
Dick had declared the week a brocation. He had meticulously bribed, blackmailed and pleaded until each of his brothers decided that they were free for the week and could go with him to Cabo San Lucas.

The problem was not convincing his brothers to go, but rather Bruce to stay away. Bruce had sited every failed brocation attempt as reasons why he should supervise but eventually Dick was able to convince him that this time would be different. Dick had also promised to make their next 'business meeting' in Cabo so that they could have father-son bonding time.

Now Dick lay sunbathing by the warm water watching his brothers have fun. Suddenly a shadow covered his body. Squinting, Dick looked up, only to see that there were a bunch of girls giggling by his feet. "Uh. Can I help you?" He asked in flawless Spanish. When they didn't reply, he asked it again in English, French, Italian and German. He still did not get a response.

Suddenly the girls sat down beside him, and started to snuggle into his sides. Dick felt the confusion sink in. He had no idea what these girls were up to. Shrugging he decided that there was no harm in going along with it.

Jason, Tim, and Damian seethed as they stood in the water. How dare Dick make them go on a brocation and then allow a bunch of girls to take his attention away from his brothers. Turning to Damian, Jason asked, "How well can you act kid?"

"Daddddyyyyyyyy!" A voice that sounded very much like Damian yelled. Immediately Dick was on high alert. Sitting up, he was surprised when Damian jumped into his lap and started babbling about playing in the water. "Daddy come on! You promised that you would play with Dad and Uncle Tim!"

Dick felt like the world was exploding as he allowed Damian to lead him away. Damian never acted like a child, and why the hell was he being called Daddy? Damian did not even call Bruce Daddy! And who the hell was Dad? And Uncle Tim? Dick was suddenly glad that he allowed Bruce to make him wear a necklace with a video camera in it. Whatever was happening needed to be recorded as evidence of the apocalypse.

Damian led Dick over to where Jason and Tim were standing in the water. Dick was about to ask if they had drugged Damian when Jason walked over to him and put his hands on his ass. Dick felt violated. Why of all things was Jason touching his ass and why was he leaning closer like he wanted to kiss him?

Dick did the only logical thing. He tackled Jason, dunking them both in the water. Dick immediately got up and started to move as quickly as possible to the shore. When Tim made a move to grab him, Dick did a flip to dislodge Tim's hands and hightailed it out of there.

When he arrived at the hotel room, he locked it, making sure to lock the door chain. Dick quickly put on real clothes, grabbed his wallet and stripped off any tracking devices on his clothing. Then he went out on the balcony and proceeded to climb down. It would take his brothers a while to get in the room let alone figure out where he went.

Once he was on the ground, he hailed a taxi and went to the nearest airport, where he bought a plane ticket using an alias so that his brothers could not track him. He boarded the plane and sighed with relief. He had to show Bruce the video, his brothers had obviously been brainwashed.

Laughing, Jason, Tim, and Damian made their way up to the hotel room. They had given Dick an hour to freak out and call Bruce and now they were going to explain to him that it was a harmless prank. When they arrived at the door, they immediately noticed that they could not open the door due to the door chain.

Knocking, they begged Dick to let them in. When no response came they began to worry. Dick could never stay silent if someone was talking to him. Jason kicked the door in and they found the room to be a mess. Looking around they noticed that Dick's bag had been hastily unpacked and that his wallet was missing. Then they saw a pile of tracking devices on the floor next to Dick's cell phone.

Tim felt a soft breeze and looked up. "Guys. I think he jumped off the balcony."

Damian scoffed. "What makes you think that?"

Tim gestured to the door. "The fact that the door is open is a good clue."

Groaning Jason picked up one of the many tracking devices on the ground. "Bruce is going to kill us."

When the boys arrived at the Wayne Manor they were expecting to be yelled at. They were not however, expecting a cheek swab. Alfred explained to them that after watching the video, Bruce was convinced that there was some sort of parasite in the water.

Jason believed that that was a great explanation, and would have left it at that, had Tim not elbowed him. Jason sighed and then sat both Bruce and Dick down. "There was no parasite in the water, you see Dick was surrounded by all these girls and…" the rest of it was inaudible.

Dick cocked his head to the side slightly. "And….?"

Tim picked up where Jason left off. "Well it was our brocation, and all these girls were flocking you. We wanted your attention so we pulled a small prank."

Damian scoffed. "It was my superior acting skills that convinced Grayson of the parasite. I told Todd that Grayson would be upset if Todd tried to force himself on him."

Dick looked around carefully before a huge grin broke out across his face. "You mean you did all that because you were jealous!"

Bruce face palmed. Of course Dick would think it was great when one brother acted severely out of character, another tried to molest him, and the third helped the other two. Then he gave a faint grin, and only Dick could get his three brothers to unite because they were jealous of the lack of attention they were receiving.
















A/N: Don't know where this came from, just thought it would be kinda fun to write.