Chapter 2

After getting the CT scan on Samantha and seeing the epidural hemorrhage, she was rushed to theatre by the neuro consult with Raf going along.

After watching them wheel her daughter through the doors, Joanne just stood there, motionless, Bernie just behind her.

"Joanne, is,,, is there someone I can call for you?" Bernie offers. "To stay with you?"

She slowly turns to her.

"My,, my sister is coming from work," she replies. "I called her before I came here."

"Okay, can you give me her name so I can alert the main desk downstairs so they can get her here straight away?" Bernie asks.

"Um, Linda,,, Linda Russell," she replies.

"Okay, let me call down there," Bernie says as she goes to go to the nurses' station.

But before she can leave, Joanne takes her arm.

"Please, after you call,, I,, need to see Tammy," she asks in a whisper, tears falling silently. "Sammy asked me to check on her. I need to see her."

"Of course, I'll just be a tick," she replies and goes to the phone.

And after picking up the phone and dialing, she turned back to the poor mother.

And all she felt was sadness, and deja vu again.


As the two women entered ITU, Joanne tried to mentally prepare herself for what she'd see.

But, she gasped at the sight of her first child, lying motionless, hooked up to wires, tubes and oxygen. Going through the ventilator.

"Why is she on that?" Joanne asks. "Can she breathe on her own?"

"Yes, Joanne," Bernie replies. "It's just to help her breathe better until she's conscious and her injuries start to heal."

And Joanne just nods her understanding as she moves to the chair next to the bed.

As Bernie is about to leave her for privacy, a nurse opens the outer door and comes in with a young woman with a remarkable resemblance to Joanne.

"Linda," she whispers. And she then waves her in.

Joanne turns at the door opening, and immediately bursts into tears as her sister moves to her and hugs her.

And Bernie just leaves the room, but as she closes the door, she looks on at the scene before her.

And her heart breaks.


4 hours later

Bernie had just finished treating another patient on the ward and was heading to the office when she spied Raf entering through the double doors from theatre.

He sees her and makes his way over.

"Raf?" she says softly, eyes filled with worry.

And he just shakes his head.

"I'm sorry Bernie," he says as he reaches for her and takes her arm. "Samantha,,,, is,,,,"

"Brain dead?" Bernie finishes.

And he nods wordlessly.

Bernie closes her eyes, her heart sinking to the floor it seemed.

"I,,, need to tell Joanne," she whispers.

But before she can move, Morven came over.

"Ms. Wolfe, sorry to trouble you but,, Ms. Campbell has been calling for the past half hour," she tells her.

And Bernies' eyes go wide as she looks at her watch and realizes she's 4 hours past her shift.

"Oh no,," she whispers then rushes into her office to call Serena.

As she's about to hit the call button on Serenas' number, she takes a deep breath.

"She can't hear you upset," she says to herself. "She needs you to be strong. Come on, Wolfe."

Then another deep breath, and she hits the button.

"Hi Bernie," that voice greets her. The voice she loves.

"Hi Serena, I'm so sorry, I,,, I'm still at the hospital. I had a trauma before that's turned quite complicated," Bernie starts to explain.

"Bernie, it's okay," Serena replies. "I understand. I was just worried."

"Actually, I'm still worried. About you."

"Don't be, I should be leaving in a 1/2 hour tops," Bernie replies.

"Bernie,,,, what's wrong," Serena asks.

"Nothing, I'm fine I just,,, can't wait to see you," she replies.

"Bernie,,, tell me," Serena asks, almost pleading. "What is it?"

"I,," she starts to reply but stops, a soft sob escapes her.

"I need you," Bernie whispers as her eyes close.

"I'm on my way."


A/N Hope you like. More soon. Reviews are much appreciated. Thanks for reading.