Anakin had assembled a search party with a few other Jedi to look for his overweight Padawan. They didn't bother to bring Clones with them, since their guns already proved ineffective against her.

"Ahsoka!" Anakin called.

"Ahsoka, where are you?" Obi-Wan's voice echoed off of the metallic walls of the lower floors of one of Couruscant's lower levels.

"She couldn't have gone far, could she?" Anakin asked him, slightly worried.

"I certainly hope not."

"Who knew cookies of all things could nearly drive a Jedi in-training to insanity?" Anakin asked to no one in particular.

"If you think that's bad, you should see Barriss when she doesn't get her sandwiches..." Luminara shuddered, "...but, I'm glad that part is over, now."

"Wait," Obi-Wan held up a hand, stopping the group. "...does anyone else sense that?" A small silence passed over them.

"...Yeah..." Anakin paused to tune into his Jedi Sense. "...I feel her. She's this way!"

Running off in the direction he pointed to, the rest of the group followed.

A feminine figure hunched over the plate of cookies in the darkness. Desperately and hungrily, she shoved them into her mouth.

" good..." she said between bites, "...have to...finish them...before she gets them."

"Ventress?" Obi-Wan's voice startled her. Her appetite had been so ravenous, she hadn't sensed the group. Whipping around she reached for her lightsabers and turned them on. The group stood there for a moment, then Anakin burst out laughing. An amused smile pulled across Obi-Wan's face, a couple of repressed snickers came from Luminara, and Mace Windu cleared his throat in attempt to remain composed.

"...What's so funny?"

"I'm sorry. I want to take you seriously, but uh, you got a little something on your face here." Anakin rubbed the corner of his mouth with his finger. Turning her lightsaber off, Ventress did the same, and found she had some chocolate on her face. "" Ventress wiped her face in the same place he gestured. "And...oh, forget it, you've basically got it everywhere."

Growling, she rubbed her face in her hands, very faint chocolate stains getting on her gloves as the rest of the group laughed at her. Suddenly, she smiled smugly and held up her empty plate, forgetting her humiliation. "Ha! Try and take my cookies now, tubby!"

"RRRRAAAAGH!" A rage-filled scream came from the large ball-like Tortuga, standing under a flickering street lamp behind the group.

With enough force power, the four Jedi were able to lift Ahsoka and take her back to the Temple. She didn't fight, or even mind being carried. She was too tired to walk back by herself, anyway.

Just outside the Temple, Ahsoka was sobbing and sticking the weight loss cookies in her mouth, trying not to gag as she swallowed. Anakin put a hand on her shoulder behind her.

"Sorry about your cookies, Snips, but it's for your own good." All he got in response was a fiery glare from her deep blue eyes.

"Ventress has a cookie problem, too! Why doesn't she have to eat this stuff?"

"Ventress is not a member of the Jedi Order. Her problems are none of our concern. Besides, she's always doing bounty hunter work, so she stays in shape that way."

"So not fair." Ahsoka gulped a weight loss cookie before taking another one.

"...Look," Anakin sat next to her, "maybe when you lose all that weight, we can work something out."

"...Like what?" she muttered, her mouth full.


Finally, after all this time, Ahsoka was finally back to normal. Anakin said because she had been so well-behaved on her diet, he had a surprise for her. Waiting impatiently in one of the hallways, she paced back and forth with anticipation.

"Psst! Ahsoka!" Barriss motioned to her from behind a corner. Cocking her head in curiosity, Ahsoka approached her friend. She reached for a pouch attached to her belt, and pulled out a big...chocolatey...golden...

"Cookie!" Ahsoka squealed under her breath. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she took a bite. "How did you manage this?"

"Your master was going to give it to you himself, but something came up, so he asked me to do it for him. If there's a time he can't give you a cookie for a job-well-done, I'm the one who's going to do it instead. In return..." reaching for something else in her pouch, she pulled out a triangular shaped food, "...he promised not to tell Luminara I'm still not quite over my 'sandwich issue.'"

"Oh, Barriss. What would you do without those sandwiches?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, "blow up the Jedi Temple or something?" Ahsoka stopped chewing on her cookie to give a worried look. "...Kidding! Just kidding..." she took a bite, "...sort of."