Remembering Us- Chapter Five

Killian and Emma sat in the living room, Emma was sitting with her legs up on the coffee table under a blanket, Killian sat facing Emma.

"So.. Neverland." Emma looked at Killian, a surge of excitement suddenly came over her to hear his stories.

Killian nodded "Well... When we first landed in Neverland you and I, we were hardly on good terms. You and the rest of your family thought of me as nothing more than just a pirate. I did fancy you.. allot" Killian looked down, feeling himself blush a little. "Uh.. anyway, we was only there a few days when your father got infected by Dream Shade. Years before that I had gone to Neverland with Liam.."

"Liam?" Emma interrupted, not wanting to get confused

"My brother.." Emma nodded "We went when we were in the Navy, on a mission for the king. We wanted us to get Dream Shade and bring it home, he pitched it as a cure but it was really a weapon, something my brother and I discovered when it was too late.." Killian paused, even after so many years the memories were still painful. "He died because of the stuff... I didn't want the same fate for you father, despite our differences I couldn't stand back and watch a man die when I had the means to stop it. Anyway, I did, he survived and in return you kissed me.."

Emma raised her eyebrows, half surprised at herself and half touched by what he had done. She could see why she would kiss him. "So that's when it started? Our relationship?"

"Oh no.. we didn't start dating properly for another year" Killian sipped his tea

"Oh..." Emma seemed taken aback.

Killian chuckled "I don't know why your surprised, I mean you're not exactly the easiest person to get close to"

Emma rolled her eyes, smiling a little as he wasn't wrong "Well clearly you were fit for the job"

Killian chuckled slightly "I guess.. anyway I'm sure Henry told you about the year you and he spent in New York.." Emma nodded "Well after I brought you both back it was still awkward on both sides. I was trying to right some wrongs and you.. well you wanted to take Henry back to New York once we defeated Zelena. We did stop her plan but somehow the time spell still activated. You and I was sucked into it and we ended up in the Enchanted Forest, to before your parents met.."

Emma smiled slightly, more at the mention of her parents and the fact that she thought of them. She sipped her tea.

"We web on an adventure of sorts and found a way back home, you decided you wanted to stay and..." Killian smiled at the memory "That's when we started dating"

"If someone had told me when I first stepped in Storybrooke that this would be my life now I really would have thought they were crazy" She giggled to herself

"Yeah.. I never thought I would be here either, after everything.." Killian looked down at his empty mug, so caught up in telling his story he didn't even realise he had finished his tea.

Emma tried and failed to hide a yawn, the excitement of the day finally catching up with her. "Why don't you go to bed love?" Emma nodded, getting up slowly, her leg feeling sore after the eventful day. She placed the blanket back on the sofa and started walking towards the stairs, turning back when she noticed he stayed where he was "You not coming up?"

Killian looked at her, little taken aback "Uhh.. no, I'll sleep down here. Let you get a good nights sleep"

Emma looked down, feeling bad "Yeah but it's your bed too, you shouldn't sleep in the sofa"

"Honestly Emma, its fine. You only came home today, i don't want you to rush into things and get overwhelmed" He smiled at her or tried, he wasn't good at hiding his emotions around her anymore.

Emma nodded slowly "Ok.. night then" "Goodnight" She went up the stairs slowly, she entered the master bedroom, turning on the light, taking in the room. It wasn't huge but definitely bigger than any bedroom she'd had before. The colours were a mix of white and ocean blue, obviously taking inspiration from Killian's years on the sea. The bed was a king size, in the middle of the room, under the front windows. A table and two chairs were sat in the bay window, she liked the idea of watching the sunset or sunrise from there. To the right there was an en-suit. On the wall where the door was it looked like there was his and hers draws, with a big wardrobe in the corner next to the en-suit. She walked over to the dresser she assumed was hers and got out a nightdress. She walked into the bathroom, getting ready for bed. As she walked out over to the bed she smiled at homely the bedroom felt, with pictures and personal effects around the place. The bedrooms her remembered never felt personal, just a place to rest her head and get dressed. This room, this whole house was something she always dreamed of having. She got into the bed and feel quickly asleep.

Killian woke up at 6am sharp. He always woke up early when he was stressed, that and the sofa was quite uncomfortable. He stood up from the sofa slowly, his back and ribs aching. He went to the kitchen, brewed himself some coffee and took some pain killers. Once the coffee was ready he went and sat out on the porch, he always loved watching the sun rise, helped him think or not think, which given the last few days of stress seemed nice. He sat back in the chair and shut his eyes.

Emma woke up to an alarm going off next to her bed, she reached over and turned it off, squinting her eyes at the time '7:15'. She could hear Henry in his bedroom, must be getting ready for school. She dragged herself out of the bed, wanting to see him before he left. She grabbed a dressing gown from the back of the door and left the bedroom. She could hear music playing as she passes Henry's room, giggling at him trying to sing along. She walked downstairs slowly, her knee throbbing, pain killers were definitely needed. She walked into the kitchen and made herself some tea, she walked to the living room "Hook?" She was taken aback when she see the sofa was empty, she looked around, seeing that the front door was unlocked she went outside to find him asleep on a chair, she smiled slightly, he looked so peaceful, she decided to leave him where he was, she walked back into the house as Henry was walking down the stairs "Morning kid" she smiled at him.

"Morning mom.." He smiled back, grabbing some cereal and a bowl.

"You want me to make you some breakfast?" She walked into the kitchen

"No it's ok, I have to get to school early today, Math test" He rolled his eyes, she smiled, he was definitely a teenager. She sat at the table and watched as he enjoyed his breakfast. She felt sad that she couldn't remember the last four years, he seemed so grown up, she'd missed out on so much of his life, felt like it was happening again. Her thoughts her broken as Killian came through the front door.

"Morning Killian.." Henry said, picking up his bowl and placing it in the sink

"Morning.." He looked at Emma, "Morning, how are you feeling this morning?" He sat down at the table opposite her

"I'm ok, a little sore, you?" She sipped her tea

"My ribs are a bit tender but other than that.." He smiled, standing back up "Gonna take a shower, your dad text he needs me to go to the station, is that alright?"

Emma nodded "Yeah of course, you need to work, I'll be fine here" she smiled, a little nervous but didn't want to worry him.

Killian nodded "Have a good day at school" He patted Henry on the shoulder before running up the stairs.

"You sure you'll be ok?" Henry asked his mother, picking up his school bag

"Yes.. I'm tired, be nice to have the place to myself" She stood up and hugged Henry, a little tighter than usual "I'll see you later"

Henry nodded, kissing her cheek before leaving the house. Emma sat back down, she knew she should have some breakfast but was feeling slightly nauseous so she just sipped her tea slowly.

Half an hour later Killian came back down, freshly showered and dressed, he walked around the table, grabbing his phone and house keys "Your dad's outside, I shouldn't be long, if you need anything just text, see you soon" He automatically bent down and kissed her forehead, standing up straight when he remembered "Sorry, force of habit"

"It's ok" Emma smiled shyly "I'll be fine honestly, see you later"

Killian's nodded, he looked at her one last time to make sure she was really ok and left the house. Emma sat back in her chair and breathed out deeply, unsure what to do with herself, she wasn't sick often, never really bad days off, she sat for a moment before deciding she wanted an nice warm bath.

End of chapter five.