The crew was panting when they reached the Ghost except for Hera and Chopper who were in the cockpit driving the Ghost into hyperspace. As they all panted Zeb suddenly yelled:

Zeb: "What happened out there?!"

Then Sabine said:

Sabine: "Ezra why did you blow the explosives before time!"

Ezra: "I-I…"

Zeb: "You ruined everything again you brat".

Then Zeb raised his fist prepared to punch Ezra but Kanan got in his way.

Kanan: "Guys stop! Zeb, Sabine, go to report to Hera what happened I'll talk with Ezra".

Zeb and Sabine left not before glaring at Ezra, then Kanan approached Ezra and placed his hands on Ezra's shoulders.

Kanan: "Ezra what happened?"

Ezra: "My com broke… everything I could hear were interrupted parts…"


They were on a mission to steal from the Empire supplies for the Fleet. Everything started well, they were taking their positions while Ezra went to put the explosives.

Ezra: "Okay Specter 5, I'm in position and putting the last explosive".

Then Ezra heard interrupted parts.

Ezra: "Specter 5 do you copy me?"

Sabine: "Specter 6… explosives… activate… now".

Ezra: "I didn't understand Specter 5, can you repeat it?"

Sabine: "We need… explosion… NOW!"

Ezra: "Okay I don't know what you're thinking but…"

Then Ezra activated the explosives but little did he know that he blew them before the moment he should so when the explosion happened he was threw back against a wall hitting a little hard his head. Ezra stood up dazed and made his way towards the others.

Zeb: "What happened?!"

Kanan: "This is not the moment; we need to get to the Ghost".

Everyone ran to the Ghost while shooting at every Trooper who got in their way. Finally they reached the Ghost and went into safety.

End flashback

Ezra was remembering but he felt a little dazed and Kanan looked worried.

Kanan: "Hey Kid you're alright".

Ezra: "Ya I am f-"

Commander Sato entered with an angry expression grabbing Ezra and dragging him outside.


Rex: "Leave the boy alone it was only a mistake".


Sato then sedated Ezra blacking out.

Couple hours Later Ezra woke up.

Vader: "You're Awake".

Ezra: "What do you want?"

Vader: "You were being transported by the rebels to another location and I saved you when I felt your presence".

Ezra: "You want me to join you".

Vader: "Indeed".

Ezra then remembered Sato and the others.

Ezra: "I will join you if you only let Hera, Kanan, Ahsoka and Rex live".

Vader under his mask was surprised that he would join him easily.

Vader: "Very Well hence forth you shall be Starkiller".

Ezra: "Yes my Master".

After two years of being Vader's Apprentice the Emperor found out and Vader then had to kill him. So Ezra left and rushed out as his ship went into hyperspace as he blacked out from exhausting.

After a while Ezra felt a presence and turned to see Leia smiling.

Leia: "Ezra it been a long time".

Ezra: "Indeed but why are you on my ship".

Leia sighed.

Leia: "My father lied to me. He isn't my real father and I heard about what happened to you in your cell. I gave them a yelling that even Ahsoka was afraid. They wanted you back since they saw the evidence. I didn't believe you would want to back so I managed to steal your body and put it on your ship".

Ezra: "I see and I sensed the Force is in you and if Bail isn't your father then what's your last name".

Leia: "Skywalker".

Ezra: "Since I did technically have completed my training I need to do the trails and once that is done I will take you as my Padawan".

Couple years passed and Ezra and Leia managed to form an attachment and fell in love. Also on one mission Ezra found a jackpot and manage to get the Jango Fett DNA and some Kamionan to work for him making at least 3 Millions Clone Troopers loyal to him and Leia unless told so. They were on Tython. They managed to rebuild the Order after managing to get Vader on the Light Side and found Obi-Wan with Luke. Right now Ezra was somehow the Grand Master when Anakin and Obi-Wan agreed since they were the only Jedi Council member with them.

Clone: "Master Ezra there is something on the radio".

Ezra: "What is it Trooper. Put it through".

The message came through as Commander Sato spoke "We need immediate help please if there are any rebel cell nearby, we are on Lothal".

Ezra was about to ignore it until he remembered Hera, Kanan, Ahsoka and Rex.

Ezra: "All six attack Ventnor Attack Cruiser we leave now".

Meanwhile with the Ghost crew.

Kanan: "Zeb shoot as many ties as we can".

Zeb: "Sure Kanan".

Sabine: "They are too many Hera we need to leave".


Sabine winced knowing why Hera hated her now thanks to making Ezra hurt alone and abandoned.

Sabine: "Hera I am so sorry please forgive me".

Hera couldn't answer by the time Six old Republic Attacker Cruiser used in Clone Wars came out and few minute decimated the two Imperial Class Star Destroyer.

Hera then saw someone trying to contact her as she answered it a familiar face entered.

Hera: "Princess Organa".

Leia: "No, I am Jedi Knight Leia Skywalker one of the new Jedi Knight".

Hera and Sabine looked shocked as Leia smirked seeing the reaction of Sabine.

Leia: "I see that you're shocked well the Grand Master is going to shock you since he was my Master".

Kanan: "Grand Master".

Ezra: "Yes Kanan".

Sabine: "It can't be".

Ezra: "Oh it is Sabine. Kanan please bring Ahsoka Tano to me".

Kanan: "Yes Ezra. No I mean Master Ezra".

Ezra smiled.

Ezra: "Kanan You can call me Ezra".

After that conservation ended with, Ahsoka and Kanan with Sato and remaining crew they landed on Ezra's ship.

Three Clone approached them surprising Rex as Kanan ignited his lightsaber.

Commander: "I suppose you are Kanan. Men you heard the General Bridger give Kanan Jarrus space don't get too close".

Ahsoka: "I guess you are the commander".

Commander: "Yes I am Commander Drake leader of the 227St Legion".

Sato: "Take us to Ezra right now Troopers. I want to speak about him joining the Rebellion with you Troops".

The Clones pointed their blasters at Sato.

Drake: "Do you think we are stupid we are only loyal to the Jedi and mostly to Master Ezra and Master Leia. We follow their command only. Unless told so we follow someone else. Beside the only person who we lead under as well are the Jedi".

Kanan: "Well I am a Jedi. Can I speak to Ezra?"

Drake: "Of course Sir".

Kanan: "I see let's go".