Disclaimer: I do not own Supergirl or the characters.

A/N: This is set before 2x12 'Luthors'

As Kara sat at home alone she felt lost and alone. Tonight should be games night, but ever since she had discovered the truth about Guardian her friendship with Winn and James had dwindled so that they barely spoke to each. So rather than playing games with her friends and feeling normal she sat alone.

When she heard the distant sirens she actually felt relieved that she had something to do. Relief that quickly turned to guilt when she arrived at the scene of the accident and rescued a screaming child from the burning car wreck whilst being powerless to save the child's deceased mother.

As she handed the child over to the paramedics she cursed herself for not being faster, not being good enough to keep the child's family together. As she recalled the relief she had felt on hearing the siren initially she felt an inner loathing build.

Feeling more lost than ever she did what she always did, she flew to Alex's apartment. But as she neared she used her super hearing to see if her sister was alone. Hearing two voices she quickly realised her visit may not be wanted especially when she heard Maggie say.

"I was beginning to think we would never get any time alone together."

"Me too." Alex agreed. "But it is just us now and my phone is off so nothing is going to interrupt us."

Refusing to ruin her sister's evening Kara turned mid flight and went back to her empty apartment.


"You okay?" Alex asked as she walked through the DEO with her sister the next day.

"Yeah, why?"

"You seem a bit off and your crinkle is becoming a super crinkle."

"I'm fine."

"Neither you or the crinkle can lie." Alex said. "So what's up? You still upset about a certain Daxamite?"

"No." Kara said.

"How about I come round tonight? We'll watch a couple of movies and eat pizza."

"You have a date tonight." Kara reminded Alex.

"Maggie will understand." Alex said.

"Alex, I'm fine really. I just have a lot on at work and Snapper is making me miss Cat more and more."

"You sure that's all it is?"

"Yes. And speaking of Snapper I have to go. Catch you later."


"What's happened to Kara?" Maggie asked as she took a seat opposite Alex in the bar.

"How do you know something is wrong with Kara?" Alex asked.

"You have the 'Kara frown'." Maggie said.

"The what?"

"When ever you are worried about Kara you get a very specific frown."

"No I don't. Do I?"

"You do. So what's happened? Did she get hurt?"

"No, nothing like that. She just seems off."

"You think she is still upset I ruined her birthday."

"You didn't ruin it and no. We talked she said she was fine."


"I don't know. Something is just off."

"So why aren't you talking to her?"

"I tried she said she was fine and had to work."

"But you don't believe her?"

"I don't know. I mean despite who she is Kara is pretty straight forward, I mean she wears her heart on her sleeve. She's really not good at hiding things."

"Apart from the fact she is a Superhero alien?"

"Yeah, apart from that." Alex agreed. "So I don't understand why she would try to hide that something's upsetting her. Plus she is a terrible liar so she doesn't normally even attempt to hide things. Maybe it's all in my head."

"You normally imagine your sister having problems?"

"No, but maybe part of me still worries she feels left out and I'm kinda projecting my own doubts onto her."

"You know what I think? You need to talk to her." Maggie said.


"Hey Kara." Maggie said as she approached her at Noonan's.

"Hey." Kara replied. "What are you doing here?"

"Word on the street is they serve coffee and doughnuts here and I'm a cop so here I am." Maggie smiled.

"They do, but it's kind of out of your way isn't it?"

"True, but I wanted to see you as well as get my caffeine fix."

"Me? Why? Is everything okay?" Kara asked.

"You tell me." Maggie said. "Alex is worried about you and I'm worried I'm the cause of whatever it is that's upsetting you."

"Upsetting me? I'm not upset."

"Alex was right, you are a terrible liar." Maggie commented.

"I just have a lot on at work." Kara said.

"Isn't it in this type of situation that you'd talk to Alex?"

"I don't actually share everything with Alex." Kara pointed out. When Maggie stared at her she conceded. "Fine I do. But this isn't something to share. I mean it's nothing. I'm just trying to figure out where I'm going and I need time to figure that out."

"So you are not avoiding talking to Alex because you think it would cause friction between Alex and I."

"No." Kara said trying to laugh off the suggestion.

"Really? Because the way I heard it before I started dating Alex you two were practically joined at the hip." Maggie said.

"Well you've met Alex, before she started dating you she was kind of a loner. Someone had to take care of her." Kara smiled before frowning and adding. "Just don't tell Alex I said that."

"I won't tell Alex if you promise not to avoid her because of me." Maggie said.

"I promise." Kara said.


"Hey." Alex smiled as she let Maggie into her apartment.

"I think you should see Kara." Maggie greeted.


"I know it's not my place but I went to talk to her today."

"You did? Why?

"I was worried that you were worried and that maybe I was the cause of Kara being upset."

"So what happened?"

"We talked. She said she was fine, but you're right something is up."

"Did she say something?"

"No. But you're right she is pretty easy to read and something is upsetting her. And I don't know if this is related but when I got back to the precinct they were talking about this kid who was being released from hospital. Apparently Supergirl saved her from a car wreck a few nights back."

"Why would that bother Kara?" Alex asked.

"Because Supergirl didn't arrive quick enough to save everyone. The kid's mother died."

"Why didn't she tell me?" Alex asked.


"So were you ever going to tell me?" Alex asked.

"Tell you what?"

"About the car accident? You know the one where you saved a little girl from a burning wreck." Alex said staring at her sister. "The one where the mother died before you got there."

"I don't tell you about all my Supergirl rescues." Kara said avoiding eye contact with Alex.

"True, but you normally tell me about the ones where someone dies."

"People die all the time." Kara pointed out. "You don't have to hear about all my screw ups."

"Firstly, it wasn't a screw up, she was dead before you got there and that little girl is alive because of you. Secondly, I always want to know when something is bothering you."

"What do you want me to say?" Kara asked. "Someone died, I felt bad. I'll get over it."

"I want you to talk to me like you used to. I'm always there for you." Alex said.

"Guys, there's an alien in the park causing a massive freak out." Winn said approaching them.


As Supergirl landed in the park she saw an alien sitting alone. Walking towards it and seeing no danger she asked.

"You okay?"

In response the alien stood and held it's arms up before saying.

"Sek alf horf dil."

"I don't understand." Kara said. "I'm guessing you don't speak English?"

"Kolm hik fert. Sek alf horf dil."

"Okay, still not getting what that means." Kara said stepping towards the alien who shouted.

"Sek alf horf dil."

Raising her hands in a 'I mean you no harm' pose she stepped towards the alien who tried back away causing Kara to reach out and grab the alien's hand.

As Kara's hand touched the aliens skin she collapsed to the ground unconscious.


A/N: Thanks for reading and reviewing.