Let My Love Open the Door
Chapter 1
Ginny Weasley stood and watched as her brother, Ron and his fiancée, Hermione Granger, had an argument. That in of itself wasn't an unusual occurrence, hell at one point they seemed to be an hourly thing. One of their friends, Neville Longbottom, swore you could set your watch by them.
That was back before they got together as a couple, instead being just 'friends', though to Ginny it had been painfully obvious that they'd been arse over kettle for one another since at least their second year.
Thinking of their second year made her remember that it had been her first and potentially last, at doing anything. It had been a disaster to put it mildly.
Someone had slipped an enchanted diary in with her school books and without realizing what it was, she had started writing in it. To her amazement, it had written back.
Little did she know at that point that it had been an actual piece of Lord Voldemort's soul. It had slowly ingrained itself into her confidence until it was too late. By the time she had realized what was happening the fragment of Voldemort's soul had enough control over her to keep her from saying anything.
Much of how she ended up being saved was still a mystery to her, though she knew a lot more than she let on.
She had memories of a small boy with raven black hair and startling emerald eyes saving her. She had seen the carcass of the dead Basilisk and the bloody sword he had been holding when she had awoken.
How Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix, had healed the boy, crying into his wound to neutralize the venom that was killing him.
It was right after that that things became hazy. She had been somewhat disoriented by what had happened to her and had lain back down. She smiled subconsciously at how the boy had taken care of her, resting her head in his lap, telling her everything was going to be okay.
She vaguely remembered Fawkes flashing away but returning quickly with the Headmaster. The next thing she knew she was waking up in the Hospital Wing with her parents by her side. There had been no sign of the boy that had saved her. Feeling something was amiss, she had never mentioned him to anyone.
To this very day, she wished she knew more about him, who he was and what he had been doing. Why had he saved her and then disappeared like he had never been there.
She was snapped out of her reminiscing by Ron finally saying hotly, "Fine, send Ginny if you want too. Let it be on your head," before he stomped angrily away, leaving his fiancée watching him go with a frown on her face.
Ginny waited patiently for Hermione to collect herself before she came over. With a sigh she looked at Ginny. "Unfortunately we don't have anyone else to go and make sure that Harry comes to the wedding. Will you please do that for me?" the bushy haired girl asked.
Ginny eyed the girl closely. She had often wondered what was so special about this Harry that Ron and Hermione mentioned on occasion. Never going into any details at all about the enigmatic man.
All she knew for certain was they knew him from the War but nothing else really. She couldn't understand the secrecy that was wrapped around him. If it had been one of the Twins, she would have doubted his existence but she didn't worry about that with Ron and Hermione, especially Hermione. She'd never dream of pulling a prank like that.
"Whatever," Ginny replied nonchalantly, though on the inside she was quite intrigued, excited to be actually going to meet this mysterious "Harry".
Hermione breathed a sigh of relief. She knew Ginny was the perfect one to go and fetch Harry as she was quite determined and wouldn't let anything that Harry said deter her from her task.
Ginny did harbour a feeling deep down that she knew or at least suspected who Harry was though she had never let on to that fact. If she was correct, this mysterious Harry was none other than Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, the Saviour of the Wizarding World, Defeater of Voldemort and at least half a dozen other monikers that he had been given.
She knew that Hermione, and through her, her brother Ron had been somehow involved in bringing about the defeat of Voldemort, working with Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix. Though once again, it was all very hush-hush, something that no one talked about.
That's not to say that Ginny hadn't done her part during the war. She had remained at Hogwarts and worked against the Death Eaters who had taken control of the school that final year.
She had helped form and led the student group that became known as Dumbledore's Army. The DA for short, had resisted as best they could within the walls of Hogwarts.
Ginny gave a shudder at the memories of the punishments she and the other members had endured and though the physical scars had faded away, the mental ones still gave her nightmares on occasion, though not nearly as often any more.
Driving those melancholy thoughts from her mind, she went back to helping Hermione plan the final arrangements for the wedding.
Harry and Ginny
It was the night before the wedding and Ginny had finally managed to make it to her room. She quickly changed and flopped into bed. Though she felt exhausted, she knew that sleep wouldn't be coming any time soon. Her mind was just too active for that to happen.
She smiled ruefully at the memories of the rehearsal and following dinner. Ron had moaned and complained the whole time during the rehearsal, saying how hungry he was. She was really surprised that Hermione hadn't hexed him right in front of everyone.
Luckily the rehearsal hadn't taken that long and Ron shut up when they sat down to the scrumptious dinner their mum had prepared. At least he'd finally learned to not talk with his mouth full and thankfully he had kept it stuffed the whole time, much to hers and everyone's relief.
Her thoughts then turned to her assigned task for the following day. Fetching Harry to the wedding. Not that she minded really, she was actually looking forward to finally meeting this mysterious Harry.
Though she did wonder how things would go. She had overheard Ron talking to Hermione and what she had heard made her pause, wondering what she had gotten herself into.
According to Ron, Harry was a recluse, a drunken one at that, claiming every time he had seen him he had been unkempt and reeking of Firewhisky. If that was the case, why were they so insistent that he attend the wedding?
Ginny didn't know or really care. It wasn't her decision to make and she'd just do her best to make sure he attended, it seemed quite important to Hermione. She had on more than one occasion mentioned that Harry was like a brother to her and insisted that he be there.
Sleep finally over came her and she dreamed of being in the Chamber again, though this time it was different from all her previous dreams, nightmares really, of that incident.
Though there was the horror of her being taken down into the Chamber and the appearance of Tom, her dream focused on the young boy who had saved her. The way he had looked at her with his startling emerald eyes, the compassion and worry she had seen in them.
When she awoke the next morning, it was with a small smile on her face and she knew it was because of her dream. Sighing she got up and prepared herself for the trying day she knew she was going to be having. If Hermione was anything, she was a stickler for details and woe to him or her who messed with her perfectly laid plans.
She dressed casually, not wanting to put on her dress until it was almost time for the wedding. She certainly didn't want to floo wearing it.
Hermione had given her Harry's floo address just the night before and it had confirmed to her who Harry really was. The address was Potter Manor.
Ron had made some snide comment about how rich Harry was and how opulent the manor must be, though no one had actually been there.
Hermione had stressed that Ginny needed to floo there precisely at one o'clock as that was when she'd be allowed access to Harry's home. She explained that he normally kept his floo blocked off, not allowing anyone through.
Ginny didn't care, though she was from a humble background, she didn't begrudge anyone what they had, as long as they weren't like the Malfoys and throw it in your face, that was.
After a quick breakfast in the chaos that reigned in the Burrow, she helped with the last minute details that needed to be taken care of before she would need to go and get Harry.
Ginny was both glad and annoyed that the wedding would take place late in the afternoon. Glad because things weren't so hectic because they had time to get things done and annoyed because it seemed like the time would never come to get the damn wedding over with.
As much as she loved her future sister-in-law, she was really starting to have her patience tested by the way the girl was acting. If Ginny had a list shoved under her nose one more time, she wasn't going to he responsible for her reaction. Bat-bogies just might fly.
Finally, virtually everything on Hermione's endless lists was checked off and Ginny breathed a sigh of relief. Though sorely tempted she had managed not to hex the bride-to-be.
All she had to do was go fetch Harry and then change into her dress robes for the wedding.
At precisely as the clock began to strike the hour, Ginny threw the floo powder into the grate and with a whoosh of green flames she said firmly "Potter Manor" and was gone.
Ginny stepped deftly out of the fireplace and took a look around. Far from being some opulent manor, she found herself in a small, nicely appointed parlour.
She was startled by a croaking voice. "Welcome, I will tell Master Harry you are here."
She looked at the ancient house elf standing before her. He looked vaguely familiar and it took several moments for her to put the pieces together. "Hello, Kreacher," she said warmly.
The old house elf smiled at her. "Miss remembers Kreacher," he said with a small bow.
The were interrupted by the appearance of another house elf. "Kreacher, hows many times will it take before you's remember that Master doesn't like to be called Master?" the diminutive elf scolded.
Ginny couldn't help but smile at the elf, calling Harry Master while chiding Kreacher for doing the same thing.
"Perhaps a few more, Winky," Kreacher teased with a smile.
Ginny was gobsmacked at the difference in Kreacher. She had gotten to know him a little when they had spent one summer at Grimmauld Place and then he'd been a surly, combative and very unhelpful elf. To see him now, all cleaned up, wearing a type of uniform and being playful, was a lot to take in.
Before Kreacher could depart, Ginny heard someone enter the parlour. Turning she looked at the young man before her. Though he did look a bit unkempt, he certainly didn't appear to be drunk.
He was holding a book in one hand while he looked at Ginny. "It's that time then?" he said lowly.
Ginny felt an underlying sense of melancholy in his question and she wondered why. "Yes it is," she replied with what she hoped was a friendly smile.
Harry sighed. "I guess I'd best get changed then," he said offhandedly. "Winky, please get Miss Weasley some tea while I go get ready."
Ginny was about to say that wasn't necessary but before she could, Winky was gone and so was Harry.
Kreacher motioned for her to sit down and seeing nothing else to do, she took a seat on the couch.
"How are you doing?" Ginny asked.
Kreacher smiled at her. "Kreacher is doing well," he replied, genuinely pleased that she had asked. He then sighed, "Taking care of Master Harry is difficult but we's manage," he added looking sad.
Ginny looked around once again and couldn't stifle a small giggle. When Kreacher looked at her questioningly, she said, "This certainly isn't what I expected when I flooed to Potter Manor."
Kreacher smiled back at her. "Master Harry thought it was quite funny. After several articles in the Daily Prophet that said how rich he was and speculated on where he lived, he changed the floo address."
Winky returned with a tray bearing a teapot, a cup and saucer and a plate of biscuits. "I's hoping it is to your liking," she said shyly. "We's have so few visitors."
After Winky left and Ginny was sipping her tea, she looked at Kreacher. "Is Harry okay?" she asked, not being able to help herself.
Kreacher looked at her sadly. "Master Harry suffers because of all he's been through. Most nights he is awoken by nightmares but he refuses to seek help. Winky and I have tried to get him to seek help but he refuses."
Kreacher then looked at her imploringly. "Please don't tell Master Harry that I have said anything. He will be most angry that I have broken confidence but Kreacher feels it is necessary."
Ginny nodded, her heart breaking for the one who had given so much. She knew that since the war, the press hadn't been particularly kind to Harry. Sure he was the one who defeated Voldemort, but as time went on and he refused to give any interviews, they had turned on him with a vengeance.
She was just musing on that when she was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Turning she saw Harry standing in the doorway, looking rather embarrassed.
"Do I look okay?" he asked uncertainly.
Ginny looked him over head to toe. He had certainly cleaned up nicely. Gone was the several days of stubble that had graced his cheeks, though she almost laughed when she looked at his hair.
She could tell he had showered as his hair was still damp but it had done nothing to tame its wildness. It stuck up at all angles.
Harry must have noticed where she was looking because he blushed and ran his hand through his hair in a vain attempt to force it into some semblance of order.
"Sorry, it never will lay flat," he said apologetically.
Ginny couldn't help but smile. Harry was nothing like she had expected from hearing her brother talk about him. Far from being arrogant and stand-offish, he was a shy, somewhat insecure, young man.
"On you, it works," she said softly.
She rose and went over to him, inspecting his robes closely. They were made of the finest Acromantula silk, a deep emerald green. She looked up and found herself staring into his eyes.
Suddenly it was as if she had been struck in the gut with a Bludger. His eyes! She knew those eyes! The image of staring into those same eyes in the Chamber of Secrets jumped into the front of her mind.
She felt light headed and probably would have fallen if Harry hadn't grabbed on to her. He looked at her with the same look of concern she had seen when she had looked into them down in the Chamber.
"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.
It took a moment but Ginny finally nodded. "Not a great idea," she thought as her head spun again.
Harry led her over to the couch and had her sit down.
Sitting down had done wonders for her spinning head. She looked at him in wonder. "It was you," she said awe-struck at the revelation.
Harry blushed slightly and nodded his head, somehow knowing exactly what she was thinking about.
Harry's mind was in turmoil. There were huge cracks appearing in the walls he had erected inside of himself. Though still quite young, he had long ago given up on the idea of ever having someone in his life.
Part of that was due to how he had been raised by his so called family. Though related by blood, there was never any love shared. He had been despised and hated his whole childhood.
The other part was how the majority of the Wizarding World treated him. Constantly being first their Saviour and then vilified for something or other.
Ginny noticed the change in Harry's demeanour and wondered what he was thinking. She wished that she had time to explore that further but knew that they needed to be getting back to the Burrow so that she could finish getting ready for the wedding. It wouldn't do if the Maid of Honour wasn't there on time and ready.
"We really should be going," she reluctantly said softly.
Harry gave her a wan smile. "Yeah, we should," he agreed. Inside he was relieved. He knew if Ginny had pressed him at that moment, he wouldn't have been able to deny her.
At least now he was able to reinforce the walls around his emotions even if it was a false facade.
Schooling his features, he stood and offered his hand to Ginny. As he helped her rise, he said "If you hold on to me, I'll Apparate us to the Burrow."
Ginny was astonished at the change, he was now quite cool to her and for a moment was very annoyed. Then it hit her and she understood what he was doing. She really, really wished she had time now to talk to him but she knew she'd have to wait.
"I didn't know you've been to the Burrow," she said in surprise.
Harry just shrugged. "I haven't," he replied, once again sounding cold and distant.
When Ginny looked at him questioningly, he locked eyes with her for a moment and suddenly an image of the Burrow flashed through her mind. She recognized it as one of her own from just a few days ago when she had returned home after doing some last minute shopping.
Ginny was astounded. Because of everything she had been through she had become rather proficient at Occlumency. While she knew she wasn't a master of the art, she was good enough that she should have at least felt it when he looked into her mind.
Once again she found herself torn between being annoyed and impressed. Annoyed because without a by your leave, he had casually taken the memory from her and impressed because of the ease of which he had done it.
Before she knew it, she felt the squeezing of her body as she was side-along Apparated.
When she felt herself become normal again she turned angrily towards Harry. "You could have at least warned me," she said hotly. "I could have splinched myself!"
Harry just looked at her stoically. "I wouldn't have let that happen," he said simply.
Ginny's fire died down significantly and not for the first time she wondered just how powerful he really was.
Ginny took a deep calming breath, knowing that this wasn't the time nor the place to get into it with him; as infuriating as he could be she'd only just met him.
Then she thought about what she had seen at "Potter Manor" of how he had reacted and the pain and sorrow she had seen in his eyes before he walled himself off. She knew there was more to one Harry James Potter than met the eye. She just hoped she got a chance to discover a lot of it.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you. I just wasn't prepared to be suddenly Apparated away without warning," she said conciliatorily.
Harry just gave her a little nod.
Ginny sighed, slightly frustrated. "Well, I need to go and get ready," she said as she turned towards the back door. "I'll see you later." And then with a small smile she said "Please save a dance for me."
Ginny watched as he looked at her, his face an unreadable mask. "Perhaps," he finally said, just when Ginny was wondering if he was going to answer her or not.
With a shrug, Ginny headed inside to get changed.
She was just finishing adjusting her dress when Hermione charged into the room, without so much as a knock or any other warning. Thank God she was fully clothed as she saw her brothers standing out on the landing. Well except for Ron. There was no way that Hermione would let him see her before she was walking down the aisle.
"Did you get Harry here alright? What took you so long?" Hermione asked in a rush.
"Yes, I got Harry here just fine and it took a while because he wasn't quite ready when I got there," Ginny replied, stretching the truth a bit.
Hermione breathed a sigh of relief and left to finish getting ready.
Harry and Ginny
Harry watched Ginny leave, wondering what the hell he was doing here. He only came because it seemed so important to Hermione though he knew he'd barely get to spend any time with her. After all it was her wedding and she'd be a bit preoccupied.
Ginny's request to save a dance for her made him think about that possibility. He supposed he'd have to dance with the bride and if he did, he figured he might as well dance with Ginny too. Not that he was looking forward to doing either.
It wasn't that he didn't know how to dance. His godfather, Sirius Black had taught him how, having him practice with his cousin, Nymphadora Tonks, or Tonks as she preferred to be called.
Harry quickly squelched those thoughts. They were straying much too close to things that he didn't want to think about because of the pain it brought.
Both had died during the war, along with his other pseudo Uncle, Remus Lupin. That made him think of Remus' and Tonks' little boy, Teddy and he wondered how he was doing.
It seemed he was turning out to be just as bad a godfather as Sirius had been. Shaking himself mentally, he knew he needed to find something to distract himself before he became too melancholy and Apparated away before the wedding even took place.
Seeing the large marque tent set up behind the Burrow, he headed that way. If nothing else he could claim a chair in the back, away from where all the attention would be focused.
Harry and Ginny
Ginny had just gotten downstairs, hoping to get something to drink before she had to join those going out back and line up for the processional, when she was cornered by Ron.
"So how was Potter Manor?" he asked with a frown.
Knowing what he thought, Ginny couldn't help but take the mickey out on him. "You wouldn't believe it," she said with a smile.
"I knew it!" Ron exclaimed derisively. "I bet you arrived in some grand entrance hall, didn't you?"
"No. I arrived in a much smaller room, though I was greeted by a house elf," Ginny replied, the image of Harry's small parlour flashing through her mind.
"I wonder how many elves he has to keep up a grand Manor like that," Ron said with a frown.
"I don't know. I only met two," Ginny said fighting a smirk.
"If you saw two, he must have dozens," Ron said snidely. "It would take that many to keep a manor like that running."
Ginny couldn't help but roll her eyes at her brother. If he only knew the truth about where Harry lived, he'd be singing a different tune but she knew it wasn't her place to set him straight.
"Hadn't you better . . ." she began, but then was cut off.
"There you are. We'd better get out back or Hermione will skin us alive," her brother Charlie said.
Ginny sighed in relief. Though she knew she wouldn't have given anything away, she was getting a bit put out with Ron's attitude concerning Harry.
Charlie was Ron's Best Man, being his closest brother. Their love of Quidditch being the cement that held them together.
Before she knew it, Ginny was standing at the back of the marque getting ready to walk down the aisle. To her surprise she saw Harry sitting in the very back row all by himself.
They locked eyes and Ginny gave him a warm smile and though he smiled back, she could see it looked a bit forced. She really hoped that he'd dance with her. For some reason she felt herself drawn to the mysterious, enigmatic wizard.
Sure she had dated some during her years at school but never seriously. She had never felt a deep connection to any of them and she knew she was looking for something more in a relationship than any of them had to offer.
It took Hermione clearing her throat behind her to bring Ginny back from her musing and she made her way down the aisle. Once up front, she turned her attention back to Harry sitting in the back.
He had a strange look on his face that she had a hard time interpreting. Along with a deep sense of sadness she thought she saw a sense of longing in his eyes.
Then it was gone in a flash and she realized that he had seen her looking at him. His face now looked like it was made out of stone with no emotions showing at all.
Ginny became aware that the music had just ended and Hermione's father was giving her away. She was glad she had noticed because she had to take the Bride's bouquet and she didn't even want to think about what would have happened if she hadn't been paying attention to complete that task.
Though she kept her attention mainly on the proceedings, giving Hermione Ron's ring at the right moment and taking care of her train several times as Hermione knelt and stood, Ginny kept glancing at Harry every now and then.
As before there were several unguarded moments when Harry's face displayed his emotions though they usually didn't last long. Every time she saw him like that, it tugged at Ginny's heart.
Sure when she was younger she'd had a crush on The-Boy-Who-Lived. She was sure that every witch close to her age had and probably quite a few much older ones did as well. But she had outgrown the crush once she got older and started dating.
Before she knew it, the ceremony was over and Ginny found herself marching quickly down the aisle, barely noticing Charlie by her side, her focus on watching Harry.
As with the ceremony, the festivities that took up the start of the reception were a vague blur to Ginny. She hardly heard Charlie's best man speech and cut her own quite short, just giving a small toast to the happy couple.
It seemed in no time at all the meal was eaten and the first dances were underway. She sat fidgeting while Ron and Hermione had their first dance as husband and wife and the prerequisite dances with the parents took place. She danced her required dance with Charlie with the rest of the wedding party.
She wasn't surprised that Harry was the first one to dance with Hermione when she began to dance with others and she quickly angled towards him when the song was over.
"How about that dance now?" she asked with a smile as she caught up with him.
Harry sighed but then gave her a small smile and offered her his hand, leading her out onto the dance floor.
Ginny was pleasantly surprised at how well he danced and couldn't help herself. "You dance very well," she said with a smile.
"My godfather, Sirius taught me," he replied lowly.
Ginny immediately regretted bringing it up. The pain she saw in his eyes when he mentioned Sirius made her heart clench. They remained silent for the rest of the dance.
As the music ended, Ginny stayed by Harry's side, going so far as to politely decline one of Hermione's cousins when he asked her to dance. Ginny was sure that Harry would have slipped away but she kept a firm hold onto his arm, preventing him from leaving.
She noticed him staring at her, a thoughtful look on his stoic face. "Fancy getting something to drink?" she asked, hoping that she could stay with him.
Harry gave her a curt nod. "Okay," he said evenly, though Ginny could see a touch of apprehension in his eyes.
Ginny steered Harry over to the bar in one of the back corners. It was staffed by one of the waiters who had served dinner. Ginny wasn't quite sure how Hermione had managed it, but she had convinced the Weasley matriarch to let the reception be catered, though Molly had insisted on making the wedding cake.
"Two Firewhiskys," Ginny said before Harry had a chance to open his mouth.
Quickly, two large snifters appeared, each filled with a copious amount of the dark amber liquid.
Ginny immediately grabbed one while Harry reached for the other much more slowly, a dubious look on his face.
"What's the matter?" Ginny asked curiously.
"Firewhisky and I don't get along," Harry muttered lowly.
Ginny eyed him contemplatively. She was sure that the rumours of his drunkenness were greatly exaggerated but she wondered if there wasn't some history behind them.
She led him over to one of the other back corners, away from the crowd. They sat at a small table, side-by-side so they could face the rest of the tent and its occupants.
"To the Happy Couple," Ginny said, raising her glass and clinking it against Harry's.
"The Happy Couple," Harry said, though to Ginny it sounded a bit forced and was touched with sadness.
Ginny took a healthy gulp of her Firewhisky while Harry took a much smaller sip.
She watched him closely for several moments. He was staring at his drink, swirling it absentmindedly, lost in his own thoughts. Ginny could see that underlying sense of melancholy that he showed in unguarded moments.
Ginny began to speak. First about mostly small inane things. She could be quite the chatterbox once she got going, just ask any of her brothers and they'd be the first to confirm it.
At first Harry listened with an air of detachment but as she began to tell stories of growing up with six brothers, he paid much closer attention.
Ginny was taken by the look of longing that enveloped him as he hung on her every word.
All during her discourse they sipped at their drinks, Harry much more absentmindedly than Ginny. As she got to the bottom of her glass, she felt the warm glow that the amber liquid provided.
She was far from being in her cups but she noticed that even though Harry had consumed a great deal less than she had, he looked quite inebriated. His eyes had taken on a glassy look and he was slurring the few words that he said in response to her questions.
She also noted that he had dropped the stony facade and was smiling at her, though there was still that touch of sadness in his eyes.
Suddenly Harry sat up straighter, looking around with a panicked look on his face. "Shou be goin," he slurred.
He tried to stand, knocking over his glass and spilling the remainder of his Firewhisky.
Ginny was instantly on her feet, grabbing him around the waist, steadying him. "Come on, I'll see you home," she said softly.
"No need, I'll jus Appar . . . Appartate," he said as he swayed in her grasp.
Ginny rolled her eyes at him. "There is no way I'm letting you Apparate in your condition," she said firmly.
Harry looked like he was gong to protest but then gave her a small acquiescing nod.
Ginny was glad that no one noticed as she led Harry towards the Burrow so she could floo him home. Ron especially would have thrown a wobbly at seeing Harry so drunk.
It took a bit of doing as Harry could hardly put one foot in front of the other but eventually Ginny got him inside and flooed him back to his home.
Ginny stumbled exiting the floo, fighting to keep Harry standing. Before she could take a step, Kreacher appeared before them, looking at Harry sadly.
"Master knows he shouldn't be drinking Firewhisky," he said lowly.
"That's my fault," Ginny interjected.
Kreacher gave her a sad smile. "I'm sure Miss didn't force it down his throat."
"Still, I feel partly responsible," Ginny replied, feeling bad at how she had automatically ordered the Firewhisky for the two of them.
"Miss is not responsible for Master Harry's actions," Kreacher responded.
Ginny cut off her reply, knowing she wasn't going to get anywhere with the elf.
With Kreacher's assistance they got Harry over to the couch. He flopped down onto his side and was asleep or passed out within moments.
Ginny was staring down at Harry, thinking that he really shouldn't be laying there in his robes when Kreacher solved that problem. With a snap of his fingers, Harry's robes disappeared, leaving him in his black trousers and white shirt.
Kreacher tenderly took off Harry's glasses and set them on the table next to the couch.
Ginny was just about to head back home when Kreacher looked at her. "Would Miss Ginny like to join Kreacher for a cup of tea in the kitchen?" the elf pleaded.
There was something about the way he asked that struck Ginny deeply. "I'd like that very much," she replied with a small smile.
In no time at all they were seated at the kitchen table. Ginny looked around, taking in the small cosy room. Though smaller, it did remind her of the Burrow's.
As Kreacher poured the tea, Ginny asked, "Where is Winky?"
Kreacher got an apologetic look on his face. "Winky does not approve of what Kreacher is doing," he replied, looking quite contrite.
"And just what are you doing?" Ginny inquired curiously.
"Kreacher is trying to help Master Harry," he replied cautiously.
"Where do I come into this?" she asked, though she was fairly certain what the reply would be.
"Master Harry needs Miss Ginny though he doesn't yet realize it," Kreacher replied hesitantly. It was like he was revealing some great secret or confidence and knew he shouldn't be.
Ginny took a sip of her tea to give her some time to contemplate what Kreacher had said. She did feel a kind of pull or something with Harry. Sure there was a component of sympathy for him, but it was more than that. She was also certain that she didn't pity him in the slightest.
She could sense his great loneliness and all that implied. She knew as well as anyone the public's perception of him but the more she got to know and the more time she spent with him, as little as that had been up to now, she was sure that it didn't come close to the real Harry Potter.
Ginny smiled at Kreacher. "So what are we going to do?" she asked a bit mischievously.
Kreacher smiled back, his look mirroring Ginny's. "Master has neglected to have Kreacher remove Miss Ginny from the floo access list."
Ginny quirked an eyebrow at the elf with a smirk on her lips. "Won't that make Harry mad?"
"Kreacher is willing to risk Master Harry's anger because Kreacher knows he is doing the right thing."
Ginny nodded thoughtfully, admiring Kreacher's devotion to Harry. He obviously was worried enough to risk Harry's anger to help him.
Seeing what she considered a problem she said "I can see that working once, but won't he remove me after I show up here the first time?"
Kreacher stared directly into Ginny's eyes. "Kreacher is willing to risk much to make sure that Miss Ginny will continue to have access to Master Harry's home."
Ginny was astounded by Kreacher's revelation. That he would admit to be willing to go against his master's wishes was virtually unheard of. As she contemplated that implication, Kreacher answered her unasked question.
"Master Harry stands at a crossroads. One path leads to despair and ultimately Master Harry's death. The other leads to a much happier life," he said seriously.
Even with the little she knew about Harry's life, she could see the truth in what Kreacher said.
"I'll do all I can," Ginny replied emotionally, her eyes misting.
"That's all Kreacher asks," he replied gratefully.
Just then they heard a loud moan from the parlour. In an instant, Kreacher was on his feet running towards the source of the moan with Ginny following right behind.
They found Harry thrashing around on the couch, his face contorted in pain. Kreacher stopped just inside the parlour but Ginny brushed past him and went to Harry. She knelt beside him and gently began to run her fingers through his hair.
Kreacher was surprised at how quickly Harry settled back down into a calm sleep. The only thing that either he or Winky had been able to manage was to awaken him and that usually was difficult to accomplish. On top of that once awoken he never managed to fall back asleep.
By the time he was resting peacefully again, Ginny had tears in her eyes. "Do you know what his nightmares are about?" she asked quietly, so not to disturb Harry's slumber.
"Master Harry has never told Kreacher directly what his nightmares are about but Kreacher has learned about them," the old elf said sadly. "Master Harry lost many loved ones during the War and often dreams about their deaths. Master Harry also had a connection to the Evil Wizard that killed so many and experienced many visions of his foul deeds."
Ginny looked at Harry's sleeping form. "Will he be okay for the rest of the night?" she asked worriedly.
"Kreacher does not know, Miss," he replied.
When Ginny looked at him in surprise, he added, "Kreacher has never seen Master Harry fall back into a peaceful sleep. He either spends the night tossing and turning or awakens and is unable to return to sleep."
She then took a close look at the elf and saw how tired he looked. "Kreacher, why don't you head to bed, I'll stay and keep a watch on Master Harry," she said tiredly.
"Master Harry? Where the hell did that come from?" she asked herself.
Unseen by her, Kreacher's lips curled up in the barest of smiles. "As Miss wishes," he said with a bow before leaving Ginny alone with Harry.
Ginny took a good look around and took stock of the situation. While Harry was laying full out on the couch, it couldn't be the most comfortable of places, plus she wasn't going to sleep on the floor, no matter how much Harry seemed to need her.
She pulled her wand and gently levitated Harry and she headed through the doorway he had appeared in when he had gone and got changed. She figured his bedroom had to be back there somewhere.
The first room she came across turned out to be an office so she kept right on going. Right past it on the opposite side of the hall was a loo with a tub and shower, so she figured there had to be at least one guest room somewhere.
The room further down the hall appeared to be it but it was just filled with piles of boxes and spare pieces of furniture.
There was one final door towards the end of the hall and Ginny figured it had to be Harry's. She tripped but caught herself as she entered the darkened room, causing her to curse softly.
There was just enough light for her to make out various shapes in the room so she directed Harry's body over onto the bed shaped one. Once he was safely in place she lit her wand.
She shook her head wearily. To say the room was a mess would be like saying a blizzard was a little snow. Things were strewn everywhere. There were clothes scattered across the floor and on almost every flat surface, some dirty and some obviously clean.
She glanced at the doorway and saw a pair of heavy combat type boots that must have been what she tripped over.
Shaking her head once more she lit one of the lamps on his dresser before she set to work. With one wave of her wand, she sent all the dirty laundry to the laundry room, or at least she hoped she did. She wasn't quite sure where it was but in most Wizarding households it was located off the kitchen so she felt she was pretty safe.
She also hung up much of the clean clothes in his closet and sent his boots and shoes walking into its bottom. Lastly she cast a few cleaning spells to dispense with any remaining dust and debris that was on the furniture and floor.
With a satisfying nod she turned her attention back to Harry who hadn't moved from where she had placed him. She took one look at him and decided he couldn't comfortable wearing his button down shirt and trousers.
With a little help from magic, she striped him down to his boxers. Growing up with six brothers had long ago banished any problems she'd had with modesty. It wasn't like he was starkers or anything.
With one last levitation spell she got Harry situated in bed, covering him with just the sheet. At least the linens looked to have been freshly changed.
She grabbed a tee shirt and a pair of boxers from the pile of clean laundry and headed into the attached loo. She found it surprisingly clean, after the state of the bedroom she'd been a bit afraid of what she'd find.
After using the loo, she quickly undressed, hanging her dress on a hanger that hung on the back of the door. She sighed in relief as she took off her bra. With the strapless dress she'd had to buy one that supported her without any straps. It was magically enhanced to stay in place but it wasn't all that comfortable.
After she washed her face to remove the little make-up she wore, she put on the tee shirt, removed her knickers and put on the pair of boxers.
She rinsed her mouth out, wishing she had a toothbrush. There was only one in the holder, obviously Harry's and she wasn't going to presume to use it. She hardly knew the man.
She then gave a soft giggle, she wouldn't use his toothbrush but she was planning on sleeping next to him in case he needed more comforting during the night.
Yawning tiredly, she grabbed her clothing and headed back into the bedroom, planning on casting a few refreshing charms before she got dressed in the morning. She draped the dress over a chair near the bed before placing the rest of her clothing on it.
She smiled when she looked at the bed closely. It was a Queen size. She had figured that as a bachelor he'd have had a King sized one like all her brothers first had when they'd moved out on their own.
Shaking her head to drive the inane thought from it, she climbed into bed next to Harry, not that she was all that close to him in the big bed. She took a good look at him before she she laid down completely.
He hadn't moved while she had been changing. He was snoring softly, something she found a little amusing after listening to her brothers' loud noises while they slept while growing up at the Burrow. She found it a pleasant change.
With her wand she dimmed the light, leaving it on just enough for her to see if she needed to during the night.
Unconsciously, she leaned over and gave Harry a short kiss, just barely brushing his lips with hers, before whispering "Good night."
Once her head hit the pillow she was asleep in moments.
An indeterminate time later, she was awoken by Harry's muttering in his sleep. She could see the troubled look on his face so she tenderly ran her fingers through his hair, whispering to him that everything was okay and that he was safe.
She was happy when he calmed down once again without ever having woken. Sighing in satisfaction, she drifted back off to sleep.
Harry and Ginny
Ginny awoke with a start, having been shocked out of her sleep. Taking a quick look around, she saw the source.
Winky was standing in the doorway, looking quite upset.
"Master Harry, you bad boy. Bringing a lady and having her in you's bed!" she screeched.
Hearing Harry's name she quickly turned her head and saw Harry sitting up with a just as startled look on his face as she had.
At her movement, he turned and looked at her, a shocked look on his face. He blushed deeply and mumbled something she couldn't make out.
He took a deep calming breath and turned to his distraught house elf. "Winky, it's not what it looks like. If you'll please go and make breakfast we'll join you shortly."
Winky gave him a disapproving look but nodded and left.
Harry then turned his attention to Ginny. "What are you doing here?" he asked softly.
Ginny was a little surprised at how calmly he seemed to be taking everything. She quickly explained about his having the nightmares and how he responded to her presence and what she did to comfort him. Ending with how she decided to stay and take care of him through the night.
Harry digested her story for a few moments before looking her in the eyes. "You didn't have to do that," he said plainly.
"I know I didn't have to, but I thought as long as I seemed to be helping you I'd do it anyway," she replied with a small smile.
Harry gave her a small smile in return. "I do have to admit that I haven't awoken this refreshed in longer than I care to remember. Plus I don't think I've slept through the night since before the War."
He then gave her a concerned look. "I didn't, you know, make an arse out of myself last night? Did I?" he asked, dropping his eyes, unable to look at her.
Ginny smiled warmly. "No Harry, you didn't. You basically passed out as soon as I got you home. I must say, I now understand about what you said about you and Firewhisky not getting along," she said with a trace of humour.
Harry took a quick glance at her before dropping his gaze once again and blushed even deeper.
Ginny reached out and placed her hand on top of his. "I'm sorry I got you the Firewhisky," she said softly with a sad look.
Harry stared at her hand on his, his thoughts a chaotic maelstrom. He couldn't remember the last time someone had touched him so tenderly.
He looked up at her sadly. "It's not your fault. I know how Firewhisky affects me and I should have known better and just refused it."
Ginny gave him puzzled look. "Why didn't you?" she asked out of curiosity.
Harry blushed and dropped his gaze again. He gave her a small shrug. "Itwasfromyou," he whispered in a rush.
Ginny thought she understood what he had said but wasn't quite sure. "What was that?" she asked with a smile.
Harry sighed deeply. "It was from you," he whispered much slower.
Ginny gave him a sad smile. "While that's kind of sweet, you should have said something and I would have gotten you something different," she said quietly.
Harry just gave her a shrug and she decided to drop the subject.
He turned his back to her, trying to rein in his runaway emotions. He was both irritated at her being here and wanting it more than anything.
He knew he had become a recluse and he had thought it didn't matter to him any more. It had been quite some time since he had spent more than an hour away from Potter Manor, the wedding being an exception.
Now he awoke to find Ginny sleeping next to him. He was just glad that she had said he hadn't made an arse of himself. Though he usually thought that he didn't mind his isolated life, he knew deep down that did miss human companionship.
While he loved Kreacher and Winky and considered them friends, he knew that they were servants by nature and acted that way most of the time.
He was startled out of his ruminations by Ginny getting out of bed. His eyes widening when he saw how she was dressed. He chided himself lightly, knowing that she couldn't have slept in her dress robes and he shouldn't have been surprised to see her wearing some of his things.
He saw her eyeing her robes and sensed her reluctance to put them back on. "If you like I can have Winky find something for you to wear," he said softly.
Ginny spun around and looked at him in surprise. "How did you know what I was thinking?" she asked. She was sure he couldn't have been looking into her mind as she was facing away from him and eye contact was required for Legilimency.
"It just seemed logical with the way you were acting," he said softly.
"That would be wonderful," she replied with a small smile. "Though I'm surprised you'd have something for me to wear."
"It would be just some of my old clothes. I'm sure we have something that would fit reasonably well," Harry replied as he got out of bed.
He then looked down at what he was wearing, seeing himself dressed in nothing but his boxers. He blushed and hurriedly grabbed his dressing gown and put it on.
Ginny smiled in amusement, wondering if he realized that it was her that had gotten him into bed.
"Winky!" he called out.
Within moments a irate Winky appeared in the bedroom with a small pop. "Master Harry called," she said with a frown.
"If you would, please find something suitable for Miss Weasley to wear," he asked contritely.
Winky huffed in displeasure and she glared at him. "Winky, make breakfast. Winky get something for Miss Weasley to wear. Winky wishes Master Harry would make up his mind. It would serve Master right if Master's breakfast was ruined," the diminutive elf complained.
"I'm sure breakfast will be up to Winky's usual standards," Harry replied softly.
Winky huffed again before disappearing with a crack. She reappeared several moments later with a small pile of clothing which she handed Ginny with a small smile, letting her know that she didn't hold her responsible.
"Thank you Winky," Ginny said softly with a smile.
The small elf nodded before turning her gaze back to Harry. "If that is all that Master requires, Winky will return to making breakfast," she said with a frown.
Harry took Winky's mild rebuke stoically. "That would be wonderful," he said evenly.
Winky gave a small huff once again before disappearing.
Ginny discreetly grabbed her knickers, deciding she didn't want to subject herself to the uncomfortable bra and headed for the loo.
Once inside she quickly washed her face, wishing she could take a shower but decided that it could wait until she got back to the Burrow. She figured she'd imposed enough on Harry's hospitality as it was.
She quickly went through the pile of clothing that Winky had provided and found a pair of jeans that fit reasonably well. After putting them on she chose a tee shirt that was large enough to hide the fact she wasn't wearing a bra.
She took a good look at herself in the mirror and approved of what she saw. While the jeans were obviously well worn and faded some, they were in excellent shape and fit her well.
The tee shirt she had chosen was a dark green and she realized that the colour would compliment Harry's eyes quite well. It fit loose enough for what she wanted, not showing that she wasn't wearing her bra.
With a satisfied nod she went back into the bedroom.
She was slightly disappointed that Harry wasn't there so she grabbed the rest of her things, deciding not to put on the shoes. While not that uncomfortable she didn't think they went with what she was wearing. She chuckled lowly at that thought. She'd never been all that fashion conscious and thought it was rather funny that she was doing so now.
She made her way back out to the parlour where she found Harry waiting. He gave her a small smile. "Those look better on you than they ever did on me," he said warmly.
Ginny smiled back, though she wondered a bit about his fluctuating reactions to her. Sometimes warm and at others so cool. She thought she understood, at least partially but figured it would take more time to know for sure.
"Thank you, though it's just a pair of old jeans and a tee shirt," she replied.
Harry just shrugged. 'Still, you look good in them," he said, blushing slightly.
Ginny gave him a small nod in acknowledgement of his compliment.
"Winky has breakfast about ready and we'd like it if you joined us," he said.
Though she hadn't planned on staying for breakfast there was something in his tone of voice that spoke to her. She could feel the undercurrent of loneliness that was there.
Glancing at the clock, she saw it wasn't that late in the morning and she doubted that any one would be up at the Burrow following the wedding.
"All right," she replied with a smile, placing her things on the back of a nearby chair.
She was happy to see the small smile that sprang up on Harry's face and decided that she had done the right thing.
She followed Harry into the kitchen where she was surprised to see the table set for four. She'd never heard of elves eating with their Master before.
Winky frowned slightly at Harry but it quickly changed into a smile when she saw Ginny enter behind him. Though she didn't approve of Kreacher's actions, she did want Harry to find some happiness and thought that Ginny just might be the one who could provide that.
As they sat down, Ginny looked at the elves. "Good morning," she said brightly.
Winky smiled demurely, ducking her head and mumbling "Good morning, Miss."
Kreacher smiled widely. "Good morning, Miss. Kreacher is happy that you joined us for breakfast."
"It's my pleasure," Ginny said. "I'm sure with the aftermath of the wedding I'd be on my own at home and probably would have settled for making myself just some tea and toast."
She smiled as she looked at the scrumptious breakfast laid out on the table. It rivalled anything her mother would have done on any ordinary day.
"Winky, you've really outdone yourself making such a fine breakfast," Ginny said, complimenting the elf.
Winky's face darkened as she smiled shyly. "Thank you Miss," she replied softly.
"Are you trying to corrupt my elves?" Harry asked, giving her a strange look.
Ginny turned her attention to him. "Why certainly not. I just think you should give credit where it is due," she replied indignantly.
As Harry sighed with a frown, Ginny turned her attention back to the two elves and began to chat with them.
Though he secretly liked the sound of Ginny's voice, right at the moment he found it irritating. He was used to having quiet at the breakfast table and Kreacher and Winky knew it. He couldn't understand why they were behaving differently.
Then he had to admit to himself that wasn't true. Ginny was a very pretty, well okay, beautiful young woman who was quite personable. It was natural for her to be so animated this early in the morning.
He on the other hand, who rarely slept the night through, was usually quiet and quite tired. And since he was admitting things to himself this morning, he never slept a full night, at least not since the war.
That brought his thinking back to this morning when he'd woken up after sleeping the complete night through. He wanted to convince himself that it was because of the Firewhisky he had consumed but once again had to admit he knew that wasn't the case.
It was because of the beautiful, captivating and highly infuriating woman sitting next to him. He hadn't known her for 24 hours and she was already disrupting his life.
Deep down in the forgotten recesses of his mind, he knew it was a good thing. Something that he actually needed in his life, but consciously he found it aggravating.
While Ginny and the elves chatted away happily, Harry ate his breakfast in silence, deeply contemplating the situation. Unnoticed by him, Kreacher was keeping his eyes on him, taking in everything.
The old elf knew that Harry was agitated and he considered that a good thing. For far too long his Master had been isolating himself, becoming too set in his ways, accepting his situation without making any attempt to change it.
Yes, he and Winky provided some level of companionship but Master needed more. He needed a type of human companionship that the elves just weren't able to give. He was sure that Miss Ginny was just the one that Master needed, all he had to do was convince him of that fact. Certainly not an easy task.
Soon breakfast was completed, the only interruption coming when the delivery owl had brought the morning papers. Harry had subscriptions to the Daily Prophet and the London Times. He had made special arrangements to have the Prophet have the Times delivered at the same time.
Normally Harry sat over several more cups of tea and read the papers sitting at the kitchen table but this morning they sat untouched and ignored. Something the Kreacher found quite amusing but he was skilled enough to not let his amusement show.
Ginny had hoped that Harry would be more engaged than he had been but figured that maybe he had reached his current limit of having someone disrupting his life.
"Well I really must be going," she said as she rose.
"Oh, right," Harry replied, startled from his ruminations. Rising, he followed her into the parlour.
Ginny grabbed her things and looked around, slightly confused. She really didn't want to floo with her dress robes and she was sure that she couldn't Apparate from where she currently was.
Harry looked at her in understanding. He knew she didn't want to use the floo and it was a bit of a walk to the edge of the wards. Plus he didn't want her to be seen by any of the towns people. It wouldn't look good for her to be seen leaving his place with her dress robes over her arm. Not that he cared what they might think of him, it was Ginny's reputation he was concerned about. That and the fact she was barefoot. The path leading to the edge of the wards was rather rough, not being used hardly at all.
"Hold on a moment," he said, drawing his wand. "I'll adjust the wards so you can Apparate from here."
Ginny smiled in appreciation of his thoughtfulness. "Thank you," she said gratefully.
Harry muttered a spell she couldn't make out. When he nodded at her, she gave him a mischievous look. "I'll see you later," she said with a grin and before he could react with more than a surprised look, she Apparated away.
Harry just stared, open mouthed at where Ginny had disappeared from. So focused on what she had said and its implications that he forgot to reset the wards.
Kreacher, who was standing in the doorway to the kitchen noticed but decided it wasn't his place to say anything. With a smile, he turned back into the kitchen, deciding that maybe Winky would accept his help in cleaning up.
Ginny arrived at the Burrow, expecting to find everyone still asleep or at least having a lie in after the hectic day of the wedding. Instead she arrived to find the kitchen filled with frantic people. Most surprising was the fact that her brother Ron and Hermione were there.
As soon as she stepped in Ron turned to her. "Where have you been?" he said hotly.
Ginny almost said she'd been at Harry's but then caught herself. "That's none of your business," she cried back, a scowl on her face.
Harry and Ginny
A/N: As stated in the synopsis, this is a Harry never went to Hogwarts story. The story is six chapters long and is complete. I'll be posting new chapters once a week until all are posted and rest assured that I will now be working diligently on my other incomplete stories. This just grabbed me and insisted on being written. That was one of the reasons for finishing it before posting it. I didn't want another story to work on while having so many other stories in progress.
Harry is a reclusive, shy and somewhat damaged wizard. Kreacher wants to change Harry's life for the better and thinks Ginny is just the person he needs. The thing is, will Harry accept her into his life?
Please review, it's the only 'payment' we authors receive and they are greatly appreciated.
I want to thank the wonderful Stephanie O for her fantastic Beta work. She has a great knack for finding all the little typos that I just can't seem to see.