Hibari Kyoya was in the middle of a patrol when he was drawn in by the sounds of smug, satisfied laughter. He instantly changed his course and headed straight for that noise, originating from three boys, perhaps around his age. They were standing amidst the scattered and broken contents of an orange backpack, passing around an equally orange bento. His eyes narrowed in and with a graceful leap, he landed in the middle of the crowd, tonfas proudly displayed. Grey eyes gleamed in the afternoon sun.

"For disturbing the peace, I'll bite you to death."

It did not take him long, they were weak things. He had barely finished biting the crowding herbivores' when a gust of wind carried the sound right to his ears. He hesitated only a moment, running a critical eye over the injuries he had inflicted to the students, both for their truancy and disturbance. They would have bruises for two weeks at least and the one who had attempted to fight back could probably avoid a trip to the hospital.

Discipline was dealt. It was barely a second before he was already turning, stepping off the trail and into the wooded area of the park. There was no need to stretch his senses to search for the sound again, the soft whimpers of either a wounded animal or a small child was clearly heard due to his advanced hearing.

It was a good place to hide, with a thick carpet of grass, several bushes waist-high and directly in front of him, a towering tree with its branches dotted with birds. The flash of white feathers peeking out from the other side all but confirmed his guess. Those disrespectful herbivores had injured a bird. He scowled darkly, making a mental note to discipline them farther as he carefully put his tonfas away and stepped to the side of the old tree even as he mentally catalogued all the birds he knew with white wings.

Of course, what he was expecting to see, was nothing he could have ever imagined.

Huddled against the gnarled roots of an enormous tree was a young child surrounded by a truly staggering amount of glittering white feathers mixed with the downy grey of a baby bird. For a moment, Kyoya thought there were two beings in front of him. A child and a large bird nestled on the herbivore's back. But when the child's head jerked up and steel gray met sunset orange, he instantly reassessed his initial assumption.

He stared, wide-eyed, at the gentle waves of burnt orange hair framing a tear-streaked, dirt-smudged face, coupled with the awkward fluttering of two wings that fairly dwarfed the girl-child. Kyoya was rendered speechless.

Being twelve years of age, a carnivore with a weakness for small animals, Hibari Kyoya was surprised over the appendages extending from the girl's back, before that swiftly transitioned to irritation no one told him such beings existed.

But, on second thought, maybe they were rare and protected in their secrecy? The bird-child was so very small and fragile looking, and as he had never even heard of winged-people before, obviously the ones who survived past childhood...were few.

He quickly snapped out of his stillness as a pained gasp escaped the little bird's clenched lips and his gaze zeroed in on the awkward angle of one of her wingtips. His gaze was noticed, and her reaction was instant. The girl snapped her good wing up in a protective gesture even as she cradled the other to her chest. Her eyes shone with fear and the barest traces of fire as she stared at him and despite the terror on her face, bared her teeth.

The sight did not deter him in the slightest. She was barely a chick, with baby fat and fluffy feathers, while his fangs were already sharpened by many prey. Still, the bird-child was frightened, cut off from the sky and confronted by a predator, it was an appropriate reaction. So he slowly knelt down, reaching out his hands, palms up and quietly spoke to her in his one of his first languages.

When Sawada Tsunayoshi fled from those bullies, she had felt the loss of control over her wings hidden in the blank space okaa-san had taught her to access. Panic had left her cold and shaking as she ran as fast as she could for the tallest tree she could find. Unfortunately for her, in her haste, she managed to trip over her feet and her wings, still so beautiful even though Tsu-chan is so dame, got caught on the overhang. The pain alone should have kept her down, as something shifted and screamed across her nerves. But she didn't know if those three boys were going to come after her, so she need to move. She couldn't fly, not with the injury though, but if she could find a big enough tree, her winged-friends could help her.

Once she found her safe spot, she barely had any time to settle to tend to her wounds even as tears slid down her face, before he appeared.

Her friends gave no warning and for a moment, she felt betrayed, but they did not take flight to run away. They only chirped happily at the blood-speckled boy standing still as the trees beyond her eyes. She couldn't help with her reaction, okaa-san had told her to always be offensive if someone should see and she was afraid and surely she as Dame-Tsuna couldn't do anything, but she had to try.

But that was before the boy with his hair as black as a crow's wing and his eyes like a polished sword, knelt before her, like a knight to a princess, a guardian to a queen and spoke.

The whistles and songs that came from his lips were in the languages of the birds! Oh, Tsu-chan was so happy, her bird friends hadn't betrayed her, they lead the boy here! She quickly concluded that he must be some kind of prince among the bird-kind, although, she didn't See any wings, so maybe he was adopted? Adopted by the birds by a great crow as their prince! Despite how scary the boy looked only moments before, Tsu-chan was absolutely certain that she could trust him with anything. After all, he spoke like the birds, her loyal friends and protectors. What else could he be but a prince who had earned their loyalty without wings himself?

To say that Kyoya was surprised when the girl-child stood and freely smiled at him, would be an understatement. It was as if a sunset had been given human form. With her hair shining in the light, her wings, however broken as one was, glimmering with an orange fire and the sudden chorus of song from above, Hibari Kyoya made a decision.

Obviously, the little bird was important, special. How could one not understand that simple fact when warmth bloomed in his chest and, for the first time in his short life, he felt completely and utterly free. There was no doubt nor hesitation in his mind. He didn't know the origins of the girl, but she was obviously no mere herbivore. She wasn't a carnivore either, so that implied that she required things from both sides. A bird omnivore.

Who was a baby with no obvious protection, despite her fragile state of being.

Kyoya knew exactly how delicate baby birds were and regardless if they were human baby birds, it appeared they were the same.

A flock, he decided, the bird-child needed a flock to take care of her. To make sure she was safe and happy so she could smile like that. She was important to the birds, the animals, no, to Namimori itself. As the protector of Namimori, it fell to him to make sure the herds were kept safe and it was apparent that the bird-people didn't think they were safe enough to live openly in his territory.

It didn't matter, Kyoya decided, if this never changed, because he would be keeping this baby bird safe for as long as he drew breath. He would make it safe for her to walk open and as free as she deserved in his territory if nothing else.

He was a carnivore, so he could make sure he gathered a good flock to watch over the little bird while he was patrolling and disciplining the herbivores. His mind made up, he reached forward again, pleased at the lack of fear and the bright look in her now brown eyes as she accepted his hand. He stood quickly, gently pulling the girl up into his arms and settled her against his hip, remaining still at the sound she made as she stared wide-eyed at him even as her wing automatically bunched and settled along her sides. The left one was cradled loosely to her side, soft feathers pressing firmly against his arm.

A clear burst of tweets and the trailing of a song that ended in a question had a small smile stretching his lips. Her skills in this language far exceeding merely mimicking as he heard several unique sounds that were similar to the ones he knew, thankfully, so he could still understand her.


She spoke in crisp, clear tones with an ease to the sounds and a hopeful expression on her face. Kyoya approved of whomever had raised her thus far, as communication was key. Regardless of her advanced languages skills that were lacking in every single herbivore he had ever met, she had revealed she had a mother. Which meant she wasn't an orphan, nor abandoned and should Kyoya need help with taking care of his new addition to his flock, there would be someone trustworthy to take care of her. At least, until before a strong flock could be found.

But, there was things to be done, so the Hibari reluctantly switched back to the language of society and answered, so there would be no misunderstanding between them.

"You are now my flock, little bird. I will bite anyone to death who tries to harm you," he declared, keeping his voice soft, but hard in certainty and confidence.

Big, doe eyes widened in wonder, then delight as another brilliant smile illuminated her expression, even as she paid no mind to her unanswered question.

"Un! Tsu-chan's friends chose you so I will flock with you!"

The sudden wind created from many birds of all sizes and varying type leaping into flight and rushing past them cemented the two children's places in each other's lives for eternity. One, a lonely girl with wings who could claim only birds and animals as her friends, believing that they sent a prince to save her from the cruel words and painful touches of both children and adults.

The other, a proud and bold, self-proclaimed carnivore with a dislike for socialization and a bloodlust astonishing in one so young, firmly convinced that she was entirely his responsibility to ensure her safety and happiness as such a beautiful and fragile thing as a human bird could not last long without help. Specifically his help.

When Hibari Kyoya stepped from the small forest onto pavement, it was to the shocked faces of Kusakabe and his loyal minions. When the little bird-child in his arms trembled in fear, he snapped his most terrifying glare and was satisfied when they all came to attention.

"Go fetch transportation, I will not parade my flock around for her to be gawked at by useless herbivores," he hissed out, pleased when sensible, reliable Kusakabe instantly signaled one of the others to do as ordered.

When his loyal one also snapped out to ensure that no one saw who exactly the feared Hibari Kyoya was carrying with such gentleness, he nodded approvingly. Kusakabe Tetsuya was not quite flock, he was still Hibari's so that meant he could be trusted with the bird-child. That certainty was only confirmed when he only glanced briefly at the obvious wings the little girl bore, but his reaction was to dip his head in acknowledgement.

"Kyo-san, she appears to be injured, should I call for a doctor or…?"

"Unnecessary, I will attend to her wounds," he stated as a large black van pulled up and the door promptly slid open.

He ignored the gawking and blatant staring as he alighted into the back, careful of the bird-child in his arms. His eyes narrowed in displeasure as another small whimper escaped her as her wing was jostled, but at the moment there was nothing he could do. He sat down, settling her into his lap before reaching up to gently pat her hair. The little bird tucked herself farther into his hold, her head nestling into his throat and her wings lifting carefully to wrap themselves around his body, brushing soft, warm feathers across his skin.

As the vehicle set off to his home though, he noticed a small detail in the darkened interior that had slipped past his notice.

Her wings glowed. Every single one of her feathers glimmered and shined with a deep amber, as if living fire was running through her veins and spilled out underneath her skin. The tip of her left wing, however, was dulled, separated from the flow which suggested either a bone was out of alignment or broken. Hibari had experience with injured wings of many different birds, both adults and babies but a human baby-bird? This was different... He had no doubt his skills would be enough in this instance, but he would need assistance from someone who knew what they were doing in her care as she grew older.

"Your name, little bird?"

The girl's head lifted until her gaze could meet his and she answered readily with only the slightest traces of a lisp.

"Sawada Tsu-na-yo-shi, eight years old," she said before her expression changed and she looked expectantly at him.

A smirk crossed his face and his eyes gleamed at her fearlessness.

"Hibari Kyoya, twelve."

Of course, their bonding moment- which was important to maintain the flock according to all his sources (especially with a chick so young)- was interrupted by one of his newer subordinates who jerked around and gaped. Before he could be discouraged of such actions, the boy shouted in astonishment, finger pointing dramatically at the girl.


That proved to be a mistake. All light went out of Tsuna's eyes as she instantly collapsed into herself in a tiny ball, making herself smaller in a defensive reaction and her tiny hands released Kyoya's shirt and reached up to protect her head. Fire surged into Kyoya's veins because even though she should have known that she was currently safe because Hibari Kyoya demanded it, she reacted like that.

A second later a tonfa was impacting the forehead of the unfortunate teenager with carefully calculated force to ensure unconsciousness and maximum pain. He turned his full attention to the child in his arms and catalogued every aspect of her state. Bruises of varying size and states of healing were clearly seen on her forearms and her bared legs, even in the darkened interior of the van. Dirt stained clothes of a formerly orange t-shirt and white shorts with rips and tears clearly visible.

It was clear Kyoya had much to do to fix the circumstances that lead to this situation. While those could easily be taken care of, such actions would never again be allowed to inflict harm on the fragile human-bird.

Yet, it was worrying just how thin and truly tiny the child was. Beyond her face, there was barely a trace of baby fat and even in his arms, she did not weight much. His mouth twisted down before it softened and he leaned back, deliberately drawing her closer to his chest even as he reached up and around to drape his jacket on her. To fill the silence, Kyoya decided to sing in birdsong to ease his little bird's fear, regardless of his audience. He could always bite them to death later to ensure they did not speak of this.

To his relief, it worked and Tsunayoshi had emerged from her ball to peer at him in undisguised awe. He was pleased when her eyes slowly began to close and soon she was sleeping comfortably in his arms. He continue his soft song ignoring at the quiet sobbing coming from the back seat. His subordinates, effective as they were, sometimes baffled him in their actions. Still, they were his and he made sure train them well.

Several minutes later, when a darkly colored van pulled up to the Hibari estate, Hibari Kyoya himself exited, cradling an astonishing creature in his arms. One unconscious and three ashen faced teenagers were left behind before they quickly took off at the terrifying glare given to them by their leader. Still vaguely disgruntled at the reaction that the title had caused to the new member of his flock.

Nevermind the meaning that one of his subordinates would recognize someone by the name of Tsunayoshi and instantly connect that to 'Dame-Tsuna', which implies that the beating and theft of food would be a common enough occurrence and it was allowed to continue. Such actions had not been reported to him and he would be taking steps to ensure such a thing did not happen again.

Yet, surely if a winged child were to appear, the news would spread far and wide. Therefore, she must have some way of hiding them.

Hibari Kyoya was widely known as the Demon of Namimori, for all his young age and inexperience, he was incredibly intelligent, observant and perceptive. Should he have been born to more attentive parents, Hibari Kyoya would have been labeled as a genius of the highest magnitude. Fortunately for the fate of the world, he was raised mostly by the birds which flocked to his garden. He learned their songs, their habits and speech. There was no need to learn the languages of the uninteresting, save for the fact that the man who spoke of wild animals far from Japan spoke the human tongue.

To learn what would make him stronger, Kyouya would do anything, including sit through all those classes his parents deemed 'necessary'. Japanese, Mandarin, English, etiquette, history, of the Hibari family, their place in Namimori and of foreign countries who have dealings with them. Of course, what no one knew was that the only reason why he went to all this effort, was to understand the books and programs that detailed the lives of panthers, wolves, lions and cheetahs. To compare how humans treated birds to how birds cared for themselves, a world of animals that he could so simply understand and grasp.

Later, he learned it was necessary to interact with other people, mostly his subordinates when Namimori was entrusted to him for protection. But in his then-present, it was a burden, despite his ability to comprehend.

Most didn't acknowledge it beyond his truly astounding potential for battle and as a brilliant leader, but make no mistake, Hibari Kyoya had no need to attend an educational institute as he had already made it a point to learn it all. Knowledge was power and Kyouya had long ago learned how to wield power just as effectively as he knew how to lead his troops.

His troops, which were currently staring at him in disbelief and awe as he strolled through the hallways, a young girl held protectively in his arms. He came to a stop before a door, which promptly slid open to reveal an older woman appropriately dressed in a kimono with her hair sensibly pulled back.

"Misaki," Kyouya greeted at her bow, "I have been accepted as flock by this one, make preparations accordingly."

The woman raised an eyebrow at that wording of his statement before her gaze turned slightly incredulous and questioning at the extra appendages folded against the girl's back. However, when she raised her eyes to Kyoya's, he offered no explanation. With a delicate sigh, Misaki turned and stepped aside to allow enough room for Hibari to pass.

The room into which they entered housed a simple floor table surrounded by pillows, with bookshelves lining the walls. There was a basket of blankets in one corner while the room opened up into an outside walkway overlooking a beautiful garden in the courtyard. A pot of tea sat on the table, steam rising steadily from its spout.

"Misaki, she requires food. Something soft on the stomach, nutritious and filling."

The brief look of concern that crossed her face was reassuring in that she held a care towards the girl, even if it was only for the sake of his own regard. Still, she inclined her head and left to carry out his order.

Meanwhile, Kyoya settled the little bird into a pile of pillows and swiped a blanket to cover her small form with. He clicked his tongue and the doors slid open to reveal a young man with a serious demeanor and a scar curving around his temple.

"Medical kit, Ishikawa."

"Hai, Hibari-sama," the man stood and pivoted to disappear around the corner.

Kyoya turned and reached for the teapot and with a steady hand, poured two cups of tea just as Sawada Tsunayoshi's eyes blinked open. She startled at the pillows and blanket staring at them in confusion and incomprehension. A whisper of birdsong drifted in through the open door and her head instantly snapped up her gaze locking onto Kyoya as he slowly lowered the teapot into its resting place. When he picked up a cup and extended it to her in a clearly invitation to drink, her wings fluttered and lifted, although the one on her wounded side stayed firmly where it was.

Steel gray eyes studied the almost blank look on her face with a growing anger and displeasure that such an act as a simply offering of tea should set a chick on edge. There was a wary caution and a disbelieve that slowly crept over her expression before she lifted her stare to the person who offered the tea to her. Instantly, her negative emotions were swept away and she smiled and reached out without any hesitation to accept the cup.

Kyoya allowed himself a small return smile even as that warmth bloomed in his chest again. The anger remained, but he locked it away and out of her senses. He was not angry at her, rather those who had instilled these reactions into her. He waited until she had taken two sips before speaking.

"Misaki is bringing you food and I sent Ishikawa for a medical kit," he said, watching as she glanced to her wing with a pained look.

Her head lowered to her chest, her fingers wrapped around the heat the tea provided as she took in a shuddering breath. She did not say anything.

"You are too thin," Kyoya said, both a statement of fact and a demand for an explanation, his tone edging in concern.

There was no answer as both Misaki and Ishikawa returned. The winged child did not move even as she stiffened ever so slightly. The woman delicately laid a broth with meat and vegetables onto the table along with a glass of milk while the man laid a very well stocked first aid kit on the ground at Hibari's feet. They both departed without words at a wave of his hand, to which Tsuna was grateful.

Kyoya turned towards her, pulling the kit closer and leveling an steady look at her with a meaningful glance at the bowl. Tsuna took a breath and slowly shifted to stand her feet, pulling the blanket closer to her even as she stepped forward, grasping the bowl and a spoon before sitting down and presenting the birds' prince with her back. Carefully, she tucked her uninjured wing to the side as she unfurled the other for him to tend to it properly. Her cheeks burned at the terrible state of her feathers.

Dirt, leaves and the odd twig were stuck between them and they were ruffled and uncomfortable. But there was nothing that could be done and Tsuna was too dame to do it herself. Tears built up in her eyes, over both the shame and the ache in her wings. She couldn't help the flinch as unbelievable gentle hands laid themselves on her feathers.

No one had ever seen them, let alone touched them, save for her mother. Her precious mother who no longer had wings of her own, but was so proud of hers. Her mother who made sure to teach her all the steps to the dances, the words and songs to the languages of their feathered friends and allies. Her mother, who would whisper the secrets of their history in the dead of night. Her mother who sobbed and apologized because her husband, Tsuna's father who she loved so much, had Sealed away an important part of her and that was why she couldn't dance anymore, why she couldn't glide as she walked. It wasn't her fault, her mother told her.

Her breath hitched as those gentle fingers snagged on her injury in the middle of wrapping it. She had barely felt his ministrations, but as he was finishing and tightening the bindings to allow her wings to heal properly, some pain was necessary.

That was when he asked her that question.

"Little one," he asked, his voice so soft and tender yet lined with steel, "why are you labeled with such a title?"

For a moment, Tsuna thought wildly about clamping her mouth shut and refusing to answer. But she remembered that Kyoya was a prince that her birds trusted and treated like one of their own. So she spoke anyway, keeping her eyes shut and for the first time in a long time, allowing herself to keep hoping.

"Okaa-san said...she said it wasn't Tsu-chan's fault, that I couldn't dance or walk properly. It wasn't... my fault that it's harder to think, harder to speak. But the others...they blame Tsu-chan because tripping over nothing, being so small and weak and stupid enough that Dame-Tsuna can't even answer the easiest questions is obviously because Tsu-chan was born like that."

Sudden anger and an intense desire to make someone understand, filled her and she whipped her head around.

"I wasn't! I wasn't born like this, this was done to me! Okaa-san said so, said just as someone took her wings away, someone took my fire away!"

There was very little to Kyoya's expression, but Tsuna paid no mind to that. Princes had to be like that, after all. She just had to explain herself, prove herself because it wasn't her fault.

"They always trip me and hit me! They laugh at my pain and take my food and no ones cares! Not the teachers, not the parents, not anyone!"

There was a second after her outburst, when her words hung in the air and there was a slow burn in her chest. But Kyoya stood up in one fluid motion, a snarl twisting his mouth and a heaviness settling like a cloak across his shoulders.


His voice was scarcely above a whisper, but the weight it carried instantly summoned the young man who brought the first aid kit.


"Kusakabe. Where?"

The man's lips firmed into a thin line, something like vague annoyance in the corners of his mouth, but he quickly responded.

"Less than two minutes to arrival."

Kyoya turned and leveled a look at him, a command and a warning visible in his gaze.

"All files related to Sawada Tsunayoshi, age eight are to be brought to me, immediately."

Ishikawa bowed, thick brown hair sliding over his forehead to hide both the scar and his bright blue eyes.

"As you command, Hibari-sama."

Tsuna made sure to watch that person's departure. There was something feral about him. He looked to be barely older that Kyoya, and while the bird prince was wild, it was controlled and used. That one was like someone having trouble remembering that they were a person, rather than a beast.

"Do not worry, little bird. That one's loyalty is to me," Kyoya said, his voice softened, but still holding an edge of fury beneath.

He moved to retake his seat before turning to her.

"Your caretakers," he spoke carefully, "Name them and describe their actions towards you."

Tsuna had a moment of clarity. It did not happen often, not since that day, but it came and went as it pleased. Still, she understood that Hibari was asking her the identities of her parents and if they abused her.

She opened her mouth to deny it, to say that her parents both loved her very much and they would never hurt her in any way, but the words caught and stuck in her throat. Such a thing...wasn't quite true.

"Okaa-san said that her husband works overseas," she began quietly, "Tsu-chan barely recalls such a person existing. Mama said he was one of the two re-responsible for sealing away my fire."

Kyoya's eyes sharpened and his attention flickered briefly to her wings, close enough to notice the amber that run through them. Tsuna nods, answering his unasked question.

"Okaa-san...okaa-san is Sawada Nana. She used to be called something, Before, but she once said that her mother sealed her wings away and took her name away. Our kind dare not use the fire without our wings, it's hard and we get hurt."

Tsuna is watching her prince's expressions very closely. The way he looks when she says her grandmother took away her mother's wings and flame would have sent her running far away and screaming in terror, but all she feels in warmth bursting in her chest. A steady chant of safesafesafeProtected is singing in her head so faintly she has to concentrate to hear it. So, she moved onto the mysterious man that okaa-san speaks of as her father.

"Sawada Iemitsu. Okaa-san said...I didn't have to claim him as anything to me because of what he did."

"I have claimed you. I will protect you until you decide how free you wish to fly. Your okaa-san will be brought here and she will be given a chance to explain. You will have no need for a father."

Normally, a twelve year old boy, no matter his intelligence or skills would not adopt a child that was not related to him in any way. However, this boy was the undisputed leader of a small army made up of others he had bested in combat. Said leader ruled over the yakuza, the school of Namimori and had most of the facilities under his control. Only the police station remained, but that would fall into his hands soon.

Hibari Kyoya was the exception, an immovable object with goals and objectives. Some genuinely believed he was a demon, or some personification of a deity of war. Regardless, Kyoya had determined that Sawada Tsunayoshi would not survive long unless he protected her. Her mother was obviously damaged from this 'sealing' and if she could be helped, he would do everything in his power to do so. If she proved to be detrimental to his little one's upbringing…

There were ways around that.

The girl was a hime of his house now, a member of his flock. Beloved by the birds, with wings, songs and dances of her own.

No one would harm her again, not while she was too fragile to protect herself.

He would make sure of it.