Hi guys. So this is my first anime fanfic and I've been in love with this series for a while now and I wanted to write something about the Fate series. Hope you enjoy this! I don't own any of the original characters.

200 years ago, the three great families, the Einzberns, Makiris and Tohsakas came together to summon the Holy Grail, a holy artifact capable of granting any wish. However, they discovered that it had the power to grant only one wish. Their alliance dissolved into a brutal war, the Holy Grail War. Once every sixty years, seven magi come together and battle for the Grail in Fuyuki City. They summon Heroic Spirits, heroes from legends and other eras from across the globe. They are Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Assassin, Caster, Berserker. One master and Heroic Spirit work together to eliminate the other masters and win the Grail. But so far, no one has won the war…

In the current time, Fuyuki City…

"Yuki-chan! Time to go to school!" my mother called from downstairs. I groaned as I stirred in my heavenly nest of blankets, the warmth enveloping me. "Come on," I mumbled as I curled in deeper. "Unless you don't want me to buy you the latest manga on Noragami (sorry, just a random manga but watch the anime. Its awesome!), you can continue your beauty sleep!" my mum called again and that got me up. I shot out of bed and within ten minutes was dressed and downstairs, sipping the hot tea my mum had made. The tea warmed me from head to foot, making me sigh with satisfaction.

"Why is manga and anime the only thing to persuade you to wake up?" she groaned as she set down my toast I front of me. "Anime is my life," I replied as I attacked the toast with butter. As I munched on my meal, my mum flipped through the channels, stopping at the news channel. "Another gas leak has happened at the New Fuyuki Centre last night. Workers have been removed form the scene last night and seemed to be unharmed. Unfortunately, the source of the leak has yet to be determined. Please tune in for more news," the anchorman was saying and my mum switched it off.

"Gas leaks are happening almost every week now," my mum said. "I'm going," I said as I snatched my bag and hurried outside. "Take care!" my mum called as I walked down the road, students were walking down the street, chatting as they made their way to school. Small elementary school children were walking, hands held among each other and their hats bobbing as they entered the schoolbus. I jammed my earphones into my ears and Kalafina began to play their song.

This was my life. Going to school everyday. Studying until late in the day before going home. The typical life of a teenager. Sometimes I wished that I could do something more than just going to school and studying. I eached the gates of the school and a voice called out to me. "YUKI!" a familiar voice yelled and my friend, Fiji slammed into me. "Seriously," I groaned as I straightened by jacket and she grinned. "Come on. It's the last day of school. Perk up a little," she said and I couldn't help but smile. She was literally my only friend in school but somehow I felt I couldn't get that close with her. There was always something between others and me.

"Any plans for the holidays?' I asked as I slid my shoes into the locker. "Going for a ski trip with Mum and Dad but that's about it," she said and we made our way up to the fourth floor where our class was. The climb was long but at least I had Fiji to accompany me. "You?" she asked and I grinned. "I managed to get a part time job at in the city. Mum wasn't too happy about it but at least I'm getting paid. Plus, I get to buy manga when it is first released so it's a good bet," I said. Fiji wasn't really into anime but she managed to handle my fangirling pretty well so far.

School went on as normal the whole day. I got a ton of homework from Shitsui Sensei on math and I groaned thinking of the amount of chemistry homework I had to complete by tomorrow, courtesy of Ebisu Sensei. I parted ways with Fiji outside of school since her house was the opposite direction of mine. I walked towards my house, the sky already turning dark and the streetlamps were flickering on. I shivered and hugged my jacket closer to me as I neared the junction.

Just then, a loud boom resonated from nearby. The sound of metal clashing sounded as well and without thinking I headed towards the direction. It seemed to be coming from a nearby park. I skidded to a halt as I saw two blurs moving in the dark, sparks flying from their blades. A woman swung her chains in the air, her eyes shielded yet she moved as though she had laser vision. A woman stood nearby, her purple hair flying in the wind. Gems were held in between her fingers and she was muttering under her breath.

A man with a red spear was practically flying in the air, laughing as he landed on top of a telephone pole. He balanced his spear in between his shoulder blades, smirking. "Well, little ladies. Don't you want to take your leave?" he smirked as the two women stood their ground. "Where is your Master, Lancer?" the purple haired woman shouted and he grinned. Lancer? What kind of name is that? He didn't look local either. His hair was blue and long, tied back in a ponytail and he wore a tight looking outfit. His red eyes shone in the darkness, like a feline trying to hunt down its prey.

"My Master is none of your business. Surprised you show yourself out in the open, Master of Rider," he said as she readied her gems. She muttered something in what seemed like German and a laser shot through the air as she released one of the gems. The man merely jumped off and landed on the ground without a sound. "Touche," he grinned and he swung his spear in the air. "I've heard there is a Master in the area so my Master sent me to investigate. Looks like he was right," Lancer said as he swung his spear. The spear began to glow a nasty red and the end lit.

"Lets see how you deal with Gae Borg," he grinned, his eyes shining but as he was about to spring I took a step back and snapped a twig. Shit, doesn't this shit only happen in movies? I gulped as the three people swung their gaze towards me and I gulped. The violet-haired woman's eyes widened and she was about to say something when the man called Lancer lunged. "Rider!' the woman cried out and her companion shot forwards, chains in her hands. She swung them like a lasso and clasped onto the man's spear. He grunted as he tried to tug it free.

"Girl, get out of here!" the woman yelled but I remained frozen in my place. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would rip through my chest. "You know the rules, mage. No witnesses in the Holy Grail War," Lancer snarled but he too couldn't seem to take his eyes of me. "Hey little missy. Did you mother fight in the previous war?" he asked and I gulped.

"What are you talking about? I don't know what this Holy Grail War even is. My mum is just an accountant," I said and he sighed. "Man, she looks just like her too," he said just as he snatched his spear free. "No hard feelings, kid?" he said as he lunged at me. I screamed as I ducked. The spear missed me by millimeters and I tore out of there. As I ran, the man called out. "You can run but you can't hide. I'm giving you a chance but for now, you better run." I didn't need to be told twice and I ran without stopping until my house was in sight.

"Yuki, why are you home so late?" my mum asked as I closed the door. Dinner was already on the table and my father was there reading his newspaper. "Dear, she is in one piece. That's all that matters," he said as I sat down. My stomach was in knots and I barely even scrapped through the meal. After that I went straight to my room and locked all the doors and windows. I slumped onto my bed, my body sticky with sweat and my mind racing with thoughts.

What the heck was that?! It looked like someone having a life match of street fighters and the purple-haired woman; the man called her a mage. Isn't mage another word for witch or wizard? Good grief, this is not some crazy video game! I lay down on my bed and just lay there for a moment. The man thought mum took part in a war. Was there even a war to begin with? The Holy Grail War. Does that even exist?

I gave up thinking and went to the shower. After that I just curled up in bed and stared out of the window. The moon shone brightly in the sky as I tried in vain to sleep. When sleep finally came, I dreamed of the man chasing me down an alley, piercing his spear through my chest. I could taste the blood in my mouth and blood streaming from my chest, the blood warm and moist. As I slumped to the ground, I could feel myself going, my brain shutting down and vision going blurry. A small tap tap sound came and I opened my eyes. Purple flashed outside and I bucked up from bed.

The purple hair woman was outside, sitting on the branch of the tree looking at me. I nearly screamed as she muttered something under her breath and the window flew open. "Who the hell are you?" I breathed as she climbed into the room. "You shouldn't have been there," she groaned. "Quickly go and pack. You need to leave," she said and I just gaped at her. "Excuse me?" I asked and she sighed. "You've been caught up in a war you wished you weren't involved in. Unless you want to lose you head, you can stay here," she said.

"But what about my parents? What am I going to tell them?" I asked and she sighed. "None mages… I've put a spell on them to make them think you've gone on a school trip for two weeks. Also I've put a magical barrier around the compound so they'll be safe from any Servant attacks," she said as she flung a duffel bag at me. "Do it," she said and I began to pack everything at top speed.

"So what are you? A magician of some sort?" I asked and she sighed. Initially I thought she was around her late twenties but now I saw the lines that were etched around her face and the streaks of white that were in her hair. Her eyes though, were a light purple that seemed to have hardship and wisdom drilled into them. "I'm a mage. A magic user. I can sense that you have some magic circuits as well," she said and I gulped. "Wait, magic circuit?" I asked. "A magic circuit is what gives a mage their powers. Without one, even a person born into a long line of mages would not be able to perform even the easiest spell," she said.

I threw the duffel bag over my shoulder and followed her to the window. She jumped down and I followed her, shrieking a little as I thumped on my butt. We walked, or rather sped walked down the street towards the slightly richer area of town. "What was that woman with you just now? What she did wasn't human," I asked as the woman steered me around the corner. "She's keeping watch on us now," she said as she stopped in front of a large mansion. She swung the gate open and led me in, locking the door behind us.

"Are you sure its safe to bring the girl here, Master?" a voice asked and the woman from earlier appeared in front of us in a cloud of purple sparks. I shrieked and backed away but the other merely nodded. "I couldn't just leave here there, Rider," she said, sounding exhausted. Rider bowed her head in respect as we walked down the hall. The house was huge and definitely old. The place had a sort of nobility feel to it. Everything was antique and the only thing that looked modern was the telephone at the end of the hall.

We came to a room and she opened the door. "You'll be staying here for the rest of your stay," she said as she led me in. The room was huge, with a four-poster bed and oak cabinets. Drapes hung on the walls and there was a small table with a tea set on it. "Rider, leave us," the woman said and Rider bowed, dematerializing before us. I gasped but the other woman paid no heed to me. "Can you please tell me what is going on here?" I asked as the woman sat down. "Tea?" she asked as she poured it into a teacup and put a sugar cube in it. Her gaze told me I had no option so I just accepted it from her.

"What you just saw was a battle between Servants," she said, sipping her tea. "Servants?" I wondered and she nodded. "They are Heroic Spirits from legends and history called forth into this era to fight in the Holy Grail War. There are seven masters and servants in total," she said and I choked on my tea. "There are seven people like that Lancer dude running amok in the city?" I asked and she sighed. "Not all Servants are that bad," she said. "So what does this war got to do with me?" I asked. "The first rule of the war, actually in any situation involving mages, we must always eliminate witnesses. Just now you witnessed my battle between Lancer so according to the rules, you were to be terminated as you were a non magic user. He was just abiding to it," she said.

"I didn't thank you earlier, madam…" I started to say when she snorted. "Madam? Really, you make me feel old. Call me Sakura. Tohsaka Sakura," she said. Sakura. Kind of fits her since she looked like a flower of sorts. "Wait, earlier you told me I have magic, what is it called?" I asked and she smiled. "Magic circuit. That means you have the ability to do magic," she said and I looked flabbergasted. "Wait, that means I'm a witch?" I blurted and she laughed. "Mage, to be precise. You may not look like it but you have some powerful magic circuits in you right now," she said as she sipped.

Ok. My holidays just started but I've just found out that I'm a mage with magic circuits. I can do magic. Haha. I feel like I'm about to be spirited away to Hogwarts or something. Great.

"But since you don't know how to use magic and all, its best for the duration of the war that you stay here in this house. I have familiars posted throughout the compound so I'll be notified where anything suspicious enters the vicinity," Sakura said and I was about to open my mouth to ask what on earth a familiar was when she whispered something and her hand began to glow. A small sparrow made of glass formed on her hand and it floated in the air, wings flapping. "Cool," I whispered as it moved out of the room. "Familiars take on various shapes depending on the mage that conjures them. They can be in the form of a bat, glass creature like mine, the like. You'll be safe here," Sakura said and she stretched, yawning.

"Its been a long day. You better get some sleep," she said as she got up and began to clear away the things. "Sakura, why are you helping me?" I asked as she paused at the doorway. "I have a debt to be repaid," she just said and she left, closing the door behind her. I tumbled on the bed, sinking into the luxurious sheets. I didn't know what was going on but I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow.

Btw I just started writing a fanfic about Free! Iwatobi Swim Club featuring the life of Makoto's daughter and her passion to form the ultimate swim team. Hope you guys can support and read it.

All comments are welcomed.