I'm surprised and a little confused by Garfield's actions today. I thought for sure when he started rambling after the movie that he was getting ready to break my heart in the cruelest prank of all. I'd even constructed a portal behind him to throw him directly into the ocean if he started saying anything I didn't like. But I guess, and it pains me to admit this, that I was wrong.

But that leads to an even bigger dilemma. If the waffles and the roses and the movie date weren't part of some elaborate prank then...what were they? Could it be that he actually likes me?

Azar, I don't know what to do. I need to be able to get some sleep for training day tomorrow but I don't know that I want to risk sneaking into his room tonight.

Standing out here in the hallway I have to make a decision. Do I want to head back to my room and stay awake all night pondering the many reasons Garfield was a stupid choice to fall in love with, or do I want to head to his room and curl up next to him in his blankets where his amazing scent will invade my mind and soothe me to sleep?

Hmm..what to choose, what to choose...Oh. Look, here I am. Already at his door. Oh well, guess that decision is made.

I silently punch in the code for his room and slip inside.

That's weird, it's so clean in here compared to other nights.

I quickly shrug it off and slide into bed next to him with a content sigh, eager to get some sleep. It's later than I normally sneak into his bed because I spent so much time tonight worrying about getting caught. Looks like that was all for nothing, he's sound asleep and bound to start snoring any minute. Hell, I bet I could prod him with a stick and he wouldn't wake u-

"Hiya Rae."

"Shit!" I yell scooting away from him as fast as possible. On the far side of the bed Beast Boy is wide awake and smiling at me with his typical goofy grin.

Stupidly I curse myself, I forgot to use my empathy to check if he was awake or not.

Staring at his green eyes dancing mischievously I feel my face turn to fire.

"Bea-Beast Boy I can explain."

"That would be nice, considering you've been sleeping in my bed for the past month or so."

I feel a gasp escape from my lips, "Y-You knew?!"

"Of course I knew. I'm always awake when you slip in here and steal my blankets for yourself."

I think my jaw is permanently dropped, "Why didn't you say anything then? You just let me keep coming in here and making a fool of myself!" I yell angrily turning away from his stupid smirk.

"Rae, I just figured you probably didn't want me making a big deal of it since you chose to sneak in and out every night. Besides, it's not like I mind. I mean, I've got a beautiful girl who wants to sleep in my bed every night it's not like I'm gonna tell you no!" He finishes his little speech with a chuckle and one of his trademark cheesy grins.

The part of me that is stupid and vain melts a little at being called beautiful by the love of my life.

Sometimes I really wish I could strangle that part.

"Even so, you should've said something. I never would've kept coming here if I had known-"

"Exactly, that's exactly why I didn't tell you. Hard as this may be for you to believe, I really like having you here..."

I don't know what to make of the way he's looking at me, it's equal parts happiness and some other unknowable emotion that's making my heart stop.

While I'm struggling to get my heartbeat under control, Beast Boy is gradually making his way closer and closer.

My mind is screaming at me, telling me to make a move but all I can do is gawk as he reaches out and cups my face in his hands.

"Raven..." He whispers, his breath warm on my face.

Then he finally, finally leans in and kisses me.

"It's Rae." I mutter against his lips and he smiles.

He kisses me lightly at first, but the instant I start kissing him back he throws his weight into it. I have to wrap my arms around his neck to keep from falling backward off the bed. He notices me struggling to stay upright and decides to lie back pulling me on top of him.

At this point, I don't think it's possible to blush any more than I already am until I end up letting out a moan against his mouth. Instead of making fun of me or regretting our kiss, he rolls over and pins me beneath him giving me a loving look.

Then he leans down again and I close my eyes in anticipation. When his lips don't immediately meet mine I blink, confused. Did he miss? But then I feel his fang glide down the length of my neck and this time I can't control the sounds that leave my mouth. He starts alternating between kissing my neck and sucking on my pulse point.

I just close my eyes again and enjoy pure bliss until he mumbles against my neck. "God Rae, I love you sooo much."

I start to sit up so fast that his fang draws a drop of blood where he was kissing me and my forehead bonks solidly against Beast Boy's.

"Ow!" He cursed holding his head and looking at me with wide eyes.

Ow...well that was stupid. But he just told me he loves me. Garfield loves me.

Unable to form words for a solid minute, I just look at him opening and closing my mouth in shock before I settle on a smile.

Seeing my smile, his worry evaporates and he grins back at me until I pull him down onto the bed to continue our passionate make out session.

Somewhere along the way I manage to pull away just long enough to say, "I love you too, Gar."

A few hours later we lie curled up together on his bed in silence, until he turns to me, suddenly serious.

"Rae, now that we're going to be sleeping in the same bed indefinitely, I need to ask you something."

Nervous now, I merely nod. Uh oh, what in the world is he going to ask me? I'm certainly not ready for...for that...

"Raven...do you think...do you think maybe we could actually share the blankets? I get cold easy."

