Thank you all so much for reading and liking my first ever Cartoon Novel. I had a really great time writing this and it was a lot of fun writing this. But sadly good things have to come to an end though as the story has to.

Okay, so as promised before, I'm writing this as to what will I do after this story ends. Well first of all, I will be taking a break for 2-2.5 weeks. Then afterwards, I will publish one Comic one-shot and one Anime one-shot. Then there will also be three Cartoon one-shots. After that, there's gonna be a Misc Anime/Manga story. Yay! I'm gonna be writing my own Anime story XD. After that finishes, I'll write another note to say what will I do.

That's all I have to say folks. Even though the story ended, please continue to read, review and like this and my other stories and support me by following and favouriting me. I'll be back after 2-2.5 weeks. So right now...

Bugs: Hmm... I wonder where Steve is?

Voice: I'm right here! Again!

*Steve soon arrives with Tom, Jerry, Butch and Muscles Mouse from Tom and Jerry.*

Furrball: What brings us all here this time?

Green: For the final photo of course.

Junior *in excitement*: This is gonna be really awesome!

Butch: You said it! Heck we even appeared on the story as cameo characters.

Muscles: Yeah. *Sighs sadly* But it's sad that we have to leave and part ways for now.

Sylvester: Don't look down fellows. We will come back again fellas.

*Steve nodded with a smile with Tom and Jerry, who are also smiling before giving a thumbs up.*

Babs: Who's gonna set up the camera then?

Me: I'll set it up. You, Jerry, Green, Furrball, Muscles Mouse and Sylvester Junior can stand up or kneel at the front while Bugs, Sylvester, Steve, Butch and Tom can be at the back.

Green: Cool. *Begins to say happily and claps his hand* Let's do this!

Others *cheering happily*: Yeah!

*And so everyone got into their positions while I set up the camera.*

Me *smiling*: See you everybody within 2-2.5 weeks..

*After I set up the camera, I joined the others with me standing at the back.*

Me: Everybody say your own last words.

Others *cheering happily*: YEAH! YAHOO! GOODBYE!

Me *smiling and waving*: Goodbye to you all. Have fun reading the story. See you later then.

*Everybody cheered as the camera waits for 5 seconds before it clicks.*

