ideas. The all came up with things they could possibly do, but each idea was shot down either because it was too complicated, too dangerous, or would take too long to get results in the short amount of time Marceline and Bubblegum had. Everyone was just about out of ideas till Lady suggested. "빠진 포스터를 만드는 것은 어떻습니까?" "Yeah, If we just put a bounty on where Finn is surely some greedy bastard will come with some info on where they last saw him." Marceline said. Bubblegum thought about it. While yes, it would probably take too long it was the best idea they could come up with so far. Worst case scenario she could just hire an actual bounty hunter. Hell if it worked for the Ice King how hard could it be? "Alright, I'll have Peps get to it." And with that Bubblegum haled her faithful servant for his assistance.

As the small manservant walked down the hallway he began to fix his bowtie. "Alright, I'll have to quickly deal with her majesty's request, by now he's probably getting impatient." The butler stopped outside Bubblegum's room and pulled out a notepad and began to check his list. "Let's see what I've gotten so far, I have the five keys, the sword, the fragments of the Enchiridion, a Soul Stone, and some Wish Orbs from Aquandrius's labyrinth. Now I think all I need is some locks of hair from her majesty, madam Marceline, Finn, Simon, lady Phoebe, and the Huntress Wizard. Now to tend to her majesty." He said as he put his notepad away.

Opening the door to her room Peppermint Butler asked. "Yes your highness?" "Peps have the Banana Guards draw up some missing person posters and distribute them around Ooo." The small butler pulled out his notepad again and a pen from his back pocket. "Right away mistress, now who is this missing person?" "Finn." Hearing that name made the butler's heart sink to his stomach. "WHAT!?" They all looked at him in confusion. "Um, is something wrong Peps?" Bubblegum asked. "Yeah man, you look like you just saw a ghost." Jake added. With sweat dripping down his forehead Peppermint Butler nervously assured them. "N-nothing's wrong I just uhh...just... really need to go to the bathroom!" He shouted quickly shutting the door. The second the door closed Peppermint Butler started sprinting down the halls realizing that he was in deep shit. "Fuck fuck fuck! He's gonna be really pissed when he hears this!"

"글쎄, 그건 이상했다." "Yeah, lately Peps has been acting a little weirder than usual." Bubblegum said. "Is that even possible?" Jake asked. "Since two weeks ago, yeah, pretty much." "What happened two weeks ago?" "He just asked for the day off and ever since he came back he's just been a It might just be my imagination, but I can't be sure, I just get this vibe that something majorly bad is gonna happen when he's around now." Bubblegum said with an anxiety-stricken tone. "Cheer up Bonnie, everything will be alright." Marceline said putting her hand on her friend's shoulder. "글쎄, 우리가 떠날거야." Getting on Lady's back Jake added. "Yeah, we're gonna go check on the kids and see if they know anything." "Ok, if you find anything let me know right away." Opening her bedroom window Bubblegum and Marceline waved goodbye as Jake and Lady flew away.

Turning to her BFF Marceline stared at Bubblegum. "What?" Bubblegum asked. "For one of the smartest people in Ooo you're a real blabbermouth." Bubblegum blushed a deep shade of red again. "I got carried away and started thinking out loud." "It's alright Bonnie, but do you think they know what's really gonna happen?" "No, I don't think so." "*sigh* Let's hope not, especially Jake. If he found out the royals of Ooo planned something like that we'd all be in deep shit." Sitting back on her bed Bubblegum looked up at her friend. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked. "What, that one of our sister Princesses got too excited and kidnapped Finn hoping that no one would notice and they could have him all to themselves?" Bubblegum nodded. Marceline ran her fingers through her hair. It was a very likely possibility. The only problem was witch one of them would be that stupid. Almost every princess was at that meeting, the only ones that weren't there were Phoebe, Red Princess, Bandit Princess, and Jungle Princess. That still leaves about fifty other princesses that MIGHT have taken him.

Marceline sat back next to Bubblegum. "Ok let's think. Out of everyone that was there who would have the most to gain by kidnapping Finn?" For a while, they just sat there and thought. Suddenly they turned towards each other and spoke in unison. "Breakfast Princess!" "That cholesterol coated bitch! It had to be her, and I bet her wannabe slut little sister played a part in it too." Marceline hissed through her gritted teeth. "It does make the most sense. Breakfast Princess has always enjoyed being a strong ruler in her kingdom. And knowing her, she'd settle for nothing less than to have a powerful child. And with Finn being the hero of Ooo she probably thinks that baring his child would guarantee that it would be one of the most powerful children in all the kingdoms." Bubblegum stated. Marceline quickly put on her sun hat and opened Bubblegum's bedroom window. "I say we go pay "Little " a visit, what do you say Bonnie?" "You go on ahead Marceline, I gotta get something important first. I'll meet you there on the Morrow." As Bubblegum finished her sentence Marceline took off, making a b-line for the Breakfast Kingdom.

As Bubblegum got dressed she grabbed the picture of her and Finn that was under her pillow and looked at it intensely. "Where are you Finn? Just as I'm ready to be with you and bring back your carefree happy life you disappear without a trace." She tightens her grip on the photo and nearly crumples it. Taking a deep breath she loosens her grip and folds up the picture. Placing the picture in her pocket she walked over to her closet and grabbed her emergency weapons bag. "I'll come find you Finn, and no one will stand in my way." And with that, she left her castle and made her way to the Breakfast Kingdom on her Marrow.

Elsewhere in the Banana Gaurd security center, the Banana Guards were doing what they normally do. Nothing. At least they were till Peppermint Butler busted open the doors. "ALL BANANA GUARDS AT ATTENTION!" Hearing him shout caused all of them to jump and scramble to attention. "This is a first class priority, Finn the human is missing and her majesty has commanded all of you to draw up bounty posters on Finn's whereabouts and distribute them all across Ooo!" "Wait Finn is missing?" One of the Banana Guards asked. "DON'T ASK QUESTIONS!" Peppermint Butler shouted as he threw a nearby cup of coffee at the Banana Guard who spoke up. "Your job is to do as the Princess says, not ask needless questions! NOW GO!" With that last shout from the small manservant, all the Banana Guards in the room ran out the door to go do as he told them.

Breathing slightly heavy Peppermint Butler whipped his forehead. "Well that takes care of them at least, now I just have to tell the boss man." Peppermint Butler gulped and started sprinting down the halls again. As he made his way down to the deepest parts of the castle Peppermint Butler opened the door to Neddy's room. "U-uhh, sir? It's me. I g-got some news you might wanna hear." He said in a nervous tone as he entered the almost pitch black room. For a long while, the small man servant got no response as he slowly walked around in the dark. Till suddenly Neddy rose up from the large pool of candy nectar. "Peppermint Butler." The large pink gum dragon said in a dark voice.

Peppermint Butler jumped from the sudden appearance of the gum dragon. Upon further inspection, the gum dragon didn't look like his normal soft gummy self. He was around twice his normal size, his teeth were sharp like daggers, his head was no longer upside down, and his eyes were pitch black with small green pupils at the center. "Oh thank goodness, it is you sir. I see you can slightly alter Neddy's physical form while you're in control of him." "Yes, for the time being, I have made this pathetic gumwad's body more suitable to my needs. At least until I can finally regain my former body from that worthless man-child. But that isn't the reason for either of our being here, have you completed the task I assigned you butler?" "Well I have some good news sir, I've gathered almost everything you asked me to retrieve. All that's left if to collect the hair samples from everyone." "Hahaha, excellent. Finally, after so many years my ultimate goal is so close to completion."

As the gum dragon howled with laughter Peppermint Butler began to shake nervously. He debated whether he should tell him the bad news he received from Princess Bubblegum. "U-umm sir, I'd hate to interrupt but I do have some...bad news as well." "What is it butler?" The dragon narrowed his eyes at the manservant. Peppermint Butler took a big gulp and shakily spoke. "Finn the human is...well...missing." "WHAT!?" The gum dragon yelled and slammed his fists on either side of the small manservant. "Without that boy I can't perform the ritual! Damn that child! EVERY SINGLE TIME, he always stands in the way of everything I do!" Peppermint Butler dropped to his knees and shielded himself fearing that the giant creature would surely kill him. But there was only silence. "*sigh* Go. Find the boy and bring him to me." "Uhh sir? Is everything alright?" "I said, GO AND FIND HIM!" The dragon roared. "GAH! Right away sir!" Peppermint Butler shouted as he ran out the door. As the giant dragon sat motionless in the pool of candy nectar, silence once again filled the room. "...Hehe, I suppose they were right, no matter how many times I try I can't seem to overcome him...*GRRRAAAWR* NO NO NO! I refuse to accept that! I will have my vengeance and complete my goal, even if it takes bringing GOLB himself to Ooo to do so!"

As the gum dragon began to regain his composure he heard the entrance door open again. The Banana Guards were doing their monthly check on Neddy. "Till next time gum dragon, I'll be needing your body again in the near future, hehehehehe." With those final words, the dark force in control of Neddy disappeared. And with it gone he reverted back to his original form, upside down head and all. With no memories of the last hour, Neddy shook his head and soon returned to sucking on his tree roots and producing the Candy Kingdom's candy nectar.

Yet another chapter to add to my story. :) Also the reason this chapter took longer to publish than planned was because I went back and rewrote most of the past chapters cause looking back some of them...kinda sucked lol. And sorry for any and all mistranslations, I'm not fluent in Korean. Oh, and I got a small question. Can anyone tell me who was controlling Neddy? Well until next time, later Stoners Baiiiiiii!

P.S. If you haven't seen the rewritten chapters go check them out :)