Forgive me for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Disclaimer – I own nothing, except the plot!


It was raining very hard. Thunder strikes and followed by the storm. The rain had fallen since the afternoon, though it was summer – late summer. The air is still warm enough even though the autumn signs have come. Even during the day the sun is still as hot as mid-July. Anyone will melt like ice cream if they standing too long under the sun.

Draco opened his eyes as he heard a soft knock on the door. Shifted into a sitting position, he yawned. He sat for a moment, trying to be fully conscious.

"Mommy, Daddy."

Another soft knock on the door, followed by a thunder that made Draco grimace little. "Mommy!"

"Daddy's coming," Draco said screaming a little. He opened the door and found the twins standing in front of the door with a frightened face. They didn't fully stand to be exact; Lysander stood up and hugged a dragon stuffed animal, while Lorcan had sat on the floor, clutching his snake stuffed animal. Draco smiled at them. "Come here," he muttered as he reached for the twins in his arms. The twins embrace him around the neck.


He smiled as he heard another voice. Scorpius stood not far away and looked at him expectantly, his blanket in hand and his small feet tucked inside his bunny slippers.

"We can sleep together tonight," Draco said gently to Scorpius.

Without having to be told twice Scorpius ran into his room and jumped into bed, it turns out Luna has been awake to catch him. She giggles as Scorpius snuggles closer to her. "Does thunder scare you, Scorpius?" Luna asked as she brushes the strand of hair from Scorpius' eyes.

"No, I'm not scad," Scorpius insisted, frowning.

Draco rolls his eyes amused at his five year old son. "Very Gryffindor," he replied as he placed the twins on the bed.

"Lysander and Lorcan will join us tonight?" Luna asked as she kissed the twins in the forehead.

Lysander and Lorcan giggled, and embraced Scorpius by force. Scorpius moaned halfheartedly. He was exhausted. Today is the first day Scorpius to learns how to swim. He's half excited and half scared. And the twins cheering on the edge of the pool while watching Scorpius, and Luna keep an eye on them.

Draco smiled fondly at them. He had never imagined he would have such a happy and perfect family. He has adorable, handsome, and hyperactive sons, and beautiful, understanding wife. He has no beautiful youth; his youth is filled with envy, and all negative things.

"Alright boys, let's go to sleep," Draco said as he grabbed the twins away from Scorpius.

"You must wake up early. Grandfather Lucius will be home tomorrow," said Luna smoothed her sons' hair one by one.

"Grandfather Lucius is no longer living in Ax-kaban?" Scorpius looked up at Luna with his big blue eyes.

Luna smiled. "Yes, Scorpius. We're going to have a welcome party. There will be plenty of cakes tomorrow. "

Draco is relieved that Luna is always able to handle well the topic of his father. He didn't want his father to look bad in the eyes of his sons.

"Why is Grandfather Lucius in Ax-kaban, Mommy?" Lorcan asked.

"Because Grandfather Lucius has been bad," Lysander replied instead.

Draco frowned lightly. Lysander never said anything like that before. "Who told you that?" He asked as gently as possible.

"Uncle Ron. He was there when Lorcan and I had a tea party with Lily. Uncle Ron says people who act badly will stay in Ax-kaban," Lysander replied.

"Damn Weasley with his big filthy mouth," Draco muttered irritably.

Scorpius giggled when he heard Draco cursed, which makes Luna a little worried.

"Let's go to sleep, boys," Luna says instead, while placing blankets over their sons.

As soon as their sons fell asleep, Luna murmured softly. "I hope you will not curse in front of our sons, Draco."

Draco jerked his head toward her. He thought she has fallen asleep too. "I'm sorry Luna," he said very softly, almost like a whisper. "I know that I'm not a good father to them," he said as he watched the faces of their sons. They are perfect copy of him, platinum blond hair and fair skin.

"Nonsense, you are a great father and they love you," Luna said with a smile.

"But when they know what I've done-"

"They will still love you, no matter what. They are your blood and flesh, and they will not hate you just for what you have done," Luna assured him. "Everyone has made a mistake, Draco. And I will still love you even though your past is surrounded by darkness. And I'm sure our sons will do the same. They will love you unconditionally."

Draco smiled and took her hand. That's right, his wife and sons love him unconditionally. He could feel their love flowing in his body and make him stronger. He had a second chance, but he didn't intend to make things right, but to prove that he could be better person. "Thank you for loving me. I love you, Luna."

"It was never so hard, my love. I love you," Luna smiled back.