A/N. I need to explain that this fanfic is kind of a fanfic of a fanfic. I read a story a while back where the premise was that Lucius rescued Hermione from a death eater attack in a library, the story developed from there. I really enjoyed it but it didn't go the way I would have chosen, eventually I decided I had to write my own version. I feel really bad though because I can't remember the author of the original story or I would give her a shout out here. If anybody knows please let me know so I can credit her and I hope she doesn't mind because imitation is truly a form of flattery!

Also a warning, this story contains scenes of a sexual nature and vague references to torture and rape. Hermione is sixteen in the first scene which is the age of consent in the UK but if that makes you uncomfortable then don't read!

And for those who like to know what they are letting themselves in for - there are three chapters - they are all written so the whole story will be posted by the end of the week.

She didn't want to die like this. She had never given much thought to her ultimate demise, despite the hair raising situations she had, on occasion found herself in, but she knew with certainty that she had never contemplated ending her days in the fiction section of the British Library. She stifled a near hysterical snort of laughter. She could well imagine that her friends would think it a fitting death. Oh sweet Merlin her friends! What would they say? How would they cope when she simply disappeared and all for a book...a fucking book?

The atmosphere at the burrow had been so stiflingly oppressive, the lead up to Bill and Fleur's wedding a battle of wills and wits between Molly Weasley the ultimate home maker and Fleur Delacour seductress supreme. Hermione could see both sides of every argument but even she had grown a little tired of every male in the Weasley house (bar Harry who only had eyes for Ginny) following Fleur around like love sick puppydogs.

Nobody will notice. She had told herself firmly. I can just sneak away for a few hours, pick up a few new books and be back in time for the latest argument over the seating plan. She had known that Death Eater attacks were on the increase, that several sites in muggle London had become targets, but she had simply never expected them to attack the British Library and in broad daylight.

More fool me. She told herself morosely quietly crawling backwards into the dimly lit classics section. The muted pop of multiple apparitions into a well insulated room had been her first warning of what was to come. She had reacted immediately, drawing back into the shadows whilst all around her her fellow patrons had made their way towards the sounds, like lambs to the slaughter. The death eaters had strode into the main reading room, quickly fanning out to cover the exit, sinister and silent in their black robes and metal masks. The air had crackled with magic as they had sent curses flying indiscriminately.

She suspected that their mission was not to kill but to injure. Most of the curses flying were of the brutally maiming variety. She had only heard the occasional Avada Kedavra aimed at young men who had been foolish enough to fight back. This was likely another of Voldemort's intimidatory raids, planned to incite fear into the muggle population and further weaken the power of the ministry in the eyes of the wizarding population. The fallout from this one attack would take weeks of auror time to clear up.

Perhaps she should simply make a run for it. There was no way she would make it as far as the heavily guarded doorway but she could hope to be hit by a non-fatal curse from which she would have a chance of recovering. Glancing cautiously around the stack currently hiding her this did not seem like a particularly favourable idea. Despite the non-fatal curses being used several of their victims appeared to have already succumbed to the inevitably fata consequences. If that wasn't bad enough several young woman had been caught by male death eaters, their cries of terror and helpless struggles caused Hermione to retreat even further before she sat up against the shelves closing her eyes and fighting back the hysteria which again threatened to build.

Should she risk apparition? She fingered her wand which she had shoved through the loosely formed bun on top of her head, a clever way of concealing it in plain sight when she wanted to move amongst muggles. Whilst her fear of being chastised for underage magic was dampened by the likehood of her imminent demise she was still not competent in apparition, there was a good chance she would splinch herself if she tried it under such extreme circumstances. Hearing another girl cry out she was not sure that death by splinching was such an unattractive prospect.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a flicker of movement. She pressed herself closer to the stack, trying to occupy as small a space as possible. The Death Eater, for it had been one, moved to the stack behind her and she let out a slow, relieved breath. Her relief was short lived though. She could hear them, fanning out amongst the stacks, flushing out other people who had chosen to hide like her. Her discovery was inevitable. She wondered if she could stun the Death Eater behind her, although what advantage that would give her she didn't know. She silently moved to press herself against the other stack and peered carefully over the top of the books on the bottom shelf. She could see his booted feet almost directly opposite where she lay. She would need to approach him from behind. Noting the direction his feet pointed she began to crawl the opposite way, making no sound on the thin carpet.

Very cautiously she peeked around the end of the stack carefully removing her wand from her hair. The Death Eater still had his back to her but she recognised him immediately. His hood was down and the waterfall of platinum hair which fell in a single smooth sheet across his back was instantly identifiable. Lucius Malfoy.

She pulled back behind the stack. She had no compunctions over stunning Malfoy. He was one of the few death eaters she knew personally and therefore she probably wished to stun him more than most. On the other hand perhaps he might be of more use to her un-stunned. She rapidly thought back over what she knew of the man. He hated her, that went without saying, hated her indiscriminately because of her blood status. Despite that he had never tried to physically harm her before. There had been the small altercation in the department of mysteries of course but his role there had been more as a mediator than a fighter. She had thought she detected an almost paternal tone in the way he spoke to Harry. She and his son took classes together, would he really kill a classmate of his child? She leaned her head up against the wooden end of the bookcase, breathing in slowly through her nose.

Mr Malfoy had always been something of an enigma to her. From their very first meeting he had fascinated her. Of course he was rude and bigoted which had immediately repulsed her but at the same time she was drawn to him in the same way that she was drawn to all things magical. As the head of one of wizarding Britain's oldest pureblood families Lucius Malfoy represented so much of what, to her, defined magic. He was also beautiful to look at. His pale pointed face so much stronger than Draco's, his smirking lips sensual and his grey eyes arresting. She gave herself a mental shake. Just because she had slightly ambiguous feeling towards Malfoy that in no way meant that he felt anything less for her than stone cold hatred. But could someone so beautiful really be capable of true evil?

There was only one way to find out. Hermione's razor sharp brain had assessed her current predicament from all angles. All variables considered there was no safe way out of the mess she found herself in. All of the strategies open to her came with a degree of risk. For better or for worse she viewed Lucius Malfoy as her best bet. She crawled along the stack until she was level with his feet once more.

"Mr Malfoy." Her whisper, intended to be quiet, was not in any way audible. She tried again a little louder. "Mr Malfoy."

She heard his feet move and then his cut glass voice, fortunately also lowered to a whisper.

"Who's there?"

"It's Hermione Granger Sir." She kneeled up and removed a book from the third shelf, slightly improving her view of him. After a moment the corresponding book on his side was also removed and his grey eyes were peering through the bookcase at her. He had removed his mask she saw.

"Well, well, well, Miss Granger. What are you doing here?"

She wasn't sure if his faintly mocking tone was a positive indicator of her likely success.

"I was looking for a book Mr Malfoy."

The grey eyes looked briefly heavenward. "Of course you were. What…Unfortunate timing for you Miss Granger." His eyes flicked sideways, there was a disturbance somewhere close by and Hermione heard a woman screaming.

"Please Mr Malfoy, you have to help me." She blurted the words out with less finesse than she might have liked. Malfoy clearly thought so too.

"I believe you may have misunderstood the situation Miss Granger, I am not in any way obliged to help you." He moved as if to stand up.

"No please." Hermione reached through the bookcase towards him. "Please Mr Malfoy. I'm only sixteen, I sit next to Draco in potions sometimes." When Professor Snape wants to punish one of us. "Please, I don't want to die." To her horror tears began to trickle down her face.

Malfoy sighed. "You probably won't die, most of the muggles are merely wounded." He sounded completely disinterested, the woman screamed again and Hermione winced.

"Please Mr Malfoy, please don't let them hurt me." She looked around her frantically, someone was moving closer. For a moment his face was as still as his mask as his eyes bored into hers, then he huffed out a brief sigh.

"Very well." Without further warning he whipped out his wand from its customary home in his snake topped cane and with a well placed "reducto" blasted the bookshelf out of his way.

Hermione was thrown backwards by the blast and landed rather ignominiously on her backside her legs splayed in front of her. She quickly pulled down the hem of her summer dress to cover her exposed skin, Malfoy appeared not to notice as he grabbed her roughly by the wrist and hauled her body against his own, her back flush against his front. Hermione gave a gasp. She had never really thought about how Lucius Malfoy might feel under his ostentatious robes but now she knew. He felt hard and hot and very very masculine. And his left arm was wrapped very tightly around her throat, she struggled a little.

"Can't breathe." She hissed, clawing at his fingers.

"If you can talk you can breathe." He snapped, his free hand patting down her body in a way which sent of little sparks of awareness shooting down into her belly. "Where's your wand?"

"In my hair."

"Of course." He plucked her wand out of the bun and she felt him move away momentarily as he tucked it into his robes.

"Now Miss Granger." He began to walk her out of the stacks. "Where would you have me take you? Perhaps the headquarters of The Order of the Phoenix? I am at your disposal, just tell me the address and we'll be there in a jiffy."

Hermione froze. Perhaps her brain hadn't been functioning to its full capacity when she'd thrown herself at Malfoy's mercy.

"It's secret kept." She croaked against his arm.

"Pity. Oh well then, how about your home? Perhaps I should meet your parents, then they can thank me for saving their daughters life."

Hermione shuddered. "My parents are on holiday I'm afraid. You can take me to Diagon Ally Mr Malfoy, I can make me own way from there."

"Oh you can can you? How marvellous, I certainly wouldn't want you to get lost." His breath was hot against her ear. Hermione wondered if there was some sort of mental connection between being terrified and being turned on because although she was absolutely terrified she couldn't help but think how good he smelled, of expensive cologne and, shampoo and man.

She was so distracted by him that she hardly noticed they were no longer alone. He had dragged her out into the central part of the library where the librarians normally stood. She dipped her head, trying not to see the broken bodies sprawled around them.

"Yaxley!" Another death eater, still masked appeared beside them.

"What Malfoy?"

"I'm bored now. I'm leaving and taking this piece of the entertainment with me."

Yaxley looked Hermione up and down in a way she found most unsettling. She moved imperceptibly closer to Lucius, his arm around her throat tightened as if in warning.

"A fine piece she is too Malfoy, why don't you enjoy her here?"

"I find such actions….distasteful." Lucius' voice dripped scorn. "I prefer to take my pleasures in a more intimate setting." The leer in his voice was unmistakable and Hermione bit her lip hard. What had she got herself into?

Yaxley rolled his eyes. "Have it your way then, I'll round up the others and get them out of here. Enjoy your prize."

"Oh I shall."

Lucius tightened his grip and she felt a tugging sensation in her solar plexus before the squeeze of apparition took hold of her.

They landed hard on a wooden floor and Lucius instantly released her. She wondered if he had been particularly clumsy on purpose to unsettle her and as she gazed up at his smirking face from her hands and knees she was almost certain it was true. Once she was able to look around she wondered if they were still in the British library. They were in an enormous, high ceilinged room, the walls of which were entirely lined by books. She climbed cautiously to her feet gazing around her in awe.

"Where are we?"

"From one library to another. Miss Granger I give you my personal collection." He waved a graceful hand in the direction of the nearest bookcase. Hermione's jaw dropped, then she fully assimilated the meaning of his words.

"Then I'm in your home? Mr Malfoy this wasn't part of the deal, you were supposed to take me somewhere safe."

"Miss Granger, how you wound me, are you implying that my home is not safe?"

"Not for me." Hermione snapped, looking around for an exit. "I'm leaving." She stalked towards the door only to find it locked. She turned angrily towards Malfoy who was lounging against a large desk in the centre of the room, her wand dangling from between his fingertips.

"Forget something Miss Granger?"

"Give me that!" She lunged towards him but he easily hoisted her wand out of her reach before vanishing it with a wave of his free hand.

"Miss Granger I must say your manners leave much to be desired. I suppose one can't hope for much better from a mudblood." He pronounced the word with relish.

Hermione stepped back and took several deep breaths. He was goading her on purpose she told herself. She couldn't overpower him so she would have to outsmart him.

"I apologise Mr Malfoy." She said as sweetly as possible. "I wonder if I might have my wand back please?"

Malfoy gave a slow clap. "Very good Miss Granger you do have manners after all…but no, you may not have your wand back."

He turned to the desk behind him and lifted a heavy crystal decanter.

"Might I offer you a drink?" He proffered a heavy cut glass tumbler containing a generous measure of amber liquid which Hermione took from him. She automatically sipped a the fluid then almost choked as the alcohol burned at the back of her throat.

"Is it poisoned?" She asked panicked.

Malfoy laughed, it transformed his whole face she thought elevating him from the merely beautiful to the sublime but somehow making him look more human too as small creases appeared around his eyes. The change was short lived though.

"Of course it's not poisoned" His expression was now one of affront, "That would be a waste of good brandy and besides Miss Granger if I wished you dead you would already be so."

"What do you wish from me then?" She asked cautiously, holding the drink in front of her like a shield.

"Only your company." He said innocently. "Is that too much to ask?"

She didn't answer instead moving to stand in front of one of the book cases running her fingers over the titles. She took another sip of her drink, it didn't burn so badly this time.

"You're not going to rape me then?"

"No!" She turned back to him, he actually looked affronted.

She shrugged. "That's not what you intimated to your fellow death eater."

"I was engaged in rescuing you Miss Granger, I would have said anything necessary to get us out of there alive."

Hermione considered this. "How noble of you." She turned back to the bookcase. She had just removed a slim volume when she sensed his presence close behind her.

"You know Miss Granger I find physical violence of any sort to be an extremely blunt tool." She could feel his warm breath against the back of her neck, it made the tiny hairs there stand up. She took another mouthful of the brandy.

"You must find You know Who's army to be in need a thorough sharpening then."

She felt it again as he laughed behind her. "You are incorrigible Miss Granger." His fingertips brushed down her bare arm.

"Mr Malfoy…."

"Perhaps since I did save your life you might call me Lucius." His lips grazed the side of her neck and she gave an involuntary gasp.

"Lucius, what are you doing?"

His arm was around her waist now, drawing her back against the warm length of his body, his tongue flicked against her ear. "I'm coercing you."

He turned her to face him and ran his fingers over her jaw, the signet ring on his right hand glinting. She parted her lips to say something, anything, to tell him to stop, to make some sort of clever comment but before she could speak he was kissing her. Hermione had exchanged a few kisses in her life. Viktor Krum had kissed as passionately and enthusiastically as he played quidditch which had tended to leave her bruised and sore. Ron kissed with equal enthusiasm and rather a lot more saliva which left her with warm feelings and a very wet face.

Kissing Lucius or rather being kissed by Lucius was not like either of these experiences. It was like having a conversation. The first brush of his lips was gentle, tentative almost and he moved his mouth against hers with surprising reverence. As he kissed her he gently detached her fingers from their death grip on her brandy glass and placed both of their glasses on an empty stretch of book shelf. Hermione was shocked to discover her arms twining around his neck of their own volition as she pressed her body against his.

Lucius kissed with his entire body, she was engulfed in the scent and feel of him as his soft lips brushed over and over her own. His long fingers tangled in her hair, stroking her cheekbones and the nape of her neck until her lips parted with a sigh and his tongue slid inside her mouth. Hermione could not quite believe what was happening, what she was allowing to happen. This was Lucius Malfoy, father of Draco and after today's events absolutely and irrevocably a death eater and yet here she was allowing him to kiss her, kissing him back as if her life depended on it.

I don't care. She told herself as his fingers ghosted down her torso to trace the bones of her ribcage. I don't care who he is, because this feels too good to stop. And with that thought she shut off the famed Granger brain and simply allowed herself to feel. Her entire body relaxed in supplication, it must have been as apparent to Lucius as it was to her because he carefully picked her up and carried her to the large desk where he deposited her and stepped between her open legs.

Once more his fingers traced her ribcage before he began to unbutton the front of her dress. His lips left hers as he traced the outline of her jaw, the lobe of her ear, the curve of her neck with his hot tongue. Then her dress was gaping open, he had pulled down her bra and suddenly his hot mouth was fastened over one of her nipples. She gave a shriek of pleasure and arched her back leaning back on the desk behind her. She felt his lips curve into a smile against her skin as he sucked harder and harder and she cried out in a desperate mixture of pain and pleasure. Then he turned his attention to the other nipple as his fingers pinched the swollen tight flesh of the one he had abandoned. She looked down and gasped again at the sheer eroticism of his fingers toying with her nipple and his lips locked around its partner.

He dragged his mouth away from her breasts smirking as she moaned at the loss of contact. His mouth was on hers again, harder now and more insistent as he pushed her back a little more on the desk, running his hands along her thighs under her cotton sundress. Then she felt his warm hands at her ankles as he removed each of her trainers in turn.

He broke away for a moment to stare at her panting slightly, his grey eyes slightly glazed, his perfect hair dishevelled from where she had gripped it in her impatient fists. He pushed her backwards until she was lying flat on the desk. She felt his hands running up her thighs once more to grip the top of knickers and pull them down over her legs. She gave a squeak of panic as she realised he was staring at her naked sex his eyes hooded and his tongue lightly caressing the tip of one of his canines.

He bent forward between her legs and the next thing she knew was the feeling of his hot hot tongue against her sex. It was without doubt the most exquisite sensation of her entire life. He moved slowly caressing her with a gently lapping motion until she was writhing under him, longing for release. She tried to buck her hips up towards him but he pressed his arm firmly across the lower part of her pelvis and bent his head once more to his task. Now she felt his tongue slip between the folds of her sex. She hoped he was not disgusted by how wet she was. He didn't seem disgusted, in fact she was pretty sure she had just heard him moaning with pleasure at the taste of her. Now he was thrusting his stiffened tongue in and out. She wondered if he was mimicking what he wanted to do to her with other parts of his anatomy and her sex clenched wildly at the thought. He replaced his tongue with a finger which he moved shallowly inside her as he rubbed his tongue against her clit.

Hermione suddenly understood. She understood all the giggling behind drawn bed curtains, all the scrutiny of girly magazines, the circulated romantic novels, the late night film sessions. She finally understood why woman were so bothered about sex because what this man was doing to her was without doubt the best thing that had every happened in her entire life. He added a second finger but they were only just inside her. She longed to tilt her pelvis up and have him fill her. He was sucking her clit now, his fingers rubbing against the front walls of her vagina and without warning her orgasm hit her. She had orgasmed on her own before of course but nothing had prepared her for this. It was like being hit by a train and deprived of oxygen all at the same time. Her hips arched mindlessly up against his restraining arm and her fingers scrabbled against the desk for any sort of purchase as she came hard her whole body jerking with the force of her contractions.

He waited until she was still before pulling her back up into a sitting position. Her body felt curiously languorous, sated even but as soon as his lips returned to hers she could feel her internal fire beginning to stoke once more. She could taste herself on his lips. She had thought it would disgust her but on the contrary it excited her. She eagerly sucked his tongue into her mouth and licked at his mouth.

Now it was her turn to undo his buttons although she was not nearly as dexterous as he had been. Eventually he helped her and she pulled open his robes to move the sides of his shirt apart spreading her hands over his chest with a contented hum. She pulled away from him for a moment to gaze at his chest. It looked exactly how it had felt pressed against her in the library. Strong and muscular but not overly so, the pale skin gloriously smooth. She ran her hands over it then down to his stomach. His breath hitched as she stopped at the waistband of his trousers. Their eyes met briefly, his dark and shadowed before he took her hand in his and pressed it against the bulge in his trousers.

Hermione gave a soft squeak. It was huge. Even through his trousers she could tell it was much larger than those she had seen in her anatomy textbooks. She gave it an exploratory squeeze through the fabric and Lucius inhaled sharply.

"Did I hurt you." She looked at him filled with remorse but he shook his head.

"Quite the opposite." He reached between them and undid the placket of his trousers, pulling down at his boxers his cock fell out into her hand.

Hermione gazed at it in wonder. It was hot and hard but the skin was strangely soft. She tentatively ran her fingers over the shaft. Lucius groaned and, emboldened by his obvious approval she encircled the whole thing in her hand and brushed her thumb against the tip. He groaned again and leaned in to kiss her once more as she fumblingly stroked his cock.

By the time she felt his fingers once more at the juncture of her thighs she was beyond coherent thought. She eagerly parted her legs even further and tilted her pelvis up a little to allow him easier access. He slid two fingers inside her once more and she whimpered with pleasure, all the while rubbing her hand softly against his cock.

"You're so wet little mudblood." He had dragged his lips away from hers. "So wet for me. Tell me you want me."

She heard a voice that sounded nothing like hers pleading incoherently with him. "Oh yes, I want you so badly, please….." then she stopped because he had suddenly frozen. His fingers had moved a little deeper and now they were motionless inside her, his lips still and his free hand no longer caressed her breasts.

"Lucius?" She asked tentatively.

"Go." He pulled away from her leaving her exposed on the desk her legs spread her dress unbuttoned and her shoes on the floor. He reached for his cane and with a flick withdrew his wand and summoned hers. He placed it on the desk next to her. "The chimney is connected to the floo network, go anywhere you please. Just go!" With that he righted his clothes and stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Hermione took a moment to collect herself. Pulling down her dress and doing up the buttons as quickly as possible. She couldn't quite believe what had happened. And what had not happened. She had been so willing, so wanton in his arms and then….he had just stopped. She rubbed a hand over her eyes before hopping off the desk and replacing her trainers. Her hair was a disaster and she quickly re-did her bun before making her way to the fireplace. There was no sign of Lucius but even so she whispered "The Burrow." Before stepping into the flames.