This day, I woke up early in the morning. I went to take my breakfast just after getting out of my bed, then I chose to mediate at the top of the mine. There was a little place I used to relax at. After I reached the top, I opened the door to get on the terrace. I was surprised to see Barriss meditating on the floor. The Mirialan had closed her eyes, her body facing the sun that was rising. There were shades of orange and red in the sky. A relaxing view to begin a day. I got close to her and I knelt just beside her. Feeling me close, Barriss opened her eyes to greet me.

- Hi Ahsoka.

- Hi Barriss. Not levitating ? I asked.

- Excuse me ?

- Well, you used to levitate when you meditated. Can you not do it anymore ?

- Ah... Euhm... It was never intended. I think I used to relax very easily before. Maybe that was why my body levitated each time I meditated. But, now... it's different. I'm not that relaxed. I stopped levitating when I...

- No need to say it.

After I said that, Barriss stayed quiet. I hoped that I didn't get her sad.

- You're right, no need to mention that. Barriss said. But I still have the heart filled with regrets. There are two peoples I cared about. And I betrayed them. I'm talking about you and my master. Luminara has died and now there is only you I want to take care of. But... I feel like it's too late.

As she was confessing her feelings, I was getting closer to her. I ended up by putting my left hand on her left shoulder. Than I said :

- It is just the beginning. You can still do what you want to do. And at the end, you'll show it to me.

- What are you talking about ? Barriss asked.

- You already know. You will soon...

As I was speaking, my comlink rang. Ryo wanted to contact me.

- Can you come to the mine please ? There is something you need to see.

- I'm on my way.

I stood up then I started walking to the door to get in the mine but Barriss asked me more precisions :

- Ahsoka, wait, please, tell me. What were you talking about ?

- After all what we've been trough. I answered. You are still so naive. I let you meditating, we'll see at the breakfast.

- All right Ahsoka, have a nice morning.

After I got in the mine, I reached the underground where Ryo wanted to see me. I walked through long tunnels and I finally met her in a big cave. The Pantoran was standing before a high wall that was some cracks on.

- I'm a little bit worried about this wall. Ryo said. It looks very old.

- Well, I have to admit. It looks like It's going to fall at any moment. But it stands since decades, I don't think it's going to collapse very soon.

- Yeh, sure but, could you probe this wall but using the Force ? I want to be sure that there is nothing to worry about.

- I think I can do that.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the wall. I raised my hands to project some energies into rocks to see what there was inside. To my surprise, I realized that there was an object inside the wall. I got closer and I put my hands on a boulder to get it cracked. Then I opened my eyes to see what there was among the fragments. There was a little datapad.

- How did you find this wall ? I asked Ryo.

- Well, I have nothing to do in this mine. So, I use to walk in the tunnels to explore the underground.

- So, you've found this haphazardly ? You know nothing else about this place.

- No I don't.

- Well, that's weird. I guess we should try to set off the datapad.

I pushed a button and to my surprise, it worked. I chose the last video that was taken with the tool and I played it. Ryo and I were watching a miner's video that was panicked. He was explaining that the mine was attacked by big creatures that ate people in the mine. He was saying that he loved his wife and his children. At the end of the video, the miner asked the people who'd find this record to take the datapad to his family. After that, the men stopped recording.

- For The Force sake. That's very creepy. Ryo said. Does it mean that we should get out of this mine ?

- Well, the record has been made 18 years ago. I think we don't have to worry about that. But we'll be careful in the future.

As I was answering Ryo's question, I was looking for more information in the datapad. I finally found a coordinate that was supposed to be the place of the creatures. It was mentioned that no one should go there. But there was no more information.

- Don't worry Ryo. The place the creatures would live in is pretty far. Plus, you have two Jedis to defend you. So... you're perfectly safe here. But I'll ask Barriss to investigate with me on what happened. Just to be sure.