All these characters belong to Disney.

Note from the author : I'm french and it's my first english fanfiction. So, please be indulgent with my writing.

Enjoy your lecture.

A new fate

This day, someone special needed to talk to me, my former Jedi friend Barriss Offee. The biggest Traitor I've ever known, killer of hundred innocents. Sentenced to prison for her whole life despite the horrible things she committed. She should have died for what she did but the Jedi council decided that she didn't deserve it. Before getting a criminal, she was a great Padawan, she saved countless lives and she prevented horrible things the separatists could have done. That was why they didn't choose death for her. Instead, she was allowed to stay in prison for the rest of her life.

I didn't want to believe that it appeared she wanted to tell something to me. We've never talked together after her treason. I didn't know what I was supposed to think. The only thing I was sure about was that I was eager to hear what she had to tell me. I hated her for what she did to me but The Force knew that I wanted to face her. I needed to know why she did so many horrible things.

I was standing before her door. The clone trooper beside me pushed a button that make the door open. After coming in, I was looking at Barriss on her knees with her eyes closed. She seamed to meditate. She worn a long robe and a hood hiding her hairs.

- Hello Ahsoka. She told me with her usual sweet voice before standing up. I've been waiting for you. Can we be alone ?

I made a sign with my right hand to the clone to command him to close the door. What he did. We were now alone, in the middle of the cell.

- What do you want from me ? I asked.

- First, I wanted to apologize to you for what I did. Of course, it won't ever be enough but I really have a big regret in my heart. I sacrificed my conscience in the name of the peace but I realize now that it was useless. I won't ever able to fix the crimes I made.

- You betrayed me ! You were maybe the person I trusted the most and you betrayed me. Me, your Jedi sister.

- Yes, I did. But actually I didn't really think that the Jedi council would have dared to think that you were a criminal. Honestly, it was a desperate act to save myself from the justice. You were just a smokescreen so that they could not look after me. My purpose was just leading them to the wrong clues. I can't believe they thought that you were really a traitor.

- It's better than you betraying me.

- Of course, I just wanted that you know that I've never desired your death. Neither you in prison.

- You killed so many peoples.

- I didn't kill anyone in the hangar. Letta Turmond did. She chose to send her husband to the death. Of course it was my idea. But I didn't do it.

- You dare. You are disgusting. You killed innocent clones to make me more guilty.

- Clones... muttered Barriss. I hate them, I hate them so much. They are all just puppets. They all deserved to die !

- You're pathetic. I said. They deserved to live more than you.

- I'm sorry about so many things I've done. But the death of the clones, not at all.

- I'm getting tired of this. I stated. I'm going to leave.

- Wait Ahsoka. These words are not the reason I brought you here.

- So... What for ?

- I need to talk to you about a vision The Force gave me. It was a few minutes ago. I was sleeping, I've had a dream. First, it was not clear, I was just hearing the sound of many lightsabers turning on. But when I woke up, I meditated and my vision was perfectly clear. I saw a lot of people dying, a battle field, here in Coruscant. I also saw that everything about to happen can't be stopped. A Sith is rising and he won't turn back to the light. He will destroy everything what the Jedi worked so hard for. Every clones will turn against the Jedis too.

- What are you talking about ? I asked.

- I didn't understand why The Force gave this vision to me. It was a warning but I just deserved to die in prison. So, I thought about it and I found an explanation. It's obvious, I got this vision to save you not me. I had to summon you so that I can deliver you this message. You have a great future and I have to make it happen. It's too late for the Jedis now but we can still leave you and I now before they kill us.

- I still don't get it. What future are you talking about ?

It was seaming that Barriss didn't care about what I was talking to her. She kept talking of her vision :

- In my vision, I saw a number. This number was the end of the Jedis. Sixty six, it was sixty six.

- Barriss, you got completely insane.

- We shall see. In a few seconds. I just felt that the clone behind the door is about to attempt to kill us both.

As she ended her sentence, I heard the clone receiving a message.

- Execute the order sixty six.

After that, the door opened and the clone aimed his blaster at me. Barriss acted quickly, she raised her right hand to the clone and she strangled him with The Force. The men fell on the floor.

- We have to go now ! Shouted Barriss.

- What have you done ? I screamed. You killed him. What did he try to kill me ?

- The clones obey to the chancellor and he just ordered to kill every Jedis.

- That's impossible.

- Do you have a ship ? She asked me. We have to leave.

- OK, let's go.

Without lightsaber, we had to kill every men by our own hands or by using The Force. Every clones troopers attempted to kill us. I thought that this scene was horrible. But I didn't think that Barriss thought like that. She almost enjoyed killing all of them. There was a big smile spreading on her face. Once more, I was disappointed by her behavior. But right now, the only thing I was caring about was to leave this prison. And we finally did after killing dozen of clones. Then we got on board of my ship and we quickly left Coruscant before they send clones to hunt us.

As the ship was going through the hyperspace, I decided to speak to Barriss. I wanted to know more about what just happened to us. I was surprised to see her meditating on a bed with a big smile on her face. I guessed that she enjoyed her new freedom.

- Barriss. What was that ? I asked her. I don't understand. Why the clones turned against the Jedi ?

- Clones are like machines executing order. Now, it's obvious, the chancellor want to kill us all.

- What do we have to do ?

- I think that we should wait for a message. It's impossible that all Jedis will die. We'll get soon a message telling us what we have to do. For now, we have to wait for instructions from the Jedi council.

- All right. I said. Let's go to a planet where the clones won't find us.