And another chapter!

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Valkyrie's POV

The hope that still surged through my veins made typing a hella lot easier, I quickly went to my contacts and scrolled down, contemplating who to call, if it would even work that is. I decided to call Tanith, it would be super weird speaking to future Skulduggery whilst i'm with past Skulduggery. I clicked the 'call' icon and the phone was picked up almost immediately.

"VAL?!" Tanith screeched.

"OH MY GOD IT ACTUALLY WORKED!" I screamed jumping around with a huge smile, "OH MY GODDDDD!" I could see Skulduggery looking at me in an amused expression, but every few seconds he kept eyeing up my phone and a confused expression covered his handsome features.

Oh yeah, he doesn't know what a phone is. I covered the phone with one hand and looked up at the two other teenagers in my room. "I'll be one second!" I said excitedly still jumping around, I probably looked like a maniac, "Hey Lenka, explain to Skul what a phone is kay?" She giggled and nodded whilst I left, but not before flashing a smile at Skulduggery who I swear blushed!

I put the phone back up to my ear after my stomach had recovered from its swarm of butterflies.

"Val?" I heard her asking worriedly.

"Sorry, what?"

"Oh my god, thank god we can at least talk! Everyone's scared shitless about you." I giggled slightly.

"Well tell them, i'm absolutely fine and everythi-"

"They just came into the room right now." Tanith cut me off.

"Good! Put the phone on speaker."

"Yep okay done."

Suddenly I heard a tornado of voices shouting, stuff like asking if I was okay, where was I, who took me, how did it happen and stuff like that. But in order for me to stay calm and not freak out, they needed to stay calm for me as well.

"Guys, please quiet." I said softly, my phone was the only thing that allowed me to communicate with them, it was a shock that it even worked and we needed to sort stuff out before something bad happens, I mean I could literally run out of battery any time this week, right now I was on 89% and I had brought my charger along but there were obviously no plugs or electricity, it was madness to think that when that 89% ran out, I would have no connection to them at all and I would be alone here, well accept from all the dead men and Lenka of course.

"Val?" I heard Ghastly ask with concern.

I sighed placing my hand across my forehead, "Okay guys, this is the deal, at the airport, a girl knocked into me and all of her stuff went everywhere, I apologised and went to get some of her things that had rolled behind this shop and before I knew it she was behind me and my vision went all black - I was unconscious." I heard some cursing in the background but everyone was silent, wanting me to continue, "So when I finally woke up, I met this girl, she's pretty ordinary except she's got bright orange hair and her name is Lenka Crazed" I heard Saracen gasp in the background.

"The one in that case." I heard Skulduggery mutter - it was good to hear his voice again.

"So anyway i'm in some place called the Aca-"

"The academy of young mages." Dexter finished, I raised an eyebrow even though they couldn't see it.

"We went to Cassandra who showed us a vision." My partner spoke up as if he sensed my confusion.

"So anyway, I met all of you, well except from you Tanith of course and then before I knew it we're all sharing a huge apartment but with these separate rooms, right now all of you except from me, Lenka and Skulduggery are at the market and Skul and Lenka are both in my room, she's explaining what a phone is to him." Tanith giggled slightly and I smiled. "and just to remind you guys, I only have 89% on my phone, so we've got to keep the phone calls limited since I obviously can't charge it here." More cursing and then Skulduggery spoke.

"We need to end the call Val, we can't risk you losing more battery than you need but I swear to you we'll get you back, I don't know how but i'll find a way like I always do." I felt a warm sensation in my heart and I had a few tears in my eyes.

"Until the end." I whispered.

"Until the end." He replied, before I hung the phone up.

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed again before letting some of my tears fall and wiping them away quickly. I hoped my face didn't look all red and blotchy, that would be embarrassing if Lenka or Skul realised. I shook my head as if to clear it of thoughts and walked back to my door opening it slowly.

"Ohhhhhh! I get it now!" Skulduggery exclaimed, making me jump slightly.

"Sorry Val, didn't mean to make you jump." He apologised. I tried to smile back but it didn't quite reach my eyes and I knew both of them could tell something bad had happened.

"You okay Val?" Skulduggery questioned softly, sitting up from his lying down position on my bed, I nodded slightly trying to reassure him, but I knew it wouldn't work - he was just too goddamn clever.