"Lucy, wake up," Peter gently shook his little sister awake. A warm ray of the sunrise shone through the open tent flap. Lucy was exhausted after staying up and lurking through the night. She mumbled out a few whines and yawns and sat up slowly.
"We need to pack and thank the Knights of Camelot. Then, we are on our way back to Narnia." Susan said from across the tent, folding the blankets they had used to sleep with.
"We can't go back to Narnia if Peter gets us lost again," Edmund said as he sat on his cot, writing the letter he had started the night before. Susan was busy folding the blankets they had used to sleep with.
"What did I promise to you last night, Lu?" Peter asked, lifting the long blanket off of Lucy and tossed it across the room to Susan, who began folding it.
"You promised that we would sleep safely," Lucy yawned and got out of the cot.
"And I promise that again for tonight. We will get back to Narnia by mid-day." Peter explained. Lucy got out of the cot and stretched her arms above her head. Just then, Sir Gwaine walked into the tent.
"Good morning, Pevensie family." He greeted, looking in Susan's direction. Susan turned her attention back to the blanket she was folding, smiling to herself as Gwaine looked into her eyes.
"Good morning, Sir Gwaine," Peter responded, walking to the knight to shake hands.
"How did you all sleep last night?" Gwaine wondered, walking over to Susan to help her fold blankets.
"Very well, thank you," Peter answered.
"Thank you," Susan said to Gwaine as they folded the last blanket.
"No thanks needed," Gwaine began to say, then whispered, "I wanted to see you again before you left." Susan smiled softly, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red.
"When are you planning on leaving?" Gwaine then asked aloud.
"Peter says he will get us back to Narnia by mid-day, but I don't believe him," Edmund whined, folding the letter and sealing it in an envelope.
Gwaine chuckled then asked, "What's Narnia?"
Edmund responded, "Our kingd-"
"Kingdom. Our pretend kingdom. Narnia is, uh, a game we play," Peter interrupted, then continued, "We were playing it a few days ago and got lost at night."
"Then, what about the royal titles you introduced yourselves with when Sir Galahad and Sir Daniel found you?" Gwaine asked, walking to Peter suspiciously.
"Oh, I was just... going along with the game," Peter explained, then whispered, "you know, for Lucy."
Gwaine chuckled softly, looking at little Lucy, who didn't seem to quite understand what Peter was talking about; Edmund and Susan quickly caught on to what Peter was doing.
"Peter's right. We are just four ordinary siblings," Edmund said, pretending to sound sad that the 'game' wasn't real. Peter cleared his throat and began to talk.
"We will be leaving in just a few minutes, after thanking your king and the other knights. Is that alright?" Peter asked of Gwaine.
"It is. King Arthur has made a miraculous recovery overnight. It seems as though we have quite skilled knights who could double as a physician! My only wonder is where Merlin might be," Gwaine exclaimed with a laugh.
"Merlin?" Peter questioned the knight.
"Arthur's half-wit of a servant. He really is a good man, though. Just a bit of an idiot at times,"
"I see. So the king's servant isn't travelling with you? Where is he?"
"That's what I'm worried about. We've sent Sir Tristan and Sir Leon with a small group to look for him last night. He's been missing for a few days now. We left Camelot with him, but one night he just disappeared. We woke up and he wasn't there. I'm pretty uneasy about it. We all are. The King may not admit it, but he is also worried sick. I hope they can locate him, and soon. Arthur needs his servant back. And we all need our friend back,"
"I'm quite sorry to hear that, Sir Gwaine," Peter stated.
"Is there anything we can do?" Susan asked.
"I'm afraid not, My Lady. We're all just glad Arthur is fully recovered,"
"How wonderful," Susan said. She nor Peter even suspected it was Lucy's magic to give credit to for healing the king.
"That is truly amazing," began Peter. Lucy giggled to herself, knowing that the king's recovery was because of her magic.
Peter continued, "We will leave in just a few minutes. Thank you, Sir Gwaine."
"No hurry. We enjoyed your company." Gwaine said, taking the pile of folded blankets out of Susan's arms, shot her his mysterious smile, then walked out of the tent.
"Susan, I'm going to thank the knights and the king," Peter stated, snapping the eldest sister out of her daze.
"Alright," Susan began, "I think we should all go."
"Not until Peter explains why you all lied to Gwaine about Narnia!" Lucy exclaimed, but only audible to the four in the tent.
"Shhh, Lu, I will explain later, but for now, Narnia is just a game. We do not rule a kingdom called Narnia. It's a game. It's all a game; now, come along to thank the knights with us." Peter grabbed Lucy's hand, walking out with the other two siblings.
"There he is," Daniel said to the knights he was sitting by, pointing to Peter. Peter smiled at Daniel as they passed the group of knights.
"Is he really that good'a swordsman?" one knight asked.
"Is. Fought him for myself. Quite the skilled young man," Daniel answered, causing Peter to stop in his tracks, surprised at the compliment from an experienced knight on his sword fighting skills. The four siblings stood there, listening to the conversation between the group of knights.
"I should think that if he is all that good, Arthur would recruit him to be a Knight of Camelot. That is if he is of noble blood." another knight added.
"He needn't be of noble blood. Remember, Arthur has done away with that requirement. We got Gwaine now!" Daniel laughed.
"I wish Arthur would've kept that requirement… we should do away with Gwaine!" The first knight joked.
"I have ears, you're aware?" Gwaine yelled from inside a nearby tent. All the knights laughed, including Gwaine. The four siblings laughed and continued to walk to the king's tent.
Peter was the first to enter the tent, followed by Lucy, then Susan, then, finally, Edmund. The youngest brother had begun to sulk again, just wanting to go home.
"King Arthur, Your Majesty," Peter bowed to Arthur as Arthur sat on his bed, getting his shoes on.
"No need to bow to me, Sir…" Arthur paused, wanting to address Peter by his name.
"Peter. And, I'm not a knight, Your Majesty. I'm just a-"
"A very skilled swordsman. My knights have informed me of last night," Arthur interrupted Peter with a compliment. Peter's face grew red with bashfulness and humility.
"Thank you, Your Majesty. I wish to be a knight of Camelot someday but," Peter drifted off, then shaking his head and returning to the conversation;
"I've been informed you've made a miraculous recovery from your wound yesterday. We are all very pleased. And grateful, extremely grateful. Thank you so much for letting us stay in your camp, Your Majesty. You really did not have to let us stay, especially since we are utter strangers of children to you and-"
"Correct me if I may be wrong, but none of you is a mere child, and Peter especially," Arthur suspected. There was a short moment of silence. The four siblings grew extremely nervous, for if King Arthur found out about Narnia, they would be sent away and Peter would have to pay a large price to make up for the fact that they were rulers, and Peter; a high king, from a magical kingdom staying in the camp of the Knights of Camelot.
"Peter, you are no child. Not just any young boy can fight as you did last night, especially since Daniel is one of my most skilled Knights and you seemed to have defeated him. You have a real talent. Now, if it is alright with you, I'd like to see if you really are as good as I've been told. Our camp could really use some more men at the moment, especially since we are attacking. You carry no seal or coat of arms bearing a crest for another kingdom, so I am led to believe you are just wanderers. I'm also assuming you have a sword of your own. Would you prefer to use that, or shall I lend you one?" Peter looked at Arthur in amazement.
"Whichever you would prefer me to use, Your Majesty,"
"Use your own. Might be easier to use since you're familiar with it,"
"Of course, Your Highness. Thank you so much for this opportunity. I've always dreamt to be a knight, especially for such a great and powerful kingdom such as yours,"
"Well, we shall see how talented you truly are. Where did you train? Where were you taught? Everything I know I've learned from my father. I did not give him enough thanks for all that he's taught me,"
"I've been training since I was a boy. But, if I may speak, Your Majesty," Peter interjected kindly.
"You may," Arthur said, surprised at the courage of the young boy.
"I do believe that your father was an incredible leader. But I also believe that you have the capability to be the best king that this land has ever had the privilege of being led by. King Arthur, I think that you are the wisest king I've certainly ever met, and I am most positive your people feel the same. Do not think that you need to follow any standards or customs that have been set for you by your father or any other leaders you know. Camelot is your kingdom now, and you should rule how you see fit to bring the success of it,"
"He most certainly should," a young woman with flowing, black hair, brown eyes, and the most stunning smile said, coming up from behind Arthur, wrapping one arm around his waist.
"Guinevere," Arthur breathed, stunned to see his Queen face to face. He instantly brought her into his arms.
"Gaius told me you were wounded in battle. Are you alright?" Gwen said, pulling away from Arthur and instead, gently placed a hand over the wrap around his shoulder.
"I'm fine now. Lancelot could surely be a physician if he weren't one of my greatest knights. I yet again owe him my life,"
"I'm so glad to hear that. I've missed you, Arthur,"
"And I, you. Have you heard word from Merlin?"
"I haven't. Why? Is everything alright?"
"No, it's not. A few days back, he disappeared through the night. We haven't seen him since. I've dispatched Leon and a few others to look for him. If any other injuries or illnesses occur, we will need him with us. I can't even begin to imagine where might be. I'm actually quite worried. This land is filled with Cenred's men. They could have captured him; they could have already killed him by now-"
"Arthur, take a breath. I'm sure it will be alright. Leon will surely come back with Merlin." Gwen tried to calm his mind.
"I do hope you're right, Guinevere," Arthur answered, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
As Gwen looked around at the camp, all the knights had stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to their King and Queen. Some were bowing their heads, some were even kneeling in reverence, and yet what caught her attention were the small boy and the even smaller girl kneeling before her. Lucy and Edmund had fallen to their knees in respect for the King and Queen. Peter and Susan were bowing their heads behind them.
"And may I ask who you may be?" Gwen inquired the kneeling children softly.
"My name is Lucy. These are my older siblings. This is Edmund, that's Susan, and Peter's the eldest," Lucy spoke up enthusiastically.
"And where do you come from, Lucy?" asks Gwen, holding out a hand for the girl. Lucy grabbed her hand and stood up. Edmund did the same.
"We're from the Northern Plains. Right near the outskirts of Camelot, Your Highness," Peter answers quickly. He didn't want Lucy to answer honestly; no one could know about their places of royalty in Narnia.
"So, you are loyal to Camelot, I assume?" Arthur joins the conversation.
"Indeed, Your Majesty," Peter responded reverently.
"So, young Peter, would you accept the responsibility of being a knight of Camelot?"
"It would be the greatest honour, Sire," he answered, nearly breathless from shock.
The other knights filled in around Arthur and the young siblings.
Arthur invited Peter to kneel.
"The Crown now calls young Peter Pevensie to come before this Royal Company. Peter, have you undertaken to accept the accolade of Knighthood that was offered to you at the great kingdom of Camelot?" asked Arthur.
"I have," Peter confirmed.
"This greatly pleases us. Bring forth the sword," commanded Arthur, and a knight briskly carried the sword to where Arthur was standing.
"By the powers granted with my place on the throne of Camelot, I now pronounce you Sir Peter, Knight of Camelot," Arthur said, placing the sword on each of Peter's shoulders, then lifting it, gesturing for Peter to stand back up.
The crowd then surrounded the newly knighted boy, his siblings and their King.
Just as all the other knights were greeting Peter, Leon and his small army became visible, trudging through the forest on foot.
"Leon!" Arthur yelled to the men just a short distance away from him.
"Sire!" Leon called back. He had his group of men, but Merlin still appeared to be missing
"And what of Merlin?" Arthur inquired, a touch of worried escaping his lips.
"I haven't eaten in a few days, but I didn't think I was getting that thin," Merlin himself shouts towards the camp, after appearing from the inside of the group of knights. Everyone laughed and shouted with joy and relief.
"Merlin!" Arthur exclaimed, briskly walking towards his servant and bringing him into a tight embrace.
"And yet again, I thought we'd lost you. How are you?"
Hi Readers! Thank you so much for coming back to read yet another part of this story! I'm so sorry I haven't had regular updates; school is really taking a toll on me and I wish I had more time for Fanfiction :(
Luckily, I do have another part that I've been working on... it should be up sooner than this one was!
I want to let you guys know that I will gladly take any suggestions, comments and constructive criticism. Please let me know what you would want to read, and I will definitely take that into consideration.
Thank you to those of you who have stayed with me and those who have left reviews! I really appreciate the views and reviews from everyone. Thank you so much, again!
Stay amazingly obsessed, and remember:
-StrangeStrangerSherlock4229 :)