Naruto walk down the street with a new friend that he found in Catherine 'Kitty' Pride. The moment they met in the corridors when he was searching for the staff restroom. The bubbly personality of Kitty made him think back to his youth – only the happy moments of his life. The two are wrapped in a bubbly conversation which caused Kitty's lips to curl into a smile. "I discovered my powers one night when I slept in my room. My body suddenly phased through my bed which woke me up when I hit the floor of my room. Naturally I screamed which woke my parents who stormed into my room and my mother fainted when she saw my body buried in the bed frame."

"What about your father?"

Kitty laughed. "Oh, my father, he was so shocked that he rushed towards me. The good man tried to pull me out of the bed, however before my father could reach me I phased through the floor and passed through the living room and end up in the basement."

"Its surprise me that you could talk so freely about your first experience." Said Naruto. The pair now were joined by more students of Bayville High School who also took a walk on this nice sunny day.

"That is now and that is only because of their help. In the beginning it was really difficult to open up to someone. Especially when you deny it yourself. Not wanting to believe that you are not like the others, someone normal." Kitty confessed. "But – now, I see that all the things what made me is normal."

Naruto smiled down at her. "That is a mature perception,"

They walk through the school halls while people streamed past them to meet their friends before the day start. Or to the lockets to pull out their equipment they need for their first class, however for the blonde young man. His first appointment is to meet the Principle of Bayville High School, and according to rumours from Xavier's School for Higher learning students she is a stern, creepy women. "Any tips for me to survive the boogieman who mascaraed like our Principle?"

Kitty giggled at his description of their Principle. It humours her, especially when that woman looks at her and her fellow mutants with eyes that showed nothing more than loathing for them. "I have a few, do you want to hear them?" She asked him with a mischievously tilt in her voice.

"Yes, I would like to hear them. Especially if they could save my hide from her," Naruto took a dramatic pose. His body slumped against the wall and brought the back of his right hand to his face and imitates as if could faint any moment. "Please, grace this unworthy handsome man your wisdom."

"I would love to," Kitty started with a grin, her amusement clear like day. "But we arrived already at her office. My wisdom for you, stay calm and keep your tongue behind your teeth. Don't make her angry at you – good luck Naruto, you will need it." She parted from him once these words left her lips, and with swaying hips she walk away.

Naruto could not believe it. The girl much younger than him had pranked him. Naruto who was in his youth the Pranker King of Konoha is out-pranked by a rookie! Shaking his head in amusement the young looking man shook his head before clearing his head. Breathing in and out, his right hand moved towards the door and his knuckles rasped against the door. Announcing his presence to anyone inside the room, and a voice was heard from behind the door. "Come in," His hand moved from the door surface to the handle and pulled it down. The door swept open gently and Naruto entered the office and then closed the door behind him.

"Hello," Naruto greeted the woman who stands at the back of the office. Her frame leaning against the desk behind her. The woman in front of him has brown hair which is held tightly in a bun, leaving her face free. A triangle spectacles rest on the bridge of her nose and a pair of hard, icy cold eyes gazed at him from behind her glasses. "You must be Principal Darkholme."

"That would be me," Principal Darkholme confirmed. "You must be the new transfer student," here she sifted through documents that lay on her desk. It didn't take long for her until she had found the right one and folded it open. "Namikaze Naruto?"

"Namikaze is my surname and Naruto is my first name. It's Japanese with my surname first being written and followed by my first name. Please, call me Naruto." The blonde young adult introduced himself to his Principal of the school with an extended hand.

Darkholme grasped the extended hand firmly and her glasses slid a bit down her nose. She gazed sternly at him from over the rim of her glasses. "Mr. Namikaze, I expect that you will follow the rules of my institute. No troubles with your fellow students and members of my faculty. You will be always on time. Do you understand me?"

"I do," replied Naruto to his now official stern Principal.

"Please do, because I will have my eyes on you. Now, go to your first class and don't be late." She snipped to him. A cruel smile played on her face, and her eyes landed for a moment at the clock that hung innocently on the wall.

Naruto turned around and walk away from her. Once turned the eyes of the young man changed, blue pupils and irides which contain a white, floral floral pattern. The newest student of Bayville High School casually walk to the door while studying the office. 'That is strange. There are no metal objects in this room with the exception for the clock metal wires.' His fingers grasped the door handle and pulled it gently down. 'Her stern composure and her warning of keeping an eye on me is very suspicious. And now I discover almost no metal objects or tools in her office. Better to make a note to watch my movements with her in close proximity.' Pulling the door open and moved out of the office. "Thank you Principal for explaining the rules. Have a nice day."

The door closed with a soft resounded click and Principal Darkholme eyes flashed a yellow cat-like before they returned normal. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and she let out a grunt out of annoyance. "I do not know who you are, Mr. Namikaze, anyhow anyone who is in good standing with Charles students is someone to look out for." Darkholme shut the report about her newest student shut before placing it away.

Catherine 'Kitty' Pryde hummed cheerfully when she made her way to History class. Her cheerfully mood comes from the conversation she had with the newest faculty member of Xavier's School for Extremely Gifted. Their conversation which was in nature actually quite serious, yet it was light. Kitty had never thought that her experience fell so heavy in her stomach. The young mutant knew she could always talk with Storm who was like a older, stern older sister to her. Or she could talk with Jean, despite their rocky start at her former school she had opened later to her. Though if there was someone who she always talk with, it would be her roommate Rogue. The two of them had held a lot of conversations that they did not share with the two previous mentioned women in their life at Xavier's School. And then there is he...

A metallic sound of a locked door slamming shut interrupted Kitty's thoughts and she lifted her chin up and her eyes met the outraged dark eyes of a brown haired rock punk. "Who was that punk that walked with you this morning!" Spat the boy, his voice layered with anger.

Kitty eyes who sparkled with a warm light dimmed. Her chest which was filled with cheerful feeling evaporated and was replaced by a chilling feeling. She took a step back and her eyes furrowed in displeasure at the boy and her hands curled in a fist that she planted at her hips. "That 'punk' that you so friendly stated is a friend. My friend, and I do not like that you give him a lousy name, Lance."

Lance Alvers is just like several other special people who are categorized as mutant. His genetic mutant power is seismic waves that comes from his hands. With this ability the young mutant could everything that is not of organic matter to shatter. "I call him however I like," grunted Lance. "Is that punk one of those stupid members of the X-men? Is he one of us or not!"

"Stop it Lance," Kitty retorted. She did not like how Alvers was acting to her. "Why are you acting so strange. Being mean and demanding, I don't know you like this. I... I need to get to class!" She activated her mutant ability and phased through Lance without looking around for anyone that could have seen her.

Lance's eyes parted in shock. Just right now, Kitty moved through him and that felt very unnatural to him. Shivers ran down his spine at this unsuspected experience, however the boy also realized that damage control was now most needed. "Kitty wait!" Shouted the mutant once Kitty leaved his body. Whirling around the boy grasped out to her, yet he missed when Kitty retreated back from him. "I just don't like it when you hang around other ...boys! I like you a lot, please, believe me."

Kitty was now a few feet away from Lance when she heard his confession. The girl was confusing about the sudden confession of her fellow mutant. Kitty had a few interactions with Lance, none of them were great. "Why did you – no, this is a trick! You are trying to use me like you did first when on my previous school. Hell no, forget it!"

"Don't be so stupid! What did those X-men do for you? Open your eyes and look, we are mutants! Those ants are nothing against us. Leave those fools and," Lance ranted after the outburst of the girl he had an eye on until someone cut him off.

"What, boy?" A icy cold voice sound from behind him. Kitty's eyes widened when she sees the tall figure of her new friend towering over Lance. "You think she will go with you, especially after your rant! You are quite foolish by loudly revealing her secrets. Perhaps you did not think, but the girl do not want to be revealed to the world." It was then that she looked around and noticed to her shock that many students had followed their conversation. "A violation on her privacy. I warn you once, leave her alone and do not again violate someone else's secrets that she or he do not want to reveal to the world." Suddenly raven black feathers floated out of the ceiling, hitting everyone who did not carry the x-gene.

Lance Alvers glared once he turned around to get a better look at the person who dared to talk to him like that. The seismic powered mutant quickly noticed that the person who spoke to him was easily a foot taller than him, and much more stronger if the indication of his muscles told him. "Stay out of our business, punk. This is between her and me, snappy." Threatened Lance the boy across of him, dark eyes narrowed at him when the mutant noticed that this was the boy who accompanied Kitty to school. "You!"

"Naruto!" Kitty exclaimed and she quickly moved past Lance and wrapped her arms around the blonde boy's own. "I mean, already done with the Principal. Have she said anything where you must be at the first start of your new school life." She cheerfully said. Her eyes sparkling with light while she dragged him away from Lance and the other students.

Lance fumed in anger at how Kitty brushed him off. Turning around the boy saw another member of those x-men. A girl with red long hair who has probably removed his confession from the humans mind. 'That girl, is she too meddling with her? She, no, they will pay for taking away my girl!' Anger clouded his mind while letting his powers loose. It started slowly, small cracks which quickly grew in size and the walls started to tremble. Dust loosened up from the ceiling and rained down upon the students and the faculty members of Bayville High School who all started to panic.

"Aaah, is this an earthquake?!" Someone cried out in absolute fear which were quickly followed by others. Windows cracked and even some of them shattered and glass rained down upon the students. Cries echoed through the school building and the one responsible for this disaster could only smirk cruelly.

Lance laughed, a cruel light shone in his eyes. "No earthquake – it is an avalanche, my seismic powers will destroy everything in its path. I will kill that bastard and claim her – my Kitty!" At the exclamation of the name of the girl. Lance whirled around and aimed his hands at his target's back, ready to destroy every bone structure in the blonde haired person.

"You are too inexperienced to take me head on, boy." An unexpected voice whispered in his ear. "You thought that you are the only one with the powers here – Hanpatsu-ryoku!" Lance's eyes grew in size until it resemblance a cup plate and a devastation force launched him through the corridor. Sailing through the air and past a surprising Scott Summers who was looking for the cause of the earthquake. The seismic powered mutant crashed into the wall at the end of the corridor where the impact caused him to lose his conscious.

Jean frowned at the blatant use of their mutant powers. Her green eyes took notice of the raven black feathers which still were present and touched the foreheads of the non-mutants before they bursted in sparkling light. Her feet moved and she joined Naruto and Kitty who both stared at the unconscious form of Lance. "Sensei can you explain what those black feathers are doing - and did that just touch Alvers?" She questioned when she noticed one of the feathers touch Alvers just like the non-mutants.

"I'm sorry Jean, but I would like to explain this somewhere else where there are no gifted people and a troublemaker." Said Naruto. His eyes still firmly fixed on the downed form of the other much younger mutant. "It doesn't mean right now, Jean," Naruto continued when the girl prepared to move them to a much more secured location. "However all you need to know is that they will not remember what has happened here."

"Okay, it would be inconvenienced if they would learn about our gifts. I'll trust that there will be no problem on that part, but once we arrive back at the Professor's school can you explain to us what exactly has happened. We would not want a repeat of this," Jean told the young looking man before turning to the younger mutant girl. "Kitty are you alright? If something like this happens, you know that you always can count on us." She received a nod of acknowledgement from the mentioned girl before Jean departed from the group to join her science class.

"Shall we follow Jean's example and look for our first class?" Naruto teased, his eyes alight once more with amusement. Getting a firm confirmed nod from the younger girl the two of them moved on to their destination. "You'll coming, Scott?" He called out from over his shoulders which caused Cyclops to jump from his position of gloating over the fallen faction leader of the Brotherhood.

Five minutes later Naruto found himself in the class, sitting behind a small desk. Standing in front of him is the teacher, a young woman with short, pixie blonde hair. A pair of ocean blue eyes and a voluptuous figure which is hugged by a tight business jean and corset. "Class, I want to introduce a new classmate to you, Mr. Namikaze if you please want to introduce yourself to your class."

Naruto pushed himself up, using the small desk in front of him to help standing straight. Towering now over his fellow classmates who all sit behind their own desk the young blonde man introduced himself. "Hello class, my name is Naruto Namikaze. I come from across the pond and has lived my whole life in Japan. I was born in Kyoto which is a very lively city with beautiful sights. I suggest that you will visit that place if you ever decide to visit my country. My age, well … I am now nineteen."

"Thank you Namikaze for your short introduction, if no one have any questions for him now then you might ask him after class at lunch break." The teacher told the class and she watch them for a few minutes. When she saw no one stick her of his hand up she started her day, only for one to interrupt her. "Yes, Miss Sefton?"

"Uhm… Hi, Namikaze. I wonder if you have someone that want to lead you around the town, if you don't have anyone … I would like to show you the place around here if you want." Amanda Sefton offered to him a tour around the town.

"I'm sorry Miss Sefton, I have already someone who would like to show me around town. Perhaps you would like to join us after school?" Naruto told the girl who smiled at him.

The teacher suddenly clapped her hands, gaining their attention. "Mr. Namikaze please take your seat so that I can start the day. Today I would like to talk about the most important part of American History: The Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in the History of the United States. Can someone tell me about a fact about this historic document. Mr. Namikaze I would like if you can answer this and shows the class of what you know."

Naruto had no problem with sharing of what he knows of the United States most important document. Standing up so that people could see him clearly and more importantly hear his voice clearly. "The Declaration of Independence is written by a man named Thomas Jefferson who was by the time when he wrote this document a Vice President of the United States. Thomas served under John Adams who was the first Vice President and Second President of the Unites States. Back to the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote the document in seventeen days. The document held some well-known statement on the Human rights, particularly its second sentence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Naruto finished of what he knows of the most important document of the United States.

"Thank you for this example explanation of the Declaration of Independence Mr. Namikaze. You know our country history very well, and from here I take it from you over. I still need to show that I've studied for my job." Teased the teacher the younger looking man while the class burst out in laughter before that slowly died away and she could start her own part. "The Declaration of Independence is the statement adopted by the Second Continental COngress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House or what we also call the Independence Hall in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776..." She told the class who all rapidly listened to her with only a few exceptions who lay down their heads and tried to claim some sleep, others are writing small messages on papers which they fold in airplanes before throwing to someone or like Naruto who listened to the teacher and taking notes.

Listening to his teacher until the bell rings which announce a break or the ending of a class session. Before Naruto noticed the school day has already come to an end and the shinobi would now spend his remaining time of the day with Catherine Pryde in town. Standing up and bringing his arms over his head and arching his back. "Uwaaah…" He stretched out, his shirt climbed up his abs which now were visible to any hot blooded girls. "Sitting in uncomfortable chairs for hours make my muscles stiff. Now where could she be..." Murmured the young man while glancing around him in search for his guide of the day.

"Narutooo are you ready to venture down into town?" Kitty skipped into the classroom with a bright smile. She gazed around the room in search for the person that she would spend the remaining of the day with. A young man with wild blonde hair then rose up when his name was mentioned and Kitty quickly latched on his arm. "Ready to go, Na-ru-to? I'll show you the town like I promised."

Naruto's brightly smiled at the young, cute girl and followed her out of the class. "Hi Kitty, glad to see you. Before we go, do you mind if I invite Amanda Sefton could join us for the day?"

"I do not have any problems with her joining us. If you have already invited someone, do you mind if Kurt joins us. He needs some new clothes and you need some too, mister." Kitty told the taller, blonde young man. The pair walk out of the school building and stepped on its ground where the two mentioned students were waiting for them.