To soar like an Eagle: Chapter One.
(Before I start I just want to give credit to Rubius once again, as his Naruto/Super Sentai crossover was what gave me the idea, along with the ending of Doubutsu Sentai Jyuohger. If you haven't read any of his stories, I simply ask, 'Why? They are very good.'
On to the disclaimer...
I do not own Naruto, super sentai, or any species of animal... except two dogs, a budgie and a turtle. =P)
story start
We find ourselves at a familiar valley, known as the Valley of the End, where two of the greatest ninja fought to their end, and see two young ninja following in their footsteps.
The first is a boy of thirteen years, wearing a 'kill me now' neon orange jump suit with blue details, and a blue headband with leaf design metal plate. He has golden blonde hair with whisker marks and deep ocean blue eyes. At this moment his most his most prominent feature was the silhouette of red energy in the shape of a humanoid fox with one tail. He is covered is cuts and bruises that slowly heal, but he currently has a fist shaped hole in his left shoulder and his arm hanging limply.
Across from the boy was another of the same age, only with mutated white skin and two giant hands acting as wings. This boy is wearing a dark almost black, blue shirt with white pants and has a black cross over his nose with blood red eyes, and a smug smile.
They stare at each other from across the waterfall while half way up it. The first raise his right hand to hip height and with the aid of the red energy starts to create a purple sphere of energy so powerful, the very wind around becomes a typhoon. The second boy holds his left wrist that is pointed at the ground and generates black lightning in the palm of his hand.
The first Boy shouts, "Sasuke!" while the second shouts, "Naruto!" and they both charge each other.
As the two attacks are about to collide Naruto's left hand grabs Sasuke's left wrist and pulls the arm away from him, leaving a scare just under Naruto's left eye. Naruto's attack went to Sasuke's left shoulder and was absorbed by Sasuke, causing his body to convulse and his mutations to vanish, giving him a faded tan and black hair and eyes. Sasuke then fall to the deep waters below.
The energy around Naruto vanishes as he kneels on rock half way up the waterfall. He looks down and realises that Sasuke did not surface and with no hesitation he dives into the water and then surfaces with Sasuke and swims to the sand of the water bank. He finds that Sasuke is still alive and just unconscious. He is relieved as he falls to his back on the sand.
Naruto looks to the sky and smiles before saying, "I always keep my promises," before falling unconscious due to loss of blood.
The two thirteen year olds lie on the sand unconscious as a grey haired sixteen year old with glasses steps forward with a kunai and glares at Naruto in anger. He goes to kill the blonde only for another grey haired man with a mask and headband acting as an eyepatch, saves Naruto with a pack of dogs in defensive positions around the two boys, the sixteen year old glares at the older man before running away in order to survive. This older grey haired man is Kakashi Hytake, who sighs in relief before collecting the two teenagers and saying, "Good job Naruto," with that said he vanishes with the two boys in a cyclone of leaves.
Naruto's Dreams of the past.
A younger Naruto no older than five runs through a forest filled with large scary creatures that look at him but have no interest in his malnourished and bony form. He was running from what he found to be even scarier than the giant insects or man eating beasts. A Horde of angry villagers that forced he to enter the scary forest, that he ran through until he tripped on a root and fell down a deep hole deep enough for him to break his legs and arm, causing him to bleed from his mouth as he tries to crawl forward.
Young Naruto hears a voice behind and becomes scared as the voice says, "Are you okay?" in the dark.
Young Naruto says in fear, why would you care? I am just child that all the villagers hate."
The voice in the dark reveals itself to be a large man with black hair and large muscles who says, "I don't hate you young one, for you have not done anything to harm me," the man pulls out a white crystal cube and says, "All life is connected in some way, after all," then Naruto's world went dark.
Konoha Hospital-a week after the event of V.O.T.E.
Naruto awakens covered in bandages with a young dark blue haired girl rests next to him. he looks around the room to discover he is in a hospital of Konoha. It took him a few seconds to realise that this is Hinata Hyuga, female Genin Ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, member of team ten and heir to the Hyuga clan head.
He then remembers a specific birthday were he was found in a deep hole with the cube from his dream.
His focus was then drawn to the door to see a woman in her early thirties with long blond hair and a purple spot on her forehead.
The woman appeared angry before she punches the wall leaving a crater in the wall. Naruto then says with a dry mouth, sore throat and croaky voice, "What happened Granny Tsunade?"
Tsunade looks to Naruto with tears in her eyes and says, "The civilian counsil went over my head and had you banished. Naruto I am so sorry," as she begins to cry without restraint.
"What!" came from the now awake girl in shock.
"The civilian counsel contacted the Fire Lord saying that Naruto is a threat to the land of Fire, and now they claim that due to Naruto's use of the Kyubi's Chakra, it is for the best," she says the last part with distaste, "Naruto succeeded in saving Sasuke, even destroyed the curse mark Orochimaru used on Sasuke. If anything Naruto should have been promoted to Chunin, not banished!" and she punches the wall again.
"Will Sasuke recovery?" Naruto asked in concern.
Tsunade sighed and says, "He is currently unconscious, the only injuries he suffered was some minor bone fracture, bruising, a concussion and a nasty Chakra burn to the back of his left shoulder." Naruto nodded in acceptance.
Before anything else could be said, a man covered in bandages under a cream white robe and a cross scar on his chin. He stands in front of Tsunade and says, "Naruto Uzumaki, by order of the council heads of Konoha you are hereby banished from Konoha and are expelled from the ranks of Ninja, how do you plead," Naruto goes to answer but Danzo speaks, "You are to leave Konoha in three days, you are to leave all Konoha property and ninja tools, and be out of the gates before the gates close for the night, Also you are not to join any other ninja village or you will be hunted down and executed. That is all," he then leaves the room before Tsunade's anger got the best of her.
Naruto sits up causing himself some slight pain, before turning to Tsunade and asking, "What about the rest of the team?"
Tsunade sighs and says, "Choji is recovering from chakra exhaustion. Negi is out of critical condition after a chakra enhanced arrow went through his shoulder and suffering chakra exhaustion. Kiba stabbed himself in order to survive an attack, while Akumaru broke some of his bones protecting Kiba. Shikamaru broke his finger and Lee suffered no injuries due to the timely intervention of the Suna sibling Kiba, Shikamaru and Lee the recovery team defeated all of Orochimaru's ninja." Naruto sighs in relief before Tsunade adds, "but those in hospital will not recover in time to see you off."
Naruto stands up, retrives some replacement clothes from the bedside table and says, "I best get packing, my apartment has probably already been broken into," and gets dressed, and leaves the hospital.
Hinata then questions Tsunade, "What is happening with Sasuke?"
"I don't know yet," Tsunade answered, "Maybe cut out his eyes."
Naruto's apartment-two hours later.
After stopping at His favourite ramen stand Naruto returns to his apartment to see it ransacked and the food destroyed. He ignores the graffiti and goes to his room and opens his closet. He kneels down on the floor and punches the floor of the closet to reveal a metal box. He pulls it out and opens it to show it full of important items, from an old worn book, with the name of the author faded off and with the title 'Tale of a gutsy Ninja.' With the book is an old frog plush toy, the white cube, his old goggles, a red and black block with the number six and a bunch of his other treasures.
He then pulls out his backpack and begins to pack it with his treasures, and his spare clothes.
He then hears a knock at his door. He stands and enters his main living area to see a girl with short pink hair wearing a red dress over black shorts, who says, "Naruto why are you out of hospital?" her voice full of concern.
"Didn't you hear Sakura?" Naruto starts, "I was banished for bringing Sasuke home."
Sakura gasps in shock and says, "Why? All you did was what you were ordered to, and you kept your promise why would they banish you?"
Naruto sighs and tells Sakura what the civilian council did and why they did it, including why he has been hated by the civilians of the village, including what really happened to the Kyubi no Kitsune. Naruto the finished with, "I am leaving tonight so don't tell anyone and keep an eye on Sasuke, he may try to leave again," his voice filled with small amounts of anger.
Sakura sadly nods as Naruto leaves his home for the last time.
Five minutes before the closing of Konoha's main gates.
Naruto walked through the main gates of Konoha just before closing. Once through he runs as fast as his legs could take him, with plans for reaching the closet village to buy supplies.
Before he left he planned to buy some food before leaving but discovered that all the places to buy food had a notice from the civilian counsel to not sell Naruto any food, by order of the 'Hokage,' clearly fake and would not be noticed until after Naruto had planned to leave.
Unfortunately the closest village was more than a day's travel from Konoha at full speed Naruto had to stop running when it became too dark to travel, resulting in him trying to find a camp spot. His plan was interrupted by a group of blank faced ANBU, throwing kunai at him, forcing him to run.
He kept running until he reached a cliff over a river and had a kunai strike his Achilles heel. (The tendons on the joint of an ankle, not the instant kill weakness.) Naruto tried to crawl away only for the apparent leader of the ANBUs grab him by the collar, rip open his shirt and bandages so that they could place a seal on his chest that sealed away his chakra. Naruto used his good foot and kicked himself away from the ANBU leader resulting in him falling off the cliff and into the river.
The ANBU leader looked over the cliff edge and says, "Find the Kyubi and bring him back to base," the rest of the ANBU nod before vanishing.
One week later-Konoha Hospital.
Sasuke began to stir and when he saw the roof of the room he realised that Naruto had beaten him, and smiles in relief when he realises there is no other voice in his head angering him. His eyes then widen when he remembers what he did, and he becomes filled with regret.
While Sasuke is drowning in his regret, Tsunade, Kakashi and Sakura enter the room to see him awake. Tsunade glares at the young heir while Kakashi and Sakura with downcast looks.
"Do you realise what you have done," Tsunade speaks in a neutral tone with a thin layer of anger.
Sasuke looks her in the eyes and says, "I betrayed the village, for a stupid reason," Sasuke looks to the ground and asks, "Is Naruto okay?"
Tsunade and Kakashis' eyes widen at what he said before Tsunade stumbled and says, "Most of his injuries healed before he left the hospital a week ago. We don't know where he is."
Sasuke's eyes widen when he shouts, "Why would you not know where he is I stabbed through the chest he should be recovering here, or at that ramen stand and lets not forget the training ground. How do you not know where he is?!"
"Sasuke," Kakashi says in a whisper, "After he brought you back with your minor injuries, the civilian council had the Lord of Fire banish him. He was given three days to leave Konoha, but he left the night that he was told of his banishment. I tracked him to a cliff edge where his scent was joined by a group of unknown individuals, the scent went over the cliff and my summons has found nothing."
Sasuke clenched his fist in anger before he says, "Lady Hokage, I will accept any punishment, but please let me find my friend," he then struggles to the flour and bows to Tsunade.
Tsunade is shocked, from what she had seen of the young Uchiha, he was arrogant self entitled brat, who was only fixated on revenge. Tsunade narrows her eyes and asks, "Why should I believe you?"
Sasuke looks Tsunade in the eye and says, "Because Naruto is my brother in all but blood."
Secret Village-Unknown House-(Jyuohger's base.)
Naruto awakens to find himself wrapped up in bandages on a soft bed that wasn't in the Konoha hospital. He looks around the room from his laying down position he notices he is located next to a wall with and interesting landscape paintings on the wall and hanging on the roof he sees carved wooden birds of various species.
Naruto tries to sit up but is stopped by a voice, of a man outside of his peripheral, "I would avoid moving or your injuries will cause you more pain." (The bird man from the show in his human disguise.)
Naruto turns to see an old man, wearing a feathered crimson coat over orange long sleeved shirt with crimson pants and boots, while on his head he wears a pair of brown flight goggles. Naruto's face reveals the amount of pain he is in as he asks, "Where am I?"
The old man then says, "I found you face down in a river I flew past, during my recent inspiration journey. Your injuries and that modified Uzumaki restraint seal," he the puts his hand over his heart and introduces himself, "I am Eagle of the Heavens and you are in the Village of the Jyumen Clans."
Naruto nods and replies, "I'm N-," he stops himself and say the first name he could think of, "Namikaze, Minato Namikaze."
Eagle smiles and says, "I understand that you wish to conceal your identity. The only reason that seal is used was to cause a slow and painful death," 'Minato's' eyes widened, "You would have died if you did not have this Jyuman relic," Eagle pulls out the white crystal cube from his coat, "I gave you some of my power to disrupt the seal, so you will live but as long as the seal is fused with your body you will not be able to use your chakra and you will need to relearn how to move your body," and received a nod from 'Minato.'
Before Minato could say anymore, a boy the same age as Minato, but wearing attire like Eagles only completely orange with shorts and instead of goggles he has a feather themed cap sideways on his head, while on his back is a white, black and red segmented blade, strapped to his back. The boy says, "Grandpa, I'm back from guardian training," the boy then sees Minato and asks, "Who the hell, are you?"
"This is Minato, I found him earlier this week while you were on your trip," Eagle says as he hides the relic in his coat, before he introduces his grandson, "Minato this is Sparrow, my grandson."
Minato nods his head and says, "Hello."
"You know the elders don't like outsiders," Sparrow spoke with his hands on his hips.
"I have already spoken to the elders," Eagle responded, "They said that Minato can stay if he joins the Guardians."
"He is an outsider!" Sparrow shouts.
"Who needed help," Eagle sternly spoke before kneeling in front of Sparrow, "All life is connected, whether they are animals, plants, or even outsiders to the village." Sparrow nods before leaving the room.
Minato looks to Eagle and asks a question that was bugging him, "What did you mean when you said flew?" thinking the man used a glider or other flying machine. Minato's answer was Eagle extending orange wings from his back, causing Minato's eyes to widen before rolling into the back of his head and passing out.
Eagle just chuckles before placing the relic in Minato's back pack and goes to leave the room. He stumbles as he reaches the doorway with using his hand to keep himself stable, and he says, "I guess this is why, that power of the Mark of the King is so dangerous," before heading into a larger room with a tree house styled steps going to a crawl space in the roof, and sits down on a hanging seat to rest.
Half hour later Sparrow came into the large room with a platter of rice and vegetables, to find Eagle sleeping peacefully with light snores, and simply places the food on a large table and shakes his head before he starts to eat.
Outside Konoha Hospital's Front Entrance-One Month Later.
Sasuke walks out of the hospital after a month of recovery and interrogation at the hands of the mind reading from the Yamanaka clan. He submitted to the invasion of his private thoughts and past, without hassle. His injuries were almost completely healed with only light bandages on the sprains alone his limbs and around his neck. He rubs his left eye due to some unknown irritation in both eyes.
He walks out the hospitals front court yard at a slow pace, already knowing where he was going. As he walks through town he ignores all the villagers who praise him or offer him things like free food or new clothes to replace the damaged clothes he was still wearing the clothes from his fight at the Valley of the End, with two holes in the back of the shirt that Sakura had spent a long period of time trying to fix. He continued to walk through the village in a depressed state as he notices Naruto's favourite ramen stand. He enters under the flap and sits down.
A woman comes out from the back of the store wearing an apron and fabric hat. When she spots Sasuke she glares before taking a calming breath and sadly asks, "What will it be?"
Sasuke looks at the menu and saw all the different recipes and simply says, "Whatever Naruto would order."
The girls eyes widened before she sighs and says, "He would normally order twenty bowls of ramen, normally miso," she turns around and starts mixing the ingrediants into a bowl, "Todays special is Miso. Enjoy," she places the bowl in front of Sasuke.
Sasuke grabs a pair of disposable chopsticks and used them to eat some of the noddles, and sadly says, "Delicious," he then just stares at the bowl of Ramen in front of him, not noticing Kakashi standing in the alley next to the restraint.
The girl looks at the ground sadly and says, "You miss Naruto, don't you?" Sasuke just simply nods. The girl then says, "I am Ayame Ichiraku head waitress and student cook of Ichiraku Ramen. What brings you to this restraint?" and she sets stool so she could talk to Sasuke.
Sasuke looks to Ayame and he says, "I am Sasuke, My best friend would always talk about our team coming here to eat 'the best ramen in the world,' as he would say. Turns out he wasn't exaggerating," at Sasuke's comment Ayame has a small smile. Sasuke then lifts the bowl with his right hand before he shovels the rest of the ramen into his mouth and swallows its contents. He then places all the money he was handed by random villagers enough to buy a hundred bowls of ramen, before he walks away. Ayame looks at the money as an old man wearing white Ramen chef attire came out the back to see her holding a large amount of money.
Sasuke continues his walk almost to his destination he stops to rub his eyes again the iratation causing him some slight pain. He then bumps into a feral looking boy with red teeth tattoo on each cheek, with a small white dog. Standing next to him is another boy with an oversized coat and dark sunglasses, and Hinata glaring at Sasuke. This is Hinata, Kiba, Akumaru and Shino, also known as Team Ten.
Kiba grabs the front of Sasuke's shirt and shouts, "Do you realise what you did!?" right in Sasuke's face.
"Yes," Sasuke says lightly, "I listen to a mad man and spat on my friendship with Naruto," his voice becoming more depressed by the second.
Team Ten is surprised by this answer, all three could tell he was not lying, Hinata with her eyes, Shino with his bugs and the two canine partners from their noses. Kiba lets Sasuke go and continues his journey, leaving the three just as depressed.
After an hour of walking aimlessly, Sasuke reaches the Uchiha District. The entire place was just as empty as the last time he was here during the day. The last time he was here was the week before the third part of the Chunin Exam, and he read what he could of the Uchiha stone, a stone holding the biggest secrets of the Uchiha, that can only be read with the Sharringan.
He walks through the district remembering all those who died due to his brother Itachi Uchiha. All the Uchiha men, women and children, besides Sasuke and Itachi died that night three years ago just so Itachi could prove his strength. In the end Sasuke was hospitalised for a month to recover from a simple yet dangerous genjutsu.
Sasuke's walk leads him to the Uchiha District's assembly hall. He walks in still not realising that Kakashi was still following him. Sasuke walks into the room and simply punches through a floorboard to reveal a hidden passage that he walks down. Sasuke reaches the hidden chamber to see the same stone that has been a major part of the Uchiha's clan history. Sasuke rubbed his eyes again before they turn blood red with three tomoes in each. This is the Sharringan of the Uchiha clan an ability that can copy the jutsus of non bloodline jutsu users. Sasuke reads the stone while his start to change with ripple patterns and eeven the blood red starts to become darker, with hints of purple.
As Sasuke reads he becomes shocked and horrified at what he reads, the text on the stone talked about a jutsu that would lead all of humanity into a dreamworld that could achieve peace. Once Sasuke's eyes completely turned purple he reads the purpose of the jutsu and he smashes the stone with a chakra and jutsu enhanced punch that appeared that created a field of energy that pushed out from his fist, turning the stone into a crater.
Kakashi just watches from the steps in shock at the sheer destruction Sasuke is causing.
After five minutes of beating the stone to dust, Sasuke collapses to his hands and knees in exhaustion, staring at the floor breathing heavily. After he calms down he looks to the stone that is nothing but powder, to see a fancy cube shaped chest that was hidden under the stone. He pulls out the chest from the ground, his eyes revealing a transparent symbol of a rhino, wolf and alligator over layered. He opens the chest to find s strange flashlight, a pocket fisherman, two cubes with the numbers 7 and 8, and what could only be described as a rhino shaped train. (They don't have cars in the world of Naruto.)
The items were covered in dust and appeared rusted, but Sasuke's attention was focused on the strange flashlight. He takes the flashlight from the chest and finds the it has the same symbol on a turn able cube along with images of each animals' head. Sasuke is confused as to why a bunch of toys were hidden under his ancestors history, before looking in the end of the flashlight and pressing a button so that the light shines into his purple eyes, sending golden energy in the form of cubes into his eyes, giving his body a slight glow before he passed out and fell to the floor. The 'toys' then glow and repair themselves, making them look new.
Jyuman Village-One week later.
After five weeks Minato was able to move enough to be able to move enough to use crutches to leave Eagles home. Minato discovered that Eagle's home was located in the forest region of the village, literally built around midpoint of the tree. Minato 'walks' with Eagle, with his pack resting on his back, as they follow a footpath towards the main village, as they reach the edge of the forest Minato begins to see stacked coloured cube statues, and once they reach the edge of the forest he sees a large village surrounding a temple made of the decorative cubes, while in the sky was cube shaped air balloons with square boats.
Eagle looks sideways to see Minato staring out at the village in shock. Eagle smiles and says, "Impressive right?" Minato simply nods before Eagle continues, "You would believe that the village is hidden at the top of a mountain," pointing off into the distance towards the other end of the region where high cliffs are seen at the horizon.
They continue walking as Minato asks, "How does no one outside your village knows of this place?"
Eagle smiles at the question and says, "Probably because the air is so thin at this height, we are currently at the top of a mountain. The people of Jyuman Village have lived here since before the discovery of Chakra, and the only way to get in or out is a Jyuman or in my case wings to fly in the sky."
Minato nods in understanding as he has accepted the fact that the man who saved him can fly and Minato then says, "So your village is protected from outside dangers like enemy ninja and bandits, due to its location and the fact no one knows your village exists?"
"Yes, we are a private people. Well most of us are. I am what you would call an artist and have spent years perfecting my art," Eagle answered, "Though I am normally the one the Village Elders send out to scout for Jyuman who went missing."
Minato is shocked as he asks, "Where they ever found?"
Eagle shakes his head in amusement and says, "Of the ten that went missing. They are all accounted for. There was an incident where a group of youths stole an air boat, found the six of them flying in circles above the lake to the south during a fog filled day. They then made new rules about the air ships where you need a licence," Eagle pulls out a small blue crystal that lights up to reveal a hologram of his identity with a cartoon air boat symbol, slowly rotating. Eagle sees Naruto more interested in the fact that there is a transparent statue like image and then says, "Compared to the rest of the world I guess you could say we are really advance," and gets a dumb nod from Minato. Eagle then leads him to the large temple and says, "I will introduce you to the elders once inside," getting another nod from Minato.
Once they reached the inside of the temple, Minato expected to be waiting for several hours, instead they were aloud straight into the main hall, by the two guards with walrus teeth extending from their mouths. Minato was staring until Eagle pulled him through.
Eagle and Minato enter a large open room where the four elders were seated in a circle a meter above the ground. There is three elders, the first is an old women with a large turtle shell on her back and she is holding a wooden staff and wearing green robes. The second elder appeared to be young but has grey hair, bulging muscles and wearing sleeveless black robes, as he looks at Minato he has a sense of déjà vu. The third elder has a stern look on his face as he glares at Minato with avian eyes while wearing a colourful feathered robe, with his hair in three different colours that appear to waver, before changing their order, on his head and his robe. The last Elder is wearing a green with gold trim elephant design robes, and appears to be staring at Minato with eyes brimming with logic. (A turtle woman that looks like an old grandmother stereotype, An Grey ape man who looks like a old Chuck Norris. A peacock man who looks like man dressed as a woman. An Elepahant that looks like Tusk only three times as old and with a goatee.)
As Eagle was to introduce him, the colourful robed individual spoke, "Eagle! Why have you brought the outsider to meet us Elders?"
Eagle speaks up, "Grand elders of Jyuland I am simply achieveing your request to bring the 'Outsider' as you call him, to meet you," the tone Eagle used made it difficult for Minato not to laugh as the colourful elder was fuming.
"Now, now young ones," the old lady Turtle spoke, "I am too old to listen to your old grudge, you brats! Now on to business," she looks down to Minato, "Eagle explained to us the condition you were in, you are lucky to be alive."
Minato lowers his head in a small bow and says, "Thank you," he looks up to find the old turtle missing from her seat.
Minato then finds a tapping on the back off his legs, he looks behind him to see nothing before the old turtle's wooden staff was used to turn his head to face forward. The old turtle woman is a foot shorter than Naruto, and she then says, "I see before you received your injuries, you were a labourer," she examines Minato's hands to see and healed cuts burns, "A hard worker," she then pulls his head forward to her head height and looks in his eyes, "Orphaned at a young age and has suffered great loss but success in keeping a Promise."
Minato's eyes widen as he asks, "Can you read minds? What number am I thinking of?"
He received a chuckle from the old woman who then says, "If you must know young one, yes I can, but it requires me to rest our foreheads together," Minato nods, "Also you were thinking of Ramen, not a number," at this Minato's mouth dropped in shock. The ape man and the elephant man just shake their heads in amusement. Eagle could be seen snickering while the Peacock just glares harder.
The Peacock then shouts "Get this over with. As soon as we prove that this boy is a thief the better!"
The ape sighs and says, "Really, Vanitas? If he was a thief the old turtle would have beaten him into the ground by now."
"Elder Larry, Lady Venus' observations only tells so much. Do you agree with my view, Elder Phant?" Vanitus spoke.
Elder Phant spoke, "Our village is only know to outsiders as an obscure legend and Myth. The only evidence of our existence is the artefacts that have been lost to time, or when Elder Larry went to investigate case of the deity statues' disturbance. Finally the boy was found by chance unlike in the past, if the boy was a threat to the safety to the village Eagle would not have brought him back to Jyuland," he was then silent for most of the meeting.
Elder Larry appears to chuckle silently before he says, "As always Elder Phant you always Somewhat short and to the point," Elder Phant nods to Elder Larry's complement.
Elder Vanitas just grits his teeth and says, "Could we just get this over with," clearly having 'better' things to do.
The old turtle or Lady Venus as Vanitas called her looks to Minato, who has a nervous. Lady Venus then says, "I understand that you are nervous," Minato nods, "I will only reveal what we consider a danger to the people, and only with good reason."
Minato takes a deep breath and lowers his head so that Lady Venus may enter his mind. Once inside Lady Venus see everything even what Minato could not remember due to his age at the time, everything from the day of his birth to Eagle finding him face down in the water. At this point Venus realised what Eagle had to do to save the boy, before she continues to read his mind finding a complete black void until he woke up in eagles home. She then focuses deeply into his mind to find traces of already broken seals that were used to disable sections of the brain that focus on reducing his ability to learn and remember. Her biggest shock was entering what appeared to be a mindscape in front of a cage that had bars going from the floor to the ceiling, as well as a marinade of polls blocking the cage and creating an invisible wall that sucked in blue energy and blocked the red energy from the cage, where a red eye glows.
She releases Minato and says, "You have suffered much in your short life, Young Minato, and we welcome you to Jyuland."
Vanitus stood up and shouts, "You cannot be serious! He is an Outsider!" reminding Minato of Sparrow.
Elder Larry laughs loudly and says, "Us three elders are just her advisors, the final choice is the old turtle's not ours," receiving an agreeing nod from Elder Phant.
Lady Venus looks to Elder Phant, he nods and gestures for the person standing in the shadows behind him to step forward. The boy is thirteen and looks to be a really young version of Elder Phant. Lady Venus smiles and says, "Young Tusk, could you take Minato here on a tour of the village, and answer any question that he has?"
Tusk bows and says, "It would be my honour Lady Venus," the boy then drops from the elders position down to the lower level, the entire building shook as if in an earthquake hit the temple, when he landed. Tusk had a panicked look to his face when he bows and shouts, "My humble apologies Lady Venus."
Lady Venus shakes her head in amusement while Elder Phant just sighs. Lady Venus laughs and then says, "Don't panic Young Tusk, I remember when your father did the exact same thing, about three steps to your right," Tusk looks down at his feet to see the tile work cracked and then to his right to see cracks in the tile work in the shape of footsteps. Tusk looked at his father and found Elder Phant just nodding. Lady Venus says, "Well now that embarrassing event is over. Young Tusk how about you introduce him to your friends, Perhaps Leo would like to be meet young Minato."
Tusk nods and says, "Of course Lady Venus," he then directed Minato out the way he came in.
Lady Venus nods as the two leave the Elder hall, before she says, "Larry, Eagle I wish to talk to you both in private.
Konoha Hospital-Sasuke's room.
Sasuke awaken to find his face bandaged covering his eyes. He reached up to remove the bandages but a pair of female hands stopped him. "Lady Tsunade said that your eyes are too sensitive to light. She then told me to keep an eye on you," Sakura's voice eased his worries.
Sasuke sat up and appears to look around, he personally sees nothing, before sighing and saying, "What happened to me?"
Sakura then says, "Kakashi was following you, after you left the hospital," Sakura then looked nervous, "What was that stone you destroyed?"
Sasuke sighs and says, "Instructions," he turns his head to face away from Sakura, thinking he was looking straight at her, "Instructions to destroy all of Humanity." Sakura gasps in shock and Sasuke rubs his undamaged hands, "Why are my hands not bandaged?"
Sakura was confused as she says, "When Kakashi brought you in he was covering your eyes and said that only Lady Tsunade and Lord Jiraiya could see your eyes."
"And with good reason," Came the voice of Tsunade as she enters the room with Kakashi and an old man with long spiky white hair in a pony tail with a metal head band with the Kanji for oil. In Kakashi's hands is the chest that
Sakura bows and says, "Lady Tsunade, Lord Jiraiya, Kakashi Sensei," Sasuke quickly bows even though he can see at the moment.
Kakashi puts the chest next to Sasuke as Jiraiya simply says, "He is awake, so show me his eyes!" while Kakashi places a large pair of sunglasses. (Blues Brothers styled glasses.)
Sakura steps back while Tsunade walks over to Sasuke, and says, "Don't move," she then begins to un-wrap Sasuke's head bandages to show that Sasuke face is undamaged but has his eyes closed. Tsunade then speaks again, "Okay open your eyes slowly," while holding a pen light. Sasuke slowly opens his eyes to reveal his eyes are still purple with the ripple pattern. Tsunade's eyes widen at this as she flashes the pen light in each eye until she stepped back so that Jiraiya could get a good look at Sasuke's eyes and sighs.
Jiraiya sits down and says with a sigh, "It's the Rinnegan."
Tsunade sighs as Kakashi nods in understanding, while Sakura was confused enough to ask, "What is the Rinnegan?"
Jiraiya looked to the girl and says, "The Rinnegan is an eye bloodline that can change the world, while making the Sharringan look like a novelty."
Sasuke is shocked before looking to the other bedside table to find a hand mirror, He leans over to the table and finds it just out of reach he leans as far as he could before something strange occurred. Sasuke's hand began to generate some clear energy that his hand appeared to absorb the result was the mirror flying into his hand.
Sakura just stare at the amazing power that Sasuke just displayed and Sasuke just simply says, "What is happening to me?" as he looks into the mirror to see his eyes had turned purple.
Kakashi hands Sasuke the Sunglasses as he says, "These will conceal your eyes," Sasuke nods and puts them on.
Tsunade turns to Jiraiya, "Jiraiya," she starts.
"No." Jiraiya replies.
"Jiraiya, If the council discovers Sasuke with this mutation of his Bloodline," Tsunade argues.
Jiraiya sighs and says, "They will either treat him as a weapon, or force him into breeding an army, and from what you said they will need Naruto to even be able to repeat the accident!"
"How did this happen!?" Sasuke shouts gaining the two sages attention, "What does Naruto have to do with it?"
Tsunade sits down on one of the benches in the room and says, "This does not leave this room, It is a S-class secret," The four others nod before Jiraiya creates a privacy barrier. Tsunade takes a deep breath and says, "After exaiming Sasuke eyes, I found traces of Narutos' and the Nine tails' chakra focused inside of Sasuke's eyes, which have since fused. Most likely the chakra caused the mutation of Sasuke's eyes. I proves my theory about Uzumaki Chakra when introduced to another's chakra system can effectively enhance a person's abilities."
"Wait, does Naruto have a bloodline limit?" Sakura questioned.
Tsunade sighed and says, "Technically I am related to Naruto through his mother and my grandmother being from the same clan. I guess it is only right that you should know, Naruto's parents were kept a secret from the entire village due to who his parents were, so many enemies inside and out of the village." Tsunade then turns to Jiraiya and says, "You were planning to take Naruto out of the village, but now I need you to take Sasuke."
Jiraiya has a look of rage on his face as he shouts, "Why should I?!" he points at Sasuke, "Because of him our godson is now missing, for all we know, the Akatsuki have him or worst!"
Sasuke looks at the mirror and then says, "Is Naruto related to the nine tailed beasts?"
Jiraiya looks at him confused and asks, "And if he is?"
"If the Akatsuki get all nine of the tailed beasts, they could summon something that will end the world," Sasuke answers, "And it's related to a jutsu that was hidden on the Uchiha stone I destroyed."
Jyuland-Elder temple.
Eagle and Elder Larry follow Lady Venus too an old fashioned tea room. Once inside the large room where a curtain hiding bedding in the back, Lady Venus says, "Sit the both of you," they do just that due to the tone of voice she used. She then sets a tea kettle on the table in front of them and says, "After reading young Minato's mind, I noticed that the both of you did something really stupid," they shudder in fear waiting for her next comment, "but find your reasoning to be understandable." The two bow in acknowledgment, "So as punishment for using the mark of the king relic, the both of you will be training young Minato so that when the time comes he can defend himself and those around him without his chakra."
The two men both say at the same time, "yes, Lady Venus."
Jyuland-Edge of the village-one hour later-opposite side to Eagle's home.
Tusk had accomplished his duty of showing Minato around the village as he was told. A basic tour of the markets, were the farm lands are, the different districts for each of the different clan types of the people of Jyuland where live. Examples being that are the people of the village who has abilities relating to water creatures live on floating structures some even acting as boats.
The tour even included the some of the places that would be tourist attractions for outside visitors to Jyuland, like the airboat yards and the statue parks and a couple Jyuland museums.
At this point Tusk leads Minato to the largest hill near the village. As they walked up a hill Minato asks, "You know, for a village that prefers to be hidden from the outside world, it is like the village wants to be seen."
Tusk looks to Minato as they walk and says, "Jyuland has been in a state of constant improvement. Jyuland was originally a part of the outside world, but the rest of the world preferred to fight one another instead of talking."
Minato nods his head and says, "Yeah, most of the ninja would rather fight than try to talk. From my experience all someone would need to solve a problem would be to at least talk before fighting, but there are those who would rather the fighting continue for a profit."
Tusk nods and asks, "So you were a ninja?" Minato nods, "What was the training like?"
Minato was surprised at the question but still answers, "we spent our early years learning basic jutsu and some ninja related abilities. Though corruption was a major problem, one of the teachers used a student to steal a dangerous scroll filled with jutsu that could kill the user."
Tusk then asks, "Could you show me some of these Jutsu?"
Minato looks down and says, "If I could access my Chakra, I would have healed within a day. It took a month just to relearn how to move."
Tusk nods as they reach what appears to be a junk yard, "I understand. This is my friend and teammate Leo's 'home' as he would call it." Minato nods as the two enter the main gates, "this is where the village sends their items that cannot be fixed or just wanted to get rid of," they continue walking towards the centre to find a large red, blue, yellow, green and white coloured boat, that has a large propeller on the back.
Minato was in awe of the size due to it being almost as big as his old apartment building. Minato then noticed another teenager with dreadlocks and colourful loose clothing hanging upside down with rope tied to his foot. (A young Leo from Jyuohger.)
"Leo," Tusk yells in a panic.
The hanging boy known as Leo, just yawns, stretches before sleepily saying, "What time is it?" Minato just sweat dropped.
"Leo, your hanging upside down. How long have you been like that?" Tusk questioned.
Leo crossed his arms and looked 'up' as he thought of an answer, "Last night I was working on my airboat when I dropped a hammer, and after catching it I fell overboard and my safety line idea worked somewhat."
Minato looked to Leo ankle and says, "You tied a rope around your ankle? You realise that doing that could have resulted in you loosing that leg right?"
Leo finally notices Minato and asks, "Who are you?"
Tusk then handled the introductions, "Leo, This is Minato Namikaze, Minato, Leo."
Leo gave Minato a two finger salute fro, his upside down position while Minato gave a simple wave. Tusk then climbed a ladder to get to the main deck. Instead of pulling Leo up, he just untied the other end and lets Leo fall down onto the dirt ground. Leo just laid down facedown until he sits up and smiles, before jumping to his feet and shook Minato's hand with enthusiasm.
Tusk from the deck shouts, "Leo, why did you not call for help, I know your load enough."
Leo shrugged and says, "Sela spent the night after she had an argument with her dad."
At this point a door on the deck opens to reveal a thirteen year old girl with blue hair and wearing blue dress. (Sela with blue hair from Jyuohger. Note! All the people of Jyuland look human with animal features. Like tails, wings or even animal ears, it depends on what animal they represent.) The girl sees Tusk and says, "Hello Tusk," she then looks around and says, "Where is Leo?"
Tusk turns to the girl and says, "Hello Sela, Leo apparently was asleep while hanging off the side of his boat."
The girl Sela stands next to Tusk and looks over the railing to see Leo with Minato, who waves. Before they could be properly be introduced another girls shows up, from the path that Minato and Tusk arrived from. This girl has white hair with cat ears, and wearing white and pink clothes and has a tail tied up with a pink bow. The girl looks up and shouts, "Sela did you hear a boy our age from outside the village barriers was offered a chance to live in Jyuland?!"
Sela is shocked, while Leo shouts, "Really? I wonder what they are like. Maybe a pretty girl?" and smirks.
Sela looks down at him before grabbing an off cut of wood and throws it at the back of Leo's head. The catgirl then says, "Actually it is apparently a boy, with blond hair and whisker marks on each cheek." Leo nods his head, while Sela looks to Minato and had her eyes widen. The catgirl then turns to Minato and says, "Sorry, My name is Amu I don't believe we have met," and offers her hand to shake.
Minato accepts the hand shake and introduces himself, "I am Minato Namikaze and I am the boy from outside the village."
Leo looks at Minato for five seconds before he has a look of realisation on his face and he points at Minato and says, "You tricked me!"
Minato just sweat drops at the claim while Sela just throws a larger piece of wood at Leo, this one at least a cubic foot, leaving Leo twitching on the ground. Minato taps Leo with one of his crutches to poke him as he asks, "Is he going to be okay?"
His answer came when Leo sat straight back up like nothing was wrong and he starts to ask questions, "What is it like beyond the Jyuland's barriers?"
Minato looks sadden but he covers it up quickly with a fake smile and says, "Peaceful when not dealing with bandits, crazy ninja or when there is a war."
Leo nods to that before saying, "We don't get that much crime here in Jyuland, thanks to our Guardians and because the only ways into Jyuland is either flying over the walls or swimming under them through the secret tunnels."
Minato nods but before he could ask any more questions, a flying kick hits him in the face by two feet. When he looked up he sees Sparrow glaring at him before shouting, "Why is he here?!"
Tusk shouts, "Sparrow, Lady Venus ordered me to give him a tour of the village before bringing him here. Why is that a problem?"
"As team leader, I order you all to not interact with this Outsider!" Sparrow shouts.
"Well this will be a problem," came the voice of Elder Larry as he walks towards them with Eagle standing beside him, "Lady Venus has decided that Minato will be joining your Guardian Training Unit."
"Why!?" Sparrow questions in shock.
"Teams are built on teams of six," Eagle answered, "The only reason your team does not have a sixth member was because of lack of children in your age group."
"He is an Outsider," Sparrow argued, "He can't be a Guardian!"
Elder Larry just sighs before he shouts, "SHUT UP YOU BRAT!" Sela covered her ears in pain as she falls over on the boat deck and Tusk goes to help her. Elder Larry calms down and says, "Lady Venus has spoken, and frankly I don't want to be on her bad side."
Eagle then decides to bite the kunai and says, "Sparrow, I have been ordered to teach Minato, meaning our families swordsman ship," Sparrow goes to shout but was stopped by Elder Larry's Glare. Eagle then says, "I accepted as Minato is my responsibility while he is in Jyuland."
"Who says he is staying?" Sparrow tried to argue the point.
Minato just sighs and says, "That Lady Venus read my mind so she probably knows my answer before I would even know." Elder Larry smirks and nods in amusement.
Eagle chuckles and says, "Well me and Larry are going to a bar, you six have fun and Sparrow please bring Minato back with you when you head home," Sparrow just nods in acknowledgment before the two older men leave the young teenagers to their fun.
Leo then says, "Well time for team bonding, Haza!" with Amu saying 'Haza!' at the same time. Leo then Swings his arm behind Minato and pulls him around the boat to reveal a shed and a staircase to the side of the boat, and gives him a tour with Sparrow glaring at Minato the whole time.
Konoha Main Gates-A week later.
Today is the day that Jiraiya takes Sasuke away from the village. Sauske looks around to see that Most of the Village was there to see him off on his training trip. Sasuke just shaked his head at all the villagers stupidity. The only people he cared about are Sakura, Kakashi and Team 10. Team 9 and team 8 where still in the hospital waiting for their teammates to recover from their injuries.
Sasuke was wearing his sun glasses as he talks to Sakura, "I will find Naruto to bring him home."
Sakura nods in acknowledgment and says, "Just don't try to kill each other this time," in dry humour.
Sasuke lets out a small laugh and says, "I will be giving him a free shot," Sasuke then looks to Hinata and says, "Plus, Hinata will probably want to watch as Naruto beating me up," She goes to speak before shrugging in agreement.
Sakura, Kakashi, Kiba and Akumaru lightly laugh at the comment, before Jiraiya steps over and with a fake smile and says, "Come on oh great Uchiha training awaits," indicating to Sasuke to hurry up.
"Yes Lord Jiraiya," Sasuke replies before waving to everyone. After an hour of walking away from the village Sasuke says, "I know you hate the idea of me being here, but know the only reason I am going with you is so I can find Naruto. I don't expect you to train me, I will not be asking for new jutsu. When I train it will be with what I already have learned."
Jiraiya just looks at him and asks, "And If we see Orochimaru or his allies?"
Sasuke stopped walking before looking at a tree to the side and raises his hand and makes a crushing motion causing the tree to implode. Sasuke then says, "If I see the snake paedophile he will end up like that tree."
Jiraiya just sighs and asks, "And your brother?"
"Who cares," Sasuke answers.
Konoha-Hokage's Tower-One day later.
Sakura is walking through the halls of the Hokage's tower towards the Hokage's office. She followed the curving hall to the Hokage's to find Hinata looking like she wanted to knock but appearing to be conflicted.
Sakura smiles and asks, "Did you come to learn from Lady Tsunade," Hinata flinches before nodding. Sakura smiles and says, "Then let's do this together," Hinata smiles and nods, before Sakura knocks on the door.
They then hear, "Enter," before proceeding.
End Of Chapter One
(So that was the first chapter of this crossover between Naruto and Doubutsu Sentai Jyuohger. Just to clear up any misconceptions, the first few chapters will be of Naruto Training while living in Jyuland, Sasuke travelling with Jiraiya and learning what new powers he has, and finally of Sakura and Hinata training together under Tsunade.
With the end of Jyuohgers I decided to write a story like Rubius' Ninninger crossover but with added context, like what the rest of team Seven was doing during the three year time gap.
Also to clear a question that will be asked in the comments, Naruto is calling himself Minato now so he can get away from the Akatsuki and 'whoever' sent that group of Anbu after him.
For the next couple chapters expect some switching between Naruto and Sasuke, before the start of shipuden.
I hope you enjoyed this new story, please review and comment on the idea of the story or better yet comment about the original shows. So until next time, Beware the Wraith!)