Hey guys.
I swear, I am so so so so so sorry for the late update. Damnit, this chapter was so hard to make you know? On how I would write this scene like this, or how that scene like that. So…. Yeah.
Anyways, I will tell the full details about what's happening in the story for those whose still confused about this whole plot.
Issei lost Ddraig. Which caused him to lose his friends and mates as the Red Dragon's Attraction has gone and made Issei less appealing. And then, which caused another mayhem of his social life as Issei ends up quarreling with the girls and then which cause… you know. This?.
Now, you thought this was going to be like the long 125 Chapters of Tokyo Ghoul the manga? Lol no.
Expect a crossover. Only one character as Issei's supporter though. Maybe there are others to come, because I AM going to make this story a full blast harem at the end didn't I said? *lenny face*
About the world in Issei's mind scape, I would like to call it the Wither World. It is where most scenes will pop up most in the third – fourth chapter of this story.
And now the reviews. I would politely like to reply everyone who has read and reviewed the last chapter. Even thanking you guys wouldn't be enough to show how grateful I am to you.
massone22: Of course!, in the end, the world will fina—WAIT NO SPOILERS!.
Czechus: Ahh you guessed it right. Raynare will be like the Rize to Kaneki. In which case, Kaneki is Issei. Wait? What God?. And to answer your third question, Issei thinks that it was never the fault of the ORC to made him lose his powers—But, he would still fight for them because he felt attached to already like a family. And no, they may took granted Issei a bit but I will write a part where how their quarrel took place. And sorry for not updating other stories… I'll talk about it later…
TheLaughingStalkLenny-kun/TheLaughingStalkIsEdgy/TheLaughingStalk Cuck-Slayer/TheLaughingStalk With Xtra Dip: Yeah look forward to it. And those names, put it in my ass.
bhicky93: Thanks :3, And I'm sorry to make you keep messaging me and asking when is the next chapter. I really made you wait.
Guest: Put it in my ass
Jaggers2003: Thanks :3
Let's talk about Issei right now.
In the last chapter, we see he still has some hint of bravery in him and he hasn't become like that of scaredy cat Kaneki who was too much of a pussy. Buuuuuut, Issei will become a pussy like Kaneki as the torture route goes on. Also, Issei isn't stable in his torture – I mean, he will have this mixture of hate and care towards those who has forsaken him. And that's why, he still has the intent of fighting for his friends after he breaks free.
And that is all what I gotta say, and Happy Ramadhan to all Muslims around the world!.
A scream of pain. Shrieks. Asking for help. Asking to stop. Asking to end his life.
One would swear they heard these shattering voices beneath them in Kuoh. But none knew or give closer attention to it due to terror. Oh they heard someone screaming from the underground lately and this phenomena was something brand new nearby the residency of Kuoh.
Whether the screams would occur late at night, early in the morning or when the sun was up bright, they be frightened of it and one would say "FUCKING RUN, IT'S THE VOICE AGAIN." when their ears caught up to the barely audible voice.
But still, many overlooked it. Not having curious thoughts about what caused this odd phenomena to occur.
Then, we could hear it now. A loud screeching voice screaming for help, to stop, to end his life. A long unheard voice of an abandoned person.
From the streets of Kuoh that was mixed with the heavy rain of the evening, we could still hear that sound. It was terrifying, indeed. Cats and dogs were hissing and barking towards the ground below their feet like they just saw an evil entity of a soul.
But then, it wasn't a natural phenomena or an evil spirit. It was just one…
…Issei Hyoudou
Issei continued to shriek in pain as Euclid fiercely butchers Issei's finger from his hand. Blood spilled on the floor as Euclid threw Issei's finger into the bucket. And then proceed to pull out the last one…
"GYARRAAARGGHHHHHHH!-… FIVE HUNDRED, NINETY THREE! FIVE HUNDRED!, EIGHTY SIX! HAGH! HAGH! HAGGH!..." Issei stopped screaming and hissed in pain as the last one of his finger has been dismembered and another starts to regrow… .
Euclid stood up and licked his lower lip. Approaching the table behind him, he puts the bloodied wretch and then takes off his surgery mask… . Then, two shadowed beings approached Euclid, their features and figure slowly revealed as they got close to him. Issei took a look with tired barren eyes, looking clearly at the two who was smooching with Euclid…
Both of them with white hair and at the same height and busty figure, it was none other than the non-related but admired by Euclid…
And Rossweisse…
Why did you have to betray me… minna…(1)
Unravel: I Am Ise
"Issei Hyoudou is my name. Though, people have forgotten me and lost their memories about me. I was tortured, hurt, beaten and killed inside. I may lost everything but I will not lose my will to survive. I will show them what it means to rise. I will unravel truth and unveil myself and save this twisted world. After all…"
"I will show them that I am not a tool…"
Chapter 3: Evolve
Part one
Wither World
Back in the field of desolation and nothing but white skies and roses, well… it's not 'nothing' anymore when we see our poor protagonist crying. His gasping sobs and cries could be heard million miles away as his sound was the only matter filling the vast dimension of his own white mindscape.
"Kill me, please… kill me…" He said between his weeps and cries, tears wouldn't stop falling from his eyes. He just passed out again after the brute torture that now, not just involved physical pain, but his feelings and heart as well…
But again, there was always that person who will be there with him. No one knows if she really wanted to see him or she was simply bored.
As her hand reached to touch his drenched cheeks, Issei's tears stopped and he let her cold dead hand wipe off the tears. Her hand felt so smooth and warm on his cheeks, It felt like it was the touch of Kami's fingers…
But then again… this hand belongs to a person who is no better than an Angel herself.
"Its better to be hurt, than to hurt others right? Ise-kun…"
Lifting up his head, he gawked at Raynare looking into him as she had a rather mixed expression of pity and amusement. Smiling to him with narrowed eyes.
Raynare kept her gaze on him as she continue "Other beings strive to survive without helping others. By any means, we call it selfishness. Your little so called dream was like the lowest wish list a kid would think of on Christmas. So big yet nothing could be earned from it." Raynare let out a deep sigh as she lazily shut her eyes and then replace her gaze on him. "Have you even realize how cruel this world can be?." She asked.
Issei drops his head down.
"Since you killed me of course…" It was true though. She blinked once, before she stood up and crossed her arms under her bountiful breast before shutting her eye in a surrendered frustration.
"Huhh, well it can't be helped since we're both are getting stuck in the same world anyway." She sighed in. But then, opened her eyes in realization and then look down to Issei who was still staring into barrenness.
"Hey, how was your master before she forsaken you?." she curiously asked. Issei lifts his gaze up to Raynare.
Issei wouldn't call it 'forsaken', it was more like betrayed – but he let the Fallen be.
"Why would you bring that up?." He weakly replied. But after some returning 'look'. In which, Raynare didn't reply and just gave him the waiting look, Issei gets nothing from Raynare, and then he begins.
"Before everything... she was the one who cared for me. That's why-.." Issei was cut off by Raynare.
"So you submitted to every word she says?." She commented and wore a very amused grin. "Despite your pervertness, you had a really kind and selfless personality. And somewhat, somehow after I died, you really had the female kind neighboring your waist. I just couldn't believe it!."
She was right. Besides than his kindness and selflessness, he sacrificed a lot of his time and energy, even blood and flesh for the ones he wants to protect. This alone made every person around him with duo holes fell in love for him.
Though, not all. Ironically.
"Look over there." Raynare suddenly directed, eyeing at the left as Issei followed her gaze.
The surroundings changes. Issei who was still chained on the chair was viewing one of the memories he had with Rias.
One of those sweet memories is sleeping with her...
"Still can't sleep Ise?." the Ruin Princess asked Issei who was gazing at the ceiling with his arm under his head, acting as a pillow.
"Yeah, I was just thinking about our future together." Issei replied with a smile. Rias, touched at his words, gave a small kiss on his lips and then places her palm on his scar-filled chest, trailing her finger on a wide scar.
"It's too early for that you know?. But if it is my future husband's choice, then I will oblige." She said and then snuggled under his embrace.
Like a burst of the Big Bang, the world Issei is in morphed. This time, they entered the kitchen of the Hyoudou Residence. It took no longer than a second for him to spot the other two beings in the kitchen other than him and Raynare.
It was Akeno and… him… his self.
"Ne Ise-kun, would you like to have a try?."
"Sure, Aahh - aupp." Akeno happily fed Issei. The brunette chew off the steamed potato from the curry before swallowing it and gave a thumbs up.
"Oishi!(2) You'd make a great housewife Akeno-saa-Mmpph.." He was cut off when Akeno placed her lips on Issei's. They stayed like that for awhile and then their lips departed.
"I'm sorry Ise-kun, can you say that again?." She smiled softly.
The world morphed again. Issei and Raynare once again found themselves at another place. The scenery was replaced with the eye blinding neon lights of the Kuoh's known arcade.
"Arcade?." Issei raised his eyebrows. Taking in the glimmering lights of the various games in the arcade.
"Issei-san! Issei-san!."
He heard her voice, he spotted her.
"Asia…" He uttered
Wearing her soft and childish smile, Asia point at a claw machine infront of her.
Then, another being walked pass through him. It was him his self.
The other Issei played the claw machine and won the doll for Asia. It was another sweet memory of him and Asia everytime they had free time after school together.
Their surroundings vanished and replaced with another spectacle...
Issei found himself in the living room of the Hyoudou Residence. There was luxurious lights and various furniture surrounding him but the space wasn't too cramped and it was spacious enough for the two world 'travelers'
Although it just had been a week since he was kept held as prisoner, he already felt the nostalgic feeling of him returning... 'home'.
His vision eyed towards the two beings inside the living room and then he and Raynare spotted them…
It was him and the white feline cat-girl sitting on his lap...
"Do you want a bite Ise-senpai?." Said the white haired nekomata as she offered a bite of her ice cream(which she already bit) to the brunete.
"Mhh, sure." Issei smiled at his kouhai and then cocks his head to the ice cream.
Only to realize that his lips landed on Koneko's soft and steamy lips.
After their lips departed, Koneko gave Issei a soft kitty smile and then blushed.
"I want to be Ise-senpai's bride." She said. "Nya~."
Once again, the world morphed again as the only mass remaining was Issei and Raynare. The two beings found themselves in another zone again.
"Hey Ise-kun!." a tomboyish voice of a girl echoed in a room.
It was Issei's room again.
"Come on Ise-kun! Now we have our time together alone, we can do it now!." Xenovia said as she push Issei down on the bed and then strips her cloths.
"WOAHWOAHWOAH! Xenovia! This is bad! I mean really bad and we shouldn't be doing this! WOAHHAHA!." Issei yelped in surprise when she suddenly attempted to take off Issei's pants.
"Why not? I love you you know?." She simply said and smirked. "Tehee~."
What Issei would call this world his own mindscape made a quick replacement again.
This time, he and Raynare was in the streets of Kuoh… infront of Issei's old house when he was a child. The sun was setting and there was a car and a lorry. Issei soon spotted where he should view…
Infront of the entrance to Issei's old house, there was two kids the same age. One with black hair and one with chestnut hair.
The one with chestnut hair speaks "One day, I will return to Japan to meet you again Ise. I promise you."
The one with black hair nods, "Mm! I will remember you and the promise, Irina!."
Then suddenly, the surrounding changes as well as the two kids. It became night and the kids changed to the older version of themselves. The one with black hair was Issei himself, hugging the chestnut haired girl who was the reincarnated Angel…
It was on Christmas night… when Irina confessed to Issei and kissed him…
Irina confesses… "I love you… Ise-kun…"
It was fast and quick. The world Issei was in was replaced once again with another timeline and scene. With each zone warped, Issei felt his heart throb at how this old memories flow back into him…
Too bad… he was the only one remember these lost memories… that were only stardusts by now…
He proceeded to watch other memories about him and the people he saved and met. Those people were Rossweisse, Ravel, Kiba, Gasper and others, surprisingly!, Kuroka and Le Fay along with his other comrades.
The memory cycle ended and Issei was back in the world where he originally is…
No, not the world of the white roses…
The silver haired villain glued his eyes on Issei who was shaking in pain, waiting for some certain someone to arrive.
His and Rizevim's plan has totally worked perfectly well. All they gotta do was bloody take the powers of the Sekiryuutei and then cause conflict on him. Second, erase the memories about Issei on every people in this world with the power of Ophis and took and dispose every proof that Issei ever exist. Then, all they gotta do is proceed to their plan of taking over this world and defeat Great Red.
But there was another thing he wanted to do… Oh no no, to Rizevim and Euclid, they look at Issei as something more than a torture thing. But what do they see inside Issei?, what do they actually want from the boy anyway?.
The answer,
Lies at his body and half of the Ouroborous's powers…
Minutes later, the door opened with a sound and Euclid turns his head towards it. Like mysterious reaper soldiers marching to the battlefield, there were cloaked men hiding their faces with their large hood, carrying what seems like to be a large silver cross the size of a human. More like…, the size of an Issei…
Euclid complained about how late they were and ordered the men to set the cross in the middle of the room.
Issei wasn't looking at all but he heard and digested every single details of the conversation and orders. And then, when the settings is finished, he looked up to see a large standing cross infront of him.
"Surprised? Issei?." Euclid spoke and then clapped his hands twice before Koneko who was there for awhile approached Issei.
Seeing one of his former comrade, Issei begins to move and slug on the chair, with every bit of energy he has left. Then, he begins to shout with his cracked voice as Koneko approaches.
"Koneko..-chan! You have to listen to what I say…! Rizevim, He-HE !—OOFF!." A hard punch to Issei's gut was sent from Koneko who was annoyed, shutting down Issei completely.
"…I recommend you to refrain from talking bad things about master." She said in grimace with annoyed
Issei's heart broke once again. Hearing the cold words from his kouhai he once cared and protected, he couldn't bare it.
Heck… she already lost 'it' to another man…
Koneko sent a punch to Issei's gut once again, completely depleting Issei's energy with her senjutsu. The men opened the chains and begins transporting Issei.
The former emperor lost sense of consciousness when he was carried to the cross. As he suddenly got his senses back, he found himself chained to the cross like the God of The Bible's last day. He felt thunderous pain behind his back that was touching the silver cross. He hissed in pain as it keeps on stinging his back. He was still one of the Devils with his piece, but soon, he will find himself as a full dragon. And of course, this was part of Euclid's menacing torture schedule.
His vision came back, and then he saw Euclid and Rizevim along with several cloaked men gazing at him while making several preparations.
Euclid turned his eye to Issei. Seeing the tired and broken look on Issei, the bastard narrow his eyes with a shit eating grin.
And then he smiled, stretching his lips to insane limits.
Two men under Rizevim's control stepped forward with a fairly large glass bottle filled with water each. Behind their shadowed face, they didn't wear any expressive look at all. It was simply those bored eyes and frowning lips that seems to be permanently carved on their faces.
But Issei does, when he realized the bottle didn't contain that ordinary drinkable water.
It was the source of pain and fatal death for all Devils…
'HOLY SHIT!' Water.
Issei was a second too late when the men opened the lid of the bottle and splashed it's glittery water on Issei triumphantly. Taking a step back before the mad mini-chaos begun…
The water was on him.
It was all black for him.
It was all pain.. for him.
In an attosecond, it didn't took Issei long to start screaming from the pain…
As the water magically reacted to his body, the water immediately bubbled and begins to vaporize and melt his flesh and blood… reaching to his insides as the outer parts are already burnt…
The Holy water melts through his body and spilled on the floor along with Issei's blood as his flesh begins to peel off and his internal muscle tearing apart.
But it wasn't enough to kill Issei though…
Seeing how Issei endured it well without eventually killed, which he won't, the men made silent comments as they watch the boy rendered and shattered as he screams in agony loudly.
"Amazing…, he truly is a beast."
"You see that one son of a gun!?, what would we do if Rizevim-sama won't ever capture him!?."
"His life force is amazing, what power he has with him must've be one of Rizevim-sama's goal…"
Issei bit his lower lip as he shook his head side to side *SWIVEL HERE* like a mad man. His body that was taking most of the substance shook and beat like a heart would as blood dripped from it.
"Too bad you're still a Devil ayy Issei!?, Can't believe they didn't remove the pieces out of you. So what we're gonna do is eject the pieces out of you, painfully!. Easy right!?." Rizevim said in high volume since Issei screamed loudly like a mental ill patient till' it's highest volume.
Two other men came forward and lift their hands towards Issei. They began chanting incohorent words in Latin as their eyes glowed red. As their eyes became brighter, so was Issei's screaming that was becoming louder and louder.
Louder and louder, like how the predators would call.
Louder and louder, like how the thunders will growl…
Louder and louder, like how the mighty would fall…..
In a sudden flash, the two men stopped their chant as they closed their palms swiftly and tightly. Seconds later, Issei stopped screaming from the pain and breathed heavily due to the after effects of the pain. The two men opened their hands to reveal four Pawn chess pieces each in it… which means it was none other than Issei's pieces…
The two men approached Rizevim and then henceforth, knelt infront of him, presenting him the finish result as they humbly bowed their heads upon their 'God'.
Location: Underworld.
Time: Night.
'This isn't how this world used to be…' She thought in her head
Gently licking on her red strawberry-flavored lollipop, she looked up towards the night sky along with the flashy neon lights of the busy streets of the Underworld city, Lilith.
She gazed at it for awhile, there were stars and a moon. But what made it weird was, 500 kilometers up was the surface, the Earth's surface where those humans reside. It was still weird to her, that how could the Maou bring the view of the Human world's sky here. The sky they had in the past and the present were totally different. In the present, the day and night sky was 'brought' to the Underworld. It was like a form of a link. So in conclusion, the Underworld and the Human world(which is the surface) has the same sky. If the Underworld flew up high to the sky, they would enter the Earth's atmosphere and space. Which, they already had begun exploring the space without the knowledge of the humans.
She gazed towards the night sky. The stars… she always had pictured herself as one of the stars – Beautiful, charming, sparkling, always stand out in the crowd… and finally…
Small to the eye… but 'big' in reality.
She secretly thought to herself. She is always seen as a cheerful person with silly changing personalities. But, that's her, silly and cute. That is why she has always been taken for granted by some people.
But the truth is, she is much more than that. Lets take a star, viewed from the surface of the Earth, it looks small and bright, but actually and curse the lullaby, that star is actually a MILLIONS of kilometers wide BURNING ORB. That is huge dear people, praise God for his creations.
In other words, she has the greater side of her despite being treated like a little star. The great side of her was she is absolutely caring, kind and soft towards those she knew.
Now that's we call the definition of a pure maiden people.
She let cold breath of air out. She loves the scenery of the sky, taking a look at it and appreciate the view that there were no clouds blocking the sky.
But what triggers her is the fact that something was terribly wrong to her senses.
Turning her sight to the bright and huge neon screen on a building, she focused on the speech sent by a leader of the Underworld on the Maou's Castle podium.
"I, Rizevim Livan Lucifer, oath to the Underworld, Heaven, Grigori and all the other Supernatural worlds a new superb generation where we could live in peace!. There will be no walls separating us!. As I am your God and the Strongest Sekiryuutei!."
The other fellow leaders, news reporters and viewers applause and shouted 'Hail Rizevim' while raising their fists. Like how citizens will pray and worship to a new leader.
She snorted and then narrowed her eyes on the man. First of all, this was so weird to her. She was conscious about the leader but, she felt like there was suppose to be another Sekiryuutei that she remembered but couldn't remember well.
That feeling, there was a certain funny black-haired boy who is the protector of the Underworld…
That feeling, his smile and silly personality was the one that carved happy faces on the Underworlders…
That feeling, he was the one who dares to fight for the sake of his beloved's lives…
That feeling, she was one of his fans and idolized him…
Brushing off all the thoughts, she viewed the shopping district of the streets. There were banners and signs praising and hailing Rizevim all over the place.
She decided to not think about it however. Pulling her hoodie up and closed her face, she chose to head home after a tiring school day as an idol.
Wither World.
Rain, what is it?. Rain is moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops. All of us humans see rain sometimes. And it would sometimes happen often and it would never end.
For the world where Issei stayed to escape all reality's pain, it was… raining.
The skies were all grey with some mixture of black, the rain drops were crystal clear and it pours down quite heavy with the sounds of drops filling the world and wets the white roses that covered mostly the entire chalky white land.
The poor boy however, kept breaking our hearts as we see him chained on a cross like a frame hanged on a wall – crying and enduring all the physical pain and heartbreaks he DIDN'T deserve. What's once a worshipped hero is now a forsaken nuisance.
What did he do wrong? All that he wanted was peace. The peace of himself, the peace of his friends and families, the peace of his lovers and life partners, and the peace of the world… . Was that wish so harmful? That it comes with a painful price?.
As the cold rain and melodic rhythm of the rain kept on pouring on Issei and drench his hair and tears, the black-white haired dragon felt he was not the only one crying anymore. Crying doesn't means that you are fearful and weak, but it means that you cared and had endured every pain you accepted.
Even though after all what he went through, he surpressed his hate for the people he once trust. He knew, if it wasn't for his good-for-nothing dream, he wouldn't need to be the one to carry the burden of this world, and become the protagonist of a light novel.
But.., if he never tried to achieve that dream… then – he could never save Rias from her marriage with Riser…
He could never save Asia from her death…
He could never save Koneko from her past trauma…
He could never save Kiba from drowning into his inner intents…
He could never save Akeno from her hate towards her father and blood…
He could never save Gasper from his own fears…
He could never EVER save anyone or meet anyone that he met, saved and protected in his entire life. There's his precious part of his life, Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Kiba, Gasper, Xenovia, Irina, Ravel, Rossweise, Kuroka, Le Fay, Kunou and EVERYBODY he counts as comrades, friends and family.
Then, a dead voice of a female whispered in his mind…
But they betrayed you… why'd you still think about them?.
Issei swore, the more the voice whispered to him, the more his sanity comes to a slow avalanche of rocks.
It's their fault for taking you for granted. They never understood your feelings, nor your sacrifices. Why won't you ever think to break out free and kill every stained comrades of yours?, to avenge yourself and make them feel your pain and agony?...
If anything, Issei would never tried to harm his comrades and lovers. To him, she's wrong. It was never their fault to begin with. He blamed it on himself, and the two plotting rats hidden from the early of his end.
In your weak and sorry state now, you may not see it hehehe… . But deep inside at your bottomless soul of you, you hid and locked your own powers and abilities. The inner you that you sealed is no longer locked though… . All you need is to submit to it… . Then curse the heavens, that only you will destroy everything that has caused your sufferings… even your family and friends… don't you want it?.. Ise-kun?~
Then, the clouds boomed as a root of lightning trailed across the skies as it left a deafening sound.
Issei's head shot up to the sky above him with pure anger, being so against with what the Devil commanded him to do.
"I will never! May thousand spears pierce my heart! But don't you ever wish a spear pierce through your head!. No matter how many times you'll tempt me!, I will never become the monster you craved of and the monster everyone fear of!."
A few moments passed… "!RAYNAREEE!."
Issei would wish he'd never said that.
From the top of his right shoulder and then way down his abdomen, a huge tear appeared as if Issei was slashed by an invisible dagger.
His eyes widen as a cold chalky white hand appeared and touched his left cheek from behind…
Like a demon… the voice whispered to Issei's crumbling sanity... "…A monster?... You are already one~."
Issei screamed to the heavens, along with a silver spear impaled his lower body from behind…
As he gracefully placed the cup of tea on his desk, Rizevim exhaled leisurely as he leaned back on a patterned and expensively carved chair of his.
A few moments passed by, a knock was heard on the vast large double door and the sound echoed through the spacious Victorian-styled room.
Seemed to expecting the person, Rizevim welcomed him "Come in." He plainly said.
The door opened, welcoming the present of another person than Rizevim.
It was Euclid Lucifuge…
"So, how was our progress doing? I believe that ex-Red Dragon Crap can finally be transferred to the ward so we can take away his body." Rizevim gazed at Euclid who has already sat infront of him. "I am not a fan of brutally torturing people and waiting."
"Relax… Rizevim. That boy is not going anywhere whilst we have keep him in that dungeon. Nobody remembers him… remember?—In addition, your delivered speech has finally convinced every faction that was not 'in our hold a long time ago'." Euclid smirked and crossed his arms.
"Hmph, I can't deny that. The Four Maous, Leader of Fallen Angels, Leader of Heaven and the others, it's just so hilarious to get them bow to me. Damn that Ophis, I didn't knew that her mind manipulating powers would be that strong."
Euclid grinned and then asks "So, are we still sticking to the plan?."
"By all means, we will keep beating that boy's spirit down. When he is finally insane, that will be the right moment for us to fully take his 'potential'. I'll keep playing with his girls and you handle the rest." Rizevim stood up and then approached the window to look at the view of the city of Lilith.
"What about your left arm?." Euclid asked and gunned at Rizevim's left arm
"Finally quiet down. After erasing the Red Dragon's memories by sucking the energy of Ophis from her flow, he also has been inflicted and it's memories are gone. But went violent and pulsed my bloody left arm." Rizevim said as he swings his left elbow up and down.
He then continued. "By the way, I forgot to ask you the main topic. Has the experiment with the limb transplant succeeded?." Rizevim asked as he turned to look at Euclid.
The white haired villain smirked. He closed his eyes for a moment, and then…
"You didn't need to ask." His eyes changed to the black sclera and red pupils…
To be continued
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