Ages: Reader: 20, Osomatsu: 16, Karamatsu: 13, Choromatsu: 10, Ichimatsu: 7, Jyushimatsu: 5, Todomatsu: 2

You heard a scream from the boys' room. That sounded like Choromatsu. Totty jumped from where he was playing with his fancy pink building blocks, starting to cry immediately. Karamatsu hopped off the couch to go take care of him as you went to go investigate.

You slammed the door to their room open, screaming "Choromatsu! Are you okay!?"

The ten-year old in question was on his knees with something in his hands. Jyushimatsu was crying and blubbering out a little "I'm sorry niisan!"

"What happened Jyushi?" You asked him, sitting next to him.

"(Y/n) niisan/neesan!" (I tried to find a fully gender neutral term but one doesn't seem to exist)

"He broke my Nya-chan figurine!" Choromatsu yelled over his shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry! I w-was playing baseball a-and I-I hit the dolly! I-I'm so sorry niisan!" Jyushi cried out to his brother.

You lifted the child into your lap, brushing away his giant tears. He was really broken up about this. You didn't understand why though, it wasn't his stuff that was broken.

Choromatsu understood why though. It was his first Nya-chan figurine. The first of his merchandise. His eldest sibling gave it to him after they noticed how much he likes Nya-chan. His smile was so bright that day as he squealed and jumped into their arms. "THANK YOU (Y/N) NIISAN/NEESAN!" He could never forgive his little brother for breaking something so precious!

But, one look at both Jyushimatsu and (Y/n) said it all. Jyushimatsu knew how much this meant to him and was absolutely shattered, just like the figurine. (Y/n) had the most desperate look on their face. He knew how much they hated to see their brothers fight and/or cry. He knew what he had to do to make them and Jyushimatsu feel better, even though his ten-year old heart was telling him not to do this. He was supposed to be responsible and mature, just like (Y/n).

"I-I forgive you." Choromatsu said, the hesitation clear on his face.

You smiled, proud of him. Choromatsu smiled back at you, his mouth in the shape of a little v.

"YAY! THANK YOU NII-SAN!" Jyushi screamed, jumping at Choromatsu excitedly.

Choromatsu caught him in a shaky and awkward hug, falling on his butt due to the abnormal strength that the kid possessed. Choromatsu's body went stiff. "Y-you're welcome?" He asked.

When Jyushi let go, he ran to the living area. From the screech that emitted from Karamatsu and the loud, yet happy, "JYUSHI!" That came from Totty, you could guess what happened.

Choromatsu's happy v turned slightly sad as his eyes teared up a bit. He turned away from you and started to pick up the pieces in the saddest way possible. He then took them to the little garbage bin in the room and stood by it for a moment. You knew that he only forgave Jyushi because he felt like he had to. He was only five after all, so he's always breaking things. You felt terribly sad because of this, so you grabbed the boy from behind, lifting him up in a giant hug. He was surprisingly small for a ten-year old. "You're such a good big brother Choro. I would've been absolutely livid if I was you." You placed him on your back, despite his little yells to put him down. "I'm gonna make it up to you, okay?"

You carried him all the way to the living room and plopped him on the couch.

"FAMILY MEETING!" You yelled.

The three other Matsus that were in the room crawled over. Jyushi hopped to the sofa, next to Choro, and Kara pulled Todo into his lap. "Where's Oso and Ichi?" You asked.

"They're pwaying wif kitties!" Totty said, raising his hands up in the air, hitting Karamatsu on the mouth in the process.

"Ack-! Totty! That hurt." Kara mumbled.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to go to the mall without them."

"The MALL!" Kara and Totty both yelled out excitedly, their eyes sparkling with delight.

"MALL~ MALL~ MALL~! I'M GONNA BUY ME A BASEBALL!" Jyushi sang, swinging his arms back and forth as if he was batting.

"BUT! Choro gets to pick the first store we visit!"

"REALLY!" The boy who was mentioned yelled out.

He guessed that this was what they meant by making it up to him.

"Get your coats on! Go Go Go!" You yelled, watching as the children rushed to stand.

You took Totty from Kara's hands and ran with the boy to get his jacket. He was squealing with excitement. "Which jacket do you want Totty?" you asked him.

"That one!" He said, extending his arms towards the incredibly fashionable jacket that you got him for his birthday.

"Perfect. You're always so fashionable Totty."

"I know."

That made you crack up.

He tried putting the coat on by himself, claiming that he was a "big boy. Big boys don't need help." But, he failed.

You helped him out before you saw a flash of yellow go towards the door. Jyushi was on the run. You lifted up Todomatsu again and ran after the second youngest. You grabbed him by his waist, effectively catching him before he inevitably broke something. You hoisted him on your shoulders and kept running, right towards the open front door.

"WE'RE HOOOOAAAAAAAH!" Osomatsu screamed.

You collided with the boy in the red coat and the child in purple and the five of you rolled out of the front door. Jyushi rolled off of your shoulders and to the ground, landing feet first before rolling away and giggling. Todo and Ichi were squished between you and Oso as you all flopped to the ground. Kara and Choro poked their heads out the door, watching.

Jyushimatsu was the first to spring back up. "ICHI NIISAN, OSO NIISAN!" He yelled.

As you guys got up, the two Matsunos that were called looked at the caller.

"We're gonna go to the mall! And! And! And we're gonna buy LOTS and LOTS of stuff!"

Totty imitated him, stretching his arms out wide and yelling "STUFF!"

You, Oso, and Kara, who was now helping you guys up, all let out three perfectly timed happy little snorts.

Jyushi grabbed Ichimatsu's hand and they both started walking… Well… Ichi was being dragged more than anything…

Totty waddled after them, followed by Kara and Choro, not wanting to be left behind.

You stayed behind with Oso. His bright red jacket was coated in cat hair and it smelled a bit like garbage. Well, he was with Ichimatsu in the alleys of Akatsuka. "So. It looks like the cats liked you."

"Yeah no. Ichi had an entire army and sent them to attack. I was covered in cats until I agreed to carry Ichi home because he was tired."

You snorted at that. Sounds like something the seven-year old would attempt.

Totty tripped in his efforts to keep up with his big brothers and landed face first. Well, he didn't land ON his face because he was bundled up. The second he started whining, Karamatsu picked him up and started cooing at him. "It's okay Totty. You're okay." Karamatsu hated seeing little children cry. He was ALL over Totty when you brought him home, the baby crying loudly in his pink blanket.

You smiled at the scene. Karamatsu is such a little mommy in the caring department. He's a lot better of a mother figure then you'll ever be, AND HE'S THIRTEEN! Of course, he can be too caring sometimes and that's when bossy mama Choro steps in. You snorted and laughed at your thought process. Your two younger brothers are better parental figures than you and Osomatsu.

Your random laughing fit startled Osomatsu. Your laugh was so WEIRD! It was hilarious!

He started chuckling along with you, unsure about what was so funny. Your laugh was pretty funny anyways. Kara and Todo looked at you guys just having a ball. Soon, they started laughing too. Then Jyushi, then Choro, and finally Ichi joined in. You were a family of laughing children and you loved it.

"Wh-what are you e-even laughing at (Y/n)?" Osomatsu tried asking between laughs.

"Just at my boys."

These boys were yours. You weren't gonna let anyone take them away from you. You loved your boys too much to let them down.