Authors Note;

As I have never watched the english dub of this anime, but only it's original Japaneese dub with English subtitles. You may realise that a few names will be different than the English dub.
Most noticeable, Professor O'shay will go under his original name Professor Ochanomizu
Other name changes probably will be noticable, but keep in mind, these are all their original Japaneese names from the original dub.

This chapter has been beta read by MugetsuPiefox. Many thanks for your assistance to make this story a better exsperience for the reader.

"Are you perfectly sure about this?" Professor Ochanomizu asked in a genuinely concerned tone. "You don't have to, Astro. It is not a requirement."

Astro sighed deeply as he sat by the car seat next to Ochanomizu. It was a question the old professor had asked him again and again for the last three months. Yet Astro's mind had been made up long ago.

"He's still my father," Astro said. "He's sick, and he is going to need help. I just want to make sure he'll be okay."

And Ochanomizu sighed deeply. "Yes, so you say. Remember though, you do not need to feel obligated. Yes, he did create you but you have your own life. You don't have to do anything just because he wants you to do it."

"I know," Astro assured. "Besides, this was my idea, not his. I'm the one who wanted it."

"Big brother…" Uran breathed from the back seat.

It was two years ago now; two years ago since the great robot war with the Blue Knight, and shortly thereafter Doctor Tenma had tried to blow himself up inside of the Department of Robotics.

It was a pure miracle that no one had died that day. The building had been blown up, but they had managed to evacuate everyone and Astro had rescued Doctor Tenma.

After that, Tenma had become a broken man. The always so proud robotics engineer had walked with lowered shoulders and empty eyes as he did not resist arrest, and he pleaded guilty to all of his charges. Then he had been found guilty in multiple counts of terror attacks against the nation; however since no people had died in any of the attacks, thanks to Astro, his prison sentence was rather light.

To top that off, he had willingly agreed to repair broken robots from inside the prison, and had repaired many delicate entities not even the department of robotics could rescue.

Of course, any robot he had had his hands on had been under severe observation from the police and robotics institute, but there didn't seem to be anything wrong with them. And many important people had been so grateful towards him and his repairs that they had encouraged his early release.

Tenma himself had just quietly accepted the requests without asking for anything in return, and done his duty. He had done everything he had been asked to, and gone to psychiatric evaluation where he had been diagnosed with depression and post traumatic stress disorder, as well as a number of other illnesses. But Astro didn't really understand them and somehow they kept changing. Doctor Tenma, though, willingly took the anti-psychotic medication given to him and went to any therapy session asked of him. He was all around a quiet and willing prisoner, who never objected and never complained.

Which is exactly why only two years after, to this very day, Doctor Tenma was released from prison and was offered to go on parole.

Finally Ochanomizu drove into the parking lot of the prison building and Astro opened the window to take a look outside.

Astro knew this building very well by now; he had come to visit Doctor Tenma at least once a month for the past two years. Sometimes even several times a week. It all depended on what Astro was currently doing. If he had the time, though, he came.

However, for the first time in two years, Astro saw something he hadn't before: Doctor Tenma outside of the prison building, quietly sitting on a bench with closed eyes, leaning his head back as if to absorb the sunlight from above.

He was wearing the same clothes as the day he had been arrested, and beside him there was a small suitcase containing whatever things he had been allowed to have in prison.

"Father…" Astro breathed then yelled happily, "FATHER!"

Slowly Tenma opened his eyes then turned his head towards them as he smiled lightly.

Astro opened the car door immediately and ran straight towards Tenma, embracing him tightly. "Sorry we are late. I hope you haven't waited too long," he said.

Tenma smiled gently as he patted Astro on the head. "Don't worry, Astro. I enjoyed the sun and the fresh air," he said. "Besides, it's important that you keep up with your school. You shouldn't take classes off for this."

"Father, it's okay. I'll just study extra hard in the evening to catch up!" Astro exclaimed as two other people stepped out from the car.

Professor Ochanomizu and Uran both looked a bit hesitantly at Tenma. Tenma glanced away as Astro let go and turned around.

"Uran, you never really met my father before did you?" Astro asked with a smile.

Uran pouted. "He tried to take you away!" she accused as she pointed at Tenma. "He's a big meanie!"

"Uran!" Ochanomizu exclaimed, putting his hands on Uran's shoulders. "We talked about this; this is important to Astro."

"But I still don't understand!" Uran exclaimed. "Astro is my brother, and this man is Astro's father. But he's not my father, and I don't want him to be. I don't like it!"

Astro smiled, amused. "Uran, the thing is I've got two different fathers," he said. "Doctor Tenma is my father, and Professor Ochanomizu is also my father. The Professor is your father too, so we are still siblings."

Uran blinked. "Then what does that make him?" she asked, pointing at Tenma.

Tenma blinked, then looked away as he smiled in slight amusement but also a little sadly.

"Well, urhm..." Astro frowned. "He can be your uncle."

"I don't want that!" Uran exclaimed. "I don't want a meanie uncle!"

"Uran!" Ochanomizu exclaimed then sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, Doctor Tenma. She insisted on coming."

"She wanted to make sure Astro would be okay," Tenma nodded. "I understand that. Uran, look," he tried only for the little robotic girl to step backwards and Tenma halted. Then he sighed deeply. "I don't want to cause any more trouble," he then said. "It was… very kind of you to pick me up." He looked away.

There was an awkward silence among them, then, finally, Ochanomizu cleared his throat. "It's no problem. You are Astro's first father; that makes you family," he said. "Even if… anyway." He shook his head. "I'm sure you'll like the apartment Astro picked for you."

"Heh, I couldn't really save your house," Astro admitted. "Besides, I think perhaps it'll be better if we don't go there. Start over, you know? The apartment is nice! It's right next to the park!" Astro beamed. "There's sunshine and fresh air; it'll be good for you!" he said. "And it's not very far from my school so I won't have far to go, either."

Tenma frowned then looked at Astro. "Are you sure about this, Astro?" he asked. "Why would you even want to live with me? Even if it only is for a while."

Astro blinked. "You're my father," he said.

"But living together?" Tenma asked. "The last two times…" he halted then squinted his eyes.

"This time will be different," Astro said. "Because you changed, and I changed as well. I believe in you, father. The human heart is capable of amazing things; it can grow and evolve! You can grow and evolve, too. I know you can."

"Grow huh?" Tenma asked. "Evolve… the human heart," he breathed and closed his eyes. "Astro… How do you think I should start?" he asked.

Astro blinked.

"I never listened to you before. I think perhaps it's time I listen to you," Tenma said as he held a hand over his heart. "Maybe then things won't go so badly. I promise this time I'll listen."

"Then listen to this, you big meanie!" Uran proclaimed. "You'd better treat Astro nicely! And if he suddenly stops coming to visit me, I'll know it was you! I'll come for you," she stated. "If you try to take Astro away again I won't ever forgive you! Astro is Astro; he is not your toy designed for your benefit! He has his own life to live!"

"URAN!" Astro exclaimed. However, suddenly Tenma chuckled, amused. Gaping, Astro looked at him.

"Sorry," Tenma shook his head. "It's really a shame Uran wasn't around to tell me that years ago. It would have saved all of us a lot of trouble. I needed that pounded into my head," he sighed. "You're pretty smart, aren't you, Uran?"

Uran blinked then blushed. "Well I..." she smirked.

"Yup! My little sister is super smart!" Astro beamed. "And remember, Uran, of course I'll come see you really often. But you can also come see me to at the apartment! One of these days we should all go do something! Something fun! So we can make new memories."

"New memories…" Tenma breathed.

"Can we go to the zoo?" Uran asked. "Professor! I want to go to the zoo! They say the giraffe had a child!"

Tenma smiled a little, amused, and Astro turned to him. "What do you say father?" he asked. "Do you want to come to the zoo with us?"

"That sounds…" Tenma hesitated. "Nice."

"Then that's it, we'll all go to the Zoo real soon," Astro smiled.

Uran didn't look entirely happy with the prospect, but this time she kept quiet.

"I will look forward to it," Tenma said in a gentle voice.