Hello, hello! Welcome back to Maki's Polyamorous Misadventures! please, enjoy your stay!

Yikes, it has been waaaaay too long since I posted here, sorry about that, life when stupid, as it does.

But anyway, On with the story!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Enjoy! XD

Be there for her

"I wonder why Nico-chan asked us to come here today..." Rin wondered allowed, stretching her arms across the cafe table and laying her head on her right arm.

"Well, she did mention that Maki-chan wouldn't be coming so maybe it has something to do with her?" Hanayo smiled gently at her girlfriend's antics.

Rin quickly sat up with a gasp.

"Maybe she's planning to propose to Maki-chan and she needs our help."

"Maki-chan did say that Nico-chan was acting really weird the last few days."

"Nya~ wouldn't it be romantic if she proposed at her last concert of he debut tour she gonna be doing this year."

"That's quite a while away still, but it would be romantic, though kinda risky, announcing to the world her love for Maki-chan..." Hanayo trailed off, a sad expression settling on her face.

"Hey!" Rin was suddenly right up close to Hanayo's face, a forced smile on her face, "remember what we promised Kayo-chin~"

"D-don't worry, I-i remember, we let Maki-chan be happy."

Hanayo sucked in a deep breath, letting it sit for a few seconds before she slowly let it out and plastered a smile on her face as she saw Nico, in her usual conspicuous disguise, walk through the door of the cafe.

"Hey! Nico-chanya! Over here!"

Rin's loud outburst drew the attention of most of the occupants of the cafe. This went unnoticed though by the ginger as she stood and waved happily at the raven-haired Idol.

Said Idol ducked her head and trudged over to the couple, an obvious scowl on her face despite the sunglasses and face mask.

"Could you shut the fuck up idiot"

The ginger recoiled back at the growled words, a hurt expression forming on her face as tears stung her eyes.

Nico groaned, flopping into a chair and buried her face in her hands.

"I'm sorry Rin-chan, I-I didn't mean to do that."

The couple stated at each other as Rin retook her seat, the lovers silently communicating there concern for their friend.

"Is everything okay Nico-chan?" Hanayo asked this as gently as she could.

"No... everything has gone to shit."

"Wha? What d-do you mean?"

"Well... not everything... it's just that... last night... Maki and I broke up..."

Her quiet words froze the pair in their seats, both struggling as to how exactly react to this news.

"But... why?" Rin managed this after a minute of silence.

"Because I'm a selfish bitch."

"Nico-chan! That's not true, don't say stuff like that!"

"But it is true Hanayo-chan, you of all people should know why I broke Maki's heart."

"What? Why should I- oh..."

"Oh?" Rin looked between the two

"Idols are not allowed to be in a relationship, and for a newly famous idol, it would be too much of a risk to have one so early on," Hanayo spoke rapidly, as she normally does with anything to do with idols.

"B-but couldn't you of just hid it?" Rin nervously asked, anticipating a harsh reply.

"Don't you think I already thought of that!" the Dark Haired girl growled out looking up to glare and Rin, "That I haven't already tried to bring that up with Maki! But even she said its not something I should risk, that I have to choose, her or my career!"

The anger didn't last though as her bottom lip trembled and she covered her face once again.

"And to top it all off, s-she told me to do it, t-to go and be an idol because that would make her happy, seeing me follow this dream I've had for so long instead of just chucking it away for her because she would never forgive either of us if I did that."

The couple didn't know how to respond, even after all the years of friendship they had shared, Nico was still rarely this open towards them and they weren't exactly sure how to respond. Though this didn't stop Hanayo from moving around the table and side hugging Nico when her shoulders started to shake.

Though instead of sobs, a dry, humorless laugh came from the smaller woman.

"But that dumb tomato is too easy to read, I could see how much it hurt her to say," another dry laugh broke through her words.

"Even though she was trying to hide it I could still see how every reassurance broke her more and more."

Finally, a sob broke through the laughter

"But even though I saw it, I still listened to what she said, I made myself believe that this whole thing was alright, that this is what she really wanted me to do."

She sighed and uncovered her face, looking between the couple with red eyes full of unshed tears.

"So I packed my shit a left, I-I stayed the night at my mother's place but then what do I get at six AM? A call from Maki's Father cause she's an hour late to work and won't pick up her phone, I explained to him what I did, he was pissed, to say the least, but made it very clear that I was to make sure she was alright before he just hung up."

"Is that where we come in?" Hanayo asked, talking quietly as she tried to soothe her friend

"Yeah… I know it's a coward move and selfish to ask you two to visit her, to make sure she is alright, but I don't think it would be good for either of us to see each other right now."

"It's not coward move or selfish to me, your still trying to look after Maki-chan, but in a way that is not harmful to either of you."

"Well that's a lovely way to see things Hanayo-chan, but it really does not change the way I feel," her sarcastic tone showing that she was once again annoyed.

"All the same though, we'll visit her today," Rin spoke as well in a soothing tone, ignoring Nico's hostility.

"Thank you, both of you… And, well I know you two are in love with her bu-"

"Wha?" Hanayo retracted from Nico, trying to act shocked and her words, "What do you mean Nico-chan? Maki-chan's our friend we- ah we-"

"Don't play dumb with me, I've seen how the pair of you look at Maki, how you used to take her on dates that you called 'just hanging out', how you reacted when we told you two we were dating, I know you two have loved her since high school."

The pair flinched at her harsh words, Nico was right, she was right about everything. They stared at the table to avoid those red eyes, not wanting to confirm her words.

"Oh don't go all sulky on me now, you two love her, and I…I knew it back then but I still confessed to her, I still regret that" she sighed deeply and the couple glanced at each other, mutually deeply concerned for their friend.

"And asking you to pick up the pieces after I have broken her heart is no way to make up for that but still, please, help her, And… not that I would interfere anyway but, if things do end up going... your way, I support you completely, okay?"

"Yeah… O-okay Nico-chan, we'll ah, yeah…" Hanayo trailed off, Not sure what to say.


Her suddenly bright voice made the couple flinch.

"Well the Great Nico Nii would love to stick around but She has many things to do today so," she stood from her chair, pushing it back slightly so she could leave but paused before she did.

"Oh you'll need these," she set a set of two keys on the table before turning away "see you two later, Bye!"

The dark Haired idol made a hasty exit from the Cafe before either woman could react.

"Well, I guess Were going to Maki's place." Rin tried her best to sound cheerful but neither could deny how fast their hearts were beating as they stared at the keys


Lb pov shift to Maki

She really did just wanted to move on.

To just keep going with life as if it hadn't all but ended the night before.

But even as she watched her alarm clock flick to 4 am and the beeping started, she just couldn't find the effort to get up, she barely mustered any to turn the damn thing off.

She hadn't slept at all, lying awake watching the glowing numbers of the clock flick by.

It was probably for the best if she didn't go in today. No point risking others because you were too tired from overthinking and trying not to cry to sleep and now just emotionally exhausted.

She should call her dad, to let him know she wouldn't be in today.

Well, that's what she should do, but instead, Maki just continued to lay there, watching as the numbers flicked through from zero to nine over and over.

She watched as her phone glowed to life over and over, one of the many songs from her Muse days filled the silence for a short time before dying off once again each time.

She really should get up, do something, even if it was nothing more than have a shower, go have some water, wander around the apartment or just something that wasn't just laying here.

But all of those just felt like a daunting task. Tasks that would take so much effort to complete that it just wouldn't be worth it.

She knew that if they stayed together then Nico would have to give up her one chance to follow her dream of becoming a professional idol.

She knew with something like this between them, they would just grow to resent each other.

She knew that relationship started in high school rarely lasted long anyway so giving up this chance was pointless. Even if there was clear evidence against that as most of the members of Muse were still going strong in their relationships started at Otonokizaka.

Maki knew this was the right decisions to make.

But that didn't make it any better.

Her eyes were finally pulled away from the numbers when a very familiar voice came from her phone. She quickly recognized it as the song that Hanayo, Rin and herself had made up on the spot in America and later made into an actual song when they had made there own School Idol group in their second and third years of high school.

There were only two people that song was set for and she knew she should answer, just cause it was them.

Partly because whichever one was calling would worry more if she didn't answer but mostly because talking to them always made her feel better and no doubt that would happen now.

Just before the song could end, she slid the answer button across the screen and picked the device off the table before bringing it to her ear.


Maki barely flinched at Rin's usual overly loud greeting, but she did half-heartedly scowl.

"Rin, please, it's too early to be that loud."

"B-but Maki-chan, it's noon."

The red head frowned at Hanayo's words, glancing at the first two digits on her clock that she apparently hadn't looked at in several hours

"So it is."

She sighed deeply 'good one now they're going to worry even more.'

"Was there something you two needed?"

"Nooo, buuut, weeellll, Kayo-chin thought it would be better to call ahead before we came in."

At least ten seconds passed before Maki once again sighed.

"You two are at the door, aren't you."


At least Hanayo had the decency to sound sheepish.

"Give me a sec."

She ended the call before rolling over and finally getting up for what was left of the day. Her legs wobbled and she stumbled, flailing her arms but managed not to fall before she got her legs under control. She straightened before continuing on to the front door of the apartment.

As soon as she opened it though, a ginger blur tackled her to the ground in a hug.

She stared up at the ceiling for a few seconds in a daze. She was quickly able to shake the daze and thought about maybe scolding Rin for jumping on her but was their really much point? The human contact was actually quite a nice change. A minute passed with the red head just laying there under the ginger before her vision was filled with Hanayo's concerned face

"Maki-chan... A-are you okay? Y-you haven't started y-y-yelling yet..."

She glanced at Rin's face, she was also watching the red head with concern while now sitting on top of her.

"Why are you looking at me like that? So I don't bite your head off, big deal."

"W-well, it's just that's what you normally do a-a-and N-nico-chan, well sh-e umm..."

"She told us what happened between you two and ask us to come and make sure you're okay."


Maki... Hadn't really expected Nico to keep it a secret but also hadn't expected her to go telling this soon, and to Rin and Hanayo no less.

It was just, All of Muse had a special bond with each other but usually, with relationship related problems and comforting, the mums of Muse Nozomi and Eli were called in, as seen with the whole drama surrounding Honoka, Kotori and Umi in their last year of high school and their struggle to get together.

It sort of made sense, she guessed, Maki was the most open and comfortable with the ginger and brunet.

'Damn it she's still looking out for me while I'm just here moping.'

"Well you didn't have to come you know, I'm fi-"

"No you're not!" Hanayo interrupted with a determined voice that caused her self to flinch and lose confidence when both Rin and Maki focused on her.

"W-well, I mean y-you don't-t-"

Hanayo tried to correct herself but choked on her words as a guy Maki vaguely recognized as one of her more creepy neighbors passed the open door and stopped.

"Ooo what am I missing here? Can I join in?"

Rin barely missed being thrown off the red head in her angry hast to stand, drag Hanayo more into her apartment and slam the door in the creep's face.

Maki glared holes and the defenseless door even as she heard the obnoxious laughter travel down the hallway. She pressed her forehead against the cool wood, trying to give the heat on her face a chance to cool before turning back to the concerned looks that were no doubt being sent her way.

At least anger and embarrassment were nicer than the numbness from the past hours.

"Maki? You're not okay, are you." It wasn't a question but a statement from Rin.

She sucked in a breath, ready to give her usual defensive answer of 'I'm fine' but was there any point lying now? With them? when it was so obvious that she wasn't?

"No" she let out quietly with the breath, half hoping they had missed it so she could change it.

They obviously hadn't as she felt two different hands on her back and soon after the pair was pressed either side of her, encasing her in a hug sandwich.

"It's okay to cry Maki-chan," Hanayo mumbled this into her shoulder where her face was pressed and squeezed a little tighter for a second.


Maki didn't really know how to respond, she probably will cry eventually. Though not now, not while their here, and of course that was why she didn't want them to leave.

"A-anyway, were you two just stopping by to c-check up on me o-o-or something?"

"Noope!" Rin twirled away from the upright cuddle puddle with a silly pose.

"We'll be staying with you the whole day and we're gonna make it the best half-a-day ever-nyaaa!"

The red head finally removed her head from the door when the ginger had let go of her side. She watched her familiar silly antics and couldn't help the little smile she gave.

"So what did you want to do first Maki-chan?"

She looked over to Hanayo, smile still present and opened her mouth to answer but the loud, and quite embarrassing, noise from her stomach answered for her.

"Nyaaa looks like we have an answer! Go get ready and then we'll go get ramen!"

"Not ramen, we need delicious rice! Its the best thing to Cheer someone up"

"Ehh? Eat what you want but all I need is a big bag of tomatoes thanks very much."

There was a beat of silence before the three broke into much-needed laughter.

Love? Hate? Brain Bleach? Let me know!

There will probs be a part 2 to this at some point so yeah.