AN: Hey everybody, my first Merlin story! Yay! Hope you enjoy it, leave reviews and follow or fav, there's more to come! If you want me to continue, let me know through a review, I can't get enough of them!


~ 'Crastinate

P.S: I don't own Merlin

Merlin's POV

Merlin ducked as a stray goblet chased him from the King's bed chambers. Arthur continued to shout insults at his retreating manservant's back as said manservant howled with laughter. Merlin skidded around the corner as he wiped tears of mirth from eyes deep blue eyes, earning him looks of disapproval from an elderly servant. Merlin had once again made a rather cheeky jibe at his master's weight, and Arthur had not taken it lightly. Merlin made a mental note to avoid him for a few hours, so not to provoke the steaming royal further.

Unfortunately, Arthur found Merlin in the mucking out the stables less then an hour after the incident earlier that morning. The blond's light blue eyes sparkled with mischievous revenge as he approached the unsuspecting boy's back.

"Merlin," he began loudly. The raven haired warlock jumped in surprise. "I have decided to go on a hunt on this fine summer afternoon." Arthur continued. Merlin let out a small groan of protest. "Now?" Arthur smirked. "Yes now, Merlin. The knights have already assembled outside in the courtyard. Go fetch the provisions. Chop chop!"

When Merlin returned a few minutes later, he found Arthur, Gwaine, Percival, Elyan, and Leon waiting impatiently in the courtyard atop their high horses. Literally. Merlin grumbled as he hoisted himself on his chestnut mare and the group set off towards the forest.

After hours of Merlin deliberately tripping over Arthur whenever he readies his crossbow, followed by severe telling offs and bantering, Arthur announced it was getting late and they should set up camp for the night.

As the group gathers around the warm fire, Gwaine starts to tell one of his famous tavern stories. Merlin absentmindedly listened, laughing whenever the others laughed, focusing on the dark forest around their protective circle of firelight. It was quiet. Too quiet. His blue eyes flickered nervously between the trees, the obscure shadows yielding no light or sound. No birds sang their evening songs, no leaves crackled under the odd animal's feet. Nothing. Merlin's felt it in the air: a brooding silence. Something was going to happen tonight. Something big.

A loud shout of amusement echoed around the clearing. Merlin jumped and spun around to face a chortling Gwaine. "And I said: 'You're in no fit state to even hold of a sword much less use one!' And he said: 'I don't need a sword to kill you!' Then he charged, in the wrong direction!" He snickered. The rest of the knights laughed alongside him. Merlin let out a weak smile, which was immediately noticed by Gwaine. "Merlin, mate. You alright?" Merlin forced his eyes away from the tree he had been staring at. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Arthur stood abruptly. "I think it's time we all got some sleep. I refuse to go back to Camelot without a prize for Guinevere." He stared pointedly at Merlin, who let out a huge fake yawn. "I agree. Time for bed!" he said with false cheer.

That night, Merlin struggled to stay awake. He tried to force his eyes open, but the overwhelming desire for sleep settled over him like a magic spell. As his eyes drooped closed, a pair of unfamiliar shoes strode into the clearing, and finally a whispered incantation of heavy slumber forced Merlin's eyes shut and he sank into a deep unrelenting sleep.

AN: Thanks for reading! Review, please!