[Itsuka's Residence]

Currently, sitting on the couch was an orange-haired teen with brown eyes that seems to be calling someone. This teen is none other than Ichigo Kurosaki, former Substitute Soul Reaper and now a normal human being. The reason why Ichigo doesn't have his powers anymore is because he sacrificed it all in order to defeat the ex-captain Sosuke Aizen.

A part of him isn't bothered that he lost his power. Afterall, it was the only choise he had to protect everyone from Aizen, so he took that chance without hesitating. But the other part of him is sad, sad that he can't protect anyone at his current state. And sad that he also can't see his friends from the Soul Society anymore.

''Come on, pick up already.'' Ichigo mumbled to nobody as he was still waiting for the other person to pick up.

The person that the orange-haired teen tried to call was his own father as Ichigo wanted to know how that idiot and his sisters are doing. Since Ichigo doesn't live in the same house as them anymore, makes it pretty normal to call them once in a while.

The reason why Ichigo doesn't live their anymore is because he's now living in the same house with his two cousins that he never knew about. The reason why he never knew about them was because his mother was the aunt of said cousins and he didn't know anything about the family of his mother.

And the reason why Ichigo is living with them is because his dad wanted to. The reason why his dad wanted it is because he didn't like it how his son was back at Karakura. Seeing all his friends still being aware of seeing Soul Reapers, ghosts and Hollows made the teen sad. He was pretty good with hiding it behind that scowl of his and that he kept on saying that he always wanted a normal live, but his dad saw right through it.

'Somehow, I can't say I'm surpised. That goat face may be an idiot, but he's still my dad.' Ichigo thought with a small smile, something he rarely does after he lost all of his powers.

To his father's surprise, Ichigo took it much better then he thought when he told him about moving in with his cousins, but he was happy that his son accepted it.

Karin and Yuzu had a hard time accepting that their big brother would leave their home, especially Yuzu. But after a long time of talking about why he has to leave the house, they've finally decided to let him go.

When he told his friends about this, they all had a different reaction. But at the end, they've all agreed that this may be the best thing to they can do for Ichigo.

''Damn, voicemail.'' Ichigo said in an irritated tone as he then placed his phone inside the pocket of his pants. Suddenly, a girl with red twintail hairstyle and red eyes jumped over the couch while screaming in panic as she then hid behind the table.

Not understanding why the girl was in such panic, he looked behind him to see a male teen with blue hair and and amber brown eyes coming from the door. Wanting to know what the hell is going on, Ichigo opened his mouth to ask something. But seeing the blue-haired teen placing a finger in front his mouth, Ichigo decided to stay quiet and closed his mouth.

The blue-haired boy hid himself behind a couch. Only a second later after he hid himself, the blue-haired teen quickly stood up as he then let out a roar like some kind of wild beast. Hearing that noise made the red-haired girl afraid as she then runned towards the wall, only to realise that she had nowhere to go now.

''Calm down, it's only me.'' The blue-haired boy said.

''Are... Are you sure?'' The girl asked while she was still shaking of fear.

The blue-haired boy raised one of his hands. ''I am much good friend to you. Yes, I Kotori big brother.'' The blue-haired boy spoke in a funny way, making the girl laugh at him.

''Mind telling me what the hell is going on?'' Ichigo asked.

It was then that the blue-hair teen told him about how the girl kept on trying to wake him up, so he decided to tell her that he contracted the 'ten more minutes of sleep or else my sister goes to tickle hell.' virus, or the 'T-virus' for short.

Ichigo just let out a small chuckle. He's been living here for a couple of months and he was already liking his cousins since day one.

The blue-haired boy is known as Shido Itsuka and he's the older brother of the red-haired girl who is known as Kotori Itsuka. Ichigo and Shido both go to the same school as both of them are also sitting in the same class, even though Ichigo is one year older then Shido.

After everything that happened so far, the three were now eating breakfast before they're heading towards school.

''Hey Kotori, got any request for lunch?'' Ichigo asked his cousin.

''Oh yeah, one Deluxe Kids Plate! Hooray!'' Kotori exclaimed while jumping in the air.

''That's something from a diner menu. We don't serve that dish in this restaurant.'' Shido said.

But as Kotori kept on begging and begging for the Deluxe Kids Plate, Shido gave up. ''Fine.''

[Streets of Tengu]

''Deluxe Kids Plate wins!'' Kotori exclaimed happily. ''I love eating out for lunch.''

''It's a diner and not really that exciting.'' Shido said to his sister.

''Of course it is!'' Kotori exclaimed for the second time. ''Thank you so much Ichigo and bro.'' The red haired girl thanked the two older teens.

After a couple of minutes of walking later, the three finally arrived at the place that was called Danny's

''Okay, so after school, I'll be waiting for you two right here at the restaurant.'' Kotori told the two boys.

''Sure thing.'' Ichigo replied.

''Sounds good.'' Shido replied.

''And you two better not break your promise. Be here no matter what happens. Even if the place is taken over by terrorrists we're still gonna eat.'' Kotori told them.

''I doubt they would let us in.'' Ichigo said.

''I was thinking the same thing.'' Shido said as he then placed his hand on her head. ''Me and Ichigo will be here, but be carefull on your way to school.''

Not to far away from them, the trio Ai, Mai and Mii were looking at the other trio. Ai is the one with blond hair, Mai was the one is brown hair and Mii is the one with purple hair.

''Don't you think it's still weird that those three are related?'' Ai asked

''That guy Ichigo must have his hair dyed or something.'' Mai said.

''That's so lame.'' Mii said.

''Don't forget that you two promised me. I'm gonna be here even if there's a spacequake.'' Kotori said as she then dashed towards her school.

The two males just waved at her as they then also headed towards their school.

[Raizen High School]

''Nice coincidence huh, Shido. Lucky you to be in the same class with me again. Some people would call this fate and I whould be one of those people.'' Was the voice that belonged to Hiroto Tonomachi. He has swept-back spiky black hair, dark gray eyes and is the same age as Shido.

''Of course you would.'' Shido said with a deadpanned face.

Hiroto then looked at the orange-haired teen. ''Don't worry Ichigo, that doesn't mean I've forgotten about you.'' The black-haired teen said.

''Uhm... Thanks?'' Ichigo said/questioned, not sure how to react on that one.

Suddenly, the three boys were hearing a weird sound. ''Hold on. Excuse me, it's my girl.'' Hiroto said as he then took his phone from his pocket.

''Huh? Girl as in girlfriend?'' Shido asked.

''You never told us you had one.'' Ichigo said.

''You guys wanna meet her? Check it out.'' Hiroto said as he then showed the two boys his girlfriend. But Ichigo and Shido didn't expect that he would show them a dating sim.

''You know that's a dating sim, right?'' Ichigo stated the obvious.

''But that doesn't change that she's my girlfriend. Don't judge me, a dating sim will tell you everything you need to know about treating women, it's like a textbook for loving. This particular app is groovy because-''

''Ichigo Kurosaki.'' Was a sudden female voice that interrupted Hiroto. As all three of them were now looking at the direction of the voice, they saw that it belonges to a white-haired girl with blue eyes.

''Who are you, and how do you know my name?'' Ichigo asked the girl.

''You mean you don't know?'' She asked back.

''I'm sorry to say this, but this is my first time meeting you.'' The orange-haired teen said.

After she heard those words from him, the white-haired girl remained silent as she then took her seat, making the three boys sweatdrop.

''Hey... Am I supposed to know her?'' Ichigo asked the other two.

''Of course you are.'' Hiroto said. ''That is Origami Tobiichi and she's known as the super genius.''

''For real? Crazy.'' Shido said.

'But how does she know me.' Ichigo thought.

''That chick has always some of the best grades in our class. She's ridiculous at sport and I mean look at her, she's gorgeous. On my girlfriend list, she's never been out of the top three, like ever.'' Hiroto said.

''Don't you already have a 'girlfriend'.'' Ichigo said.

''A relationship can always break up, you know.'' Hiroto said. ''But how do you not know one of the most popular kids in our school.''

''I thought Ichigo was the most popular one thanks to his orange hair.'' Shido said jokingly.

''Shut up.'' Ichigo said as the school bell then began to ring, letting everyone now that the classes are starting. Ichigo was sitting in front of Shido and Hitori was sitting in front of Ichigo. Couple of seconds after the bell, the teacher came in class. The teacher was a woman with brown hair and brown eyes while wearing a pair of glasses.

Hiroto stood up from his chair. ''Oh heck yeah, it's Tamae.'' He said as he and many other students were happy to see her.

The teacher just smiled at them. ''It's miss Okamine please. Now quiet down, I'll be your homeroom teacher this year. I hope you guys are ready to learn?''

Ichigo wasn't paying to much attention as he was looking outside through the window, thinking about something that he has only just figured out. 'Now that I think about it... We've never had any trouble back at Karakura with these spacequakes.' The former Substitute Soul Reaper thought as he then let out a sigh. 'Must be pure coincidence.'

After all the lessons of today, the final school bell was heard through the entire school.

''Hey you two, wanna go home together?'' The black-haired teen asked the cousins.

''Sorry, but we got plans.'' Shido said.

''Oh yeah? Are you two having a double date?'' Hiroto asked.

''Nope. We're going out on a diner with Kotori.'' The orange-haired teen explained.

''He's right. Nothing more, nothing less'' The blue-haired boy added.

''Oh I understand. Besides, as far as I know, there's not a girl in this school who has a sensitive and kind enough spirit to have a lunch with either you two.'' Hiroto said.

''Thanks, but... That was not a compliment.'' Shido said. But not a second later he said that, a loud alarm was going off. An alarm that no one liked to hear

''A spacequake!'' Ichigo said as he looked outside through the window.

''Another one?'' Hiroto asked aloud.

''We need to evacuate. The shelter near the school should be safe enough.'' Shido suggested.

''Right.'' Ichigo said as the three then headed towards the shelter. Arriving at the place, Ichigo saw Tamae standing there a bit panicked while explain to every student that they need to stay calm.

'The only one who needs to calm down is you.' Ichigo thought as he then picked up his phone. 'Better call Kotori and hoping she's evacuating like she should do. Surely she's not waiting for us at Danny's' He thougt as he then hold the phone against his ear.

'Don't forget that you two promised me. I'm gonna be here even if there's a spacequake.' Were the words of Kotori that repeated in his mind

Ichigo clicked his tongue. 'Come on, just pick up already so I can atleast know if you're save or not.' Ichigo thought annoyed as he then stopped calling her after he recieved a voicemail. Just what is it with people not picking up his call.

'Guess I'll have to check her location then.' The orange-haired teen thought as he then pressed on an app so he could see where Kotori currently is. Seeing the place were the red-haired girl was, made Ichigo's eyes wide. Right now, she was standing at the restaurant. But that wasn't the only thing that made Ichigo's eyes wide. Not only was Kotori there, but Shido was there as well.

''Hiroto!'' Ichigo exclaimed.

''Ichigo, what's wrong?'' Hiroto asked.

''Have you seen Shido?'' Ichigo asked.

Hiroto opened his mouth but quickly closed it as he then looked around. ''Now that you mention it, where the hell is he?'' The black-haired teen wondered.

''Dammit!'' The former Soul Reaper exclaimed as he then sprinted towards the restaurant. He heard Hiroto shouted to wait, but Ichigo didn't listen. The only thing that his mind was focussed on was saving his cousins.

[Streets of Tengu City]

'Almost there.' Ichigo thought as he kept on running with full speed while he just took the corner. Suddenly, Ichigo had to stop with running as he saw a huge black orb that increased in size.

'Spacequake!' Ichigo thought as the force of the said spacequake pushed Ichigo away, making him fall on the ground. After the black orb disappear, Ichigo decided to stand up, only to see a massive crater in front of him.

'That was a close one.' The orange-haired teen thought untill he saw not something in the middle of the crater, but someone. And that someone, was a girl.

The girl in the crater has dark-purple eyes and very long, dark-purple hair that was tied back with a butterfly-shaped hair accessory. Her outfit seems to be like a some kind of armored dress with a black, cream, pink and purple colour scheme. Currently, one foot of her was standing on the ground while the other one was standing on the armrest of a golden throne that had a hilt on the top of it.

'It's... A girl.' Ichigo thought. 'Did she did all of this?'

Not a second later he thought about it, the girl jumped on the golden throne and grabbed the hilt that was sticking out. As the girl pulled the hilt out of the throne, Ichigo's eyes went wide as he saw that she was now having a broadsword in her hands.

'Is that a-' Before Ichigo could even finish whatever he was thinking, the girl jumped in the air and swinged her sword downwards, creating a purple energy wave that just missed Ichigo by a hair. though it may have missed Ichigo, the same thing couldn't be said about the building behind him.

Ichigo turned around with wide eyes to look at the destruction that her sword just made. The whole building was nothing but rubbles. Looking back at the girl, he saw that she was standing much closer in front of him with her sword pointing at him.

''Not you too...'' The girl said to herself, speaking for the first time.

The orange-haired teen was surprised what he heard. Her voice... It sounded like she was sad for some reason.

''I see, so it's true. You came here to kill me.'' The purple-haired girl said

This surprised Ichigo even more. Why the hell would he kill a girl without knowing what she has done. Sure, she may be the one that created those spacial quakes. But was that reasonable enough to kill her. Was that also the thing that would make her sad, thinking that he would kill her.

The girl took one step forward, making Ichigo take one step backwards. ''Don't try to deny it. I must deal with you first before the others arrive.'' The girl said.

''Give me one good reason why I should kill you?'' Ichigo asked as he calmed down a bit from what just happened.

''What?'' The girl said, surprised that the orange-haired teen said that.

''Besides, how am I supposed to do that without having any powers or whatsoever?'' Ichigo said.

The girl didn't replied as she then looked at the sky behind her. Wanting to know where she's looking at, Ichigo decided to look at the same direction as her, only to see five girls in some kind of armored outfit that were flying right at him and the girl.

Before Ichigo could think of who those people are, he saw that the one in the middle decided to shoot missiles at the girl next to him.

''Watch out!'' Ichigo exclaimed. But to his surprise, the girl only raised on of her arm to create a shield in front of her, stopping the missiles as they then exploded against the shield, saving herself and Ichigo for any harm.

Before Ichigo could thank her, more missiles were shot against the girl. Said girl simply jumped towards those missiled as she then cut all of them with only two swings from her sword.

'This isn't right.' Ichigo thought as he saw the face of the purple-haired girl who was now flying in the air. 'Why does her face look so sad...''

Not a second later he thought about that, more missiles were fired at the girl, but all of them were meaningless to her as she easily cut through them. After she destroyed the missiles, the girl created a purple X-shaped wave that went straight toward the five other girls, but they've all dodged it with ease.

The broadsword wielding girl landed on the ground, only to meet the end of a gun that a white-haired girl was holding. The purple-haired girl simply raised one of her hands to stop the energy blast that was coming from the gun, surprising the other girl as she then did a couple of swings.

The first swing destroyed the gun, the second one destroyed a part of her mechanic wing and the last one missed the white-haired girl by just a couple of inches. The white-haired girl jumped backwards as she then removed the armor that was no use to her thanks to the broken wing.

Ichigo, seeing that the white-haired girl jumped behind her, finally saw that she was a classmate of his.

''Wait, what the hell are you doing here!?'' Ichigo exclaimed at the white-haired girl who was none other then Origami Tobiichi

''Ichigo, it's you.'' Origami said.

''Of course it's me. And what's with that weird outfit?'' Ichigo said.

Before Origami could say anything to Ichigo, she and Ichigo saw that the purple-haired girl was creating another purple wave. Ichigo quickly jumped away while Origami jumped up high in the air.

While being in the air, Origami grabbed the hilt of a energy sword and aimed it at the purple-haired girl, but her attack got blocked. After that, both girls clashed their swords against eachother in an almost inhuman speed.

When both girls had enough of it, they then put so much strength into their final attack that it created a massive shockwave while blinding the area around them with bright white light.

[Unknown Place]

Ichigo's eyes opened as he then sat straight up from his lying position.

''It appears you're awake now.'' Was a female voice that he also never heard before.

Looking to his right, Ichigo saw a woman who seems to be in her 20s while her eyes are telling she hasn't slept for 30 years. She has long, unkempt, pale blue hair which is tied into a right-side ponytail and blue eyes. He also noticed that she has a small blue teddy bear in her left breast pocket

''Mind telling me who you are?'' Ichigo asked.

''My name is Reine Murasame, but just call me Reine. I'm the head analyst here and there's no reason for you to freak out, first aid is hardly out of my league.'' The woman named Reine said.

'Thanks, I'm feeling much better now.' Ichigo thought with sarcasm.

''By the way, where am I?'' Ichigo asked as he looked around. ''Last thing I remember was that fight with those two girls.''

''You're resting in the sickbay of Fraxinus.'' Reine explained.

''Fraxihuh?'' The orange-haired teen said until his eyes went wide. ''Wait my cousins! Where are those two!? I need to get and find them so I can at least know if they're save or-''

''What you need to do now is to calm down, those two are perfectly fine.'' Reine said.

''How do you know that?'' Ichigo asked.

''Follow me.'' She said as she walked away with Ichigo behind her. After a bit of walking, they stood in front of the door that automatically opened for them.

''I brought him with me.'' Reine said to a man with long blond hair and brown eyes.

''Thank you for taking care of him.'' The man said as he then looked at Ichigo. ''It's very nice to meet you. My name is Kyouhei Kannaduki and I'm the vice-commander. Welcome Ichigo, We're glad you're here.'' The man named Kyouhei said.

''Wait, how do you know my...'' Ichigo said as he then looked at his right. His eyes went wide as he saw his two cousins standing there. ''Kotori? Shido?'' Ichigo said aloud, seeing Kotori sitting on a chair with a lollipop in her hand while Shido stood next to her with an awkward smile.

''Glad you could make it Ichigo. Like that idiot said, welcome to Ratatoskr.'' Kotori said as she then put the lollipop in her mouth

''Sorry that we've never told you about this.'' Shido said.

'Looks like a normal human life is out of the question.' Ichigo thought as he then let out a sigh.

''Don't worry about it.'' The orange-haired teen said. ''I bet you guys know way more stuff about everything that just happened so just tell me what I need to know already.''

''Gladly.'' Kotori said as she then pressed on a button, turning the screen on as it revealed the purple-haired girl from before. ''All you need to remember is the three thing that I'm about to say.''

''And those three are...'' Ichigo asked with a raised eyebrow.

''First thing first, that girl is a Spirit. She doesn't belong in this world and simply appearing on our planet causes everything around her to blow up whether see wants it or not.'' Kotori explained.

''Blow up? You mean those spacequakes?'' Ichigo asked

''Your smarter then I took you for.'' Kotori said.

''Why you little...'' Ichigo said in a very angered tone.

''Anyway, on to number two.'' Kotori said as the screen then showed those five girls that were fighting against the Spirit. ''These are the ground forces Anti-Spirits Team. When the Spirits appear, the AST fly towards the location to take care of it, meaning they kill them.''

Ichigo was surprised by that. ''Kill them! But why?'' He asked.

''It's because that's what they are trained for.'' Kotori simply explained. ''And now for three. There is another way to deal with these Spirits without having to rely on the AST. This is the reason why you're here and why your help will be most needed.''

''Why me? Afterall, it's not like I have some kind of supernatural power or something.'' Ichigo said.

'At least, not anymore.' He then thought in a sad tone, but hiding it behind his scowl as usual.

''We have to make sure to start your training tomorrow. I'll leave the details up tp the person taking care of it. In the meantime, you just go back to school like normal.'' Kotori explained, completly ignoring his question.

''That still doesn't answer my question.'' After the orange-haired teen said that, Kotori kicked the foot of Kyouhei without any reason or whatsoever. But despite that the man screamed in pain, he also seems to be enjoying it.

Ichigo looked at Shido. ''Does that always happen?'' He asked.

The blue-haired boy let out a small awkward chuckle ''It kinda does.'' Shido said.

''You're opinion doesn't matter. You're only option is yes.'' Kotori said.

Ichigo looked back at Kotori as he then let out a sigh. ''Fine.''

''Good boy.'' Kotori said. ''Now I have a question for you.''

''Ask away.'' The former Soul Reaper said.

''What were you doing down there, Ichigo? Did you want to die?'' Kotori asked.

''Of course not you idiot. Both you guys' phone locator showed me that you two were at the diner. Why else would I be running outside during a spacequake.'' Ichigo explained.

''Talk about coincidence.'' Shido said with a small laugh.

''What do you mean 'coincidence'?'' Ichigo asked.

''Well, that does make sense. But technically, we're above the diner.'' Kotori said

''Huh?'' The orange-haired teen said.

Kotori looked at Reine. ''Disable the filter.'' She commanded.

Not even a second later after that and the floor turned invisible, showing Ichigo that he and the others on board are above Tengu City.

''We're currently 15.000 meters above Tengu City. You're on board in an airship called Fraxinus.'' Kotori explained.

'Yep, it's oficial. Goodbye normal human live, hello trouble.' Ichigo thought annoyed. But deep inside of him, the rain wasn't as heavy as how it used to be since the day he lost all of his powers.