A/N: Yes, another Berena story from me. Will be sad, but I think you all expect that from me. Hope you like. This is set after Serena leaves the hospital saying she needs to be on her own.

Chapter 1

Bernie was worried. Worried sick to be exact. She hadn't heard from Serena since 2 days ago, when she said she needed time on her own and walked out of the hospital.
Many times she thought about calling, or texting to check on her, but she didn't want to intrude. Against her better judgement, she let her be. She figured she'd contact her
if and when she needed her.

Jason was healing well, a few days away from being released. If she hadn't heard from Serena by then, she would have to contact her to arrange for Jason to get home.

She was half-way through a busy shift when she found a few minutes respite in her,, or actually, their,,, office.

As she sat looking through some paperwork, she was startled by her cell phone vibrating with a text.

As she looked at it, she was quite surprised to see who it was from.

"Hi, Bernie. I.. I'm so sorry. I've been a fool. I don't want to be on my own. I want you. If you still want me as well please,,, come to mine after shift? S. XX"

As she reads this, she actually smiles, even with a couple of tears falling.

"Of course I want you, never stopped. You need to deal with this however you feel is right. I'll be there as soon as I can. I promise. I love you. "

And then the immediate reply.

"I love you, ."

And as she puts the phone down and turns back to the paperwork, she hears the red phone ring.

With a heavy sigh, she gets up to go see what they have coming in.

"I'll be there soon."


It had been a tough surgery. 22-year-old girl, Tammy Barone, hit broadside by a lorry driven by a drunk driver, with her 19-year-old sister Samantha in the passenger seat.

Even with airbags deploying, Tammy had severe trauma and Samantha had several bumps and bruises, including on her forehead. Their mother Joanne had been called and got to
the hospital quickly.

After 4 hours, Tammy was being transferred to ITU and Samantha was being checked and observed by Raf.

"Mum, please, go see Tam, I'm fine," Samantha asked tearfully, needing to know how she was. They were very close.

"Ms. Wolfe said she would keep us informed," Joanne replies.

"Yes I did," Bernie replies as she comes over.

"How is she?" Mum and daughter ask in unison.

"Stable but still very serious condition," Bernie replies. "She has a long recovery ahead of her, but barring any complications, she should make a full recovery."

"Oh thank God," Joanne replies, Samantha smiling with tears falling.

But then, she slowly moves her hand to her head.

And Bernie sees this straight away.

"Samantha, how are you feeling?" Bernie asks as Raf moves back to her with a penlight.

"Um, a bit of a headache," she replies, her eyes suddenly squinting. "And,, why is it so bright in here all of a sudden."

"Sammy, honey,, what's wrong?" Joanne asks, worriedly.

"Um,, Mum,,, how is Tammy?" she asks, in spite of being just told Tammy would be okay.

And not wasting any time, Bernie looks at Raf. "Page a neuro consult, now."

As Raf moves to the nurses station and grabs the phone, Bernie moves Joanne aside and looks at Samantha.

"Samantha, stay with me," Bernie says, almost pleading. "Look at me Samantha. Come on."

"He,,,head hurts, can't,," Samantha says softly, then her eyes close.

And as Bernie grabs her penlight, she can't help but think of the similarities.

And as she shines the light into Samanthas' left eye, deja vu sets in.

"Left pupil blown. Let's get her to radiology, Cat Scan NOW!"


A/N Hope you like. Serena will be coming back. To help in a way she never expected. More soon. Reviews are much appreciated. Thank you for reading.