The open road can be a relaxing time for some.

For me, it's the same old same old and I don't feel any different driving along an open road than I do rooted to one spot. You kind of get used to that setting when you spend a year of your life on the road.

Why am I on the road you may ask? Well I wasn't willing to stay home where I lived and I decided that living a life on the road may be the best thing for me. My parents probably would be worried for me if they paid attention.

But they don't. They really don't so instead of staying home, the open road was what appealed to me more.

My name is Mason. Mason Marrow. I'm 18 years old and I am driving down a highway road somewhere in Nevada going who knows where. All I have is the motorcycle under me and the backpack filled with a ton of supplies I need to survive or just live in general. Normally I'd be in college, working to get a degree and get a paying job but since my parents aren't that interested, I decided to just go. I still have a laptop with me that I use to take classes online but that's about it. My parents gave me a credit card and said I can pretty much do whatever I want with it as long as I don't disappoint them.

They think they are that successful and that devoted to their work that what I do won't mess up their eccentric lifestyle. Since I haven't been cut off yet, I just use the cash to pay for classes and to buy food and supplies when I need it. It's nothing major or life fulfilling but I'm happy to live in contempt with how I am.

I've been moving from state to state now with no clear goal in mind but as long as nothing big comes up and tries to throw a wrench in how I live, I'll settle for how I live at this point.

"SON OF A—!" I yell in surprise as a car come barreling past me, nearly running me off the road. I swerve a little on both sides of the road but I hit the brake to stop me altogether. Once I stop, I stare at the fleeing car. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING ROAD HOG!" I yell after the vehicle. I have no idea if the asshole heard me or not but it still felt good yelling like that. With a frustrated grunt like that, I shut off the engine to relax and steady myself a little. "Stupid red Dodge Challenger. Just because you got a nice car doesn't mean you own the road!" I say somewhat loudly in my frustration and reorient myself. I fix my polarized sunglasses, swipe my short black hair back into place, and shake my leather black jacket with a red stripe along the arms loose of any debris before griping the handles. Placing my black combat boots back on the pedal and gripping the handles, my bike revs loudly as it turns on and I continue driving.

Seriously what the hell was that? Its literally an open road at this point and no one was coming in the opposite line. Really! You can see it for miles and there's nothing! Douche didn't need to nearly clip me. 'Next time I see that car parked I'm gonna take that damn bull horn hood ornament.' I smile at the thought and rev my engine a little, propelling me forward a little faster.

I spend half hour just drifting down the road after my near collision with that car and so far everything seems pretty quiet. The road continues to be its more country-esque landscape with the grass, wooden fences, and trees here and there. I'm casually driving at this point and so I can relax, although I am curious about where the next town is that I'll be heading too. 'Once I stop at the next gas station, I'll find out where I am and go from there.' With the plan in mind, I head along the least broken down road because chances are that may lead to civilization faster.

A lot of loud clanging and clashing metal nearby draws my attention however. "Hm?" I mutter at the noise. Looking in the direction I hear, I decide to go off-road and investigate. I don't have to go far as the sound is right off the dirt ro—


"Argh!" I grunt loudly as a massive explosion of blue flames erupts in front of me. The force knocks me back and sends me sliding on the ground on the side of my bike. "Ow. Damn." I groan at nearly getting scrapped on the ground harshly and the force of the explosion leaves me a little jarred but overall I'm alright. As I look up to see what the hell caused the explosion, my breath hitches as I see something unbelievable.

What looks like a giant warship is in the sky above me. I didn't see it at first because the clouds were covering it but the explosion that was sent skywards pushed the clouds out of the way, revealing the behemoth for me to see. "What… in the…?" My question trails off as the idea of seeing this thing seems almost… unreal.

Loud stomping sounds get my attention away from the floating ship. 'Crap! Hide!' I quickly tell myself and get onto my feet. Taking my motorcycle with me, I roll it to the right of the crater from where the explosion came from and move behind a large boulder just as the source of the thumping becomes evident. I lay my ride against the rock and peek out to be met with an amazing sight.

Giant robots. Like seriously, giant moving purple and black autonomous robots are walking out of the crater, dragging a red one of the ground along with them not so gingerly. I can make out some groans from the one on the ground and it doesn't take a genius to know that they must have had a spat, considering how beat up the red one is and the lack of care the others have for him. "Holy…" I don't get to finish my statement of awe at their movement and sheer power that they seem to radiate. I commit their forms to memory and watch as they board the giant ship in the sky. With how carelessly they drag the red guy onto it, I can only surmount that he's going to be there prisoner. 'Sucks for him.' I comment in my head. I lean back into the rock as the ship begins to gain height and disappear altogether into the sky and distance. After taking a quick look around to make sure their aren't anymore of those robots around, I walk out and take in the whole scene and what I just saw not even a minute ago. "Wow."

There really isn't anymore I can say on the matter. I just saw several giant robotic… creatures, I think, just walk out of this crater that's filled with charred black crystals, I'll get back to that later, and went in a giant menacing ship that is somewhere around the length and width of a football field, most likely bigger, and just took off with a supposed prisoner. Yep, this is an interesting day.

A giant swirling vortex of green opens up almost on the other side of the crater from me.

"Oh man." Not wanting to be spotted, I slide back behind the rock again and wait. As the swirling sound of the vortex continues to permeate the air for a few seconds, I also hear the sound of loud shifting metal, engine vehicle motors and thundering impact sounds on the ground. Again, very carefully I slide along the rock and get a look at the new arrivals. Unfortunately, they aren't there anymore. Looking around I don't see them up here on my level. My curiosity getting the best of me, I go out from behind the rock, crouch low to the ground and head over to the edge of the crater. As I get closer and closer, the second I spot a head moving, I drop onto my stomach and crawl forward. Once I get to the edge, I peek over and carefully examine them. These ones are bit more colorful than the ones I first saw and come in varying sizes, five in total. Unfortunately, my position can't help make out the specifics of them but I can hear their voices.

"An untapped energon deposit." One of them comments. 'Energon?'

"What's left of it." Another asks. 'So it's not supposed to be black and broken… explains the explosion earlier.'

"The first Deception activity in three year." The first one comments again and appears to be examining the site around them.

"That we know of. If they're scouting for energon, they may be preparing for his return." A different, more calm voice answers. Judging from the tone and even just hearing his voice alone, he seems like the leader of their group.

There is a momentary lapse in silence from the conversation and I lean up more to look. "No." I hear what sounds like a female say in what seems like horror as she bends down and picks something up from off the ground. She shows the leader it and he looks to another.

"Ratchet, can you track his position?" He asks another. The robot he asks brings up his arm, which opens up with some sort of scanner.

"No." He breathes out in horror as well. "Cliffjumper's life signal just went offline." He tells the leader.

"Cliffjumper? Was that the red one?" I mutter to myself at the name.


I freeze and grit my teeth as a few rocks near me break off and fall down the craters wall, alerting them. "Oh man." I moan under my breathe and roll back.

"What was that?"

"I don't know."

"Autobots, check the perimeter. We may not be alone." The leader says and I hear footsteps.

"Oh crap oh crap." I mutter and scramble backwards away from the hole. I do what I can to make sure my movement is as quiet as I can and thankfully their thundering footsteps drown out mine. I move behind the rock just as they crest the crater and begin examining the area. I push myself as I tight against the rock as I can to the left of my bike and freeze

'Don'tseemedon'tseemedon'tseemedon'tseeme…' I repeat in my head over and over again as the giant robots steps start to get louder and louder.

As I feel them almost right next to me, the loud thundering sound of their steps stop. As I freeze with my bike right next to me, I slowly look up to see the green one leaning over my rock. Thankfully he's not looking down on me but instead staring off somewhere else in the distance. Just from his head alone I can tell this guy could probably crush me in an instant or without any sort of effort whatsoever. I held my breath as he looks left, then right before staring straight and pulling back. A couple pieces of rock fall from the top and they bounce off me and my bike before falling to the ground.

At least they would have hit my bike to my right if I didn't catch the one heading for it. A rock hitting the metal frame of a motorcycle tends to make a different sound than hitting the dirt itself. I wait a few more seconds in case of anymore movement but the steps recede. Slowly and quietly, I move to the right, past my bike and very carefully peek past the rock to see where they are. To my relief, none of them are staring at my direction and I can distinguish them clearly now. The green one that was near me moves back to its friends, a yellow one, a giant red and blue one, and another that's red with white stripes on it. As I stare at them amazed by their stature and completely befuddled by their appearance in the first place, something does seem odd to me. 'Wait… one, two, three… four?' I mentally count how many there are. "Where's the fifth one?"


My body freezes and tenses up completely at the female voice. The rock in my hand is completely crushed and turns to powder due to my tenseness. Very slowly, I step back and turn around. Right in front of me on the left side of the rock I was hiding behind is the fifth robot creature couching and staring at me. Her colors consist of blue, silver, with pink highlights and I'm sure it's a female with the way how the body's structure looks and the voice is a dead giveaway.

"Your gonna have to come with me." She tells me.

At this point, only one thing is going through my mind:


Before she can react, I pull out the M1911 pistol from behind my belt and aim at her. Her eyes widen…

And I fire.


(Cover Image does not belong to me.) I was very surprised the first time I saw this episode people. Like seriously, it looked cool to begin with but to top it all off, they killed an Autobot off on the FIRST episode! And in a sort of brutal way too.

After that, I immediately started coming up with ideas on how best a human would be able to help out the Autobots in combat. Jack, Miko and Raf are alright but I was hoping for a more on par form of action with the Decepticons on a regular basis. Ideas are still coming through and I'm super excited to show you guys what I got planned. The series is kind of over unfortunately but that also means I don't have to worry about any surprises from new episodes. This story will follow roughly the same storyline as the show itself but will have some changes here and there.

In any case, I hope things go well for this and I wish you all a good day, and have fun reading.