Chapter 5


The bleachers were the typical steel frame with four rows of seating. The difference with these seats compared to normal bleachers was that they are covered in a plush cushion seat the same colour as the wall.

I didn't have much more time to look at them as Ana removes my suit jacket and slips it off my shoulders. She unknots my tie and throws it on the floor.

"Oops," she feigns innocence, "You dropped your tie, I better pick it up,"

She removes herself from my lap and goes to pick up the tie. She is dressed in a red and grey cheerleader outfit; her skirt barely covers her ass. When she bends over to pick up my tie, it seems like my lovely wife has forgotten her panties.

I growl standing up giving her ass a hard slap, leaving a pink handprint on her right cheek. "You're a bad girl, Mrs. Grey."

I grab her hips pulling her to my hardened bulge. She moves her ass against me, making me even harder and needy for her. "Where do you want me to take you first?" I ask, I know my wife well she thought of every possible place we could have sex.

"Follow me, Mr. Grey," She answers as I release her hips from my hold.

She grabs my hand and takes me to the other side of the bleachers. I see a bar with a set of handcuffs attached.

"There are a couple of hidden gifts attached to this present, Sir. I'm only showing you the first one. The rest you have to find yourself."

"I'll play your little game, but I think I need some encouragement first." I say, backing her to the bar. I attach the handcuffs to her wrists. Her arms raised in the air as she waits for me.

"Such a sight you are. I love it when you're restrained and at my will."

"Fuck me…" she whispers, her teeth sinking into her lower lip.

I quickly remove my pants and boxers. My cock hard as granite; waiting to be in the warmth of my wife. I grab her legs and wrap them around my waist. I line myself up and ram myself into her in swift move. The handcuffs shackle on the bar and I relentlessly pound into her over and over again.

My mouth slams into her; we kiss feverishly, my strokes getting longer and deeper with each fluid moment.

Her lips release from mine, her head falling forward as her walls tighten around my dick. "Chris-god-fuck-" she moans, her words incoherent as she comes around me.

I firmly grab her ass, ramming myself hard into her, racing against her orgasm before I spill myself into her.

I unhook her handcuffs and her body lags against mine as we both catch our breath. I drop Ana to the ground, disconnecting from her. My dick is still hard knowing there's a lot more in store for me tonight.

"We need to fuck on top of the bleachers as well," Ana smirks taking my hand and guiding me back to the bleachers. She lays down flat on the middle bleacher and gives me a come hither look "Come on, quarterback time to make a touchdown,"

I ogle my beautiful, smiling wife. She is laying there in all her glory and couldn't look more perfect than she does in this moment. I kneel and straddle the bleacher seat. I place kisses on her feet and work my way up her legs. I pass her sex and continue up her body. I pay close attention to her C-section scar, leaving feather kisses along the line. I love this scar, it's proof that she carried my children, something that is apart of the love we shared, and her body is forever changed because of it. I find that so hot.

I continue to work my way up to her breasts and take her right nipple into my mouth and suck like a starving baby. Her back arches on the bench. My one hand pinches her free nipple and with my other I insert two fingers into her.

"I can see your still wet for me baby, how about I make you come with just my fingers?"

"Yes, please… sir," She begs me and thrust her hips upward as I work her over. My thumb circles her clit and I can feel her tighten around me. She's moaning and withering below me. My mouth finds her mouth. Our tongues tangle, my toes curl, just as she explodes on my fingers.

"Mmm. That's my girl…" My forehead rest on hers, her eyes melt into mine. I love watching her as she comes.

"Please Christian, I need you inside me,"

How can I resist that?

I hover my body over hers and enter her ever so slowly. I want this to last. My pumps are slow and rhythmic. Our eyes continue to stare at one another and it's not long before we reach our peaks and scream our releases.

"I think I should get you to bed now Mrs. Grey." I tell her as I lift her up and place her on my lap.

"But you haven't found the rest of your surprises." She tells me as her headrest on my shoulder.

"Next time. Now it's time for bed." I urge.

It's been a long day.

"Mmmm if we must," Ana sighs, clearly spent after our second round of lovemaking.

I carry her to our bedroom and we fall into a deep sleep.

The next day I receive an email from Welch regarding William Jones.

Date: 5/30/2021, 0734

To: Christian Grey, Ros Bailey

From: Welch

Subject: William Jones

Attachment: Jones, William

Morning Boss,

This kid is amazing, 16 and already in college. I'll let you read yourself but I did some research and he already has college grad offers from Google, Apple and NASA.


Head of IT, Grey Enterprises and Holdings

I am impressed already.

I open the attachment and start reading.

Name: William Johnston

DOB: 12/28/2005

Mother: Kelly Jones

-Deceased, suicide, January 16th 2010

Father: Daniel Johnston

-Whereabouts unknown

Current guardian: Tulip Jones (Mother of Kelly Jones)

Age: 85

Social security: 53925283

Bank: Seattle Trust

Account number: 73628274

Current balance: $13,468


Dorm 468,

West campus,

Princeton University NJ

Student Loan debt: $0


High school: Seattle PreP

Full scholarship

Finished high school in 2 years at age 10

SAT Score: 2400

Currently: Senior at Princeton university (full scholarship)

GPA: 4.0

Other information: Grandmother currently lives in Seattle and in an interview with Princeton Times (enclosed), William expressed wanting to find a job in Seattle to look after his grandmother.

I stare at the name in front of me. This was the boy that the women at the reunion were talking about. Kelly's son.

He survived after losing his mother at such a young age. A lot like me. He's been able to make a name for himself. I want this kid. I need him to work for GEH, and with all those offers on the table I know what I have to do.

"Andrea, I want an employment contract for William Jones and tell Stephen to get the jet ready, for a trip to New Jersey."

I have never in all my years running GEH gone to a college to recruit someone, but my gut is telling me to take a chance and go see this kid. If not, to tell him I was sorry for not befriending his mother all those years ago.

I explained everything to Ana and decided to do the trip alone, with Taylor of course, but without the family.

We phoned ahead and the Dean of admissions was more than happy to escort me to the end of one of William's classes and use his office to conduct some business.

As I wait inside the office I think I about how his life may have been different if Kelly hadn't died. Would William just be here in Princeton? Maybe he'd be at Caltech, or another good west coast college or still in high school?

A frightened William enters the office and waits for instruction.

"Please sit, my name is Christian Grey, and I want to offer you a job."

He looks at me bewildered.

"G...good afternoon Mr. Grey," he stutters, "I am a little confused, I didn't apply for a job with Grey Enterprises, at least I don't remember applying."

I chuckle at his confusion, "No you didn't. I recently was informed of your work on the survival kit you created. I found out you were from Seattle, I actually went to school with your mother."

His eyes go wide and he stares at me.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but I am here to offer you a job with GEH after you graduate. I was aware of how smart your mother was at school. She did try and befriend me, but it was a terrible time of my life and I rejected her friendship. I didn't want to pass up the same opportunity with her son." He is still looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

"You really knew my mother?"

I nod again. "In a way we are very much alike. My own mother died when I was very young and for years I tried to prove myself in order to make my adopted parents happy. I figured out later in life that you need to be happy with yourself before worrying about anyone else."

"I know, sir." He gives me a half smile.

"I'm glad you do. Anyways, the reason I'm really here is I have an offer of employment. You will see that the salary should match what Google is offering you. The plus side is you get to stay with your grandmother and I have also included a clause that after a year working for my Research and Development department, you can pitch me an idea for your own department. It would be separate from all other GEH work and you will receive 45% of all profit made from your invention, after start up costs of course,"

I see William turn pale at the six-figure salary in front of him.

"Thank you, Mr. Grey. This is an amazing offer, I will have my lawyers have a read and get back to you be the end of the week,"

I smile, he doesn't have a lawyer, but it's good that he didn't just sign straight away.

We say our goodbyes and I make my way back to the airport.

I feel like I might have been able to set things right. I might have failed with helping Kelly, but I can sure make sure her mother and son is taken care of.


12 months later

New York

Front page;

New York Times


After 20 years in development, someone has finally manufactured a solar power cell phone.

Christian Grey, CEO and founder of Grey Enterprise and Holding, announced at their keynote event last night, that GEH along with young inventor William Johnston, has finally made a solar powered cell phone. The product will be released next month.

Starting cost for the solar phone starts amazing at a low $199. Mr. Grey said he wanted the phone to be accessible by as many people as possible.

The new phone comes in six different colours and 45% of all profits go to distributing the phone to third world countries where electricity is the household is not always common.

I smile down at the article. Ana and I are in New York for the keynote. William was staying with us in the penthouse, as his grandmother was not too happy with the thought of the seventeen year old being unsupervised.

Not like he didn't spend 4 years on college or anything.

William has become like the little brother I never had. Once he started working at GEH I took him under my wing and our tech department has never been better.

Ana was like a mamma bear when it came to William. He and his grandmother come to our house every Sunday for lunch. Last month when William brought a girl home Ana was the first to give her the third degree. Surprised to say that she didn't last long.

I continue to read my paper.

Secretary of Health Not So Healthy

Secretary of Health and Human Services, Wentworth Holloway, faces court today on an allegation that he tried to blackmail, former President Donald Trump, in order to get his backing for President.

His wife is also under investigation by the medical board for failing to keep her Hippocratic oath, be denying a patient medical care when he wouldn't donate funds to her husband's campaign.

I smile to myself because karma is a bitch.

The End

For real this time.


Thank you for all yours reviews and good wishes while Diamond Child and I have finished this story.