/AN :Firstly, heartfelt thanks for everyone having read, fav'd and/or reviewed my humble work, it makes a one happy raccoon feel like a writer (:

Then, moving on.. Due to a small blunder of me having still getting accustomed to the user interface and other excuses, I kind of marked this 'incomplete', and so I came with a short sequel to make it up.

Disclaimer : I solemnly hereby swear I do not claim to own any parts of Love Live Sunshine franchise, not yet anyhow.

Love Live Sunshine Fan Fiction

Surprise Sunshine - You After
~Loverise on Hearts' Horizon

"I'm going to be late.. I should have agreed to meet at the station after all."

Wine red hair fluttered in the wind as a teenage girl hurried past the crowd trying to cling on to her white leather handbag holding, not only the note sheets of her song, but also a small gift she bought to her new, first ever, girlfriend, all the while she tried to prevent the hem of her mauve knee-length dress from giving away excess service.

She might have by now been used to revealing outfits in her school-idol career, but there was a world of difference between a cute dance costume and flashing panties on the public. That sort of thing suited another kind of idols she didn't feel comfortable in becoming like. Should she try something like it, it would all be reserved to the light brown-haired girl she spotted from a far.

Feeling the flutters quivering her breath she approached the girl wearing an aquamarine shirt with cute little fishes painted on it, under a white jacket vest, and beige short shorts revealing a lot of skin of her smooth legs toned from all the dancing practice. A bit too much for the blushing redhead to take in this suddenly, and she felt the cooling breeze passing over more than welcome. She couldn't help it, among the kabedon doujins she had bought on her trip to Tokyo, there was a one pushing things a bit further than just kiss. Unaware of the contents she had opened it on her way back, and even as she had left it half-way she had learned a few new things two girls could do and that memory was still very vivid. Even more now that she saw the girl who made her heart dance in joy.

"Sorry *huff* to have *huff* kept you waiting, *huff* You-chan."

"No biggie, I just got here myself."

Now that was a blatant lie, albeit a cute one. She knew You had to have come with the bus that arrived an hour or so ago, evident by the absence of You's bike in their vicinity, but that only made things so much more date-like. Actually, they were having a date, weren't they? The thought made her blush all the more. Feeling fluttering shivers had, apparently, become her new favorite pastime, or, at this rate, a completely normal part of her everyday life.

"I see.. Y-you look good?" She wasn't sure why she made it a question, but fortunately, her date answered in a way most fitting, a quite blush of her own. Now the girls matched perfectly.

"Th-thanks.. Umm, you too.. the dress suits you, I mean you'd look good without it- oh, I mean I didn't mean to suggest that I'd take it off, not here, or- *Huff Huff!*" You totally lost the frail cool she had been holding on to, but it helped easing her girlfriend's mood a bit raising a small giggle, that in turn gave the brunette a time to take a few deep breaths and calm down enough to make sense again. "You're beautiful."

"Th-thanks.. W-well, shall we go?"

"Aye-aye~! Set the sails, Riko-chan, we're off to sea of sweet milk-tea!"

Riko felt the mannerisms of her date a bit impossible to follow. It wasn't a fault, just the opposite, in fact, it only added to her charm. She could always lift her mood.. ..and occasionally her chin while pinning her against the wall. And just why did she had to dig herself deeper into a heated flush, again? Tomatoes would be so jealous of her cheeks for all the red they held. Even more when her date took her hand to take the lead.

It would take a while before the redhead would have just a red hair and not entirely red head.

*cling~ ding ding~ ding cling~*



Feeling all to giddy to stand calm, Riko tried to smile to the greeting waitress politely, but she had to leave the talking to the brunette beside her who seemed to be more than happy in being relied on and getting to show her reliable side.

"Table for two, please."

"Right~ Here, this way, please~"

The girls trailed behind the cheerful waitress who showed them to a seat by the window at the back, so they had a good view at the streets outside making the place feel and appear more spacious than it was, all the while it provided them a little bit of privacy. The waitress had actually winked at them about that. Were they so obvious? Was it the hand-holding? The romantic mood between them? The glances they exchanged? The-

"Riko-chan?" A soft voice woke the flustered the girl from her even more flustered thoughts.


"Nothing.." You smiled at her date. "You were just so cute I felt like saying your name."

Aw, so embarrassing! And so unfair! Riko felt almost like pouting. You was the cute one. Well, that was a game two could play. The redhead took out the small box from her bag.

"..A-and you're so c-cute I felt like g-giving you this.. P-please accept it!" She presented the adorably wrapped little present. She, however, did not do it as coolly and nonchalantly as she had tried and wanted.

For You..


..that was not a bother.

"..I'll treasure this." You had the same worries as her date. She too, felt like she should've remained calm and collected. She had so wanted to show off, but her charming, beautiful girlfriend just had had to be so...charming and beautiful that it was an impossible task. How did people kept their head in check in situations like these? She never got the guide, and thought that those people just didn't have such wonderful dates, and now she was just bragging about her girlfriend, wasn't she? Well, she felt it vindicated and pushed the thought aside. "Hmm.. oh, yeah! Should I, like, open it?"

"Yes, please do."

"Oh!" You unwrapped the package pulling out a silvery necklace and put it straight around her neck. "Aw~ I- I- just.. Riko-chan's too cute.." She couldn't say much anything with the way the girl sitting opposite tugged her heartstrings.

Truth be told, it was nothing fancy, luxurious, or extravagant. It was a simple necklace with an anchor inside a heart chained on it. However, it felt so fitting for the two, in both, it's simplicity, and it's symbolism. It asked the brunette dreaming of sea to not sail away from her girlfriend's heart. You already knew that she never would, but it didn't mean she wasn't smiling when she took Riko's hand in hers and leaned closer..

"I love you, always."

"I love you too, always, and ever after."

..And the girls sealed their promise with a tender kiss.

/AN : Innocent Raccoon here, thank you for reading and please allow me to apologize again for the blunder, I'll try and learn from this.
If you have any thoughts, opinions or corrections to offer, please do not hesitate to leave a review.

*Innocent Raccoon bows humbly and leaves to fondle the keyboard*