Chapter I

Bella clung to Edward's hand like her life depended on it, which it probably did in their current predicament. She'd just saved Edward from revealing himself to the human locals in the town square under the clock tower. Their reunion was cut short when two vampires from the Volturi guard showed up and confronted them in a somewhat civil manner that turned hostile thanks to Edward's overprotectiveness. Let's just say they were fortunate that Alice showed up when she did.

"Everything's going to be alright, Bella."

Bella was stirred from her inner musings when she felt Alice softly take hold of her other hand that wasn't clutching desperately to Edward's. She forced a small smile at the vampire she considered her sister. Having Alice there along with them gave Bella mixed feelings. The pixie-like-vampire could either be extremely beneficial during their confrontation with the Volturi leaders, or Bella could've just doomed her to the same fate to whatever was to befall on her and Edward. Alice didn't deserve to be punished for her brother's wrongdoing. She was only trying to save both him and their secret.

"I wouldn't be so optimistic just yet." Jane, the child-like-vampire that Edward and Alice both seemed to fear, said coolly from the front of the group.

Edward squeezed her hand tightly and Bella looked up at him. His gaze was steeled ahead with his jaw clenched tight in frustration. Whatever Jane was thinking really must've angered him.

"Hey," she whispered to get his attention. He glanced down at her and his face seemed to relax.

"I won't let anything happen to you." He replied and Bella nodded and moved further into his side. He seemed so sure but Bella was having trouble being as optimistic. Her stomach was doing little flips as they ventured deeper into the ancient Italian castle. There was no way they were going to walk away without any form of punishment.

They were all quiet for the remainder the trip until they reached a pair of ten-foot solid oak doors. Bella slowed in her steps at the sight up them. Her and Edward's fate were just beyond those doors. It was nerve-wracking to think that there was a chance they could never leave that room – that they could be walking straight to their deaths.

Edward noticed her resistance to entering the room and slowed down. "Just don't leave my side. I'll take care of you. I promise."

"Whatever happens, know that I won't be able to live without you." She shook her head numbly. "Not again."


"If they kill you then-"

Edward stopped fully and turned to face her. The two guards behind them glared at him in warning but he ignored them and focused on Bella. "Don't talk like that. I want you to live Bella, whatever their verdict may be. Promise me you'll choose to live."

Bella felt light-headed at how fiercely she was shaking her head. "No. I can't. Not without you-"

"Please." He begged, moving closer and speaking lowly to her. He reached out and grabbed her other hand. "Promise me this, Bella. Go back to Forks and forget all of this. You deserve a better life than what I've given you."

"You have given me a better life." She cut in, clinging to him urgently. "You've saved me so many times where I would've died if not for you. You're the reason that I'm alive, Edward." She flicked her eyes back up to his, seeing how he was staring at her with such misery. "I refuse to live without you."

"I love you, Bella."

She breathed heavily through her nose and tilted her head to touch his lowered one. "I love you. Always." She muttered softly back.

"Guys…" they broke apart by the sound of Alice's soft voice. Bella sighed and turned to her vampire sister. Alice smiled sadly before kissing her softly on the cheek and nodded to Edward, having said whatever it was to her brother in her head.

"Let's get this over with," Bella said more confidently before she lost her nerve. Behind her, she heard a few amused chuckles from the two guards that had been hostile towards Edward earlier. She flickered her gaze briefly over them and blushed at their hungry, cat-like grins that were aimed at her. Edward also seemed to notice and gently tugged her ahead on him.

"Shall we?" Jane grinned maliciously. Bella had a feeling this child-like-vampire would have a hand in carrying out whatever punishment they were going to be shown.

Effortlessly the little blond parted the large doors and strode into the room with purpose. Bella kept close to Edward as they followed Jane into the room with less enthusiasm.

The throne room was a circular chamber covered in light colored marble with a domed ceiling stretched several stories up. It surprised Bella how bright and airy the space was. She didn't know what she was expecting before walking in, coffins, skeletons, and chains maybe, but definitely not this. If she hadn't known any better she would've thought this to be a room in a regal English castle. It was breathtakingly beautiful. So distracted by her surroundings, she almost didn't notice when their group came to a stop before a large dais in the back of the room. She felt dread set in when the king in the middle stood from his throne and slowly made his approach.

Bella felt like the world around her was moving in slow motion and yet she was still unable to move quick enough to keep up with it. She wasn't even quite sure how they reached the point they were at. Aro, the raven-haired vampire king, had come to some silent decision with the other kings before all hell was set loose. Alice was struggling to free herself from one guard while Edward was battling it out with a vampire that made Emmett look small in comparison.

"Stop! Please!" she screamed and frantically dug her hands through her tangled hair. Despite Edward having the ability to read the other's mind, it wasn't enough to take down the larger vampire. He was losing and if Bella didn't do anything then she might witness Edward being executed before her eyes.

She took a step forward but halted when a cold hand gripped her upper arm. Aro was suddenly standing next to her with an amused gleam in his crimson eyes.

"It's what he deserves, my dear." He said in a false kind tone.

"Don't you touch her," Edward growled from across the room, despite being in a headlock. Bella shot him a pitiful expression. There was nothing either of them could do.

"You dare make a command from your king?!" the blonde vampire, Caius, raged and shot up from his throne. "Jane!" he ordered, and the young girl was across the room in a flash. Bella stared in horror at the sight of her hovering over Edward.

"No! Don't! Not again!" she pleaded and resisted against Aro's grasp.

Caius ignored her and kept his glare on Edward.

"Master?" Jane grinned; appearing delighted to use her horrible gift on him again. Bella felt her heart drop at her predatory gaze. How could someone take so much joy out of torturing others?

"Felix," The king said and the large vampire released Edward and swiftly moved towards the dais at a safe distance.

Jane simply beamed.


Edward arched so violently on the ground that Bella swore she felt his pain along with him. She cried out for them to stop and Aro released her as she crumbled to the ground in tears. Edward's jaw was clamped shut in an attempt to hold back his screams. The longer he was under Jane's gaze the more his limbs went rigid and bent in painful positions. It was when he couldn't hold it in any longer that Bella's heart shattered. His pain filled scream shook Bella to her core. Her sobbing stopped when a painful lump formed deep in her throat.

She coughed and choked on it, gasping for the air that her lungs so desperately needed. After a moment the lump melted, and when it did, Bella wasn't able to hold back the scream that tore through her throat. In that moment, Edward's pain became hers and it was unbearable.

Over both of their screams that were amplified by the marble pillars, Bella heard the splintering sound of wood shattering and stone colliding with stone. She gasped for breath, feeling lightheaded. Jane suddenly stopped and stared wide-eyed at the cause of the commotion behind them. She disappeared and finally ended Edward's torment. Behind her, there were sounds of vampires snarling and fighting but Bella kept her eyes glued to Edward and the way his chest heaved up and down. Without thinking about it she weakly began to crawl towards him.

"Bella! Wait!" Alice shouted in desperation. She turned around and was startled at the sight of Alice and one of the Volturi guards on their knees on the ground with their heads bowed. What in the world were they doing?

"A-Alice?" she whined, fearful. Behind them, the scuffle grew louder.

Alice's dark eyes flickered toward her. "Don't approach Edward. He won't be safe if you do. Just stay where you are."

Bella stared at her in confusion. What was she talking about?

"Bella…" Edward wheezed and she snapped her head back to him. He was still breathing heavily on his back on the hard floor. Slowly he raised his hand and twitched it in her direction. He was reaching out for her.

"Edward, no!" Alice hissed.

Bella didn't think twice and started moving towards him again, intent on grabbing his hand and holding on to him for dear life. She would shield him with her body if that were what it took.

She was six feet from reaching him when a dark robe suddenly filled her vision. Bella stopped and stared wide-eyed at the vampire that separated her and Edward. Fear trickled its way down her spine as she steadily raised her eyes up to the predators face, expecting to find herself on her hands and knees at the feet of one of the Volturi Kings.

Instead, to her surprise, Bella found herself staring up at a beautiful woman. She had long, dark brown wavy hair that shaped her thin face perfectly. Her eyes were a deep onyx shade but Bella didn't find them threatening, especially since this vampire was gazing down at her with such tender adoration. Bella was further shocked when the woman gently bent down to her level in a non-threatening manner.

"Hello," the vampire said softly with an almost shy smile. Bella couldn't stop gawking at her beauty. "I'm Sulpicia, one of the three Queens of the Volturi."

A Queen? So this mysterious woman must be a wife to one of the cruel Kings. Surprisingly the thought of that made Bella angry.

"May I know your name?" she asked, that sweet smile still on her beautiful pale face.

Bella shuffled in her spot, suddenly uncomfortable with her appearance because she was sure she looked like a wreck.

"Bella," she responded softly, earning a wide grin from Sulpicia.

"Bella…" Sulpicia whispered fondly. Bella blushed and looked away. Her heart was racing in her chest. "Beautiful, simply beautiful. I've waited a long time for you, Bella. You're someone very important to me, do you know why?"

The American teen looked at her baffled. "I-I'm important to…you?" Bella asked distressingly, not sure if it was a good thing or not. "Why?"

"Because you're my other half, dear," Sulpicia said and laughed softly. Bella swore she heard little bells ringing. "We were made for each other. You feel it, don't you? I can tell by the way you're looking at me. Oh, my sweet little mate…"

She held her breath when Sulpicia suddenly leaned forward and pressed her cold, soft lips to her. Every nerve in Bella's body tingled and burned like she was just struck by lighting, except there wasn't any pain. All her fear, distress, and confusion melted away the longer Sulpicia kept their lips connected.

Too soon the vampire Queen slowly pulled back and embarrassingly Bella found herself leaning forward to catch them again. She blushed heavily when Sulpicia chuckled.

"Don't worry, little one, I will drown you in affection until your heart no longer beats." She cooed and glided a cold finger across Bella's cheek before leaning in close and whispering in her ear, "And even long after it stops."