This is my first Fanfic so this should be fun.


The Elements of creation and harmony: Fluttering Snow

Chapter One: Before Now

Zane's POV

It's hard to believe that so much time has passed since we first took this opportunity to travel to other realities, ones of which are not of the sixteen realms.

This new path started when we were flying on the Bounty when Kai found a scroll on the upper deck,"HEY GUYS" he yelled, "I FOUND A SCROLL AND IT SAYS IT'S FROM THE WRITERS OF DESTINY"! Everyone quickly yelled back "THE WRITERS OF DESTINY"! Soon everyone ran outside towards Kai and jay asked "what does it say", "It says, we request your presents at cloud kingdom to discuss matters of up most importants, we know you'll be there".

"By the sound of it, we need to be there immediately, but the only way to cloud kingdom is through the realm crystal which is located in haroshis labyrinth", as I informed everyone. "Then we shouldn't waste any time, Zane tell Borg to send us the exact coordinates to the bunker. And Nya, set a course for haroshis labyrinth", commanded Lloyd. "Pixal, I need to contact Borg.""I'm already on it.""Ah Zane it's good to see you again", said Borg happily. "The pleasures all mine, listen I need coordinates to the realm crystal.""Alright, sending coordinates now.""Thank you and thank you Pixal.""You're very welcome Zane,"Pixal replied.

"We have arrived at haroshis labyrinth, but I can't find a place to land, the labyrinth is nothing but trees, "announced Nya. "Over there on top of that hill!" yelled Cole while pointing at the flat hill top."Perfect, "as we landed, Lloyd formulated a plan. "Ok, this is how we will go, sensei and my mom will stay on the bounty while the rest of us follow Zane to the bunker, got it."Got it!""Then let's go."

While guiding the team through the dense forest, I heard the sing of crickets, the crocking of frogs, and the squawking of parrots. After twenty-minutes of walking, we finally made it to our destination. "Halt, who goes there?" Said a nindroid in white Gi with red eyes. "At ease solider, it is only us.""The titanium ninja, we were unaware of your arrival, what is it that you seek from us." "We need the realm crystal to travel to Cloud Kingdom.""Request acknowledged, please stand by as we disable security defenses."

Nya began to speak "It feels so strange that we once fought against these guys and now they're security drones of Borg industries," "yeah and does anyone else thinks it's hilarious how the nindroids see Zane as their new general," giggled Jay. "It might be because Zane was the first and last nindroid to be built," said Cole. "I'm just glad they're on our side now," said Lloyd. "Not all of them, there were some of them that couldn't change their minds and now in Kryptarium Prison," said Kai.

The nindroid returned "security measures have been disabled, the realm crystal is straight ahead on floor -73, but only one may enter at a time." The door behind him started to open and reviled a room with an elevator open. Lloyd entered the small elevator first, then Cole, then Jay, Nya, Kai and finally me.

"Man that took WAY too long and it's already passed dinner time," said Cole. "Don't worry, you'll get your cake when we get home," said Kai. "Lloyd do you remember how to use the crystal?" I asked. "Sure, all I need to do is hold the realm crystal in the air, a blue swirling portal then appeared, and there it is, next stop Cloud Kingdom." Stepping in to the portal along with the rest of us following him.

We had arrived falling not too far into the ground, or cloud or – what's the correct term, Huh whatever. Upon our arrivel awaited our guide, it was the same monck who helped us when fenwike trapped us with nimbus. His name was Aaron. "Welcome back ninja, I'am here to take you to your destination." "Hold on a minute, I have a two questions, one, how are there buildings floating in the sky and two, how do you have flying boats that don't have engines,"asked Nya. "Different realms means different rules," responded Aaron.

"Everyone take your seat in the skiff, we are heading to the Author's Council," said Aaron. "So Nya, how's your first time being in the Cloud kingdom so far?" asked Cole as we were flying through the air. "Breath taking," she replied, "it just looks, amazing." "Yeah, especially since aren't fighting any villains this time," said Lloyd. Then their was just silence for the rest of the jouerny, observing the world as its sun was setting in the distance giving a golden glow to everything until we came to a sudden halt. "we're here," said Aaron.

As we exited our skiff, Aaron waved us goodbye before we entered the rotunda.

The council was filled with authors, but none of them spoke until one arose from his seat.

"Hello ninja, your finally here, my name is Mathew I shall be speaking for the council."

"Nice to meet all of you, your message said that we needed to discuses something important," spoke Lloyd.

"Very important, the council wants all of you to become part of a special project shall you chose to accept it."

"What kind of special project?" asked Kai.

"Well, remember when things were happening out of our control, ninjago was not the only realm to deify destiny, what has happened to your home has been done before in other worlds. Because of this we had formed a group called the Keepers of Fate, a task force that keeps everything as they should be and would travel to anywhere beyond their imagination So now we ask, do you accept?"

"Hmm…give us a moment," said Lloyd.

The Ninja huddled in to have their discussion.

"So what do you guys think?" asked Lloyd. "I think it sounds like THE COOEST THING EVER, going into super Awesome dimensions whenever we want, count me in!" excitedly replied Jay. "And facing different kinds of enemies, I'm in." said Kai. "Don't forget about the amazing new cities and delicious food that'll be going to be right in my stomach," Added Cole. "New dimensions means new gadgets for me to master, I'm in," said Nya. Well Zane what's your thoughts," asked Lloyd. "Hmm…" I then spoke to Pixal. 'What do you think Pixal'? 'I think that we should take this extraordinary opportunity to see very unique cultures, wonderess climate, and new laws of logic.' 'Well if you want to go so do', "my thoughts are saying why not," I replied to Lloyd.

Lloyd then turned back to Mathew, "we accept your offer." "Excellent, now if you would all step though this portal you shall receive your necessary equipment."

When Mathew stopped speaking all of us jumped into the rift at the same time, but this one was different from the others, on the inside it looked like we were flying in the air with some sort of strange pillars circling around us.

I started to see our exit as the pillars started to fade, and a new world was appearing, before reaching the exit through a ring.

"Hello, X-PO to ninja," a metal hand was knocking on my head. "Are you going to get up or are you going to leave your face on the ground?" said an unfamiliar voice. I then picked myself up and found who was speaking; he was a floating robot with a box shaped body, an antenna and one purple light that represented his eye. "Good you're all up now, allow me to introduce myself. My name is X-OP; you may or may not have already met me in an alternate universe. I'm also the guy that can supply you with equipment."

"We're we?" grunted Cole as everyone observed our surroundings. "Right now we are in what I call Vorton. The space between dimensions and all those stars you see are the other realms," said X-OP.

"What's this thing?" asked Jay. "That's the portal you came through it's also how I find other dimensions. Now before you ask me any more questions, I need to give you these." X-OP reached into a compartment inside the sophisticated machine and pulled out eight communicators. "These may seem like any regular communication devices, but they make portals too, so I don't have to drag you down here. Go ahead and attach them to your communicators."

I proceeded to hold the two devices close to each other and to my amazement they molded into one. "Your missions will be assigned to your communicators. I know the writers don't want you to get too much involved with other peoples stories, but I've got my own mission to give out."

"Are there any rules we should know about?" asked Lloyd.

"Yes, see there are some dimensions that shouldn't know of your existence or power so check to see if that dimension can or cannot know of the elemental masters or magic. So now that we understand each other why don't you ninja go back home and rest. Tomorrow you'll be portal jumping."

I still remember everyone's excited faces and awe of such access, especially when we told sensei about it. After that day we went to the most wonderess of places, all of them had something unique, Dragon riders, Giants, Master builders, mutants, super heroes, but we had also seen tragedy. War, it ends so many lives, destroys society and spreads hatred. Anyone innocent caught in the crossfire dies.

Our team had always fought together to the best of our abilities in whatever form we take. All was fine as long as we had each other until…

The others had helped me to have the courage to fight once more month ago, but I'm still healing from losing her.

Right now I need to stay strong and keep meditating after the mission briefing with X-OP today. Hopefully it won't take long.

Holy Crap this is possibly the longest chapter in the book. Anyway I need to get more Inspiration to improve. Good Bye.