A/N Update: When you think copying and pasting from Tumblr would be easier and then wake up to reviews telling you there's a coding error =_=. Sorry about that guys.


She moves in on January 10th.

"New beginnings and all that," she wrote him beforehand, and Shikamaru knows her to be just superstitious enough to believe that. He tried to warn her that it may very well be snowing, the weather less than preferable for her to... Acclimate, but. Well. Either that letter didn't reach her or (most likely) she didn't care, because here she is shivering at his front door.

He is hardly surprised.

"Jesus, is it like this all winter?" She shoulders past him with her small bag of belongings, making a bee line straight for the kitchen to do God-only-knows what. He rolls his eyes to the ceiling before shutting the door, drifting after her.

"Yeah, sort of."

"Well... Shit. Why don't you have tea? Or anything to warm up in this fridge for that matter? It baffles me how little you need to get by, it really does. You're almost as bad as Naruto was before he married Hyuuga."

"I'm appalled. How dare you."

"Oh, I dare." She looks over at him, eyes twinkling wickedly as she takes in his lithe form leaning against the doorway, the small smile on his face watching her. She closes the cupboard, tiptoes over and gives him a peck on the lips. He wraps his arms around her and she buries her head in his collarbone, breathes him in.


"Hey there."

"I'm here."

"Took you long enough."

"Shut up." A pause. "Did you wake up for me?"

He retracts one of his hands to scratch his head lazily. "Something like that. More like I woke up to someone pounding on my door shouting 'open this door, Nara, or I swear you won't have a bride for spring.'"

"Wow. So romantic of you to get up at 11:45 in the morning to greet her."

"Anything for my sweet and docile fiance."

She smacks his arm lightly, but when she looks up at him she's failing to hide her smile. "And he doesn't even prepare the house by warming it up for her on a cold, harsh winter's morning."

"Yeah, the heater's not working right. Repairman won't come until later." He tries not to smirk at the quick change of her expression to horror as he rubs the hem of her shirt between his fingers. "But the bed's still warm."

He watches realization dawn on her. She grins.

An old sweater of his rolls down her otherwise very naked body and Shikamaru's mouth goes dry and thinks if this will be every morning for the rest of his life then so be it. She looks back at him, the light from the window striking her face just so that she almost looks ethereal. She raises an eyebrow, obviously pleased with her effect on him.

"Well. Are you going to help me get settled in or what?"

He has enough dignity left to shrug. "What, with your small bag? I think we can wait until later."

"Hmm." She starts a slow crawl over to him. "Groceries...? Those can't wait."

"I can pull some favors. We'll get 'em delivered."

"Ah yes, head honcho Hokage advisor. Very impressive." She straddles him, her face inches from his. "Truth or lie," she murmers, and she playfully nips at his fingers and they both know he's done for. "Is the heater really broken?"

"... No. Just wanted to get you in our bedroom as soon as possible."

The word our isn't lost on her, and he can see the recognition flicker on her face before she rolls her eyes. "You're unbelievable," she says in a way that suggests it's not entirely an insult.

Instead of answering, he grabs her wrists and rolls her over, switching their positions.

He's got better things to do than to turn on a freaking heater.