Dorcas's curly hair would fall in front her face, only for her to huff it frustratedly out of her eyes immediately. It was a reflex now. Marlene had noticed her do it back in fourth year. That was when she realised how pretty the girl in Transfiguration was. She hadn't seen her before. Maybe sometimes in the corridor, or the common room but that was it.
But Marlene wouldn't have guessed that her thoughts on Dorcas would change from"she's pretty" to "Oh my God!" by sixth year. Right now, she was making Dorcas giggle, her eyes bright and shining back at her. They lay on Marlene's bed, wary of how close the other was.
Dorcas was too close. Her hair was blow out of her eyes, and she smiled at Marlene. Genuine. Bright. Like sunshine ran in her veins.
"Hey, Marls?"
"Yeah?" She breathed, hey eyes drawn to Dorcas's like magnets.
"Your Quidditch obsession matches James's."
Marlene snorted. "When I start mumbling offence tactics in my sleep, let me know."
When Marlene looked back over at Dorcas, she was biting her lip, and Marlene noticeably flushed.
Every time.
Ducking her head, Marlene coughed awkwardly. "So... we should probably-"
Dorcas smacked her lips against Marlene's.
She froze.
The kiss lasted barely less than a second. Dorcas was biting her lip again.
Oh the things she does to me.
Apparently Dorcas took Marlene's shocked reaction as a rejection. Her eyes widened like a dear trapped in the headlights.
"Marly, I'm so sorry. I just thought... well, I didn't think-"
"You kissed me."
Dorcas blinked. "Yes. I did." And then after a pause: "was that okay?"
"I don't know..." Marlene nodded seriously, while Dorcas frowned slightly. She looked adorable in that moment. So unsure, but still biting her lips. Lips that had just been, moments before, on Marlene's. "I need more information to see."
In one swift motion, she leaned for ward, her hand placed on Dorcas's cheek, her lips gently kissing hers. Soft, slow and sensual. She kissed her, letting Dorcas react by moving her lips against hers. Marlene's heart raced, both their lips red and breathing deep when they pulled away. Faces blushing and smiling like fools, they lay on the bed for another hour.
Marlene stroking Dorcas's face and kissing her forehead every so often, while Dorcas intertwined their fingers together.
Marlene would not have believed this moment would ever have happened to her with the pretty girl from Transfiguration.