Hey guys, this is the first chapter of Fragments of Felicity- I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have done writing it!

Some things to mention before are that this story takes place just a while after the series four finale except with a few moderations, for instance, Lucifer hasn't been released from the cage and there is NO apocalypse. I have also changed the Winchester's ages slightly so Sam is 23 and Dean is 28 (basically think of it as Sam left for Stanford but only went for one year so he was 18/19 when John went missing).

Emma groaned after hearing the sharp beeping of her alarm clock go off at six am Monday morning. She lazily lifted her eyelids and saw the little light of a winter morning streaming through the thick duvet that she had buried herself under. She had stayed up until two last night studying for her stupid history test and all her notes that she'd made on the Cold War had somehow unstuck from her mind that she had spent hours trying to memorise before her short sleep. She slowly got out of bed and indolently changed into her school uniform, which consisted of a white blouse, red and black tie, black platted skirt, that she rolled up above her knees by a generous few inches, a pair of skin coloured tights and black, polished shoes. She put her naturally straight hair in a high pony tail before going to look in the mirror. She was a young, pale girl with dark auburn hair and bright green eyes. Her nose was small and slightly pointed at the top and her lips were coral and cupid. It was a face that attracted many but beauty- as true for every belle- was not always in her favour to the dark intentions of men.

Dragging herself to the bathroom, she pulled out her makeup bag, from one out of the three racks hanging on the right-side wall before going to one of the three sinks in front of the three toilets and two showers.

"Good sleep?" one of her roommates doubtfully questioned as she came to join her at the sink on the left.

"The worst." She yawned. "God, why do I never learn how to spare myself pain by revising strategically?!"

"I always say start revising at least ten weeks early. That's how you distribute the stress"

"Sometimes I wish I had your common sense." Emma joked.

"I'll give you my common sense but my mind is mine and mine alone." They both laughed, Emma started to coat the layers of foundation on her face.

"Thank God, someone looks as tired as I do!" she heard her best friend say behind her.

"I try my best Alex." She said sarcastically. Alex had been her best friend since she arrived here five years ago. Emma originally lived in Cornwall but her parents had forced her to go to a typical English-movie boarding school; it was the same one they went to when they were children- as well as the whole of their country club. Her father was a lawyer and her mother an accountant, both shrewd, both elite, both hoping their children (or offspring more like) would turn into perfect, first class citizens. Well at least Emma's brother, Richard, was turning into what they planned, now in Oxford and dating Elizabeth Bryton, a family friend. Emma was at least halfway there; she got decent grades and was dating her daddy's best friend, Mr Hawke's, son, Dean.

"So, how's Dean?" Alex asked casually as she looked at herself in the mirror hanged on the wall in front of the sink.

"Urgh." She replied in a tired tone.

"Fight again?"

"No, but yesterday, I think all we said was 'hello' and 'goodbye' and then just an hour of silence in the restaurant...I mean I thought he would have tried just a little seeing as it was Valentines' weekend but I suppose I should have gotten the message when he said he couldn't even do it on the fourteenth."

"Hey, at least you had a Valentine, my Sundays are just church, study and crying about my inevitable loneliness, you have someone to call a 'boyfriend'."

"Well, you did have Marcus,"

"Yeah," she scoffed, "for two weeks and that was only because I forced him to go to the dance with me."

"I'd rather not have a boyfriend than go on silent dates." She sighed.

"I've told you a hundred times already, just break up with him. I'm sure it will just be a mutual agreement."

"Yeah with us but not with our parents, especially mine. They were the one who forced us together anyways, all because they go to the same golf club."

"At least he's not as bad as Noel."

"I don't want to talk about him." Emma said quietly, the thought of him causing her to stop applying her makeup for a moment.

"Of course, I'm sorry." The school girl next to her said quickly, knowing that the name she had just spoken of was taboo to her best friend.

"It's fine… don't worry."

"So… are you going to break up with him eventually anyhow?"

"I don't see how. I tend to live in a family who planned my life before I was even born, I don't think breaking up with Dean is on their checklist." She sighed before leaving to go pack her school bag for the boring day ahead; she just didn't know it would be the exact opposite…


They went down for breakfast fifteen minutes later, sitting at their table in the cafeteria after grabbing a granola bar from the open breakfast-buffet. Alfie and Kevin came to sit next to them, they were her other closest friends, both identical twins with blonde hair and both freakishly tall and skinny, the only way to tell them apart was the scar under Kevin's left eye, which was given to him in year-eleven after he got into a fight with Emma's ex, Noel, but they were still going out then. Before the spat, it was like telling oxygen apart from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with them. Joined with the twins was a shorter but butcher teen, named Marcus with hazelnut coloured hair that flopped over his eyes, his tie was in the usual messy position that would cause teachers to have their daily lecture with him about it.

"Hey Emma!" Marcus said happily when the two girls came into view. He was a fairly new member to their group, only joining around a month back.

"Hey guys!" Kevin said cheerily, they were always in good humour, no matter what happened.

"Hey Kev, Alf," Emma smiled. "You ready for history?"

"I was born ready." Kevin said broadly.

"Which means he was so panicked this morning he put odd socks on," Alfie laughed.

"Well I've come to the conclusion that I don't mind failing." Alex said proudly. Emma smiled, knowing that her best friend was trying to hide her fear of getting a F.

"Uh-huh," Kevin chuckled. "And I'm guessing your parents are totally okay with you failing after paying their annual thirty-thousand pounds for your education?"

"Hey, they were the ones who are obsessed with me getting an 'elite education'. Mummy and daddy dearest should've been warned when I didn't start speaking until I was three-and-a-half."

"Too bad that now you can never be quiet." Emma giggled.

"Well it's not my fault that I always have something to talk about!" the brunette defended, "Oh my gosh, speaking of that, did you hear about Francesca and Tony?"

"No, what?" Emma asked eagerly.

"Well, let's just say that they were caught in the library doing things other than reading."

"Like what?" Alfie asked.

"Use your imagination you dimwit." Kevin sighed, obviously disappointed in his twin.

"Oh my gosh," Emma whispered, "Were they caught?!"

"Yeah…by Mr Grant."

"Oh unlucky." Marcus chuckled.

"He didn't even let us watch that kissing scene in Romeo and Juliet because he thought it was inappropriate," The redhead reminded them, "How on earth would he react to seeing them doing stuff?"

"Yeah," Marcus laughed, "Imagine that!"

"I have no idea." Alex replied before quietly adding, "But apparently, they're going to be expelled."

"They wouldn't do that?" Alfie asked in shock, "Would they?"

"Have you seen this school?!" the brunette girl defended.

"Yeah," Emma sighed, "I guess a strict place like this just makes you want to escape."

"Emma." A voice said behind the redhead a couple of seconds later. She turned around to see the short, square faced brunette of her boyfriend, Dean, smiling at her in a weird manner. He didn't look happy but he didn't look angry either. He just looked like he was a business man doing trade with a client.

"What is it, Dean?" Emma asked in confusion.

"I need to speak with you." He said, with that same smile. Why would they speak if they never even made eye contact except on dates forced by their parents?

"Okay… what is it?" she asked curiously, was it finally a breakup, if so, it would make her day, her father wouldn't be fuming and she wouldn't be blamed.

He laughed slightly before saying, "Not here, alone."

"Okay…" she said slowly before getting up, leaving her school bag under her table in the protection of Alex, who looked as confused as she did. He walked slowly out of the cafeteria and she followed him, he grabbed her arm once they were out, like he didn't want her to get away. Whatever he had to say, she hoped he'd be quick. They walked for another minute or two, not saying a word to each other before he stopped in a deserted corridor.

"Emma." He said in a strange tone, he kind of reminded her of his own father, he was always all about business, even when they were having dinner, both of the families, he always changed the subject to economics somehow and Emma's father would happily join in. The two hobby horses seemed perfectly happy galloping all the way through the night and trampling everything in its path.

"Dean, why are we speaking all of a sudden?" she asked in a confused tone.

"Dean, quite ironic, how many 'Deans' do you know?"

"Um…I only know one Dean, you." She said uncertainly. "What's wrong with you?"

"Hmm, maybe it's this body, rather skinny this boy."

"What do you mean?"

"Try and take a guess." He said smoothly with a glint of mystery in his dark eyes.

"Can you stop acting strange please?"

"Or what?"

"Or…I'll break up with you." She said simply, using the benefit of his eccentric behaviour to say the words she'd wanted to from their very first date.

"Fine, we're over." He said in a bored tone. "Now I have another excuse for getting revenge." He said, his grip tightened on her arm and he pushed her against the wall. She screamed but he put his left hand over her mouth, he held her back with the hand on her lips and reached into the other pocket and grabbed out a knife with the other, he put the tip of the blade up to her neck, just below her chin.

"Poor little Emma Viola." He said before his eyes turned black.

Emma's eyes widened and her suddenly she felt her knee kicking him in between the legs, his grip loosened and she ran off down the corridor. She heard footsteps behind her a few moments later. She was breathing heavily, her heart was pounding, she had to be dreaming, no one's eyes could change colour like that. Turning down the corridor and finding the caretaker's cupboard, she pulled the door open and ran inside it. There was a key in the inside lock, she turned it and heard a click. She backed away, gasping for air. It couldn't be true…it couldn't. Her boyfriend wanted to kill her, her boyfriend managed to change his eye colour to as black as a grieving widow's veil.

She heard a pounding on the opposite side of the door. "Emma." Dean said angrily, she saw the doorknob twisting back and forth quickly. She screamed. "No one's going to hear you; everyone is distracted at breakfast Emma. Face it, you may as well open the door and I may kill you quickly, if not, I will skin you alive I swear."

Emma felt tears starting to roll down her cheeks, she was going to die. She was going to be murdered, they would find her dead in a closet…what would Alex, Kevin, Alfie do? She would forever be one of those tragedies that would forever stain Finchwood's logo forevermore, the poor Viola girl who was…no she couldn't think that. "Please." She whimpered.

"You've got five seconds to open the door or I will make your life end as painfully as possible… five…four…three"

A light appeared in the shape of a doorway on the back wall, it was brighter than the sun in a clear blue sky and whiter than a pair of angel's wings.


She turned around, it stung her eyes, was she dead, was this a gateway to the afterlife or something?

One..." she sniffed loudly before running towards the light, she didn't care, and she wasn't going to let him touch her. She ran through the gateway, it was painful, it felt like she was being grabbed by the wrist and dragged on the floor for a thousand miles, but she was still running. It hurt her eyes so much it caused her to close them.

Suddenly the light vanished and she heard cars and people along with her feet touching solid ground. She wasn't dead? She was still running, and crying. She opened her eyes just as she ran into someone, feeling the person jump at the surprising collision. Cheeks going red at the sheer embarrassment, she stepped back quickly and looked up at the person she ran into. He was very tall and masculine with long brown hair and dark brown eyes, wearing a red plaid shirt and light brown jacket along with blue jeans, she looked to the right, where he was accompanied by a man who was still tall but fairly short compared to the other and he had short, sandy coloured hair with light stubble, he was wearing a beige shirt and leather jacket and dark blue jeans.

"You alright there?" The short haired one asked with a smile from humour, he had a rough, deep voice and it was American.

"I'm- I'm sorry- I'm so sorry- I- I-" she tried to form a sentence but the shock mixed with the embarrassment mixed with the fear mixed with the confusion got the better of her. A part of her wanted to cry, another wanted to scream but she could only manage choking on her words and hurrying away from the two strangers as quickly as possible.

She looked around panickily for any sense of familiarity, all there was were cars, people and shops but all these individual factors lacked distinctive features. She didn't recognize anything. Even the people had different voices- like ones you'd hear out of a film. Turning around, she attempted to go back the way she had just came, as if she would suddenly end up in the broom cupboard again. A broom cupboard with her murderous boyfriend with black eyes waiting on the other end…

Her eyes suddenly caught the two men again who were staring at her five feet away. Whilst the one she bumped into was looking at her as if she were some fascinating exhibit, the other looked like he was watching Charlie Chaplin in the flesh. It was hard to prevent tears as there was nothing more she wanted than a sense of home. The man with long-hair suddenly turned to his brother and with a quick negotiation, they began walking towards her. Her heart-flipped. What if they had black eyes too? Where was there to escape to this time?

All that she knew is that she didn't want to end up with a knife in her chest so she forced herself to turn around and begin walking. Daringly, she looked behind her a few moments later. They were still following, now looking determined to catch their pray so she quickened her pace but soon hit another body.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" a man in a suit shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry!" she choked on her words, making the man roll his eyes and continue walking down the street.

"Hey!" a soft voice caught her attention. The two men had caught up with her. "You lost?"

"No." she quickly excused them before turning around.

"You look lost."

She tried to move but she couldn't and she needed answers so she slowly turned back around.

"I don't know where I am."

"Yeah, that's called being lost, sweetheart." The short-haired man sharply answered.

"Where were you before?" the man asked, now sounding as confused as she felt.

"Never mind," She said quickly shaking her head, wherever she was, she knew she couldn't trust anybody. "So-sorry for bumping into you." She said nervously to the taller one, feeling too mortified to look at him directly. "I-I should probably, um, I should probably get back," even though she didn't know how to.

"Are you alright?"

She looked him in the eye and thought of everything that had just happened…suddenly she was crying.

"Oh…hey…don't cry." The shorter man tried to assure her awkwardly. "Jesus Christ, Sammy, you just had to make her cry, didn't you?"

"Shut up." The man named Sam muttered. "Did something happen?"

"You- You wouldn't believe me." She sobbed.

"Try us?" the short haired one dared.

"I was in school…just now and- and now I'm here and…and I have no idea how or why."

"Okay- right- where's your school exactly?"

"Finchwood Manor."

"A little more specific?"

"Um…how close to Nottingham are we?"

"Nottingham? The hell is Nottingham?" The short-haired hunter frowned.

"We're in Kansas." Sam stated gently.

"Kansas as in America?" Emma whispered.


"No…you're insane…this is England."

"This for hell ain't England." Not Sam chuckled.

"But I was there- in Nottingham- seconds ago!"

"Okay- uh- what's the date?" Sam asked.

"February sixthteenth."

"Okay, so you haven't had a mental blip-"

"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not bloody Jane Eyre!"

"I'm just trying to understand…let's backtrack…what happened whilst you were at school?"

Emma opened her mouth before she shook her head and began to cry again. "You're going to think I'm crazy."

"Already kind of do." The man who wasn't Sam coolly answered. "Might as well let us hear what you've got."

"My- my boyfriend…he wasn't my boyfriend…but he was…but his eyes-"

"What about his eyes?" Sam curiously asked. "They change colour?"

"How- how did you know that?"

"What colour did they change to?"

"Black…blacker eyes than I've ever seen."

"You were chased by a demon?"

"A demon?"

"A demonic being…someone who's possessed."

"You're…you're insane." She whispered, slowly backing away from the man fearfully. Once wishing that they could help, she now again felt terrified.

"No- we can explain-"

"No- you stay away from me- the two of you! I'm going to the police-"

"If you go to the police, you're going to end up in a mental hospital." The shorter man stated. "At least we'll believe you."

"Demons don't exist."

"Yes, they do. Hear us out…I mean, it's not like you have anywhere else to go."

She stopped in her tracks again, looking around this strange new world that she would be lost forever in unless she received some form of help. These men definitely couldn't be trusted but who else did she have? Taking a step back towards them she softly said "my name is Emma Viola."

"Hello Emma Viola…my name is Sam Winchester." The long-haired hunter attempted to reassure her with a smile. "And this is my brother."

"Dean." The man answered.

"Dean…" she whispered before her eyes widened and everything that had just happened flooded back to her, rushing into her mind and causing her to sink into black.